Compensating Negros For Slavery

I'm a contractor and know other contractors and belong to a contractor national forum and the subject came up. Out of all the guys we know maybe a dozen blacks in contracting. Weird huh?

That could be, and probably has been, blamed on White businessmen who prefer to give large contracts to White owned companies. But then on the other hand, there isn't a negro populated and run country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Also, I have a neice who unfortunately got married to a negro and had little nigglets with him. I don't talk to her. But from another family member I heard that she got herself a fairly good paying job. Her negroid husband decided to just sponge off her and quit his job.
I don't think you understand contracting. Most of it is residential and contractors work for themselves. Many do have crews but getting the work done matters much more than race. Many are looking for good help anywhere they can find it. Many are Mexicans and are hard working.

Mexican illegal invader scab scum are just that. And for those who are members of or are supporters of LaRaza (The Race) they can stick their race up their ass. White people just don't need them around. Especially the ones who undercut White people when it comes to wages. Or the ammount of shit they are willing to take from employers because they're desperate. If there is anything that can't be produced by White people, White people don't need it.
What about my compensation? I had enslaved ancestors, too!
Wait, you did too?
AND you?
AND you?
AND you?
Guess what guys, you aint special :thup:

The worst part is that slavery is STILL going on in different forms. For example, all the jobs the U.S. sent to China and other third world countries for wage slavery. At least with the actual slaves that used to be here, our country was responsible for their living conditions. In other countries, their governments are pretty much free do do whatever in the hell they want to them.
OP skipped every question I asked and only responded with unoriginal anti black "be grateful" responses.

If OP was serious...ah, nevermind...this is just a uncreative "I hate blacks" troll thread
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I'm a contractor and know other contractors and belong to a contractor national forum and the subject came up. Out of all the guys we know maybe a dozen blacks in contracting. Weird huh?

That could be, and probably has been, blamed on White businessmen who prefer to give large contracts to White owned companies. But then on the other hand, there isn't a negro populated and run country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Also, I have a neice who unfortunately got married to a negro and had little nigglets with him. I don't talk to her. But from another family member I heard that she got herself a fairly good paying job. Her negroid husband decided to just sponge off her and quit his job.
I don't think you understand contracting. Most of it is residential and contractors work for themselves. Many do have crews but getting the work done matters much more than race. Many are looking for good help anywhere they can find it. Many are Mexicans and are hard working.

Mexican illegal invader scab scum are just that. And for those who are members of or are supporters of LaRaza (The Race) they can stick their race up their ass. White people just don't need them around. Especially the ones who undercut White people when it comes to wages. Or the ammount of shit they are willing to take from employers because they're desperate. If there is anything that can't be produced by White people, White people don't need it.
But many more are legal. The thing is they are often hard workers, average white Americans, not so much. Some are but it's getting harder to find.
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
OP skipped every question I asked and only responded with unoriginal anti black "be grateful" responses.

If OP was serious...ah, nevermind...this is just a uncreative "I hate blacks" troll thread

I answered what you said about compensation, about Israel, about Indains and about France. What I think your problem is that your cultish beliefs creat a sort of psychological blindness that keeps you from seeing my answers. Instead, you call me a troll. Which is your opinion. But just for your information, do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. But if you are seeking homosexual discussion, you are going to have to look for it from someone else.
I'm a contractor and know other contractors and belong to a contractor national forum and the subject came up. Out of all the guys we know maybe a dozen blacks in contracting. Weird huh?

That could be, and probably has been, blamed on White businessmen who prefer to give large contracts to White owned companies. But then on the other hand, there isn't a negro populated and run country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Also, I have a neice who unfortunately got married to a negro and had little nigglets with him. I don't talk to her. But from another family member I heard that she got herself a fairly good paying job. Her negroid husband decided to just sponge off her and quit his job.
I don't think you understand contracting. Most of it is residential and contractors work for themselves. Many do have crews but getting the work done matters much more than race. Many are looking for good help anywhere they can find it. Many are Mexicans and are hard working.

Mexican illegal invader scab scum are just that. And for those who are members of or are supporters of LaRaza (The Race) they can stick their race up their ass. White people just don't need them around. Especially the ones who undercut White people when it comes to wages. Or the ammount of shit they are willing to take from employers because they're desperate. If there is anything that can't be produced by White people, White people don't need it.
But many more are legal. The thing is they are often hard workers, average white Americans, not so much. Some are but it's getting harder to find.

Spare me your infected mexican supremacy dogshit. Also, if they were so superior, they wouldn't be here to begin with. And how many White people do you see trying to jump over or tunnel under the border to get into mexico. All mexicans, "legal" or not, need to be back in mexico. As for the illegal ones, some would say that they need to be sent back over the border using catapults. Though I know of one person who would spare some of the children some of the flight back over the border and use them for skeet! That person also said that an even better way to make sure that they don't come back and dissuade others from coming here would be to send them back over the border using a wood chipper. And lining the border every hundred feet with an impaled mexican. Like Vlad the Impaler used to do.
I'm a contractor and know other contractors and belong to a contractor national forum and the subject came up. Out of all the guys we know maybe a dozen blacks in contracting. Weird huh?

That could be, and probably has been, blamed on White businessmen who prefer to give large contracts to White owned companies. But then on the other hand, there isn't a negro populated and run country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Also, I have a neice who unfortunately got married to a negro and had little nigglets with him. I don't talk to her. But from another family member I heard that she got herself a fairly good paying job. Her negroid husband decided to just sponge off her and quit his job.
I don't think you understand contracting. Most of it is residential and contractors work for themselves. Many do have crews but getting the work done matters much more than race. Many are looking for good help anywhere they can find it. Many are Mexicans and are hard working.

Mexican illegal invader scab scum are just that. And for those who are members of or are supporters of LaRaza (The Race) they can stick their race up their ass. White people just don't need them around. Especially the ones who undercut White people when it comes to wages. Or the ammount of shit they are willing to take from employers because they're desperate. If there is anything that can't be produced by White people, White people don't need it.
But many more are legal. The thing is they are often hard workers, average white Americans, not so much. Some are but it's getting harder to find.

Spare me your infected mexican supremacy dogshit. Also, if they were so superior, they wouldn't be here to begin with. And how many White people do you see trying to jump over or tunnel under the border to get into mexico. All mexicans, "legal" or not, need to be back in mexico. As for the illegal ones, some would say that they need to be sent back over the border using catapults. Though I know of one person who would spare some of the children some of the flight back over the border and use them for skeet! That person also said that an even better way to make sure that they don't come back and dissuade others from coming here would be to send them back over the border using a wood chipper. And lining the border every hundred feet with an impaled mexican. Like Vlad the Impaler used to do.
I said they were typically hard working, spare me your pretense on having a brain. Not every Mexican has crawled over or under a fence. You're just a stupid racist hack looking for justification.
It is bad enough that there are negro criminals who want to be compensated for disobeying lawful orders and being treated harshly by police. But many negros also want to be compensated because their ancestors were slaves. Even for those negros who may not actually be in favor of it, being human, (sort of) I doubt if most would refuse the money if it was offered to them. But the fact reamins that the negros who want compensation want money from those who didn't enslave them and give that money to those who weren't enslaved.

Though what if such a thing was done. How much would Northern states have to pay and how much would Southern states have to pay. And what about the states that didn't even exist at the time. Then, as far as I'm concerned, the money the Northern states had to pay for the Civil War would be deducted from any compensation settlement. Also, what about the Northern soldiers who were killed or badly wounded in the war. I would like to hear what some negro thought that was worth. So that value could be deducted from any compensation too.

Another thing is that even if such a thing was done, here is how I think things should go. However much money an actual slave would have received, adjusting for inflation, that money should be divided up equally among the descendants. Which wouldn't leave them with very much.

Here is another point. Negros are a millstone around White people's necks. Having them around has cost us much. And is still doing so. Where is my compensation for having that black filth infect my country. Also, how many negros here would rather be living in Africa. Again, they should be paying White people for being here.

Other countries have paid slavery reparations. If we'd actually kept our word re: 40 acres and a mule this woulda been over and done with.
OP skipped every question I asked and only responded with unoriginal anti black "be grateful" responses.

If OP was serious...ah, nevermind...this is just a uncreative "I hate blacks" troll thread

I answered what you said about compensation, about Israel, about Indains and about France.

Ok, lets see how you answered.

White people don't owe negros anything for their ancestors having been slaves. Even though working may go against the negro grain, chances are they lived better lives here than they would have in Africa. Here for example, they didn't have to worry about witches casting hexes on them like many in Africa still do. Neither did they have to worry about cannibals. Which there still are in Africa. Also, a slave owner knows the same thing that any farmer knows about work animals. Which is to get the most work out of them, you need to treat them well. That is one reason why there were many negros who would have fought for the South during the civil war had they been allowed to do so.

Nothing but your Opinion here about things I never mentioned...Lets look at the rest of you answer.

Also, negros in fact owe White people a great deal for our having to put up with them. Another thing that wiped the slate completely clean, and then some, is what the North had to go through to free them. Even though most negros would have probably been better off as slaves. Rather than trying to fend for themselves.

Again, nothing here addressing anything I said. Only statements on how you think everything is all good which doesnt matter

You kind of lost me with the Israel thing. But the fact is that most of the Jews weren't victimized to begin with. That is apart from being deported. Or the hardships war caused in Jewish internment camps. But the Jews problems aren't White peoples problems. The whole reason Hitler tried to deport them all was because of the problems they were causing the Germain people. Just as Jews are now causing problems for White people here today.

This is as close as you came to an answer. Saying you dont understand and then telling me about Hitlers reasons for deportation. Which I didnt ask or bring up at all.

As for Indains, screw those savage cannibals. Indain tribes also used to wipe each other out. So they don't occupy any higher moral ground there. They would also do horrible things to captives such as stake them out on ant mounds or skin them alive with sharpened clamb shells. Sometimes they would even allow their women to torture their captives. And chances are more likely than not that even the children got in on some of that fun. And let's not leave out the Aztecs and no doubt others. Who used to rip out the hearts of their captives. The bodies which were then consumed by the populace.

Next, I doubt very much if the revolutionary slaves of Haiti paid the French anything for Haiti. Did the Americans pay England anything for our country after our revolution?

And here is your answer on Indian settlements. Screw them. So I guess you think you answered all the questions simply by mentioning the group I presented and proceeded to say "Whatever" and go off on a tangent.

This is the reason you're a shit for brains racist because you actually have shit for brains and cannot answer simple questions about simple things without getting all emotional and butt hurt about it. I bet your face was all red when you typed it. Sorry, not sorry
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.

Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.
Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
I understand, believe me. Those that don't work for a living and scheme people out of their money look down on the trades and have no clue what the contractors are even talking about. That's why realtors produce so much shit and why so few contractors even want to deal with them.
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.
Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
I understand, believe me. Those that don't work for a living and scheme people out of their money look down on the trades and have no clue what the contractors are even talking about. That's why realtors produce so much shit and why so few contractors even want to deal with them.

Jeez dude, ok, everyone sucks but you. I get it. I helped people buy homes BIG DEAL. YOU'RE AWESOME!

I helped employ people to renovate those homes BIG WHOOP.....I know, you're the shit.

Everything someone else does pales in comparison to your greatness....why, Contractors are the rulers of the world by golly.

You must be one insecure idiot to have an outlook where everyone sucks but you. I respect contractors for what they do....but they cant sell or help someone buy a home.
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.

Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
I love telling contractors to get to work and you better meet my deadline. :laugh:
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.

Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
I love telling contractors to get to work and you better meet my deadline. :laugh:

This guy believes that anyone not like him is ripping people off or a waste of time. What a sad fucking life. The role of the Realtor and Contractor goes hand and hand but I guess no one has ever called him about estimates on repairs so he's bitter and will get a house by himself because he's so smart lol.
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.

Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
I love telling contractors to get to work and you better meet my deadline. :laugh:

This guy believes that anyone not like him is ripping people off or a waste of time. What a sad fucking life. The role of the Realtor and Contractor goes hand and hand but I guess no one has ever called him about estimates on repairs so he's bitter and will get a house by himself because he's so smart lol.
Kinda tells you a lot about his lack of people and leadership skills.
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.
Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
I understand, believe me. Those that don't work for a living and scheme people out of their money look down on the trades and have no clue what the contractors are even talking about. That's why realtors produce so much shit and why so few contractors even want to deal with them.

Jeez dude, ok, everyone sucks but you. I get it. I helped people buy homes BIG DEAL. YOU'RE AWESOME!

I helped employ people to renovate those homes BIG WHOOP.....I know, you're the shit.

Everything someone else does pales in comparison to your greatness....why, Contractors are the rulers of the world by golly.

You must be one insecure idiot to have an outlook where everyone sucks but you. I respect contractors for what they do....but they cant sell or help someone buy a home.
Nice tirade, Ms. Drama Queen. But I didn't make those claims and apparently you forgot what you said a few minutes ago: "Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw." Now you were just helping to employ people? Because remodels take more than hammers and saws. So you were a home flipper? Did you use your own home inspectors for the sales?
Btw, I did real estate for years and the one thing there was no shortage of is black contractors lol
In the contracting world, nobody is lower than a realtor. Plus, I don't believe you.

Funny, because in the real estate world no one cares about the opinion of contractors unless they have a hammer or saw. My experience isnt affected by what you believe silly so that doesnt matter.
I love telling contractors to get to work and you better meet my deadline. :laugh:

This guy believes that anyone not like him is ripping people off or a waste of time. What a sad fucking life. The role of the Realtor and Contractor goes hand and hand but I guess no one has ever called him about estimates on repairs so he's bitter and will get a house by himself because he's so smart lol.
Damn girl. You're having a complete meltdown!

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