Comrade tells Intel chiefs to push back on Russia probe


Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
The former CIA director also says the FBI probe into whether Russia meddled in the election is ‘well founded.’

"I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,"
he told lawmakers. "

Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides


Aliens may have landed and colluded with Big Foot to keep the Mafia Don Hillary out of office.

Angels may have intervened to save mankind from the corrupt crime boss Hillary.

Lot's of things "may have" happened.

"And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." EX CIA Direct Brennan


So, when did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC? Was it before or after the Hildebeast signed off on the uranium deal when she was secretary of state? Or was it after John Podesta was paid by Russian lobbyists to lift sanctions that should have never been placed on them to begin with?????

When did Russia become such an enemy of the leftard clown posse???? Because they allowed Crimea to be annexed instead of being taken in by the globalist IMF bank ran E.U? Or the fact that they fought the CIA/Mossad/Saudi Intel/MI5/MI6 created proxy army "ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL" that moved their operations from Libya to Syria to take on Assad in Syria???? When did Russia become an "enemy" to you????? Explain yourself, "trollbot" average nearly 70 messages a you get paid by the post? They are not getting their money's worth because you suck when confronted.


Sorry cupcake, get off right wing infotainment complex BS if you want to be taken seriously :)

Trump claims — falsely — that Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the
Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium


How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

"Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted."

Your graph shows that 8 years of Dim economics only helped the top 0.1% get even richer. You really don't think these things out before you post them, do you?

Sure cupcake it was 8 years of Dems


You sure are a fucking liar.

The national DEBT did NOT go down under Clinton, that is a flat out fabrication. Don't know what hate site you cut and pasted from, but you and the Soros site are shameless fucking liars.

Sorry cupcake, BJ Bill paid off almost $500 billion of PUBLIC debt which is what the graph is :)


Soros huh?

But the debt left after his admin was 5 plus TRILLION Federal Reserve where was that alleged "surplus"?????

Weird, you mean since Ronnie GUTTED taxes on those "job creators" the US debt increased above a trillion dollars for the first time? True AND the trajectory of US public debt started trending the opposite way than it had since 1946?

Alleged surplus? Sorry cupcake, there WERE 4 yearly budget surpluses, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut for the rich!

Try googling what a yearly budget is cupcake, Simply money going out vs in. :)

A budget is one thing, the debt owed to a foreign owned central bank that permits USA.INC to print it's own fiat currency backed by nothing of an intrinsic value is something altogether different. Take a family household that sets a budget...they have credit card debt out the ass but they stick to the budget...they don't pay down their debt and the interest grows but they claim that they are in "the black"....while Mastercard and Visa continue to send bills asking for at the minimum, a "payment"

See, you have no clue about how a central bank are utterly ignorant of this parasitic entity which is typical for a leftard.
Sure cupcake it was 8 years of Dems


You sure are a fucking liar.

The national DEBT did NOT go down under Clinton, that is a flat out fabrication. Don't know what hate site you cut and pasted from, but you and the Soros site are shameless fucking liars.

Sorry cupcake, BJ Bill paid off almost $500 billion of PUBLIC debt which is what the graph is :)


Soros huh?

But the debt left after his admin was 5 plus TRILLION Federal Reserve where was that alleged "surplus"?????

Weird, you mean since Ronnie GUTTED taxes on those "job creators" the US debt increased above a trillion dollars for the first time? True AND the trajectory of US public debt started trending the opposite way than it had since 1946?

Alleged surplus? Sorry cupcake, there WERE 4 yearly budget surpluses, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut for the rich!

Try googling what a yearly budget is cupcake, Simply money going out vs in. :)

A budget is one thing, the debt owed to a foreign owned central bank that permits USA.INC to print it's own fiat currency backed by nothing of an intrinsic value is something altogether different. Take a family household that sets a budget...they have credit card debt out the ass but they stick to the budget...they don't pay down their debt and the interest grows but they claim that they are in "the black"....while Mastercard and Visa continue to send bills asking for at the minimum, a "payment"

See, you have no clue about how a central bank are utterly ignorant of this parasitic entity which is typical for a leftard.

Sorry cupcake, US prints it's own money, unlike the family "example"

You are at least worth a laugh how deep you get into this stuff cupcake, let me guess one of the sovereign citizens?
Aliens may have landed and colluded with Big Foot to keep the Mafia Don Hillary out of office.

Angels may have intervened to save mankind from the corrupt crime boss Hillary.

Lot's of things "may have" happened.

"And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." EX CIA Direct Brennan


So, when did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC? Was it before or after the Hildebeast signed off on the uranium deal when she was secretary of state? Or was it after John Podesta was paid by Russian lobbyists to lift sanctions that should have never been placed on them to begin with?????

When did Russia become such an enemy of the leftard clown posse???? Because they allowed Crimea to be annexed instead of being taken in by the globalist IMF bank ran E.U? Or the fact that they fought the CIA/Mossad/Saudi Intel/MI5/MI6 created proxy army "ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL" that moved their operations from Libya to Syria to take on Assad in Syria???? When did Russia become an "enemy" to you????? Explain yourself, "trollbot" average nearly 70 messages a you get paid by the post? They are not getting their money's worth because you suck when confronted.


Sorry cupcake, get off right wing infotainment complex BS if you want to be taken seriously :)

Trump claims — falsely — that Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the
Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium



AND? A non profit got money and 8 other Departments needed to approve it, but it's Hil who did something? TRY LOGIC Cupcake!

LMAO! Hitlery signed off on it and got a very generous donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation that has since been shut down.

SO, when did the Rooskies become the enemy of USA.INC???? Before or after the sell of uranium and why? You keep avoiding this issue...........

We should know up front what will happen if Trump is busted lying about this Russia stuff.

Seth Rich was the leaker.....all this other shit is simply a distraction. Hell, the FBI has been busted trying to buy off a Russian hacker in exchange for saying that he hacked the DNC on behalf of Putin that showed the collusion and dirty dealings of the DNC to steal the election....which, btw.....lies at the very crux of what is going on that has been lost in the "It was the Rooskies that cheated by revealing how we were cheating".......

In case you missed this.......

Have you done any research about the Seth Rich murder and all that things that are being revealed about it? Seth was the leaker and this Russia narrative is nothing but pure deflection. This isn't going away any time soon. Sean Hannity has been shut down from talking about it but alternative media has taken this up because it ties into the "Pizzagate" major players as well. The level of corruption including the D.C police department and how Seth Rich's personal laptop was confiscated but yet they seem to have misplaced it? If it was a botched robbery attempt? Why would they need to hold his laptop?? When the Rich family hired a private investigator, why did someone within the D.C police department contact the DNC to notify them?

Why did the DNC (after learning of the hiring of the private investigator did they persuade Seth's family to take on DNC "fixer" and public relations guru to be their spokesperson? Why did Seth Rich's family publicly express thanks for those looking into his murder suddenly backtrack and then claim that they had full faith in the D.C police department? If they had full faith in the D.C police department, why did they want a private investigator? Why did Julian Assange offer a 20,000 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of the culprit shortly after the death of Seth Rich? We have the testimony of a U.K ambassador to Uzbekistan by the name of Craig Murray that took the thumb drive containing the damning evidence of corruption and collusion of high crimes and treason of the DNC through Wikileaks contact via Gavin MacFadyen that is also dead......what are the odds? They claim he had lung cancer and died shortly after the diagnosis.......whether he truly died of cancer and so quickly is not proof that he was injected with a fast acting cancer, but it is just another incredible coincidence.

So nothing about even is one of those things that make you go "Hmmmmmm"? And the only conspiracy is that it was Russia that hacked the DNC revealing their dirty dealings and crimes which makes it a crime because it was revealed???? Is that what you are claiming? Do you even know how utterly stupid you come across ass????
Have you done any research about the Set Rich murder and all that things that are being revealed about it? Seth was the leaker and this Russia narrative is nothing but pure deflection. This isn't going away any time soon. Sean Hannity has been shut down from talking about it but alternative media has taken this up because it ties into the "Pizzagate" major players as well. The level of corruption including the D.C police department and how Seth Rich's personal laptop was confiscated but yet they seem to have misplaced it? If it was a botched robbery attempt? Why would they need to hold his laptop?? When the Rich family hired a private investigator, why did someone within the D.C police department contact the DNC to notify them?

Why did the DNC (after learning of the hiring of the private investigator did they persuade Seth's family to take on DNC "fixer" and public relations guru to be their spokesperson? Why did Seth Rich's family publicly express thanks for those looking into his murder suddenly backtrack and then claim that they had full faith in the D.C police department? If they had full faith in the D.C police department, why did they want a private investigator? Why did Julian Assange offer a 20,000 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of the culprit shortly after the death of Set Rich? We have the testimony of a U.K ambassador to Uzbekistan by the name of Craig Murray that took the thumb drive containing the damning evidence of corruption and collusion of high crimes and treason of the DNC through Wikileaks contact via Gavin MacFadyen that is also dead......what are the odds? They claim he had lung cancer and died shortly after the diagnosis.......whether he truly died of cancer and so quickly is not proof that he was injected with a fast acting cancer, but it is just another incredible coincidence.

The whole thing reeks of a cover up. It was just too convenient that he was murdered in cold blood. If it had been a robbery, the murderer would have taken his wallet, watch, etc.

Seems like a very long list of people who could have hurt the Clintons ended up dying mysterious deaths. One or two would be a coincidence but the list is long and goes back years.

It's like they are the fucking mafia with Soros as the boss.

It is so blatantly obvious to me that the "Deep State" had Seth Rich killed....hell, just the circumstantial evidence alone BEGS for an independent investigation...but the D.C police drags their feet and the lamestream media attacks anyone that questions that this murder was anything but a botched robbery attempt that necessitated the confiscation of his laptop computer......

"Deep State" :blahblah:


Really? You don't know that there is a "hidden hand" that pulls the strings in D.C? I want you on record and you need to declare that there is no such thing...........put your tiny balls out there so I can chop them off for all to see. Declare that there is no C.O.G plan and that the creditors that hold the debt of this bankrupted entity that you call "gubermint" are NOT the ones that set policy and call the shots..........

What say ye?????

Cupcake, of course the "job creators" have bought off DC, what do you think if you consider money is speech and Corps are people?


Corporations are "persons" per Black's Law dictionary......your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporation and you can find 188,000 subsidiaries of USA.INC on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated and why does that matter? Because when something is incorporated, it goes from land jurisdiction to admiralty jurisdiction i.e "statutory law" or what is commonly known as the uniform commercial code.

We do not create our own "money" and I doubt that you even have a clue on what real "money" is......what we have are debt notes, a medium of exchange and nothing but scrip and interest is attached to every FRN created and put into circulation. The "gubermint" creates these fancy looking things called "Treasury Bonds" in denominations and the Fed bank buys them with a checkbook that has nothing in it and the authorized the "printing" of these debt notes and the more debt notes in circulation, the less value the other dent notes already in circulation has. Since according to you that the U.S creates it own money and can create it with no consequences? Why do they need to confiscate the wages of those that exchange their labor in one hour increments for something that they can use to eek out an existence??? Explain that to me......why doesn't USA.INC just print enough Monopoly money to pay off every debt???????
"And it raised questions in my mind again whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." EX CIA Direct Brennan


So, when did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC? Was it before or after the Hildebeast signed off on the uranium deal when she was secretary of state? Or was it after John Podesta was paid by Russian lobbyists to lift sanctions that should have never been placed on them to begin with?????

When did Russia become such an enemy of the leftard clown posse???? Because they allowed Crimea to be annexed instead of being taken in by the globalist IMF bank ran E.U? Or the fact that they fought the CIA/Mossad/Saudi Intel/MI5/MI6 created proxy army "ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL" that moved their operations from Libya to Syria to take on Assad in Syria???? When did Russia become an "enemy" to you????? Explain yourself, "trollbot" average nearly 70 messages a you get paid by the post? They are not getting their money's worth because you suck when confronted.


Sorry cupcake, get off right wing infotainment complex BS if you want to be taken seriously :)

Trump claims — falsely — that Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the
Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium



AND? A non profit got money and 8 other Departments needed to approve it, but it's Hil who did something? TRY LOGIC Cupcake!

LMAO! Hitlery signed off on it and got a very generous donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation that has since been shut down.

SO, when did the Rooskies become the enemy of USA.INC???? Before or after the sell of uranium and why? You keep avoiding this issue...........


Don't understand what an A+ rated charity from Charity Navigator, the largest charity ranking site means huh cupcake?

Yes cupcake, keep "believing" Hil had ANYTHING to do with a Russian comp buying a Canadian comp that could've been stopped by 8 other departments other than state AND local/State regulators *shaking head*

Can you even tie you own shoes cupcake?
We should know up front what will happen if Trump is busted lying about this Russia stuff.

Seth Rich was the leaker.....all this other shit is simply a distraction. Hell, the FBI has been busted trying to buy off a Russian hacker in exchange for saying that he hacked the DNC on behalf of Putin that showed the collusion and dirty dealings of the DNC to steal the election....which, btw.....lies at the very crux of what is going on that has been lost in the "It was the Rooskies that cheated by revealing how we were cheating".......

In case you missed this.......

Have you done any research about the Seth Rich murder and all that things that are being revealed about it? Seth was the leaker and this Russia narrative is nothing but pure deflection. This isn't going away any time soon. Sean Hannity has been shut down from talking about it but alternative media has taken this up because it ties into the "Pizzagate" major players as well. The level of corruption including the D.C police department and how Seth Rich's personal laptop was confiscated but yet they seem to have misplaced it? If it was a botched robbery attempt? Why would they need to hold his laptop?? When the Rich family hired a private investigator, why did someone within the D.C police department contact the DNC to notify them?

Why did the DNC (after learning of the hiring of the private investigator did they persuade Seth's family to take on DNC "fixer" and public relations guru to be their spokesperson? Why did Seth Rich's family publicly express thanks for those looking into his murder suddenly backtrack and then claim that they had full faith in the D.C police department? If they had full faith in the D.C police department, why did they want a private investigator? Why did Julian Assange offer a 20,000 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of the culprit shortly after the death of Seth Rich? We have the testimony of a U.K ambassador to Uzbekistan by the name of Craig Murray that took the thumb drive containing the damning evidence of corruption and collusion of high crimes and treason of the DNC through Wikileaks contact via Gavin MacFadyen that is also dead......what are the odds? They claim he had lung cancer and died shortly after the diagnosis.......whether he truly died of cancer and so quickly is not proof that he was injected with a fast acting cancer, but it is just another incredible coincidence.

So nothing about even is one of those things that make you go "Hmmmmmm"? And the only conspiracy is that it was Russia that hacked the DNC revealing their dirty dealings and crimes which makes it a crime because it was revealed???? Is that what you are claiming? Do you even know how utterly stupid you come across ass????

Tin foil cupcake :)
The whole thing reeks of a cover up. It was just too convenient that he was murdered in cold blood. If it had been a robbery, the murderer would have taken his wallet, watch, etc.

Seems like a very long list of people who could have hurt the Clintons ended up dying mysterious deaths. One or two would be a coincidence but the list is long and goes back years.

It's like they are the fucking mafia with Soros as the boss.

It is so blatantly obvious to me that the "Deep State" had Seth Rich killed....hell, just the circumstantial evidence alone BEGS for an independent investigation...but the D.C police drags their feet and the lamestream media attacks anyone that questions that this murder was anything but a botched robbery attempt that necessitated the confiscation of his laptop computer......

"Deep State" :blahblah:


Really? You don't know that there is a "hidden hand" that pulls the strings in D.C? I want you on record and you need to declare that there is no such thing...........put your tiny balls out there so I can chop them off for all to see. Declare that there is no C.O.G plan and that the creditors that hold the debt of this bankrupted entity that you call "gubermint" are NOT the ones that set policy and call the shots..........

What say ye?????

Cupcake, of course the "job creators" have bought off DC, what do you think if you consider money is speech and Corps are people?


Corporations are "persons" per Black's Law dictionary......your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporation and you can find 188,000 subsidiaries of USA.INC on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated and why does that matter? Because when something is incorporated, it goes from land jurisdiction to admiralty jurisdiction i.e "statutory law" or what is commonly known as the uniform commercial code.

We do not create our own "money" and I doubt that you even have a clue on what real "money" is......what we have are debt notes, a medium of exchange and nothing but scrip and interest is attached to every FRN created and put into circulation. The "gubermint" creates these fancy looking things called "Treasury Bonds" in denominations and the Fed bank buys them with a checkbook that has nothing in it and the authorized the "printing" of these debt notes and the more debt notes in circulation, the less value the other dent notes already in circulation has. Since according to you that the U.S creates it own money and can create it with no consequences? Why do they need to confiscate the wages of those that exchange their labor in one hour increments for something that they can use to eek out an existence??? Explain that to me......why doesn't USA.INC just print enough Monopoly money to pay off every debt???????

Cupcake, are you going to explain the time CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

How about 3 policies from the GOP that worked as promised the past 50 years?

Didn't think so cupcake :)
So, when did Russia become an enemy of USA.INC? Was it before or after the Hildebeast signed off on the uranium deal when she was secretary of state? Or was it after John Podesta was paid by Russian lobbyists to lift sanctions that should have never been placed on them to begin with?????

When did Russia become such an enemy of the leftard clown posse???? Because they allowed Crimea to be annexed instead of being taken in by the globalist IMF bank ran E.U? Or the fact that they fought the CIA/Mossad/Saudi Intel/MI5/MI6 created proxy army "ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL" that moved their operations from Libya to Syria to take on Assad in Syria???? When did Russia become an "enemy" to you????? Explain yourself, "trollbot" average nearly 70 messages a you get paid by the post? They are not getting their money's worth because you suck when confronted.


Sorry cupcake, get off right wing infotainment complex BS if you want to be taken seriously :)

Trump claims — falsely — that Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the
Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium



AND? A non profit got money and 8 other Departments needed to approve it, but it's Hil who did something? TRY LOGIC Cupcake!

LMAO! Hitlery signed off on it and got a very generous donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation that has since been shut down.

SO, when did the Rooskies become the enemy of USA.INC???? Before or after the sell of uranium and why? You keep avoiding this issue...........


Don't understand what an A+ rated charity from Charity Navigator, the largest charity ranking site means huh cupcake?

Yes cupcake, keep "believing" Hil had ANYTHING to do with a Russian comp buying a Canadian comp that could've been stopped by 8 other departments other than state AND local/State regulators *shaking head*

Can you even tie you own shoes cupcake?

The bottom line is that the Hildbeast had to sign off on the And she did get a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised a s a charitable If it was so on the "up and up"? Why have they shut it down? The Clinton Global Initiative? Shut down.........why did Bill "drop trou" pardon tax cheats like Marc Rich and Pincus Green . We do know that Denise Rich donated 450,000 dollars to the Clintons.....see? Even "pay for play" was in effect during the days of Bill "drop trou" and don't even get me started on "Chinagate" are out of your league, dude. I simply know waaaaay more than you.
We should know up front what will happen if Trump is busted lying about this Russia stuff.

Seth Rich was the leaker.....all this other shit is simply a distraction. Hell, the FBI has been busted trying to buy off a Russian hacker in exchange for saying that he hacked the DNC on behalf of Putin that showed the collusion and dirty dealings of the DNC to steal the election....which, btw.....lies at the very crux of what is going on that has been lost in the "It was the Rooskies that cheated by revealing how we were cheating".......

In case you missed this.......

Have you done any research about the Seth Rich murder and all that things that are being revealed about it? Seth was the leaker and this Russia narrative is nothing but pure deflection. This isn't going away any time soon. Sean Hannity has been shut down from talking about it but alternative media has taken this up because it ties into the "Pizzagate" major players as well. The level of corruption including the D.C police department and how Seth Rich's personal laptop was confiscated but yet they seem to have misplaced it? If it was a botched robbery attempt? Why would they need to hold his laptop?? When the Rich family hired a private investigator, why did someone within the D.C police department contact the DNC to notify them?

Why did the DNC (after learning of the hiring of the private investigator did they persuade Seth's family to take on DNC "fixer" and public relations guru to be their spokesperson? Why did Seth Rich's family publicly express thanks for those looking into his murder suddenly backtrack and then claim that they had full faith in the D.C police department? If they had full faith in the D.C police department, why did they want a private investigator? Why did Julian Assange offer a 20,000 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of the culprit shortly after the death of Seth Rich? We have the testimony of a U.K ambassador to Uzbekistan by the name of Craig Murray that took the thumb drive containing the damning evidence of corruption and collusion of high crimes and treason of the DNC through Wikileaks contact via Gavin MacFadyen that is also dead......what are the odds? They claim he had lung cancer and died shortly after the diagnosis.......whether he truly died of cancer and so quickly is not proof that he was injected with a fast acting cancer, but it is just another incredible coincidence.

So nothing about even is one of those things that make you go "Hmmmmmm"? And the only conspiracy is that it was Russia that hacked the DNC revealing their dirty dealings and crimes which makes it a crime because it was revealed???? Is that what you are claiming? Do you even know how utterly stupid you come across ass????

Tin foil cupcake :)

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the kind of lame response that I expected and you certainly didn't disappoint!!!
It is so blatantly obvious to me that the "Deep State" had Seth Rich killed....hell, just the circumstantial evidence alone BEGS for an independent investigation...but the D.C police drags their feet and the lamestream media attacks anyone that questions that this murder was anything but a botched robbery attempt that necessitated the confiscation of his laptop computer......

"Deep State" :blahblah:


Really? You don't know that there is a "hidden hand" that pulls the strings in D.C? I want you on record and you need to declare that there is no such thing...........put your tiny balls out there so I can chop them off for all to see. Declare that there is no C.O.G plan and that the creditors that hold the debt of this bankrupted entity that you call "gubermint" are NOT the ones that set policy and call the shots..........

What say ye?????

Cupcake, of course the "job creators" have bought off DC, what do you think if you consider money is speech and Corps are people?


Corporations are "persons" per Black's Law dictionary......your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporation and you can find 188,000 subsidiaries of USA.INC on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated and why does that matter? Because when something is incorporated, it goes from land jurisdiction to admiralty jurisdiction i.e "statutory law" or what is commonly known as the uniform commercial code.

We do not create our own "money" and I doubt that you even have a clue on what real "money" is......what we have are debt notes, a medium of exchange and nothing but scrip and interest is attached to every FRN created and put into circulation. The "gubermint" creates these fancy looking things called "Treasury Bonds" in denominations and the Fed bank buys them with a checkbook that has nothing in it and the authorized the "printing" of these debt notes and the more debt notes in circulation, the less value the other dent notes already in circulation has. Since according to you that the U.S creates it own money and can create it with no consequences? Why do they need to confiscate the wages of those that exchange their labor in one hour increments for something that they can use to eek out an existence??? Explain that to me......why doesn't USA.INC just print enough Monopoly money to pay off every debt???????

Cupcake, are you going to explain the time CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

How about 3 policies from the GOP that worked as promised the past 50 years?

Didn't think so cupcake :)

Are you ever going to address the very salient points that I made that are easily provable??????? Didn't think so, "snowflake"....

Sorry cupcake, get off right wing infotainment complex BS if you want to be taken seriously :)

Trump claims — falsely — that Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium

The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the
Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

Donald Trump claims — falsely — that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of US uranium



AND? A non profit got money and 8 other Departments needed to approve it, but it's Hil who did something? TRY LOGIC Cupcake!

LMAO! Hitlery signed off on it and got a very generous donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation that has since been shut down.

SO, when did the Rooskies become the enemy of USA.INC???? Before or after the sell of uranium and why? You keep avoiding this issue...........


Don't understand what an A+ rated charity from Charity Navigator, the largest charity ranking site means huh cupcake?

Yes cupcake, keep "believing" Hil had ANYTHING to do with a Russian comp buying a Canadian comp that could've been stopped by 8 other departments other than state AND local/State regulators *shaking head*

Can you even tie you own shoes cupcake?

The bottom line is that the Hildbeast had to sign off on the And she did get a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised a s a charitable If it was so on the "up and up"? Why have they shut it down? The Clinton Global Initiative? Shut down.........why did Bill "drop trou" pardon tax cheats like Marc Rich and Pincus Green . We do know that Denise Rich donated 450,000 dollars to the Clintons.....see? Even "pay for play" was in effect during the days of Bill "drop trou" and don't even get me started on "Chinagate" are out of your league, dude. I simply know waaaaay more than you.

"The bottom line is that the Hildbeast had to sign off on the"


Clinton was one of nine government officials to make up the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, which is required by law to investigate all U.S. transactions that involve a company owned or controlled by a foreign government. Committee members include the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, the attorney general, and representatives from two White House offices — the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The committee can’t actually stop a sale from going through — it can only approve a sale. The president is the only one who can stop a sale, if the committee or any one member “recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction,”

So, Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting members — but that objection alone wouldn’t have stopped the sale of the stake of Uranium One to Rosatom. “Only the President has the authority to suspend or prohibit a covered transaction,” the federal guidelines say.

According to the Times, Jose Fernandez, a former assistant secretary of state, represented the department on the committee. He told the Times: “Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter.”
A False 'Corruption' Claim -

"Deep State" :blahblah:


Really? You don't know that there is a "hidden hand" that pulls the strings in D.C? I want you on record and you need to declare that there is no such thing...........put your tiny balls out there so I can chop them off for all to see. Declare that there is no C.O.G plan and that the creditors that hold the debt of this bankrupted entity that you call "gubermint" are NOT the ones that set policy and call the shots..........

What say ye?????

Cupcake, of course the "job creators" have bought off DC, what do you think if you consider money is speech and Corps are people?


Corporations are "persons" per Black's Law dictionary......your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporation and you can find 188,000 subsidiaries of USA.INC on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated and why does that matter? Because when something is incorporated, it goes from land jurisdiction to admiralty jurisdiction i.e "statutory law" or what is commonly known as the uniform commercial code.

We do not create our own "money" and I doubt that you even have a clue on what real "money" is......what we have are debt notes, a medium of exchange and nothing but scrip and interest is attached to every FRN created and put into circulation. The "gubermint" creates these fancy looking things called "Treasury Bonds" in denominations and the Fed bank buys them with a checkbook that has nothing in it and the authorized the "printing" of these debt notes and the more debt notes in circulation, the less value the other dent notes already in circulation has. Since according to you that the U.S creates it own money and can create it with no consequences? Why do they need to confiscate the wages of those that exchange their labor in one hour increments for something that they can use to eek out an existence??? Explain that to me......why doesn't USA.INC just print enough Monopoly money to pay off every debt???????

Cupcake, are you going to explain the time CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

How about 3 policies from the GOP that worked as promised the past 50 years?

Didn't think so cupcake :)

Are you ever going to address the very salient points that I made that are easily provable??????? Didn't think so, "snowflake"....


Got it, you are about to become the 3rd person ever on my ignore list in over a decade of doing this on forums :(

AND? A non profit got money and 8 other Departments needed to approve it, but it's Hil who did something? TRY LOGIC Cupcake!

LMAO! Hitlery signed off on it and got a very generous donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation that has since been shut down.

SO, when did the Rooskies become the enemy of USA.INC???? Before or after the sell of uranium and why? You keep avoiding this issue...........


Don't understand what an A+ rated charity from Charity Navigator, the largest charity ranking site means huh cupcake?

Yes cupcake, keep "believing" Hil had ANYTHING to do with a Russian comp buying a Canadian comp that could've been stopped by 8 other departments other than state AND local/State regulators *shaking head*

Can you even tie you own shoes cupcake?

The bottom line is that the Hildbeast had to sign off on the And she did get a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised a s a charitable If it was so on the "up and up"? Why have they shut it down? The Clinton Global Initiative? Shut down.........why did Bill "drop trou" pardon tax cheats like Marc Rich and Pincus Green . We do know that Denise Rich donated 450,000 dollars to the Clintons.....see? Even "pay for play" was in effect during the days of Bill "drop trou" and don't even get me started on "Chinagate" are out of your league, dude. I simply know waaaaay more than you.

"The bottom line is that the Hildbeast had to sign off on the"


Clinton was one of nine government officials to make up the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, which is required by law to investigate all U.S. transactions that involve a company owned or controlled by a foreign government. Committee members include the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, the attorney general, and representatives from two White House offices — the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

The committee can’t actually stop a sale from going through — it can only approve a sale. The president is the only one who can stop a sale, if the committee or any one member “recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction,”

So, Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting members — but that objection alone wouldn’t have stopped the sale of the stake of Uranium One to Rosatom. “Only the President has the authority to suspend or prohibit a covered transaction,” the federal guidelines say.

According to the Times, Jose Fernandez, a former assistant secretary of state, represented the department on the committee. He told the Times: “Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter.”
A False 'Corruption' Claim -


So did those other 8 "sign offs" receive the same type of financial reward that the Hildebeast did? Because there is NO doubt that she did.....and you have even admitted as much. As Secretary of State, she could have EASILY nixed the uranium deal. But like I have asked you before (which you refuse to answer) when did Russia all of the sudden become the enemy of USA.INC?????? Have you a timeline?????
Really? You don't know that there is a "hidden hand" that pulls the strings in D.C? I want you on record and you need to declare that there is no such thing...........put your tiny balls out there so I can chop them off for all to see. Declare that there is no C.O.G plan and that the creditors that hold the debt of this bankrupted entity that you call "gubermint" are NOT the ones that set policy and call the shots..........

What say ye?????

Cupcake, of course the "job creators" have bought off DC, what do you think if you consider money is speech and Corps are people?


Corporations are "persons" per Black's Law dictionary......your beloved "gubermint" IS a corporation and you can find 188,000 subsidiaries of USA.INC on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated and why does that matter? Because when something is incorporated, it goes from land jurisdiction to admiralty jurisdiction i.e "statutory law" or what is commonly known as the uniform commercial code.

We do not create our own "money" and I doubt that you even have a clue on what real "money" is......what we have are debt notes, a medium of exchange and nothing but scrip and interest is attached to every FRN created and put into circulation. The "gubermint" creates these fancy looking things called "Treasury Bonds" in denominations and the Fed bank buys them with a checkbook that has nothing in it and the authorized the "printing" of these debt notes and the more debt notes in circulation, the less value the other dent notes already in circulation has. Since according to you that the U.S creates it own money and can create it with no consequences? Why do they need to confiscate the wages of those that exchange their labor in one hour increments for something that they can use to eek out an existence??? Explain that to me......why doesn't USA.INC just print enough Monopoly money to pay off every debt???????

Cupcake, are you going to explain the time CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

How about 3 policies from the GOP that worked as promised the past 50 years?

Didn't think so cupcake :)

Are you ever going to address the very salient points that I made that are easily provable??????? Didn't think so, "snowflake"....


Got it, you are about to become the 3rd person ever on my ignore list in over a decade of doing this on forums :(

You probably should "ignore" me because the ass kicking I lay on you can't be good for your tiny ego...but here in lies the rub.......even though YOU may not see my responses to your lame rants written by a fool such as yourself? Others see my responses that refute what you claim....AND since you seem to have a mission of believing that your posts somehow sway the public narrative in this forum? Trying to lamely refute what I say isn't helping you at all. I do radio interviews, I have a huge following on FB that want the unbiased, ugly truth and information that I provide. I reach thousands upon thousands of more people that you could ever hope to reach......but go ahead and "ignore"'s not like the "give and take" is an even exchange. I know more than you and that is just fact, no brag.
Start with OBSTRUCTION cupcake, and the list will grow from there :) :) :)

Obstruction of what, Herr Goebbels? Obstructing the Soros Reich from holding power?

You Nazicrats have hate oozing from every orifice. What you lack is evidence. The fake news rag WaPo lied over the weekend, as they do every weekend, only to have the men they claimed were pressured by Trump to drop the investigation state that WaPo made the whole thing up.

Hey, that's just the way you Nazicrat fucks operate, you fabricate slander and libel, print it as if it were true, and dare others to prove that you are again lying.

The lying scum of the left is truly disgusting, in a purely evil, no redeeming qualities kind of way.
What a dumb ass .... you've been told three times that the so-called "owners of CAPITAL" - your favorite villain ISN'T all these 1%ers you're so jealous of ---- in fact, those owners of CAPITAL are average everyday Americans who are invested in pension plans, insurance policies, mutual funds, etc.

You are putting forth a six grade level argument - you have amply demonstrated that you don't understand how the real world economy works.

If YOU want a safety net for your family - pay for it. Quit begging - you're running around like a little boy begging for a dollar so you can buy an ice cream cone.

Man up ------- if you know how.

Oh goodie cupcake, you made it back from your safe space. You want another spanking huh?


The Top 0.1% Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains

The top 0.1%-- about 315,000 individuals out of 315 million-- are making about half of all capital gains on the sale of shares or property after 1 year; and these capital gains make up 60% of the income made by the Forbes 400.

It's crystal clear that the Bush tax reduction on capital gains and dividend income in 2003 was the cutting edge policy that has created the immense increase in net worth of corporate executives, Wall St. professionals and other entrepreneurs.

The Wealth Distribution

In the United States, wealth is highly concentrated in relatively few hands. As of 2013, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 36.7% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 52.2%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 89%, leaving only 11% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers).

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power



Your graph shows that 8 years of Dim economics only helped the top 0.1% get even richer. You really don't think these things out before you post them, do you?

Sure cupcake it was 8 years of Dems


You sure are a fucking liar.

The national DEBT did NOT go down under Clinton, that is a flat out fabrication. Don't know what hate site you cut and pasted from, but you and the Soros site are shameless fucking liars.

Sorry cupcake, BJ Bill paid off almost $500 billion of PUBLIC debt which is what the graph is :)


Soros huh?

Bull fucking shit.

Deficit <> Debt


Recent US Debt History with Charts - a briefing

At no time dd the debt decline, you fucking liar. Notice I cite my source because it is legitimate. You being a fucking liar do not cite, since you are perpetrating a fraud.

What you scumbag Nazis have done is taken debt as a percentage of GDP and tried to pass it off as actual debt. Clinton took huge swaths of debt and put it into short term funds, basically like refinancing your house from a fixed rate to a ARM with zero interest for 5 years followed by a massive balloon payment (which came due in 2007). This cut the deficit, but the debt has not dropped one penny in the last 50 years.

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