Compensating Negros For Slavery

First of all moron, your inference was that they were harder working than White people. The idea of which you can cram up your lousey "LaRaza" spick loving ass. Next, just about every mexican in the U.S. either came here illegally or were descended from mexicans who came here illegally.
Sorry, MORON. I'm basing my opinion of my observations. Now go back to your Klan meeting. Your mind is anything but free.
First of all moron, your inference was that they were harder working than White people. The idea of which you can cram up your lousey "LaRaza" spick loving ass. Next, just about every mexican in the U.S. either came here illegally or were descended from mexicans who came here illegally.
Sorry, MORON. I'm basing my opinion of my observations. Now go back to your Klan meeting. Your mind is anything but free.

Observations my ass. Delusions is more accurate. Your observations are like the observations of those from whom the term Stockholm Syndrome came from. Also, my mind is free. The only thing free about your mind is how free it is from rational thought. Also, what makes you think I have ever been to a Klan meeting.
First of all moron, your inference was that they were harder working than White people. The idea of which you can cram up your lousey "LaRaza" spick loving ass. Next, just about every mexican in the U.S. either came here illegally or were descended from mexicans who came here illegally.
Sorry, MORON. I'm basing my opinion of my observations. Now go back to your Klan meeting. Your mind is anything but free.

Observations my ass. Delusions is more accurate. Your observations are like the observations of those from whom the term Stockholm Syndrome came from. Also, my mind is free. The only thing free about your mind is how free it is from rational thought. Also, what makes you think I have ever been to a Klan meeting.
Your posts. Lots of contractors hire the hispanics, I see them busting their asses even in the summer heat. You don't because....well, it doesn't fit your racism.
OP skipped every question I asked and only responded with unoriginal anti black "be grateful" responses.

If OP was serious...ah, nevermind...this is just a uncreative "I hate blacks" troll thread

I answered what you said about compensation, about Israel, about Indains and about France.

Ok, lets see how you answered.

White people don't owe negros anything for their ancestors having been slaves. Even though working may go against the negro grain, chances are they lived better lives here than they would have in Africa. Here for example, they didn't have to worry about witches casting hexes on them like many in Africa still do. Neither did they have to worry about cannibals. Which there still are in Africa. Also, a slave owner knows the same thing that any farmer knows about work animals. Which is to get the most work out of them, you need to treat them well. That is one reason why there were many negros who would have fought for the South during the civil war had they been allowed to do so.

Nothing but your Opinion here about things I never mentioned...Lets look at the rest of you answer.

Also, negros in fact owe White people a great deal for our having to put up with them. Another thing that wiped the slate completely clean, and then some, is what the North had to go through to free them. Even though most negros would have probably been better off as slaves. Rather than trying to fend for themselves.

Again, nothing here addressing anything I said. Only statements on how you think everything is all good which doesnt matter

You kind of lost me with the Israel thing. But the fact is that most of the Jews weren't victimized to begin with. That is apart from being deported. Or the hardships war caused in Jewish internment camps. But the Jews problems aren't White peoples problems. The whole reason Hitler tried to deport them all was because of the problems they were causing the Germain people. Just as Jews are now causing problems for White people here today.

This is as close as you came to an answer. Saying you dont understand and then telling me about Hitlers reasons for deportation. Which I didnt ask or bring up at all.

As for Indains, screw those savage cannibals. Indain tribes also used to wipe each other out. So they don't occupy any higher moral ground there. They would also do horrible things to captives such as stake them out on ant mounds or skin them alive with sharpened clamb shells. Sometimes they would even allow their women to torture their captives. And chances are more likely than not that even the children got in on some of that fun. And let's not leave out the Aztecs and no doubt others. Who used to rip out the hearts of their captives. The bodies which were then consumed by the populace.

Next, I doubt very much if the revolutionary slaves of Haiti paid the French anything for Haiti. Did the Americans pay England anything for our country after our revolution?

And here is your answer on Indian settlements. Screw them. So I guess you think you answered all the questions simply by mentioning the group I presented and proceeded to say "Whatever" and go off on a tangent.

This is the reason you're a shit for brains racist because you actually have shit for brains and cannot answer simple questions about simple things without getting all emotional and butt hurt about it. I bet your face was all red when you typed it. Sorry, not sorry

First, I did asnwer your support for compensating negros. If you fail to see it, that's your problem. And what I said weren't opinions. They were FACTS. Next, If what I said didn't address what you said well enough, that is your problem. Not mine. Next, you brought up Jews. I answered you. Next, you brought up indains. I did basically say "screw them." I also gave some reasons why. If that isn't good enough for you, again, that is your problem. Not mine. So it is in fact you who has shit for brains. If you want answers that are more specific, try asking questions that are more specific.

Hey I broke It down piece by piece and not once did you say why all those groups deserved what they got but blacks should not get the same. Being mad and saying fuck them isn't an answer, sorry.
First of all moron, your inference was that they were harder working than White people. The idea of which you can cram up your lousey "LaRaza" spick loving ass. Next, just about every mexican in the U.S. either came here illegally or were descended from mexicans who came here illegally.
Sorry, MORON. I'm basing my opinion of my observations. Now go back to your Klan meeting. Your mind is anything but free.

Observations my ass. Delusions is more accurate. Your observations are like the observations of those from whom the term Stockholm Syndrome came from. Also, my mind is free. The only thing free about your mind is how free it is from rational thought. Also, what makes you think I have ever been to a Klan meeting.
Your posts. Lots of contractors hire the hispanics, I see them busting their asses even in the summer heat. You don't because....well, it doesn't fit your racism.

And lots of American companies sent our jobs to China and other third world countries. (Causing even more American companies to do the same just to compete) So does the fact that many contractors hire mexicans supposed to mean something?
OP skipped every question I asked and only responded with unoriginal anti black "be grateful" responses.

If OP was serious...ah, nevermind...this is just a uncreative "I hate blacks" troll thread

I answered what you said about compensation, about Israel, about Indains and about France.

Ok, lets see how you answered.

White people don't owe negros anything for their ancestors having been slaves. Even though working may go against the negro grain, chances are they lived better lives here than they would have in Africa. Here for example, they didn't have to worry about witches casting hexes on them like many in Africa still do. Neither did they have to worry about cannibals. Which there still are in Africa. Also, a slave owner knows the same thing that any farmer knows about work animals. Which is to get the most work out of them, you need to treat them well. That is one reason why there were many negros who would have fought for the South during the civil war had they been allowed to do so.

Nothing but your Opinion here about things I never mentioned...Lets look at the rest of you answer.

Also, negros in fact owe White people a great deal for our having to put up with them. Another thing that wiped the slate completely clean, and then some, is what the North had to go through to free them. Even though most negros would have probably been better off as slaves. Rather than trying to fend for themselves.

Again, nothing here addressing anything I said. Only statements on how you think everything is all good which doesnt matter

You kind of lost me with the Israel thing. But the fact is that most of the Jews weren't victimized to begin with. That is apart from being deported. Or the hardships war caused in Jewish internment camps. But the Jews problems aren't White peoples problems. The whole reason Hitler tried to deport them all was because of the problems they were causing the Germain people. Just as Jews are now causing problems for White people here today.

This is as close as you came to an answer. Saying you dont understand and then telling me about Hitlers reasons for deportation. Which I didnt ask or bring up at all.

As for Indains, screw those savage cannibals. Indain tribes also used to wipe each other out. So they don't occupy any higher moral ground there. They would also do horrible things to captives such as stake them out on ant mounds or skin them alive with sharpened clamb shells. Sometimes they would even allow their women to torture their captives. And chances are more likely than not that even the children got in on some of that fun. And let's not leave out the Aztecs and no doubt others. Who used to rip out the hearts of their captives. The bodies which were then consumed by the populace.

Next, I doubt very much if the revolutionary slaves of Haiti paid the French anything for Haiti. Did the Americans pay England anything for our country after our revolution?

And here is your answer on Indian settlements. Screw them. So I guess you think you answered all the questions simply by mentioning the group I presented and proceeded to say "Whatever" and go off on a tangent.

This is the reason you're a shit for brains racist because you actually have shit for brains and cannot answer simple questions about simple things without getting all emotional and butt hurt about it. I bet your face was all red when you typed it. Sorry, not sorry

First, I did asnwer your support for compensating negros. If you fail to see it, that's your problem. And what I said weren't opinions. They were FACTS. Next, If what I said didn't address what you said well enough, that is your problem. Not mine. Next, you brought up Jews. I answered you. Next, you brought up indains. I did basically say "screw them." I also gave some reasons why. If that isn't good enough for you, again, that is your problem. Not mine. So it is in fact you who has shit for brains. If you want answers that are more specific, try asking questions that are more specific.

Hey I broke It down piece by piece and not once did you say why all those groups deserved what they got but blacks should not get the same. Being mad and saying fuck them isn't an answer, sorry.

All you did was spout bullshit about the Jews, Indains and French. I tried to answer it the best that the questions allowed. But the point is that negros don't deserve anything. In fact, they should be compensating White people for being here.
OP just doesn't understand. So what, you waited until the slaves died and think the debt is wiped clean. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

When are the Jews leaving Israel? Many of them weren't victims. So what's the difference?

How about the Indians? Are you advocating taking their land because they weren't smallpoxed? Why not? What's the difference?

How about France? They collected reparations from Haiti when the slaves were freed. Are you advocating they return that money? No?

Why not?

White people don't owe negros anything for their ancestors having been slaves. Even though working may go against the negro grain, chances are they lived better lives here than they would have in Africa. Here for example, they didn't have to worry about witches casting hexes on them like many in Africa still do. Neither did they have to worry about cannibals. Which there still are in Africa. Also, a slave owner knows the same thing that any farmer knows about work animals. Which is to get the most work out of them, you need to treat them well. That is one reason why there were many negros who would have fought for the South during the civil war had they been allowed to do so.

Also, negros in fact owe White people a great deal for our having to put up with them. Another thing that wiped the slate completely clean, and then some, is what the North had to go through to free them. Even though most negros would have probably been better off as slaves. Rather than trying to fend for themselves.

You kind of lost me with the Israel thing. But the fact is that most of the Jews weren't victimized to begin with. That is apart from being deported. Or the hardships war caused in Jewish internment camps. But the Jews problems aren't White peoples problems. The whole reason Hitler tried to deport them all was because of the problems they were causing the Germain people. Just as Jews are now causing problems for White people here today.

As for Indains, screw those savage cannibals. Indain tribes also used to wipe each other out. So they don't occupy any higher moral ground there. They would also do horrible things to captives such as stake them out on ant mounds or skin them alive with sharpened clamb shells. Sometimes they would even allow their women to torture their captives. And chances are more likely than not that even the children got in on some of that fun. And let's not leave out the Aztecs and no doubt others. Who used to rip out the hearts of their captives. The bodies which were then consumed by the populace.

Next, I doubt very much if the revolutionary slaves of Haiti paid the French anything for Haiti. Did the Americans pay England anything for our country after our revolution?

Time to pull the spike out, Phineas.

I don't think you understand contracting. Most of it is residential and contractors work for themselves. Many do have crews but getting the work done matters much more than race. Many are looking for good help anywhere they can find it. Many are Mexicans and are hard working.

Mexican illegal invader scab scum are just that. And for those who are members of or are supporters of LaRaza (The Race) they can stick their race up their ass. White people just don't need them around. Especially the ones who undercut White people when it comes to wages. Or the ammount of shit they are willing to take from employers because they're desperate. If there is anything that can't be produced by White people, White people don't need it.
But many more are legal. The thing is they are often hard workers, average white Americans, not so much. Some are but it's getting harder to find.

Spare me your infected mexican supremacy dogshit. Also, if they were so superior, they wouldn't be here to begin with. And how many White people do you see trying to jump over or tunnel under the border to get into mexico. All mexicans, "legal" or not, need to be back in mexico. As for the illegal ones, some would say that they need to be sent back over the border using catapults. Though I know of one person who would spare some of the children some of the flight back over the border and use them for skeet! That person also said that an even better way to make sure that they don't come back and dissuade others from coming here would be to send them back over the border using a wood chipper. And lining the border every hundred feet with an impaled mexican. Like Vlad the Impaler used to do.
I said they were typically hard working, spare me your pretense on having a brain. Not every Mexican has crawled over or under a fence. You're just a stupid racist hack looking for justification.

First of all moron, your inference was that they were harder working than White people. The idea of which you can cram up your lousey "LaRaza" spick loving ass. Next, just about every mexican in the U.S. either came here illegally or were descended from mexicans who came here illegally.

They in fact ARE harder working people than MANY white people, you dumbass.

Here in California it is common that you can exit off of any freeway or pass a busy intersection and see some filthy, disheveled ABLE BODIED white vagrant holding a cardboard sign begging for handouts, and in the same spot see a Hispanic selling oranges, peanuts, flowers or just about anything, instead of begging.
OP skipped every question I asked and only responded with unoriginal anti black "be grateful" responses.

If OP was serious...ah, nevermind...this is just a uncreative "I hate blacks" troll thread

I answered what you said about compensation, about Israel, about Indains and about France.

Ok, lets see how you answered.

White people don't owe negros anything for their ancestors having been slaves. Even though working may go against the negro grain, chances are they lived better lives here than they would have in Africa. Here for example, they didn't have to worry about witches casting hexes on them like many in Africa still do. Neither did they have to worry about cannibals. Which there still are in Africa. Also, a slave owner knows the same thing that any farmer knows about work animals. Which is to get the most work out of them, you need to treat them well. That is one reason why there were many negros who would have fought for the South during the civil war had they been allowed to do so.

Nothing but your Opinion here about things I never mentioned...Lets look at the rest of you answer.

Also, negros in fact owe White people a great deal for our having to put up with them. Another thing that wiped the slate completely clean, and then some, is what the North had to go through to free them. Even though most negros would have probably been better off as slaves. Rather than trying to fend for themselves.

Again, nothing here addressing anything I said. Only statements on how you think everything is all good which doesnt matter

You kind of lost me with the Israel thing. But the fact is that most of the Jews weren't victimized to begin with. That is apart from being deported. Or the hardships war caused in Jewish internment camps. But the Jews problems aren't White peoples problems. The whole reason Hitler tried to deport them all was because of the problems they were causing the Germain people. Just as Jews are now causing problems for White people here today.

This is as close as you came to an answer. Saying you dont understand and then telling me about Hitlers reasons for deportation. Which I didnt ask or bring up at all.

As for Indains, screw those savage cannibals. Indain tribes also used to wipe each other out. So they don't occupy any higher moral ground there. They would also do horrible things to captives such as stake them out on ant mounds or skin them alive with sharpened clamb shells. Sometimes they would even allow their women to torture their captives. And chances are more likely than not that even the children got in on some of that fun. And let's not leave out the Aztecs and no doubt others. Who used to rip out the hearts of their captives. The bodies which were then consumed by the populace.

Next, I doubt very much if the revolutionary slaves of Haiti paid the French anything for Haiti. Did the Americans pay England anything for our country after our revolution?

And here is your answer on Indian settlements. Screw them. So I guess you think you answered all the questions simply by mentioning the group I presented and proceeded to say "Whatever" and go off on a tangent.

This is the reason you're a shit for brains racist because you actually have shit for brains and cannot answer simple questions about simple things without getting all emotional and butt hurt about it. I bet your face was all red when you typed it. Sorry, not sorry

First, I did asnwer your support for compensating negros. If you fail to see it, that's your problem. And what I said weren't opinions. They were FACTS. Next, If what I said didn't address what you said well enough, that is your problem. Not mine. Next, you brought up Jews. I answered you. Next, you brought up indains. I did basically say "screw them." I also gave some reasons why. If that isn't good enough for you, again, that is your problem. Not mine. So it is in fact you who has shit for brains. If you want answers that are more specific, try asking questions that are more specific.

Hey I broke It down piece by piece and not once did you say why all those groups deserved what they got but blacks should not get the same. Being mad and saying fuck them isn't an answer, sorry.

All you did was spout bullshit about the Jews, Indains and French. I tried to answer it the best that the questions allowed. But the point is that negros don't deserve anything. In fact, they should be compensating White people for being here.


What are you? 10 years old or retarded? Or both?
Mexican illegal invader scab scum are just that. And for those who are members of or are supporters of LaRaza (The Race) they can stick their race up their ass. White people just don't need them around. Especially the ones who undercut White people when it comes to wages. Or the ammount of shit they are willing to take from employers because they're desperate. If there is anything that can't be produced by White people, White people don't need it.
But many more are legal. The thing is they are often hard workers, average white Americans, not so much. Some are but it's getting harder to find.

Spare me your infected mexican supremacy dogshit. Also, if they were so superior, they wouldn't be here to begin with. And how many White people do you see trying to jump over or tunnel under the border to get into mexico. All mexicans, "legal" or not, need to be back in mexico. As for the illegal ones, some would say that they need to be sent back over the border using catapults. Though I know of one person who would spare some of the children some of the flight back over the border and use them for skeet! That person also said that an even better way to make sure that they don't come back and dissuade others from coming here would be to send them back over the border using a wood chipper. And lining the border every hundred feet with an impaled mexican. Like Vlad the Impaler used to do.
I said they were typically hard working, spare me your pretense on having a brain. Not every Mexican has crawled over or under a fence. You're just a stupid racist hack looking for justification.

First of all moron, your inference was that they were harder working than White people. The idea of which you can cram up your lousey "LaRaza" spick loving ass. Next, just about every mexican in the U.S. either came here illegally or were descended from mexicans who came here illegally.

They in fact ARE harder working people than MANY white people, you dumbass.

Here in California it is common that you can exit off of any freeway or pass a busy intersection and see some filthy, disheveled ABLE BODIED white vagrant holding a cardboard sign begging for handouts, and in the same spot see a Hispanic selling oranges, peanuts, flowers or just about anything, instead of begging.

First of all, Mexico is a country rich with natural resources. In trade, they receive 65 billion dollars from the U.S. But mexico is a poor country that causes many of its citizens to sneak into the U.S. There is your answer to "hard working" the mexicans are. Next, I'm not saying that what you say is true, but consider this. How many mexican alcoholics or drug addicts try to sneak across the border. Also, if any of them tried to panhandle, they probably wouldn't receive much. Not only that, they would probably get questioned by police and deported. Otherwise you probably would see more wetbacks panhandling than White people.
I answered what you said about compensation, about Israel, about Indains and about France.

Ok, lets see how you answered.

White people don't owe negros anything for their ancestors having been slaves. Even though working may go against the negro grain, chances are they lived better lives here than they would have in Africa. Here for example, they didn't have to worry about witches casting hexes on them like many in Africa still do. Neither did they have to worry about cannibals. Which there still are in Africa. Also, a slave owner knows the same thing that any farmer knows about work animals. Which is to get the most work out of them, you need to treat them well. That is one reason why there were many negros who would have fought for the South during the civil war had they been allowed to do so.

Nothing but your Opinion here about things I never mentioned...Lets look at the rest of you answer.

Also, negros in fact owe White people a great deal for our having to put up with them. Another thing that wiped the slate completely clean, and then some, is what the North had to go through to free them. Even though most negros would have probably been better off as slaves. Rather than trying to fend for themselves.

Again, nothing here addressing anything I said. Only statements on how you think everything is all good which doesnt matter

You kind of lost me with the Israel thing. But the fact is that most of the Jews weren't victimized to begin with. That is apart from being deported. Or the hardships war caused in Jewish internment camps. But the Jews problems aren't White peoples problems. The whole reason Hitler tried to deport them all was because of the problems they were causing the Germain people. Just as Jews are now causing problems for White people here today.

This is as close as you came to an answer. Saying you dont understand and then telling me about Hitlers reasons for deportation. Which I didnt ask or bring up at all.

As for Indains, screw those savage cannibals. Indain tribes also used to wipe each other out. So they don't occupy any higher moral ground there. They would also do horrible things to captives such as stake them out on ant mounds or skin them alive with sharpened clamb shells. Sometimes they would even allow their women to torture their captives. And chances are more likely than not that even the children got in on some of that fun. And let's not leave out the Aztecs and no doubt others. Who used to rip out the hearts of their captives. The bodies which were then consumed by the populace.

Next, I doubt very much if the revolutionary slaves of Haiti paid the French anything for Haiti. Did the Americans pay England anything for our country after our revolution?

And here is your answer on Indian settlements. Screw them. So I guess you think you answered all the questions simply by mentioning the group I presented and proceeded to say "Whatever" and go off on a tangent.

This is the reason you're a shit for brains racist because you actually have shit for brains and cannot answer simple questions about simple things without getting all emotional and butt hurt about it. I bet your face was all red when you typed it. Sorry, not sorry

First, I did asnwer your support for compensating negros. If you fail to see it, that's your problem. And what I said weren't opinions. They were FACTS. Next, If what I said didn't address what you said well enough, that is your problem. Not mine. Next, you brought up Jews. I answered you. Next, you brought up indains. I did basically say "screw them." I also gave some reasons why. If that isn't good enough for you, again, that is your problem. Not mine. So it is in fact you who has shit for brains. If you want answers that are more specific, try asking questions that are more specific.

Hey I broke It down piece by piece and not once did you say why all those groups deserved what they got but blacks should not get the same. Being mad and saying fuck them isn't an answer, sorry.

All you did was spout bullshit about the Jews, Indains and French. I tried to answer it the best that the questions allowed. But the point is that negros don't deserve anything. In fact, they should be compensating White people for being here.


What are you? 10 years old or retarded? Or both?

How about you concentrate a little more on what I say rather than my spelling.
Ok, lets see how you answered.

Nothing but your Opinion here about things I never mentioned...Lets look at the rest of you answer.

Again, nothing here addressing anything I said. Only statements on how you think everything is all good which doesnt matter

This is as close as you came to an answer. Saying you dont understand and then telling me about Hitlers reasons for deportation. Which I didnt ask or bring up at all.

And here is your answer on Indian settlements. Screw them. So I guess you think you answered all the questions simply by mentioning the group I presented and proceeded to say "Whatever" and go off on a tangent.

This is the reason you're a shit for brains racist because you actually have shit for brains and cannot answer simple questions about simple things without getting all emotional and butt hurt about it. I bet your face was all red when you typed it. Sorry, not sorry

First, I did asnwer your support for compensating negros. If you fail to see it, that's your problem. And what I said weren't opinions. They were FACTS. Next, If what I said didn't address what you said well enough, that is your problem. Not mine. Next, you brought up Jews. I answered you. Next, you brought up indains. I did basically say "screw them." I also gave some reasons why. If that isn't good enough for you, again, that is your problem. Not mine. So it is in fact you who has shit for brains. If you want answers that are more specific, try asking questions that are more specific.

Hey I broke It down piece by piece and not once did you say why all those groups deserved what they got but blacks should not get the same. Being mad and saying fuck them isn't an answer, sorry.

All you did was spout bullshit about the Jews, Indains and French. I tried to answer it the best that the questions allowed. But the point is that negros don't deserve anything. In fact, they should be compensating White people for being here.


What are you? 10 years old or retarded? Or both?

How about you concentrate a little more on what I say rather than my spelling.

The second that you say something that makes even a shred of sense, I shall.
First, I did asnwer your support for compensating negros. If you fail to see it, that's your problem. And what I said weren't opinions. They were FACTS. Next, If what I said didn't address what you said well enough, that is your problem. Not mine. Next, you brought up Jews. I answered you. Next, you brought up indains. I did basically say "screw them." I also gave some reasons why. If that isn't good enough for you, again, that is your problem. Not mine. So it is in fact you who has shit for brains. If you want answers that are more specific, try asking questions that are more specific.

Hey I broke It down piece by piece and not once did you say why all those groups deserved what they got but blacks should not get the same. Being mad and saying fuck them isn't an answer, sorry.

All you did was spout bullshit about the Jews, Indains and French. I tried to answer it the best that the questions allowed. But the point is that negros don't deserve anything. In fact, they should be compensating White people for being here.


What are you? 10 years old or retarded? Or both?

How about you concentrate a little more on what I say rather than my spelling.

The second that you say something that makes even a shred of sense, I shall.

All you have to do is tell me something I said that you think makes no sense. If nothing I said makes a sherd of sense, that should be easy enough to do. Go for it. I am all ears.
Hey I broke It down piece by piece and not once did you say why all those groups deserved what they got but blacks should not get the same. Being mad and saying fuck them isn't an answer, sorry.

All you did was spout bullshit about the Jews, Indains and French. I tried to answer it the best that the questions allowed. But the point is that negros don't deserve anything. In fact, they should be compensating White people for being here.


What are you? 10 years old or retarded? Or both?

How about you concentrate a little more on what I say rather than my spelling.

The second that you say something that makes even a shred of sense, I shall.

All you have to do is tell me something I said that you think makes no sense. If nothing I said makes a sherd of sense, that should be easy enough to do. Go for it. I am all ears.
Take your pick cave chimp. Everything you post makes zero sense.
All you did was spout bullshit about the Jews, Indains and French. I tried to answer it the best that the questions allowed. But the point is that negros don't deserve anything. In fact, they should be compensating White people for being here.


What are you? 10 years old or retarded? Or both?

How about you concentrate a little more on what I say rather than my spelling.

The second that you say something that makes even a shred of sense, I shall.

All you have to do is tell me something I said that you think makes no sense. If nothing I said makes a sherd of sense, that should be easy enough to do. Go for it. I am all ears.
Take your pick cave chimp. Everything you post makes zero sense.

That isn't for me to do. That is for you to do. How am I supposed to know what you disagree with or not. For example, one of the things I said was the money and lives that Northern states had to pay for the Civil War should be deducted from any compensation to negros. If you disagree, tell me why. Or to cut to the chase, do you think negros today should be compensated for their ancestors having been slaves? It's an easy enough of a question. Or is there some sort of generalized, overall point about the whole thread that you disagree with. I will answer your objections.
OP just doesn't understand. So what, you waited until the slaves died and think the debt is wiped clean. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

When are the Jews leaving Israel? Many of them weren't victims. So what's the difference?

How about the Indians? Are you advocating taking their land because they weren't smallpoxed? Why not? What's the difference?

How about France? They collected reparations from Haiti when the slaves were freed. Are you advocating they return that money? No?

Why not?

Who's going to pay the reparations for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, most of whom were white, who died to gain them their freedom?

What are you? 10 years old or retarded? Or both?

How about you concentrate a little more on what I say rather than my spelling.

The second that you say something that makes even a shred of sense, I shall.

All you have to do is tell me something I said that you think makes no sense. If nothing I said makes a sherd of sense, that should be easy enough to do. Go for it. I am all ears.
Take your pick cave chimp. Everything you post makes zero sense.

That isn't for me to do. That is for you to do. How am I supposed to know what you disagree with or not. For example, one of the things I said was the money and lives that Northern states had to pay for the Civil War should be deducted from any compensation to negros. If you disagree, tell me why. Or to cut to the chase, do you think negros today should be compensated for their ancestors having been slaves? It's an easy enough of a question. Or is there some sort of generalized, overall point about the whole thread that you disagree with. I will answer your objections.
Nothing you said made any sense. Thats why I said take your pick.
OP just doesn't understand. So what, you waited until the slaves died and think the debt is wiped clean. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

When are the Jews leaving Israel? Many of them weren't victims. So what's the difference?

How about the Indians? Are you advocating taking their land because they weren't smallpoxed? Why not? What's the difference?

How about France? They collected reparations from Haiti when the slaves were freed. Are you advocating they return that money? No?

Why not?

Who's going to pay the reparations for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, most of whom were white, who died to gain them their freedom?

Why should they be paid anymore than soldiers that fought in any other war? Did the soilders that fought to beat the Germans get reparations for helping to free the Jews?
OP just doesn't understand. So what, you waited until the slaves died and think the debt is wiped clean. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

When are the Jews leaving Israel? Many of them weren't victims. So what's the difference?

How about the Indians? Are you advocating taking their land because they weren't smallpoxed? Why not? What's the difference?

How about France? They collected reparations from Haiti when the slaves were freed. Are you advocating they return that money? No?

Why not?

Who's going to pay the reparations for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, most of whom were white, who died to gain them their freedom?

Why should they be paid anymore than soldiers that fought in any other war? Did the soilders that fought to beat the Germans get reparations for helping to free the Jews?

And following your logic why should people who were never slaves be paid money by people who were never slave owners?

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