Comprehensive immigration reform


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We do not need Comp. Immig. Reform to fix our broken immigration system because it is not broken. We need to enforce our immigration laws already on the book that goes after businesses that hire illegal aliens and deport those here illegally which is the penalty for entering this country illegally and secure the border. This is not Congress failure to act and pass Comp. Immig.Reform. It is Obama's failure to enforce,deport and secure the border. The border is not secure when 60,000 can cross. And they come, facing death sometimes and it is blood on Obama's hands because he has been sending them the invitation to come with promise of amnesty, path to citizenship or the Dream Act and if you land on this side of the border you can stay. Drop a baby and you can stay with it. And I am a diehard liberal that voted for it brainless nitwit twice.
Our immigration system is not broken our government is broken.

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