Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

As I have already said, you need an investigation to determine proof... But there seems to be enough evidence for an investigation...

It is just an accuracy thing...

Except, there isn't enough evidence. Few guys claiming something based on gut feeling is not evidence, it's conspiracy.

But let's investigate, just to make sure, OK? And while we're at it, let's investigate ongoing voter fraud that democrats are denying for decades. Are you up for it?
They were anti Trump protests, not pro Clinton protests...
And, my vote wasn't pro Trump, it was anti Clinton

So, are you suggesting, had it been any other Republican
that won the election, none of this would be happening?

Yeah, they would "protest" regardless of who was on the R ticket. Leftist don't need much reason to riot. Not liking something is reason good enough.
Not choosing to investigate the Clinton emails would actually go along with his rhetoric of wanting to heal this country rather than try to encourage further division, which is more than the democrats and liberals of this nation has done through their actions. Of course standing up to such division and vocally denouncing the rioting would take some actual leadership ability.

Investigate the Clinton Emails... PLEASE.... As we said before and the FBI director agreed there is nothing there...

But lets have an investigation into Bush War Crimes, torture, RNC emails, outing CIA agents....

And for a laugh Obama Birth Cert...
Link for what?
First assume I made it past that? :lol:

Comey: No evidence that Clinton acted with 'necessary criminal intent'

Why is FBI investigating non criminal actions...

He said there wasn't criminal intent, not that there wasn't a crime.
Perhaps it is agenda driven, but it still an important issue going forward to future electronic voting elections.
Since Clinton won the popular vote by a significant margin, this is a good time to validate these e-machines.
Define significant margin. Why is it significant to you?
It isn't significant to me considering it is less than the 3 million she won ONE STATE, California.
Winning the pop vote by over 2 MILLION votes is significant, esp when the election results were a major upset (contrary to 90% of the polls) and the 3 states where E-voting machines showed significant irregularities were predicted to go to Clinton, which would have provided her the 270+ electoral votes.
I believe there were 130 million votes or there about, 2 million would be about 1 percent that certainly could account for Hillary's cheating, not Trump's. Trump didn't have the organization nor the establishments support to be able to rig the election on such a scale, very unlike the democrats.
What "cheating" facts are you referring to? Or, are you pulling that out of your ass?
Trump does not need the technical know how to cheat; he has the Russians to thank for that.
Cyber security experts and US intelligence agencies pointed to Russian actors for DNC hacking as well as other breaches.
Oh, so you trust cyber security experts? Very well, from the OP:
"But election officials and cybersecurity experts said earlier this month that it is virtually impossible for Russia to influence the election outcome."

They are secured and that isn't good enough, so why not get rid of them entirely? I mean, we have to go through this every time a Democrat loses, so what would make Democrats happy? After all, that's what it's all about. Two articles that both said it's virtuallyimpossible to do anything to these machines.
You recall that Trump first said that the elections could ne rigged, right?
You can cherry-pick your articles on election security that have few or no details, and i will use my sources from respected experts with details ...

From J. Alex Halderman, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Michigan and Director of Michigan’s Center for Computer Security & Society. He teaches a course on election technology,
He was recently named by Popular Science as one of the “ten brightest minds reshaping science, engineering, and the world.”
Here are some of his comments:

Attackers infiltrated the voter registration systems of two states, Illinois and Arizona, and stole voter data. And there’s evidence that hackers attempted to breach election offices in several other states.

How might a foreign government hack America’s voting machines to change the outcome of a presidential election?
Here’s one possible scenario.

First, the attackers would probe election offices well in advance in order to find ways to break into their computers. Closer to the election, when it was clear from polling data which states would have close electoral margins, the attackers might spread malware into voting machines in some of these states, rigging the machines to shift a few percent of the vote to favor their desired candidate. This malware would likely be designed to remain inactive during pre-election tests, do its dirty business during the election, then erase itself when the polls close. A skilled attacker’s work might leave no visible signs — though the country might be surprised when results in several close states were off from pre-election polls.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots
Remember how outraged many Dims were when it was suggested that Trump would not accept the election results?
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

Are these computer "scientists" worried that a lot of the voters aren't qualified to vote, or that some voters voted multiple times? Obviously not. We don't have voter i.d. like most modern nations do. So I say there cannot be a challenge, especially with the unreliability of computer voting and no paper trail. At least, not a challenge based on science.
That's exactly what I said. So did he ever write about this during DumBama's last two elections? If not, then it seems that bringing it up now is agenda driven.
Perhaps it is agenda driven, but it still an important issue going forward to future electronic voting elections.
Since Clinton won the popular vote by a significant margin, this is a good time to validate these e-machines.
Define significant margin. Why is it significant to you?
It isn't significant to me considering it is less than the 3 million she won ONE STATE, California.
Winning the pop vote by over 2 MILLION votes is significant, esp when the election results were a major upset (contrary to 90% of the polls) and the 3 states where E-voting machines showed significant irregularities were predicted to go to Clinton, which would have provided her the 270+ electoral votes.
I believe there were 130 million votes or there about, 2 million would be about 1 percent that certainly could account for Hillary's cheating, not Trump's. Trump didn't have the organization nor the establishments support to be able to rig the election on such a scale, very unlike the democrats.
What "cheating" facts are you referring to? Or, are you pulling that out of your ass?
Trump does not need the technical know how to cheat; he has the Russians to thank for that.
Cyber security experts and US intelligence agencies pointed to Russian actors for DNC hacking as well as other breaches.

Links, you must provide links, not that I don't trust your OPINION, but please, links.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...
Now hold on liberals stated there is no fraud in the election process. So please go fuck off!
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...
As long as we are considering, lets consider how the left lost their damn minds when Trump refused to say he would accept the election results regardless of what went on. After all that crying and talk about how Trump was going to destroy the country by not accepting the results, I would have to imagine that the upstanding and patriotic left would never consider doing what they claimed would taint this nations elections for the rest of eternity.

So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
You also did not read the second article.

I read it, pretty much the same as the first. They are both talking about voter databases. Now if there were voters removed off the list or some strange ones added, then yes, that would have an effect on the election. But to my knowledge, that wasn't the problem or complaint here.
This is from the second article I linked to:

"Theoretically, another type of advanced attack, experts said, would be to target and modify software for voting machines so that it could affect what names are displayed or how votes are counted, though experts believe this would be too tricky to execute.

“You could, in theory, hack into that software and change it so that it would tally something differently. But again, those types of things are really hard to do just in terms of actually doing it, and doing it in an undetected way is much, much more difficult,” said Daniel Castro, vice president at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.

Some experts are concerned about states that use touch-screen voting machines that leave no paper trail. Five states are completely paperless: Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, New Jersey and South Carolina. Nine other states have some counties that use paperless systems: Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. "

More state election databases hacked than previously thoughtMore state election databases hacked than previously thought

dated September 28, 2016, by the way.

Yes, but your article admits (like the others I"ve read here) that it's almost impossible and certainly not probable. So do we have an Al Gore all over again for the 1/1000 chance that the machines might have been hacked?

No dude... why do you keep parroting the same shit over and over again? They literally SHOWED they could hack one in just around a minute. Seriously... you keep saying you read the article, yet people keep pointing out to you that you are full of it.
You'd think if these Michigan scientist were legit... and since they are in... MICHIGAN, they would know if Michigan used any electronic voting.

You'd think that just because teaching computer programming makes you a scientist. I know kids that know much more about programming than those "scientists". If that is the measure for being scientist, then I am a scientist, since I am programming in several different languages and platforms.

Yeah a professor from Michigan working with experts from PRINCETON University... they area bunch of fucking idiots right? They don't know a fucking thing that are talking about!
As I have already said, you need an investigation to determine proof... But there seems to be enough evidence for an investigation...

It is just an accuracy thing...

Except, there isn't enough evidence. Few guys claiming something based on gut feeling is not evidence, it's conspiracy.

But let's investigate, just to make sure, OK? And while we're at it, let's investigate ongoing voter fraud that democrats are denying for decades. Are you up for it?

They didn't just base it on a theory, they replicated the fucking theory. THEY actually hacked a machine and changed the results of a mock election, on a same machine that is used in the election. If you fucking Rightwingers are going to comment about something, at least rad the fucking articles.
Moot point to all this. Stein raised enough money to do the recount in WI, MI, and PA. Game on.
So the computer scientists have found no evidence of hacking. according to the hacks at CNN "top computer scientists" nonetheless, lol.

What they think they see is an irregularity, which it would seem to me would be better analyzed by statisticians for probability.

even then there is no evidence of squat. statistically improbable events happen all the time. people win the lottery, some more than once. in this election I seem to remember hillary winning a highly improbable number of coin tosses 6 of 6, with a probability of less then 2%, but it happened.

Then, of course, there's this:
"election officials and cybersecurity experts said earlier this month that it is virtually impossible for Russia to influence the election outcome"

And while we're calculating probability I'd like to know how these "top computer scientists" voted. lol.

This is going nowhere.

I don't know much about that field of work, but would't you think in order to suspect something is wrong, you would have to see some data first? I mean, you would have to go into those computer systems to see if anything was amiss, and then go to the ballots and see if there is evidence that something did go wrong.

It's kind of like a mechanic telling you your car is going to break down next month without looking under the car or under the hood.

Yep, the machines themselves would have to be foresically analyzed. even if they were hacked there would likely be no trace of it.

These guys have apparently identified what they think is a statistical anomaly. thing is they understand probability also, so where is that coefficient of probability in their "findings".

They have no evidence of anything. if they did, they'd be showing it and this would be a whole different matter.

this looks to me like a clever way to undermine trump in the long term. if we start forensic and statistical analysis here, now we've got to do it everywhere. And, no matter what, now there will be nutters running around claiming he won because of hacking until the day they die.

If they've got something solid, let's see it, as to this point they've shown bupkis. There are triggers for recounts, and they haven't been tripped. game over.

No one asking about recount... But shouldn't the FBI investigate if they believe a crime could have been committed?
No one asking about recount... But shouldn't the FBI investigate if they believe a crime could have been committed?

4_12_5.gif know, the FBI prides itself for having high standards,
when it comes to, what constitutes criminal activity!
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.

Agreed, as the results stand today Trump is President... But irregularities in elections should be investigated...

Irregularities could be found but not affect the result.. This should not be a left or right issue but an accuracy issue, put it to bed early. Trump doesn't need to have the legitimacy of his presidency questioned like Obama's was....

I agree lets checks all the states for irregularities. I really doubt the democrats want to.go.down.that path.

I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.
Look, as the professor that started all this pointed out. There was no reason for anyone who would try to fix the election to hack all 50 states. That would be foolish. They only needed to hack the swing states, giving enough electoral votes to win the election. If a recount was to be done on any states other than WI, MI, and PA, I would do it on FL, OH, and NC. The fact that Trump won two of the WI, MI, and PA states by less than a percentage point, and the other by just above one percentage point... means that a hack in a few counties could have changed the entire election.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

THREE WHACKO IT SPECIALISTS are the only ones calling for this. But you butthurt Libtards and others are trying to turn this into a big deal.

It's over. Get a life!
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...
As long as we are considering, lets consider how the left lost their damn minds when Trump refused to say he would accept the election results regardless of what went on. After all that crying and talk about how Trump was going to destroy the country by not accepting the results, I would have to imagine that the upstanding and patriotic left would never consider doing what they claimed would taint this nations elections for the rest of eternity.

So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
Republicans only care about investigations and irregularities if they would benefit from doing so.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...
As long as we are considering, lets consider how the left lost their damn minds when Trump refused to say he would accept the election results regardless of what went on. After all that crying and talk about how Trump was going to destroy the country by not accepting the results, I would have to imagine that the upstanding and patriotic left would never consider doing what they claimed would taint this nations elections for the rest of eternity.

So you are a vote to not investigate, stick your head in the sand and let any irregularities go unchecked...

This could be a possible crime which should be investigated independently, no matter if one accepts or rejects the result.. Clinton has accepted the results of the election as they stand...

Whats you problem with and investigation if there is evidence?
Republicans only care about investigations and irregularities if they would benefit from doing so.

A bit butthurt are we?

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