Concerned about election fraud riots, President sends orders to generals


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2020
President Grant:

Instruct General Augur, in Louisiana, and General Ruger, in Florida, to be vigilant with the force at their command to preserve peace and good order, and to see that the proper and
legal Board of Canvassers are unmolested in the performance of their duties. Should there be any grounds of suspicion of fraudulent counting on either side, it should be reported and denounced at once. No man worthy of the office of President would be willing to hold the office if counted in, placed there by fraud; either party can afford to be disappointed in the result, but the country cannot afford to have the result tainted by the suspicion of illegal or false returns.

We've been through this before.

Interesting and appropriate review.

Should be in History though.

The articles point about " This compromise enabled southern Democrats to establish one-party rule in the South" is a bit overblown, as Virginia had been and continued to be dominated by the Conservative Party and the Readjuster Party, the latter of which were not at all reticent about re-subjugating black citizens, quite the opposite.

Perhaps the most salient point here is just after that sentence where it points out that Hayes was declared the winner on March 2 and sworn in on March 5th. THREE DAYS.
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Interesting and appropriate review.

Should be in History though.

Good point. I thought about that but on second thought, I found it an interesting backdrop to our current situation.

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