Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Look at these gunnutters talking to themselves and scratching their heads. Between all of them, they have the brain power of a new born goldfish.
Yeah and what about your fellow gun control freak who thinks that there are some rifles that fire a .223 at 1000 ft/sec and the the AR 15 is magic because it fires that round at 3000ft/sec

A real brainiac huh?

Senate approves AG Ferguson, Gov. Inslee legislation banning sale of assault weapons​

“Stop and think for a moment that firearms are now the leading cause of death among children in the U.S.,” Kuderer said. “Not traffic accidents. Not cancer or other illnesses. Not poisoning. Firearms. To ignore the seemingly endless instances of gun violence in our country would put us on the wrong side of history. These weapons of war have no place in our schools, places of worship, our streets or in our communities. Banning assault weapons marks a victory for common sense and will help us move toward a safer future for Washingtonians.”

This legislation prohibits the sale, manufacture, and import of assault weapons in Washington state while allowing reasonable exemptions for manufacture and sale to law enforcement and the military. The legislation does not prohibit the possession of assault weapons.


Senate approves AG Ferguson, Gov. Inslee legislation banning sale of assault weapons​

“Stop and think for a moment that firearms are now the leading cause of death among children in the U.S.,” Kuderer said. “Not traffic accidents. Not cancer or other illnesses. Not poisoning. Firearms. To ignore the seemingly endless instances of gun violence in our country would put us on the wrong side of history. These weapons of war have no place in our schools, places of worship, our streets or in our communities. Banning assault weapons marks a victory for common sense and will help us move toward a safer future for Washingtonians.”

This legislation prohibits the sale, manufacture, and import of assault weapons in Washington state while allowing reasonable exemptions for manufacture and sale to law enforcement and the military. The legislation does not prohibit the possession of assault weapons.

The gunnutters are going to scramble on this one....
The U.S. military has long complained about the penetration capabilities of 5.56 mm ammunition, and now the Navy and the Corps are looking to remedy the issue with a new barrier-penetrating 5.56 round.

The smaller, steel-penetrating M855 rounds continue to be a weak spot in the American arsenal. They are not lethal enough to bring down an enemy decisively, and that puts troops at risk, according to Associated Press interviews.

U.S. infantry squads carrying 5.56 mm rifles and light machine guns currently face an overmatch. If those squads went into a firefight with Russian, Chinese or most Kalishnokov-wielding militants, they’d be outgunned in both distance and lethality.


VG, why you calling the troops liars?

And that is why Sig Sauer will provide the new weapon that fires the .277 this year to the military,

I accept your surrender.

who you talking about, gunnutter?
One of your fellow anti gun nuts in another thread tried to claim that President Potatohead didn't lie when he made the stupid statement that the 1994 AWB reduced crime.

He chickenshitted out because he couldn't prove it. The AWB was cosmetic and did nothing to reduce crime.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats that don't know jackshit about the Bill of Rights always get confused when discussing firearms and firearm laws.

You idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about the Constitution than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or Ethics.
I have posted the statistics, both frequency of mass shootings and number of deaths declined during the assault weapons ban, and shot up immediately after its sunset. What you got?

Correlation does not equal causation.

The gov'ts own study showed that the AWB of 94 did nothing to reduce gun violence.

Pew Research shows that gun crime that had started to go down during the AWB CONTINUED to go down after it sunset.

Got anything better?
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so tell me. When did the US Army issue the Colt AR 15 Sporter (SP1) as their personal weapon to carry into combat?

They wouldn't even let me bring my AR-10, or my FAL for that matter. The FAL is an actual NATO weapon with an NSN as well.

One of your fellow anti gun nuts in another thread tried to claim that President Potatohead didn't lie when he made the stupid statement that the 1994 AWB reduced crime.

He chickenshitted out because he couldn't prove it. The AWB was cosmetic and did nothing to reduce crime.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats that don't know jackshit about the Bill of Rights always get confused when discussing firearms and firearm laws.

You idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about the Constitution than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or Ethics.
That was just his sock. He likes to thank his own shit a lot.
The U.S. military has long complained about the penetration capabilities of 5.56 mm ammunition, and now the Navy and the Corps are looking to remedy the issue with a new barrier-penetrating 5.56 round.

The smaller, steel-penetrating M855 rounds continue to be a weak spot in the American arsenal. They are not lethal enough to bring down an enemy decisively, and that puts troops at risk, according to Associated Press interviews.

U.S. infantry squads carrying 5.56 mm rifles and light machine guns currently face an overmatch. If those squads went into a firefight with Russian, Chinese or most Kalishnokov-wielding militants, they’d be outgunned in both distance and lethality.

I love how you post facts backed up with credible data and the best Toastedhayabitch can do is "disagree" with the facts.

Can you imagine being that much of an oxygen thief that you can simply disregard facts and reality if it makes your pussy feel sandy?
Again, if the previous assault weapons ban was no big deal, then we go back to it. I am fine with that. And again, another gun nut fabricating shit, because they can't make a solid argument against an assault weapons ban. Because yes, the previous assault weapons ban did provide results.

In the years after the assault weapons ban went into effect, the number of deaths from mass shootings fell, and the increase in the annual number of incidents slowed down. Even including 1999’s Columbine High School massacre – the deadliest mass shooting during the period of the ban – the 1994 to 2004 period saw lower average annual rates of both mass shootings and deaths resulting from such incidents than before the ban’s inception.

From Winston's link:

It is also important to note that our analysis cannot definitively say that the assault weapons ban of 1994 caused a decrease in mass shootings, nor that its expiration in 2004 resulted in the growth of deadly incidents in the years since.

Many additional factors may contribute to the shifting frequency of these shootings, such as changes in domestic violence rates, political extremism, psychiatric illness, firearm availability and a surge in sales, and the recent rise in hate groups.

The other thing to consider is that an AWB today may have totally different results than the earlier one some 20-30 years ago. Hell, they can't even decide what the definition of an assault weapon is, and you cannot outlaw something if you cannot specifically state what is illegal and what isn't.
Yeah, the Armalite Rifle 15 certainly was.

The Colt AR 15 Sporter SP1 was not. Or else it wouldn’t have been certified as not a machine gun by the government.

What else ya got?

You still don't get it. I do hope that whatever school or church in your neighborhood is exempted from learning this lesson.
Would banning assault weapons improve survivability of a mass shooting? Would an inability to purchase scary looking guns perhaps decrease school shootings? Would it reduce the "cool factor"? Would you rather be shot by a pistol or an assault rifle? What advantage does an assault rifle have over other weapons in regards to self-defense and hunting?

Can you even define an "assault weapon?"

And yes, AR15's are great for home defense. They are very lethal at close ranges and follow up shots are immediate. Rifles are easier to aim than handguns and easier to keep on target. They also have less recoil than a 9mm handgun so follow up shots are more accurate.

AR's are a great platform for varmint hunting. They've sent many a feral pigs to their maker.

I was shot 6 times point blank with a 9mm and am not only still alive, but returned to work full time 8 months later. Think if that dude had an AR I would be alive today?

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