Con bots get weekly orders. This week: “socialism “ + “infantcide”.

The Democrat platform is the proof.
No, your post is proof that you’re ignorant as to what ‘socialism’ actually is – it as nothing to do with Democrats.

Or your post is further proof that you’re a liar.

Here's some proof for you, 69 Socialist/Communist Democrats in Congress:

I'll help correct any more false claims you care to make. I'm here to help. :)

Democratic Socialists of Congress: Meet the Members

Sanders 1 of 69 Democrat socialists in Congress - WND - WND
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The Democrat platform is the proof.
No, your post is proof that you’re ignorant as to what ‘socialism’ actually is – it as nothing to do with Democrats.

Or your post is further proof that you’re a liar.

Here's some proof for you, 69 Socialist/Communist Democrats in Congress:

I'll help correct any more false claims you care to make. I'm here to help. :)

Democratic Socialists of Congress: Meet the Members

Sanders 1 of 69 Democrat socialists in Congress - WND - WND

Lol! Reminds me of that classic Weekly News article where they outed congressmen who were space aliens .
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.
Guys, what did Uncle Vlad tell us to post about?

Timmy gonna be really mad when uncle vlad delivers california in 2020.
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.

The blatant coordinated assaults trying to relabel abortion "infanticide", show that their campaign against "abortion" is losing. In the 1970's the anti-abortion movement reduced to small groups of hysterical white women with fertility issues who were hormonal and crazy over the idea that inside those walls women were aborting babies that they would have given anything to give birth to. They changed their name to the "pro-life" movement, event though they believe in capital punishment, and war, they sold America on this bilge they cannot abide "innocent" death.

But the same people who are screaming about "infanticide" in one thread, in another thread are decrying a public health policy which would have public health nurses visiting homes with newborns, to provide help and support to new mothers in the hopes of reducing American's high rate of information mortality. They calling it "government survelliance" and unnecessary, and an "assault on freedom".
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.
Perhaps marching orders from Kellyanne Conway? I remember reading this link a few years back.

New pro-Trump group takes form, with Kellyanne Conway possibly at the helm - Restless Nation
The Democrat platform is the proof.
No, your post is proof that you’re ignorant as to what ‘socialism’ actually is – it as nothing to do with Democrats.

Or your post is further proof that you’re a liar.

Here's some proof for you, 69 Socialist/Communist Democrats in Congress:

I'll help correct any more false claims you care to make. I'm here to help. :)

Democratic Socialists of Congress: Meet the Members

Sanders 1 of 69 Democrat socialists in Congress - WND - WND

I want to ask you a question Marion, because you seem like one of the more reasonable conservatives here, but why are you reading a rag like the "Washington Times" as a source. This POS is owned by the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Tung Moon, and his cult of Moonies.

So many right wing sources have question foreign ownership, like FOX News. Rupert Murdoch should be tried for crimes against humanity, in my books, and his sole reason for starting FOX News was to pushing his radical rigfht wing agenda world wide. Breitbart is another. A right wing site owner by radical right wingers with an anti-immigrant agenda.

These aren't news sources, they're propaganda outlets for foreigners pushing a policies which favour rich billionaires seeking to do business in the USA.
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.

I am quite sure that it was a democrat governor who brought up infanticide. Now others are talking about it, especially the fact that it's "no big deal" to him.

Which is what everyone should be doing. Infanticide is not acceptable.
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.

I am quite sure that it was a democrat governor who brought up infanticide. Now others are talking about it, especially the fact that it's "no big deal" to him.

Which is what everyone should be doing. Infanticide is not acceptable.

The democrat governor was discussing "late term abortion", not "infanticide". It is the lying right, who are making a well-coordinated effort to capitalize on a political gaffe, and relabel abortion as "infanticide" because once again they're losing all of the anti-abortion cases coming down the pikes, even with a conservative SC. That's not supposed to be happening.

The bald fact is that one in four women has an abortion in her lifetime, including a LOT of women who will tell you they oppose abortion. Nearly all of my female acquantainces who I know have had abortions have said exactly the same thing: I would never have another abortion, but if I had it to do over again, I would do the same thing. It was the right thing to do.

One woman dropped out of high school, got married and had two children in three years. When she got pregnant a third time before she was 20, she had an abortion. Her husband drinking, abusive. She could barely cope with the two babies she had. They separated shortly after the abortion. She went back to school, got a decent job, and moved on, raised her daughters to be beautiful strong women, and to make better choices.

She said the abortion literally saved her life. She would have committed suicide before the baby was born. She made one very good attempt, but when her husband couldn't wake her up to tend to the babies, she was rushed her to hospital in time.

Now you can, and most likely will go one about how this woman ended up in these circumstances, and that she has no one to blame but herself, this is what the real world is like. It's messy, and people fuck up, badly. But if you take away the ability of people to behave in their own best interests, or in the best interests of their families, it's going to make things worse, not better.
Ive actually seen these daily/weekly conservative talking point posts on twitter . I think those Q anon weirdos put it out . Usually pas a picture of Q-bert with it.

Anyone righty kooks here get those? You can share ! How do you get on the mailing list?

Obviously “socialism “ is at the top of the list. Even trump himself is using this buzzward.

Of course if you ask them to provide real examples they scurry like the rats they are.
Guys, what did Uncle Vlad tell us to post about?

Timmy gonna be really mad when uncle vlad delivers california in 2020.
Uncle Vlad will certainly try.

And oh yea...the Trump Admin is stifling protections AGAINST that.

More on that to follow
Timmy has our list. Whatever will we do now? It's all over I'm afraid.

Way to go TIMMY!!

No, your post is proof that you’re ignorant as to what ‘socialism’ actually is – it as nothing to do with Democrats.

Socialism is, in a nutshell, is a system where production and distribution are controlled by the community (or the state). Industries and companies that produce are taken out of private hands and controlled by the state. In a Socialist system, the state makes the business decisions based on its objectives, not those of the owners and investors.

What many call Socialism is the re-distribution of private wealth into public hands (where it can be redistributed on ideological principles) and this is something both parties indulge in to a degree. It's not the nationalization of the industries, it's the nationalization of the profits. Leftists call this social justice, the rest of us call it pork-barrel politics.

The difference between politicians on the left and the right isn't how much of the wealth in this country is expropriated to the state (the answer is, as much as possible, up to all of it). The difference is how the lucre that the state takes off the citizens of the country is spent.

The military is socialism.

Do you like that water that comes out of the tap? Socialism built that whole system. If your area has not deregulated and privatized it, it's still socialism.

Do you like that electricity that turns on that light when you flip the switch? Socialism built that whole system and if your area didn't deregulate and privatize, it's still socialism.

NASA. Socialism.

FEMA. Socialism.

The interstate highways, roads, bridges and all infrastructure. Socialism.

The public schools. Socialism. Socialism taught you how to read and write and gave you the skills you needed to prosper in your life.

First responders, fire fighters, police EMT. Socialism.

That wall on our southern border you conservatives want so badly. Socialism.

The internet was built by socialism. It was deregulated and privatized in the 90s.

Socialism is written directly into our constitution. All of what I listed above and more are socialism and required by our constitution. It's not just accepted in America, it's expected.

One of the largest portions of our budget is the military which is 100% pure socialism.

Every single prosperous, first world and developed nation has an economic system that's a hybrid of both socialism and capitalism.

Including the United States of America.

Everyone in the United States of America, including you, is both a capitalist and socialist and have been all your lives.
Kind of like the left with "Russia! Russia! Russia!" or how during the Kavaugh hearings you all started claiming on the exact same day "It's a job interview, so we don't need Due Process" or when you were all talking about "#covfefe" the same week.
Another failed attempt at false equivalency.
Not like the left at all. Every intel agency agrees on Russia's operations. The DOJ is prosecuting Trump associates over their associations with Russians.

In no way similar and in no way simple talking points.
Kind of like the left with "Russia! Russia! Russia!" or how during the Kavaugh hearings you all started claiming on the exact same day "It's a job interview, so we don't need Due Process" or when you were all talking about "#covfefe" the same week.
Another failed attempt at false equivalency.
Not like the left at all. Every intel agency agrees on Russia's operations. The DOJ is prosecuting Trump associates over their associations with Russians.

In no way similar and in no way simple talking points.

No, theyre not. They broke no law before the investigation began. Mueller has a bunch of process crimes. Any prosecutor with an IQ of a gnat can come up with that stuff. Keep that dream alive though, lol.
The Democrat platform is the proof.
No, your post is proof that you’re ignorant as to what ‘socialism’ actually is – it as nothing to do with Democrats.

Or your post is further proof that you’re a liar.

Here's some proof for you, 69 Socialist/Communist Democrats in Congress:

I'll help correct any more false claims you care to make. I'm here to help. :)

Democratic Socialists of Congress: Meet the Members

Sanders 1 of 69 Democrat socialists in Congress - WND - WND

I want to ask you a question Marion, because you seem like one of the more reasonable conservatives here, but why are you reading a rag like the "Washington Times" as a source. This POS is owned by the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Tung Moon, and his cult of Moonies.

So many right wing sources have question foreign ownership, like FOX News. Rupert Murdoch should be tried for crimes against humanity, in my books, and his sole reason for starting FOX News was to pushing his radical rigfht wing agenda world wide. Breitbart is another. A right wing site owner by radical right wingers with an anti-immigrant agenda.

These aren't news sources, they're propaganda outlets for foreigners pushing a policies which favour rich billionaires seeking to do business in the USA.

So what does that make you, eh? What's that all aboot?

No, seriously, I just search engined some stuff real quick.

You do realize the 1st link is Canadafreepress, correct?
Kind of like the left with "Russia! Russia! Russia!" or how during the Kavaugh hearings you all started claiming on the exact same day "It's a job interview, so we don't need Due Process" or when you were all talking about "#covfefe" the same week.
Another failed attempt at false equivalency.
Not like the left at all. Every intel agency agrees on Russia's operations. The DOJ is prosecuting Trump associates over their associations with Russians.

In no way similar and in no way simple talking points.

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