Con bots get weekly orders. This week: “socialism “ + “infantcide”.

Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.

1. "In the past few weeks, prominent Democrats have endorsed infanticide; admitted to dressing in blackface; called for an end to fossil fuels, airplanes and farting cows; and trafficked in open anti-Semitism. None of this is a serious problem for many in the media. For members of the media, the real story is that Republicans keep pouncing.

2. ...Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam stated in an interview that he favors legislation that would allow a woman to abort a baby at the point of dilation and then added that in certain cases in which a baby would be born alive, the baby would be kept "comfortable" while parents and doctors decide what to do with it. This seems rather radical.

3. Here was the Washington Post's take, as said in a headline: "Republicans seize on liberal positions to paint Democrats as radical." The positions, you see, are actually mainstream. It's just that Republicans seized on them and painted them as radical.

4. ...Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., released a Green New Deal backgrounder and FAQ on her website -- and her staff sent the six-page document to a variety of media outlets. The document happens to be fully insane. It calls for America to be carbon emissions-free within 10 years without use of nuclear power. It suggests that every building in the country be either replaced or retrofitted. It calls for universal health care, free college education, replacement of airplanes with high-speed trains, replacement of "every combustion-engine vehicle," government-provided jobs, abolition of "farting cows" and, best of all, total "economic security" for anyone "unwilling to work."

5. AOC took down it down from her website and then deployed campaign aides to state that the document was "accidentally" released as an "early draft." Unsurprisingly, no revised draft has been posted.

6. Here is The New York Times' headline: "Ocasio-Cortez Team Flubs a Green New Deal Summary, and Republicans Pounce."

7. ....Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., engaged in open anti-Semitism, suggesting that American support for Israel is "all about the Benjamins" and then doubling down on that comment by blaming the American Israel Public Affairs Committee for America's pro-Zionist attitude. This follows years of overtly anti-Semitic content from Omar, as well as from Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who suggested back in January that Americans who like Israel suffer from dual loyalty and "forgot which country they represent."

8. Politico tweeted: "The Republican Party has a new trio of Democratic villains: Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."

9. ...that's what the media do ... whenever Democrats screw up. Republican gaffes are a story in and of themselves. Democratic gaffes aren't a story; Republican nastiness is.

10. ...a huge swath of the media is inseparable from the Democratic Party. If your first response to Democratic nut-jobbery is to get defensive about Republican blowback, you're no longer a journalist. You're merely a hack. You are, as President Trump would put it, "fake news" -- "
The Republican Pouncing Problem
Kind of like the left with "Russia! Russia! Russia!" or how during the Kavaugh hearings you all started claiming on the exact same day "It's a job interview, so we don't need Due Process" or when you were all talking about "#covfefe" the same week.
Another failed attempt at false equivalency.
Not like the left at all. Every intel agency agrees on Russia's operations. The DOJ is prosecuting Trump associates over their associations with Russians.

In no way similar and in no way simple talking points.

No, theyre not. They broke no law before the investigation began. Mueller has a bunch of process crimes. Any prosecutor with an IQ of a gnat can come up with that stuff. Keep that dream alive though, lol.

"Process crimes"
Like lying to federal investigators about their relationships with Russian officials.

Kind of like the left with "Russia! Russia! Russia!" or how during the Kavaugh hearings you all started claiming on the exact same day "It's a job interview, so we don't need Due Process" or when you were all talking about "#covfefe" the same week.
Another failed attempt at false equivalency.
Not like the left at all. Every intel agency agrees on Russia's operations. The DOJ is prosecuting Trump associates over their associations with Russians.

In no way similar and in no way simple talking points.
View attachment 245841
It is you who is in denial, dope.
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.
I don't do Facebook or Twitter or any of that other social poison yet I am able to articulate my positions on current events just fine. That garbage is a societal cancer.

I bet you can't say the same.
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.
I don't do Facebook or Twitter or any of that other social poison yet I am able to articulate my positions on current events just fine. That garbage is a societal cancer.

I bet you can't say the same.

Ok Gramps. We get it, you are to old to work the interwebbs !

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