Compromise On Trannies In Sports

I get what you're saying but I cringe at the use of the word compromise. Saying compromise means we accept them and are willing to make concessions for them, and we should not at all. Giving in gives them power and validates them.

With that said I am half and half on this idea.

One part says, no way if we let women pretending to be men to play in men's sports then it stands to reason we should allow the opposite as well. I stand by the idea of you are what you were born as and that's that. If you want to pretend you're another sex ok do that but it is not America's responsibility to indulge your fantasy.

On the other hand watching women pretending to be men get trounced would be hilarious to me and for the world to see exactly what the reality of it is.

I'm really hopeful this actually happens.

I'm hoping it happens and I can see it. I don't want to see the mentally ill woman get beaten to a pulp, but I hope he gut punches her and ends the fight in like 30 seconds just to give the world a dose of reality. One good shot is all it will take.
I hate to confess this in front of the left but I think if we did this "compromise" the tranny thing would go away and we would hear a lot less about it because they would not want to compete in men's sports and lose. So, please keep it quiet so they don't see my true objective.
I suggest the 'Per Plumbing Act'. A person is defined by their physical biology not voodoo science quackery. If someone is dedicated enough to hit the chopshop, fine, I guess. Although such operations would be limited only to adults. The only notable exception would be in the criminal justice system. Criminals would be prosecuted on the basis of their plumbing at the time of the offense.
Trannies are not allowed to compete in women's sports BUT we accept that they can compete in men's sports and that goes for both women and men trannies. All are welcome to compete in men's sports.
Defeats the purpose. Non competitive males were moving to women's sports so that they could claim some victories. If they go back to men's competitions they drop back to being non entities again.
Have a surgeon on the sideline. You're a male who wants to compete as a female? Let the surgeon cut your dick and balls off first.

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