Con propaganda machine : "Antifa is the new Isis !"

"the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!"


As well as hate.

And the ridiculous notion that ‘Antifa is the new Isis’ is further confirmation of the fact that most on the right are liars and demagogues with nothing but contempt for the truth.

Antifa got on the radar after Charlottesville . So righties weren't upset wh neonzazi Klan types having torch marches down Main Street USA . They were upset with the counterprotesters scrapping with nazis !

Shows you where they are coming from.

No. Now we have two racist groups fighting each other. Both are worthless. You fail to even understand that.

Fighting nazis make you racist !? How so ?

Yeah, they're racist and they wouldnt know a nazi if it hit them in the ass. I know they're special to you.
"the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!"


As well as hate.

And the ridiculous notion that ‘Antifa is the new Isis’ is further confirmation of the fact that most on the right are liars and demagogues with nothing but contempt for the truth.

Antifa got on the radar after Charlottesville . So righties weren't upset wh neonzazi Klan types having torch marches down Main Street USA . They were upset with the counterprotesters scrapping with nazis !

Shows you where they are coming from.

No. Now we have two racist groups fighting each other. Both are worthless. You fail to even understand that.

Fighting nazis make you racist !? How so ?

Yeah, they're racist and they wouldnt know a nazi if it hit them in the ass. I know they're special to you.

Well those guys in VA were waving nazi flags. That's a clue .

Anything else you What to make up about antifa ?
"the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!"


As well as hate.

And the ridiculous notion that ‘Antifa is the new Isis’ is further confirmation of the fact that most on the right are liars and demagogues with nothing but contempt for the truth.

ISIS likes blowing up statues to.

Man arrested for attempting to blow up Houston Confederate statue has Sherman ties

Sherman was the hero. All those satues should be taken down. Traitors !
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!

Antifa is the natural reaction to Trump.

He created them by spewing his vile hate and winning...
The alt right cluck fakes have had their fifteen minutes, time to flush these turds.

Ohhh, the poor nazis cant terroriz the public without being challenged ! I really feel bad for them .
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
the antifada is scary. many sides are to blame. they are all left sides. MAGA! BURP
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
What do you call a group of violent extremists attempting to overthrow the current government and replace it with their own totalitarian government, using any means possible?
the GOP has a central theme to all it's talking points :FEAR!

For a while Isis was filling that role nicely.
Scary mooslims chopping off heads ? PERFECT! They had all the rubes running scared, looking under their beds for Isis .

But all good things come to an end. People got bored of the fake Isis threat .

What to do? Get a new boogeyman!! Enter ANTIFA ! Ohhh scary. The name even sounds Hispanic! And since it's not really an organized thing, the cons will blame Antifa for everything. Oh, did you know they are commies too! Hell why not?

Just look at the board . Already a smattering of scary "antifa" threads all over .

Fear sells baby!
What do you call a group of violent extremists attempting to overthrow the current government and replace it with their own totalitarian government, using any means possible?


Which are the statues antifa is taking out ! I'll let the unintended irony of your post sink in a little.
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Antifa is not ISIS they are something much worse, Communist a sociopolitical ideology that is responsible for more death and destruction than any other in the past 100 years. Over 100 million dead and counting. If you support Antifa you are supporting Communism.
Antifa is not ISIS they are something much worse, Communist a sociopolitical ideology that is responsible for more death and destruction than any other in the past 100 years. Over 100 million dead and counting. If you support Antifa you are supporting Communism.

Worse than Isis ! Lol. Man , you righties keep proving my OP is right on!
Antifa is not ISIS they are something much worse, Communist a sociopolitical ideology that is responsible for more death and destruction than any other in the past 100 years. Over 100 million dead and counting. If you support Antifa you are supporting Communism.

Worse than Isis ! Lol. Man , you righties keep proving my OP is right on!
So you don't believe Communism is worse than ISIS ? Stalin alone is responsible for 10s millions more deaths than ISIS . Of course someone like yourself will always defend groups like Antifa and Communism.

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