Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms


Senate approves AG Ferguson, Gov. Inslee legislation banning sale of assault weapons​

“Stop and think for a moment that firearms are now the leading cause of death among children in the U.S.,” Kuderer said. “Not traffic accidents. Not cancer or other illnesses. Not poisoning. Firearms. To ignore the seemingly endless instances of gun violence in our country would put us on the wrong side of history. These weapons of war have no place in our schools, places of worship, our streets or in our communities. Banning assault weapons marks a victory for common sense and will help us move toward a safer future for Washingtonians.”

This legislation prohibits the sale, manufacture, and import of assault weapons in Washington state while allowing reasonable exemptions for manufacture and sale to law enforcement and the military. The legislation does not prohibit the possession of assault weapons.

M14 Shooter
Bell Huey

Hey nutters :D


Chew on this one GUNNUTTERS!

Vrenn these nutters are running in circles jerking
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You are the one using talking points. Honestly, I don't see the survivability argument posted that often when it comes to an assault rifle ban, and that is unfortunate. It is a winning argument that has been demonstrated here.

Look, I know you picture me as some Prius driving liberal that has never shot a gun in his life, but that is, by far, not the case. Marksmen are born, not taught, and that runs deep in my family tree. The shot that took Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain, that was my ancestor, using a borrowed Kentucky long rifle that now sits in a museum. Borrowed from another ancestor. Dad went to get his CWP, had to shoot at the range, and his score was higher than any law enforcement officer in the county, and he is the worst shot in the family. Me, well I am pretty good. At 14 the NRA recruited, and then sponsored me, for their rifle team. I taught gun safety for them back when they were a legitimate organization, and I was captain of a rifle team that took numerous awards. I made it to the regionals for the Olympics back in the day. But, to be honest, my middle son, and my middle daughter, are better shots.

Again, this argument is not that hard. Assault weapons, as defined by the previous assault weapons ban, are not worth two shits. Anything they can do, another gun can do better. But they seem to be the choice of mass shooters, and due to the velocity of the bullet, they render excessive damage, especially, and let me repeat that, ESPECIALLY to children. Furthermore, they are the driver of profits for the gun industry. And look, I have no doubts that all the assault weapons you have will never be used in a mass shooting. Nor will any owned by legal citizens throughout this country. But I am sick and tired of some mentally ill dipshit being able to waltz into a gun store to buy an assault weapon and then turn around and use it on children. Enough already. I don't own any stock from a gun manufacturer, and I doubt I ever will. Fawk their one billion dollars. Ban their profit generator and make America great again.

they render excessive damage, especially, and let me repeat that, ESPECIALLY to children.

No....dumb shit....any rifle at the distance of a classroom will do massive damage to children, especially if the police stay outside and do not force entry to confront the killer, and give him 90 minutes to repeatedly shoot the children......

That is what causes the damage...

And, you dumb shit......a shotgun with buckshot or slugs, at that distance will be worse than the 5.56....

You dumb shit....

You missed the boat once again.

Shotgun, in most states, only allows 3 rounds and plugs to take up the difference. The one used had 5 shots while the monster had 16. No one will be using these as their primary for School and Church shootings as the shotgun (normal) only holds 3 to 5 and it's slow to reload.

The AR reloads a 20 round mag in less than a second. That means it will end up pumping out more destruction than even the shotgun because of it's speed.

You gunnutters lose again.
When dealing with unarmed cowering people, being able to load a double-barreled shotgun right from a shoulder bag or pocket could result in A LOT of deaths...especially since in close quarters a shotgun is twice as deadly as a 5.56. Small 5.56 bullets CAN go through a person without doing excessive damage. Not always, but frequently people survive just one shot of that caliber. 12 gauge buckshot makes hamburger out of whatever meat it hits in half a second.
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When dealing with unarmed cowering people, being able to load a double-barreled shotgun right from a shoulder bag or pocket could result in A LOT of deaths...especially since in close quarters a shotgun is twice as deadly as a 5.56. Small 5.56 bullets CAN go through a person without doing excessive damage. Not always, but frequently people survive just one shot of that caliber. 12 gauge buckshot makes hamburger out whatever meat it hits in half a second.
bring a wagon. you going to need it to haul the ammo.
When dealing with unarmed cowering people, being able to load a double-barreled shotgun right from a shoulder bag or pocket could result in A LOT of deaths...especially since in close quarters a shotgun is twice as deadly as a 5.56. Small 5.56 bullets CAN go through a person without doing excessive damage. Not always, but frequently people survive just one shot of that caliber. 12 gauge buckshot makes hamburger out whatever meat it hits in half a second.

They have no understanding of this topic.....but speak with great authority on the topic..........

They are ant-gun fanatics, and trolls on top of that..........

The anti-gunners want to ban the AR-15 because they know if they can get the AR banned, they can come back and demand all semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns be banned as well......since they all operate the same way.
Wow....that is bullshit.....

Liquefy organs?

That is some deep bullshit....

There have been numerous reports that the military's 5.56 FMJ round has insufficient terminal effectiveness in combat. Combat veteran and military small arms expert Jim Schatz explains, "The disturbing failure of the 5.56x45mm caliber to consistently offer adequate incapacitation has been known for nearly 20 years." He describes one Special Forces (SF) mission in Afghanistan when an insurgent was shot seven or eight times in the torso with the 5.56 round, got back up, climbed over a wall, and reengaged other SF soldiers, killing a SF medic. The insurgent then was shot another six-to-eight times from about 20-30 yards before finally being killed by a SF soldier with a handgun.

Similarly, Rob Maylor, a former Australian SAS sniper, has "on several occasions witnessed bad guys being hit multiple times by 5.56mm . . . at varying ranges and then continue[] to fight." He explains that while the 5.56 round is designed to yaw and fragment, "[t]his isn't happening all the time and as a result projectiles are passing through the body with minimal damage."

Mark Bowden's bestselling book Black Hawk Down gives vivid accounts of less-than-lethal performance of the Army's green-tip 5.56mm bullet (M855) in the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993. He describes one Delta operator's rounds as

These instances are consistent with Dr. Fackler's own findings. He recounts that

Dr. Fackler further notes that "n my experience and research, at least as many M16 users in Vietnam concluded that [the 5.56mm] produced unacceptably minimal, rather than 'massive,' wounds."

Like any firearm, the AR rifle in typical calibers such as .223/5.56mm, can cause serious or lethal wounds, and so can other rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Wound profiles from the Army's Wound Ballistics Laboratory illustrate the permanent and temporary cavities, penetration depth, deformation, and fragmentation of both the deforming (soft-point) .223 caliber bullet, the non-deforming 5.56mm FMJ bullet, and other larger caliber bullets typically used in hunting rifles (e.g., .30-30, .308). A comparison of those profiles shows that the wounding effects of the larger caliber bullets are at least as extensive as the .223/5.56, and typically more so.

According to Dr. Fackler, the .223 Remington is "a 'varmint' cartridge, used effectively for shooting woodchucks, crows, and coyotes." Because of its smaller size, there is an ongoing debate among hunters over whether the .223 round has adequate terminal performance for taking deer or larger game. Some states ban the use of .223 caliber rifles when hunting deer and other animals larger than varmints because their rounds lack sufficient power. The ethos of hunting is to take an animal with a single fatal shot. In the views of some state game commissions, the usual AR calibers of .223 and 5.56mm are too weak; at least a .270 is required for hunting deer, antelope, or anything larger.

The Wound Ballistic Laboratory's lethality study was kept secret for more than four decades, Chivers explains, with the result that "at the most important time, during the early and mid-1960s, the Project AGILE report, with its suspicious observations and false conclusions, remained uncontested." The M16 "continued to rise, boosted by a reputation for lethality and reliability that it did not deserve."

In other words, the military wanted to switch to the M16, notwithstanding complaints from many soldiers that it is underpowered. The military used the sensational Project Agile claims, including two purported instances of limb amputations and one of a decapitation, to counter the complaints about the M16's weak firepower. The military in fact knew that the claims from Project AGILE could not be true, because extensive testing by the Army's Wound Ballistic Laboratory had proven that the Project AGILE claims were not true. Nevertheless, the military insisted on adopting the M16 and suppressed the true facts reported by the Wound Ballistic Laboratory.

Dr. Fackler recounts that there were other claims in the 1960s and 70s that the M16's high velocity bullets caused "massive" and "devastating" injuries, but these claims were disproven or contradicted by other reports. Delegates to war surgery conferences in the early 1970s "reported no unusual problems associated with 'high-velocity' bullet wounds in Vietnam. There were no reports of rifle bullet wounds causing traumatic amputations of an extremity."

The majority of their bodies could not be identified.
I get it. You don't care.
bring a wagon. you going to need it to haul the ammo.
Thanks, but I'm pretty
Familiar with firearms and have been shooting fairly avidly since 1985. My shoulder bag can carry around 50+ rounds of 12 gauge ammo. The lethality of each round is way superior to 5.56. 4 or 5 people dead and several injured is referred to as a mass shooting. 50 rounds of buckshot is a lot of dead folks
When dealing with unarmed cowering people, being able to load a double-barreled shotgun right from a shoulder bag or pocket could result in A LOT of deaths...especially since in close quarters a shotgun is twice as deadly as a 5.56. Small 5.56 bullets CAN go through a person without doing excessive damage. Not always, but frequently people survive just one shot of that caliber. 12 gauge buckshot makes hamburger out of whatever meat it hits in half a second.

You are still making excuses. The Shotgun, by itself, is a terrible Mass Murder weapon. It hits hard the first few shots and then someone with a lowly 9mm (the lowest in the handgun scale) will take you out. But if an AR with multiple mags is used, chances are, that handgun will never make it out except in dead hands. Never bring a shotgun to an AR fight.
Just like you people avoid mentioning your real agenda of banning all semiautomatic rifles.
Where did I state - I want ALL semi-auto weapons to be banned? - you are deliberately starting to make things up.
And unlike you I know that it doesn't fucking matter what rifle is used by a murdering piece of shit because dead is fucking dead.
dead is fucking dead - that all you gotta say to masshootings conducted with an AR-15?
But your tiny mind thinks that there will be no mass shooting if we get rid of one make and model of one rifle and you ignore the fact that most "mass shootings" are done with handguns.
And as usual dead is fucking dead - people- like you avoid the question:
Feel free to tell me when the last mass shooting/murder was done in the USA with an AK-47? or if you prefer with a M-16, SG550, a Tar-21, a G-3 or a G-36, etc. etc.
or an M1 Carbine.
I am waiting....waiting....wai....
Thanks, but I'm pretty
Familiar with firearms and have been shooting fairly avidly since 1985. My shoulder bag can carry around 50+ rounds of 12 gauge ammo. The lethality of each round is way superior to 5.56. 4 or 5 people dead and several injured is referred to as a mass shooting. 50 rounds of buckshot is a lot of dead folks

Four or five from each shot? Are you using your shotgun to launch 40mm grenades?
That whole slippery slope argument is all you got isn't it? You can't rationally argue against banning assault weapons so you got to attempt to claim it is a "foot in the door", fear monger people into thinking that other guns will follow the assault rifle and be banned. But the slippery slope argument is STUPID, and easily proven wrong.

The assault rifle was banned for TEN DAMN YEARS. In that ten years, name one, JUST FLIPPIN ONE, other gun that was banned. The gun grabbers had their "foot in the door" for TEN DAMN YEARS, and yet they never even bothered to try and ban another type of gun. So, don't walk that stupid ass argument up in here. That dog ain't going to hunt.
Democrats spend every day twisting laws into whatever they want. Give them an "assault weapons" ban and they will do what they always do. Twist it to fit THE NEXT gun they want to ban. All anyone has to do is observe their behaviior. But their minions don't observe and analyze, they just open their mouths and slurp in whatever their Democrat masters spoon out. Yum Yum! Arf Arf!
Democrats spend every day twisting laws into whatever they want. Give them an "assault weapons" ban and they will do what they always do. Twist it to fit THE NEXT gun they want to ban. All anyone has to do is observe their behaviior. But their minions don't observe and analyze, they just open their mouths and slurp in whatever their Democrat masters spoon out. Yum Yum! Arf Arf!
Piss off you stupid shit. You ain't got the damn brains to come in out of the rain. Get the hell out of this thread and try, and that is the main word "try", to find a thread you can actually contribute to. I swear, there are some really stupid shits that post on this site, but you got to be about the dumbest asshole of the bunch. Like I said, piss off you stupid shit.
Democrats spend every day twisting laws into whatever they want. Give them an "assault weapons" ban and they will do what they always do. Twist it to fit THE NEXT gun they want to ban. All anyone has to do is observe their behaviior. But their minions don't observe and analyze, they just open their mouths and slurp in whatever their Democrat masters spoon out. Yum Yum! Arf Arf!
In a democracy, the majority decides - do people like you represent a majority in the USA?
Thanks, but I'm pretty
Familiar with firearms and have been shooting fairly avidly since 1985. My shoulder bag can carry around 50+ rounds of 12 gauge ammo. The lethality of each round is way superior to 5.56. 4 or 5 people dead and several injured is referred to as a mass shooting. 50 rounds of buckshot is a lot of dead folks
We got us another John Rambo :hhello:

Gunnutter "Bothwings clipped" John Rambo :p
Democrats spend every day twisting laws into whatever they want. Give them an "assault weapons" ban and they will do what they always do. Twist it to fit THE NEXT gun they want to ban. All anyone has to do is observe their behaviior. But their minions don't observe and analyze, they just open their mouths and slurp in whatever their Democrat masters spoon out. Yum Yum! Arf Arf!
This is an adult topic.
You are the one using talking points. Honestly, I don't see the survivability argument posted that often when it comes to an assault rifle ban, and that is unfortunate. It is a winning argument that has been demonstrated here.
Your "winning argument", the "lethality" of 5.56x45 - a product of propaganda from the anti-gun left, useful for preying on the emotions of the ignorant - omits considerable, important context, and thus meaning.
Still laughing at you in 7.62.
Again, this argument is not that hard. Assault weapons, as defined by the previous assault weapons ban, are not worth two shits
Unsupportable nonsense,
.Anything they can do, another gun can do better.
But they seem to be the choice of mass shooters,
A false statement, willfully made.
and due to the velocity of the bullet, they render excessive damage, especially, and let me repeat that, ESPECIALLY to children.
STILL laughing at you in 7.62
Furthermore, they are the driver of profits for the gun industry.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
But I am sick and tired of some mentally ill dipshit being able to waltz into a gun store to buy an assault weapon and then turn around and use it on children.
This is an unfortunate, but necessary by-product of a free society.
Enough already. I don't own any stock from a gun manufacturer, and I doubt I ever will. Fawk their one billion dollars. Ban their profit generator and make America great again.
"All bearable arms. No"

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