Con propaganda machine : "Antifa is the new Isis !"

Its so crazy now that AARP, and a made up group with no members, are now the big scare, the commies are back, the commies are
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

The face of ANTIFA

the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
so you support antifa. interesting. seems this group is the only one acting out as ISIS does. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck

Huh? It's the nazi skinheads who have the closest link to Isis .

I can't believe that y'all look at what happened in VA , and it's the anti facsists that worry you!??

And yes , I support those who fight against nazis!
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

"Fake ISIS threat"?

As I predicted, the left will fully appease and even defend Islamic terrorists. Will the left be brave enough to nominate a Dem candidate willing to state such things? Or will they continue to nominate candidates that pretend they will be "tough on ISIS" when we know they all feel like the OP?

GOP played up Isis as some big domestic threat . Were they???

Why aren't you still writing threads about Isis ? What happened ??

ISIS have already murdered many people in the US, and continue to murder people in Europe. But hey, I guess people killed in Spain, France, and Belgium don't concern you. Maybe the Muslims in Europe are just more prone to violence than the ones in the US. Of course Europe has ten times the number of Muslims than the US, so they have many more attacks. But that doesn't matter to anti-American c*nts like you, you'd like to see an open borders policy and allow millions more to flood the US.

The GOP doesn't have to "play up" any threat from ISIS, they are quite capable of demonstrating what a threat they are by their continued efforts to carry out attacks in all Western countries. Meanwhile, you regressives continue to "play up" the threat from "white supremacists" in America, as if they kill anywhere near the amount of people that Islamic terrorists kill, or even black thugs do in the US.

Since when do cons give a crap about anyone outside the US ?

And yes white supremacists kill more Americans than Isis .
Got Jihad Timmy?

Yes you do you cute little Commie Bastard.

Why do you hate America?

Nazis & ANTIFA serve the same master.

The wicked Atheistic Fascist Marxist Democrat Party.

Now go fuck yourself with that worthless Hillary For President Bobblehead Doll!

the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
It's not simply a "boogeyman" if they're actually killing people, in reference to ISIS.

As for ANTIFA, if they're burning and destroying private property, as well as assaulting random people, they're terrorists.

Got Jihad Timmy?

Yes you do you cute little Commie Bastard.

Why do you hate America?

Nazis & ANTIFA serve the same master.

The wicked Atheistic Fascist Marxist Democrat Party.

Now go fuck yourself with that worthless Hillary For President Bobblehead Doll!

the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

Hate America ? You're the one backing nazis!
Got Jihad Timmy?

Yes you do you cute little Commie Bastard.

Why do you hate America?

Nazis & ANTIFA serve the same master.

The wicked Atheistic Fascist Marxist Democrat Party.

Now go fuck yourself with that worthless Hillary For President Bobblehead Doll!

the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

Hate America ? You're the one backing nazis!
And you're the one calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi.

Question, though. If he called Nazis part of the party he opposes... how is that backing the Nazis?
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
so you support antifa. interesting. seems this group is the only one acting out as ISIS does. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck

Huh? It's the nazi skinheads who have the closest link to Isis .

I can't believe that y'all look at what happened in VA , and it's the anti facsists that worry you!??

And yes , I support those who fight against nazis!
so you don't support the First amendment.

you support full on violence against those that disagree with you.

fyi; antifa starts the violence, the Nazi fags are just better at it.
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

"Fake ISIS threat"?

As I predicted, the left will fully appease and even defend Islamic terrorists. Will the left be brave enough to nominate a Dem candidate willing to state such things? Or will they continue to nominate candidates that pretend they will be "tough on ISIS" when we know they all feel like the OP?

GOP played up Isis as some big domestic threat . Were they???

Why aren't you still writing threads about Isis ? What happened ??

ISIS have already murdered many people in the US, and continue to murder people in Europe. But hey, I guess people killed in Spain, France, and Belgium don't concern you. Maybe the Muslims in Europe are just more prone to violence than the ones in the US. Of course Europe has ten times the number of Muslims than the US, so they have many more attacks. But that doesn't matter to anti-American c*nts like you, you'd like to see an open borders policy and allow millions more to flood the US.

The GOP doesn't have to "play up" any threat from ISIS, they are quite capable of demonstrating what a threat they are by their continued efforts to carry out attacks in all Western countries. Meanwhile, you regressives continue to "play up" the threat from "white supremacists" in America, as if they kill anywhere near the amount of people that Islamic terrorists kill, or even black thugs do in the US.

Since when do cons give a crap about anyone outside the US ?

And yes white supremacists kill more Americans than Isis .
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

"Fake ISIS threat"?

As I predicted, the left will fully appease and even defend Islamic terrorists. Will the left be brave enough to nominate a Dem candidate willing to state such things? Or will they continue to nominate candidates that pretend they will be "tough on ISIS" when we know they all feel like the OP?

GOP played up Isis as some big domestic threat . Were they???

Why aren't you still writing threads about Isis ? What happened ??

ISIS have already murdered many people in the US, and continue to murder people in Europe. But hey, I guess people killed in Spain, France, and Belgium don't concern you. Maybe the Muslims in Europe are just more prone to violence than the ones in the US. Of course Europe has ten times the number of Muslims than the US, so they have many more attacks. But that doesn't matter to anti-American c*nts like you, you'd like to see an open borders policy and allow millions more to flood the US.

The GOP doesn't have to "play up" any threat from ISIS, they are quite capable of demonstrating what a threat they are by their continued efforts to carry out attacks in all Western countries. Meanwhile, you regressives continue to "play up" the threat from "white supremacists" in America, as if they kill anywhere near the amount of people that Islamic terrorists kill, or even black thugs do in the US.

Since when do cons give a crap about anyone outside the US ?

And yes white supremacists kill more Americans than Isis .

Bullshit. Show us how many people white supremacists have murdered in the last 20 years.
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

Been a long time since ISIS nuked a whole city.

For Antifa it's just the yearly gathering.

And these Democrat peasants believe they are somehow "anarchists", yet they play right into the commands of their plantation masters.
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

For them it probably is, someone they can use with simple name recognition in order to strip everyone of their rights.
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
so you support antifa. interesting. seems this group is the only one acting out as ISIS does. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck

Huh? It's the nazi skinheads who have the closest link to Isis .

I can't believe that y'all look at what happened in VA , and it's the anti facsists that worry you!??

And yes , I support those who fight against nazis!
hmm, don't see them covering their faces, knocking down statues or starting violence. you should re-prioritize your fight.

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