Isis is coming ! Run for your lives!

Oh man does Trump love him some Isis! They are the perfect boogeyman to distract all the rubes. Might as well jingle some keys in their face .

Isis is mooslims, they are a terror group, they can be anywhere, they will chop off you head! Perfect foil to keep people afraid .

Trump is really talking up the jv team in order to fear monger along wh his immigration scapegoating .

Do you really wake up in the morning and worry about Isis attacks ? Is that a big concern for real life America?
It just goes to show that the softest, weakest, most cowardly members of our society are conservatives. They talk tough but then they give up their freedoms for fake safety because they are consumed with fear. This is why they like guns. It's the only way they think they can protect themselves. Too bad they don't know how to shoot straight.
We will be attacked again, don't be stupid. A Liberal will always drag something out to it's illogical extreme.

Gee , maybe we should spend a bazillion dollars on some sort of "homeland security " to watch out for this . Oh wait. We do!

Logic says that thousands of Americans are killed by illegal guns every year . That should be more of a focus than Isis .
Leftists are always attacking constitutional rights. Why?

In the words of Judge Scalia (and in reference to gun rights): "the right to bear arms is not unlimited".

Conservatives want the right to bear arms to be an unlimited right. Liberal want the right to bear arms to be somewhat limited by common sense laws.
of course not. No one wants people going through the streets with tanks or nuclear missiles in the neighborhood park.
"common sense" LOL
Gee. ISIS isn't an issue to any of you left wingers but you fear Milo speaking at colleges?


Fear the gay conservative OMG he's coming to a college near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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