Concept of White Privilege is Racist

Well, us white people haven't been alive for the past 241 years. You seem to dismiss the idea that perhaps white people work for what they have instead of having it handed to them because of their race.

1776 - 2017 is 241 years. You are alive now which is part of the 241 years. White racism continues now and is part of those 241 years. I have dismissed nothing. You dismiss the reality that whites still today are afforded things because of their race.

I've repeatedly shown you data that proves otherwise.

The discrimination today is in FAVOR of blacks, at the expense of whites. And has been for some time.

No you haven't. All you have done is show one study from 1991 that I tore apart. When asked to show a national policy of discrimination against whites you have failed every time to do so.

Because you can't.

The study revealed the effects of policy and laws and culture as I repeatedly explained to you, to your completely closed mind.

Your setting of the bar to be an overt policy of discrimination is laughable and was dismissed as the weak dodge it was.

I understand that you CANNOT admit to any of this, as you are in a field where doing so would ruin your career, not to mention how your friends would turn on you.

Not it did not. Furthermore it was a study that was done akmost years ago. There is overt policy of discrimination against whites. In that study even the majority of all admitted in 1989 were white. You cannot be the majority of anything and claim racial discrimination. You don't seem to get that.

YOu can certainly be the majority despite discrimination.

That you cannot understand that simple fact is astounding.

Well given the fact I am black and know that if there are 10 employees on a job and 9 are black, that a black person cannot claim racial discrimination. If 7 out of 10 students in a college are black, blacks cannot claim racial discrimination. So if whites can claim racial discrimination when an overwhelming number of whites are employed on a job or admitted into college then you have shown an example of white privilege.
You know that you have been unable to refute the points I have made and that you are a racist who supports racist policies and that your defense of your positions consists mostly of playing dumb and various logical fallacies.

Any denials of that, is just lies, rather to me or to yourself.

I've refuted every point you have made.

IN your dreams.

Mostly you have said the stupidest things, and then pretended to be too stupid to understand when your stupidity was explained to you.

Why don't you do us all a favor ad produce this data you claim that shows a national policy of discrimination against whites in housing, education, jobs, income, health care and criminal justice?

I already did. You pretended to be too stupid to understand it.

A Princeton study about college admissions by race is not any evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination by whites in all the areas I asked you to show. Hell. that study didn't even show discrimination against whites in admission to ivy league schools. You can't prove any such thing and you know it. That's why you linger in here where you can get the similarly stupid to cosign your lies.

It showed hard numbers about the level of discrimination caused by the various policies and programs of discrimination.

Black skin is worth, what was it? 300 sat points I believe.

That is race based discrimination, and the fact that it is cloaked in "diversity" and/or "anti-discrimination" rhetoric does not change that.

YOur lies are not believed by anyone. NOt even yourself.

YOu support racist discrimination and policy.
I've repeatedly shown you data that proves otherwise.

The discrimination today is in FAVOR of blacks, at the expense of whites. And has been for some time.

No you haven't. All you have done is show one study from 1991 that I tore apart. When asked to show a national policy of discrimination against whites you have failed every time to do so.

Because you can't.

The study revealed the effects of policy and laws and culture as I repeatedly explained to you, to your completely closed mind.

Your setting of the bar to be an overt policy of discrimination is laughable and was dismissed as the weak dodge it was.

I understand that you CANNOT admit to any of this, as you are in a field where doing so would ruin your career, not to mention how your friends would turn on you.

Not it did not. Furthermore it was a study that was done akmost years ago. There is overt policy of discrimination against whites. In that study even the majority of all admitted in 1989 were white. You cannot be the majority of anything and claim racial discrimination. You don't seem to get that.

YOu can certainly be the majority despite discrimination.

That you cannot understand that simple fact is astounding.

Well given the fact I am black and know that if there are 10 employees on a job and 9 are black, that a black person cannot claim racial discrimination. If 7 out of 10 students in a college are black, blacks cannot claim racial discrimination. So if whites can claim racial discrimination when an overwhelming number of whites are employed on a job or admitted into college then you have shown an example of white privilege.

Sure they can, if they can show that the one non black person was given the job, not because of his qualifications, but because of his non black skin.
I've refuted every point you have made.

IN your dreams.

Mostly you have said the stupidest things, and then pretended to be too stupid to understand when your stupidity was explained to you.

Why don't you do us all a favor ad produce this data you claim that shows a national policy of discrimination against whites in housing, education, jobs, income, health care and criminal justice?

I already did. You pretended to be too stupid to understand it.

A Princeton study about college admissions by race is not any evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination by whites in all the areas I asked you to show. Hell. that study didn't even show discrimination against whites in admission to ivy league schools. You can't prove any such thing and you know it. That's why you linger in here where you can get the similarly stupid to cosign your lies.

It showed hard numbers about the level of discrimination caused by the various policies and programs of discrimination.

Black skin is worth, what was it? 300 sat points I believe.

That is race based discrimination, and the fact that it is cloaked in "diversity" and/or "anti-discrimination" rhetoric does not change that.

YOur lies are not believed by anyone. NOt even yourself.

YOu support racist discrimination and policy.

It showed nothing of the sort. .
IN your dreams.

Mostly you have said the stupidest things, and then pretended to be too stupid to understand when your stupidity was explained to you.

Why don't you do us all a favor ad produce this data you claim that shows a national policy of discrimination against whites in housing, education, jobs, income, health care and criminal justice?

I already did. You pretended to be too stupid to understand it.

A Princeton study about college admissions by race is not any evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination by whites in all the areas I asked you to show. Hell. that study didn't even show discrimination against whites in admission to ivy league schools. You can't prove any such thing and you know it. That's why you linger in here where you can get the similarly stupid to cosign your lies.

It showed hard numbers about the level of discrimination caused by the various policies and programs of discrimination.

Black skin is worth, what was it? 300 sat points I believe.

That is race based discrimination, and the fact that it is cloaked in "diversity" and/or "anti-discrimination" rhetoric does not change that.

YOur lies are not believed by anyone. NOt even yourself.

YOu support racist discrimination and policy.

It showed nothing of the sort. .

Sure it did, and you know it.
No you haven't. All you have done is show one study from 1991 that I tore apart. When asked to show a national policy of discrimination against whites you have failed every time to do so.

Because you can't.

The study revealed the effects of policy and laws and culture as I repeatedly explained to you, to your completely closed mind.

Your setting of the bar to be an overt policy of discrimination is laughable and was dismissed as the weak dodge it was.

I understand that you CANNOT admit to any of this, as you are in a field where doing so would ruin your career, not to mention how your friends would turn on you.

Not it did not. Furthermore it was a study that was done akmost years ago. There is overt policy of discrimination against whites. In that study even the majority of all admitted in 1989 were white. You cannot be the majority of anything and claim racial discrimination. You don't seem to get that.

YOu can certainly be the majority despite discrimination.

That you cannot understand that simple fact is astounding.

Well given the fact I am black and know that if there are 10 employees on a job and 9 are black, that a black person cannot claim racial discrimination. If 7 out of 10 students in a college are black, blacks cannot claim racial discrimination. So if whites can claim racial discrimination when an overwhelming number of whites are employed on a job or admitted into college then you have shown an example of white privilege.

Sure they can, if they can show that the one non black person was given the job, not because of his qualifications, but because of his non black skin.

Actually they can't. Because blacks can't just get jobs only because they are black. You apparently have no clue about title VII or any real law pertaining to equal opportunity. You just run your mouth off because you get to and you do so by repeating the same stupid shit trying to get under a black persons skin knowing your coward ass will never produce any evidence and that you will just keep repeating the same dumb ass line every day. Now I've heard enough of your opinion boy, Produce evidence of a mother fucking national policy of racial discrimination against whites in housing, jobs, education , income, health care and criminal justice. I want solid policy not any more of your dumb ass crybaby punk opinions boy.

Because for all of this nations time whites have gotten things only because of t he color of their skin. The sooner you quit lying to yourself about this, the better off you will be.
Why don't you do us all a favor ad produce this data you claim that shows a national policy of discrimination against whites in housing, education, jobs, income, health care and criminal justice?

I already did. You pretended to be too stupid to understand it.

A Princeton study about college admissions by race is not any evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination by whites in all the areas I asked you to show. Hell. that study didn't even show discrimination against whites in admission to ivy league schools. You can't prove any such thing and you know it. That's why you linger in here where you can get the similarly stupid to cosign your lies.

It showed hard numbers about the level of discrimination caused by the various policies and programs of discrimination.

Black skin is worth, what was it? 300 sat points I believe.

That is race based discrimination, and the fact that it is cloaked in "diversity" and/or "anti-discrimination" rhetoric does not change that.

YOur lies are not believed by anyone. NOt even yourself.

YOu support racist discrimination and policy.

It showed nothing of the sort. .

Sure it did, and you know it.

Produce the evidence you have been asked to produce. That 1989 study did not produce shit. In fact somce the study was actually done in 1989:

Study: anti-black hiring discrimination is as prevalent today as it was in 1989

Americans are as racist as they were back in the late 1980s — at least in one crucial area: jobs.

A new study, by researchers at Northwestern University, Harvard, and the Institute for Social Research in Norway, looked at every available field experiment on hiring discrimination from 1989 through 2015. The researchers found that anti-black racism in hiring is unchanged since at least 1989, while anti-Latino racism may have decreased modestly.

They looked at two kinds of experiments: résumé and in-person audits. In the first, researchers send out résumés with similar levels of education, experience, and so on, but the names differ so some résumés have a stereotypically black or Latino name and the others have a stereotypically white name. In the second, applicants go in-person to apply for a job; they each share similar qualifications, but some are white while others are black or brown.

In total, the researchers produced 24 studies with 30 estimates of discrimination for black and Latino Americans, collectively representing more than 54,000 applications submitted for more than 25,000 positions.

They concluded that, on average, “white applicants receive 36% more callbacks than equally qualified African Americans” while “[w]hite applicants receive on average 24% more callbacks than Latinos.”

Study: anti-black hiring discrimination is as prevalent today as it was in 1989

It's time you learned a hard lesson. And the more you argue the worse it's going to get for you.
Democrats do not understand why they can’t win.
The Fallacy of ‘White Privilege’
Fallacy of OP thread opinion

There is no fallacy in that opinion. Just because YOU don't want to believe it doesn't male this a fallacy.
There is no evidence to sustain the opinion thus it is a fallacy.

Well actually there is plenty of evidence as Peggy McIntosh pointed out.
Democrats do not understand why they can’t win.
The Fallacy of ‘White Privilege’
Fallacy of OP thread opinion

There is no fallacy in that opinion. Just because YOU don't want to believe it doesn't male this a fallacy.
There is no evidence to sustain the opinion thus it is a fallacy.

Well actually there is plenty of evidence as Peggy McIntosh pointed out.
Opinion is not evidence.
The study revealed the effects of policy and laws and culture as I repeatedly explained to you, to your completely closed mind.

Your setting of the bar to be an overt policy of discrimination is laughable and was dismissed as the weak dodge it was.

I understand that you CANNOT admit to any of this, as you are in a field where doing so would ruin your career, not to mention how your friends would turn on you.

Not it did not. Furthermore it was a study that was done akmost years ago. There is overt policy of discrimination against whites. In that study even the majority of all admitted in 1989 were white. You cannot be the majority of anything and claim racial discrimination. You don't seem to get that.

YOu can certainly be the majority despite discrimination.

That you cannot understand that simple fact is astounding.

Well given the fact I am black and know that if there are 10 employees on a job and 9 are black, that a black person cannot claim racial discrimination. If 7 out of 10 students in a college are black, blacks cannot claim racial discrimination. So if whites can claim racial discrimination when an overwhelming number of whites are employed on a job or admitted into college then you have shown an example of white privilege.

Sure they can, if they can show that the one non black person was given the job, not because of his qualifications, but because of his non black skin.

Actually they can't. Because blacks can't just get jobs only because they are black. ....

Sure they do, I've seen it personally.

Some company or department starts wanting to be more diverse for whatever reason, including fear of being sued, and suddenly actual qualifications take a back seat to skin color.
I already did. You pretended to be too stupid to understand it.

A Princeton study about college admissions by race is not any evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination by whites in all the areas I asked you to show. Hell. that study didn't even show discrimination against whites in admission to ivy league schools. You can't prove any such thing and you know it. That's why you linger in here where you can get the similarly stupid to cosign your lies.

It showed hard numbers about the level of discrimination caused by the various policies and programs of discrimination.

Black skin is worth, what was it? 300 sat points I believe.

That is race based discrimination, and the fact that it is cloaked in "diversity" and/or "anti-discrimination" rhetoric does not change that.

YOur lies are not believed by anyone. NOt even yourself.

YOu support racist discrimination and policy.

It showed nothing of the sort. .

Sure it did, and you know it.

Produce the evidence you have been asked to produce. That 1989 study did not produce shit. In fact somce the study was actually done in 1989:

Study: anti-black hiring discrimination is as prevalent today as it was in 1989

Americans are as racist as they were back in the late 1980s — at least in one crucial area: jobs.

A new study, by researchers at Northwestern University, Harvard, and the Institute for Social Research in Norway, looked at every available field experiment on hiring discrimination from 1989 through 2015. The researchers found that anti-black racism in hiring is unchanged since at least 1989, while anti-Latino racism may have decreased modestly.

They looked at two kinds of experiments: résumé and in-person audits. In the first, researchers send out résumés with similar levels of education, experience, and so on, but the names differ so some résumés have a stereotypically black or Latino name and the others have a stereotypically white name. In the second, applicants go in-person to apply for a job; they each share similar qualifications, but some are white while others are black or brown.

In total, the researchers produced 24 studies with 30 estimates of discrimination for black and Latino Americans, collectively representing more than 54,000 applications submitted for more than 25,000 positions.

They concluded that, on average, “white applicants receive 36% more callbacks than equally qualified African Americans” while “[w]hite applicants receive on average 24% more callbacks than Latinos.”

Study: anti-black hiring discrimination is as prevalent today as it was in 1989

It's time you learned a hard lesson. And the more you argue the worse it's going to get for you.

Sorry, considering your dishonesty with the studies I've posted in the past, you don't have the credibility for me to look at your studies.

Besides, I know that anything I say that is not a mea culpa will just be dismissed by you.
Democrats do not understand why they can’t win.
The Fallacy of ‘White Privilege’
Fallacy of OP thread opinion

There is no fallacy in that opinion. Just because YOU don't want to believe it doesn't male this a fallacy.
There is no evidence to sustain the opinion thus it is a fallacy.

Well actually there is plenty of evidence as Peggy McIntosh pointed out.
All of it has been debunked.
.White privilege is real. Real enough to be made up by whites, What you don't believe doesn't erase it's existence.
People believe in many different things. As I said, it only is real for those who choose to believe it. I try use language that brings people together, not drive them apart, which is why I completely reject it.
.White privilege is real. Real enough to be made up by whites, What you don't believe doesn't erase it's existence.
People believe in many different things. As I said, it only is real for those who choose to believe it. I try use language that brings people together, not drive them apart, which is why I completely reject it.

Well the language you thinks brings people together drives them apart because of your refusal to respect the experiences of others.
.White privilege is real. Real enough to be made up by whites, What you don't believe doesn't erase it's existence.
People believe in many different things. As I said, it only is real for those who choose to believe it. I try use language that brings people together, not drive them apart, which is why I completely reject it.

Well the language you thinks brings people together drives them apart because of your refusal to respect the experiences of others.

Says the black person that thinks she knows what white people think.
Democrats do not understand why they can’t win.
The Fallacy of ‘White Privilege’
Fallacy of OP thread opinion

There is no fallacy in that opinion. Just because YOU don't want to believe it doesn't male this a fallacy.
There is no evidence to sustain the opinion thus it is a fallacy.

Well actually there is plenty of evidence as Peggy McIntosh pointed out.
All of it has been debunked.

None of it has been debunked. White privilege exists you just refuse to accept it because you live in a lie whereby you tell yourself that whites are losing out.
.White privilege is real. Real enough to be made up by whites, What you don't believe doesn't erase it's existence.
People believe in many different things. As I said, it only is real for those who choose to believe it. I try use language that brings people together, not drive them apart, which is why I completely reject it.

Well the language you thinks brings people together drives them apart because of your refusal to respect the experiences of others.

Says the black person that thinks she knows what white people think.

I'm a man Correll, And I know that whites have benefitted from 241 years of American history t hat includes racism and racial preferences for whites.

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