Conan promotes ‘ConservoTax’ software to help Republicans dodge the IRS


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
n a spoof commercial aired Wednesday night on “Conan,” the late night talk show host poked fun at conservatives who somehow believe the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is out to get them, promoting a fake piece of software he called “ConservoTax” that… let’s just say it fixes the problem.

“Filing your taxes can be a little scary, especially if you’re a God-fearing, gun-owning, freedom-loving Republican like myself,” a man in full tea party regalia narrates. “The fact is, Obama’s IRS is after us. Luckily, there’s ConservoTax, the only tax software made for conservative taxpayers.”

Using “patented RightScan technology,” he explains the software scans itemized deductions to pinpoint “an patriotic or religious items” as write-offs, then provides the appropriate tweak to ensure it fits with “the IRS’s liberal-friendly rhetoric.”

“So the next time you feel the socialist eyes of the IRS boring into the back of your skull, relax,” he concludes. “You’ve got ConservoTax.”

While this is funny and all, it’s also quite close to reality. The book currently occupying the #40 top spot on Amazon/com’s sales list is called “The ObamaCare Survival Guide,” which sells itself by headlining positive reviews from Donald Trump and Dick Morris, and advises prospective buyers that it is “easy to read.” A description on the book’s website,, warns that up to 40 percent of American doctors are preparing to quit their profession en masse. “And when it comes to deciphering how your health and your bank account will be impacted by ObamaCare, it’s like the blind leading the blind out there,” the publisher adds.

When the book finally hit TV screens in very scary-sounding commercials, progressive talk show host David Pakman reacted with astonishment, wondering if it might be a cynical joke. “This is the epitome of fearmongering and making money off of fear and off stupidity,” he said.

Conan promotes ?ConservoTax? software to help Republicans dodge the IRS | The Raw Story


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