Concession (of a kind) and Goodbye.

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I didn't make a bet but I'm leaning towards following Liability out the door. Not because Romney lost but because USMB is not what it once was.

I ain't buyin' it. He'll be back with some new name and will work really hard to not let his former identity become known. Liability was a puss who wouldn't make a man's wager on the election, but would only make a girlieman wager that he knew he could easily circumvent. That still makes him a puss in my book.
I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge :lol: ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.

Based on everything I have seen tonight, the election actually is now over. Even if Mitt takes Ohio (which is still kind of up in the air, the "call" notwithstanding) and even if he somehow prevails in FL and VA, he seems to have lost CO. (I blame mal.) The trouble is, he had to end up running that table. And without CO, he didn't. End of story.

The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.

That time, evidently has come. (Of course, if a miracle happens, and Mitt ends up winning on a recount or three or five, I'll come back upon the same terms!) No. I am not counting on that.

Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone. (I discovered a new place which I like anyway, so I will not be suffering in some arid desert.)

To my lib pals and even those who I never much liked, I will concede the following. Not only was I wrong in my political guess, I was WAY the fuck off. There. You can gloat. I was wrong.

In your favor, I will also say JUST this much more. Your political philosophy is misguided as all hell. But most of you think the way you think for good enough reasons. I admire that. Beats the snot outta the attitude of most Americans who just don't even give thought to the issues of our time.

To my more or less Conservative pals, I urge you to keep up the good fight. It is plainly an uphill battle. But the course you have chosen is the right one. THIS particular electoral loss is a very deep and cutting one. But what can we do? Giving up is not an option. So, keep up your efforts to educate the libs and the majority of indifferent fellow citizens. Someday, conservative political philosophy may yet flower. Time permitting.

That leaves only one thing left to say.


Goodbye, Good Luck, and thanks for all the fish.
This is really unfair Liability! It is not your fault Romney lost. They just didn't listen to you.

The damn GOP has WAY too many RINOS who have tainted your message. They need to see the light. They need to water that conservative flower, not stomp on it!

You need to stand up and tell them all that's needed is to become more conservative, not less.

With the right message you can get those damn moochers to look in the mirror and see that they ARE moochers. I already called grandma and told her to get off her 80 year old ass, get a job and stop mooching off government.

You need to push for more laws like Arizona S.B. 1070. Stop and search EVERY taco eater, not just some of them. Then they will get the message...this is OUR white ass country!

And those limp wristers need to be straightened out...literally!

You can't give up now Liability, I am really counting on you to get out your message. Liberals are counting on you, much more than conservatives...
I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge :lol: ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.

Based on everything I have seen tonight, the election actually is now over. Even if Mitt takes Ohio (which is still kind of up in the air, the "call" notwithstanding) and even if he somehow prevails in FL and VA, he seems to have lost CO. (I blame mal.) The trouble is, he had to end up running that table. And without CO, he didn't. End of story.

The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.

That time, evidently has come. (Of course, if a miracle happens, and Mitt ends up winning on a recount or three or five, I'll come back upon the same terms!) No. I am not counting on that.

Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone. (I discovered a new place which I like anyway, so I will not be suffering in some arid desert.)

To my lib pals and even those who I never much liked, I will concede the following. Not only was I wrong in my political guess, I was WAY the fuck off. There. You can gloat. I was wrong.

In your favor, I will also say JUST this much more. Your political philosophy is misguided as all hell. But most of you think the way you think for good enough reasons. I admire that. Beats the snot outta the attitude of most Americans who just don't even give thought to the issues of our time.

To my more or less Conservative pals, I urge you to keep up the good fight. It is plainly an uphill battle. But the course you have chosen is the right one. THIS particular electoral loss is a very deep and cutting one. But what can we do? Giving up is not an option. So, keep up your efforts to educate the libs and the majority of indifferent fellow citizens. Someday, conservative political philosophy may yet flower. Time permitting.

That leaves only one thing left to say.


It's been fun. I will be gone as well soon. Not much point now in talking politics. This country is pretty much done and Iit's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
no one goaded libability into this bet....he just came out with the declaration.....

honor your bet dude.....slink outta here with your shoulders slumped and your head held low....

o wait wait you wont be able to read this...damn
I'll miss your well-crafted broadsides and the subsequent hilarity that often ensues. You have a gift for invective, Liability, and I guaruntee that your absence will result in a quieter USMB. And I'll even go so far as to predict that you'll see an increasing number of familiar faces arrive at your next online destination... should you leave a trail.
I ain't buyin' it. He'll be back with some new name and will work really hard to not let his former identity become known. Liability was a puss who wouldn't make a man's wager on the election, but would only make a girlieman wager that he knew he could easily circumvent. That still makes him a puss in my book.
Your book is full of shit.
It's been fun. I will be gone as well soon. Not much point now in talking politics. This country is pretty much done and Iit's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

Damn, they're bailing like mad!

Toodles, righties. Liability, it was fun.

Looks like us lefties will have the run of the place then.
I ain't buyin' it. He'll be back with some new name and will work really hard to not let his former identity become known. Liability was a puss who wouldn't make a man's wager on the election, but would only make a girlieman wager that he knew he could easily circumvent. That still makes him a puss in my book.
Your book is full of shit.

hahahahahahahahahahhaaha... oddly MY book, it says that Barack Obama, the DEMOCRAT, will be the president for the next four years... what does it say in YOUR book, loser?
I'll miss your well-crafted broadsides and the subsequent hilarity that often ensues. You have a gift for invective, Liability, and I guaruntee that your absence will result in a quieter USMB. And I'll even go so far as to predict that you'll see an increasing number of familiar faces arrive at your next online destination... should you leave a trail.

Sandi leaves a trail a slug on a beach.
Best of luck Liability

I rarely agreed with you but I enjoyed our back and forth. You are a class act and we will miss you here
I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge :lol: ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.

Based on everything I have seen tonight, the election actually is now over. Even if Mitt takes Ohio (which is still kind of up in the air, the "call" notwithstanding) and even if he somehow prevails in FL and VA, he seems to have lost CO. (I blame mal.) The trouble is, he had to end up running that table. And without CO, he didn't. End of story.

The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.

That time, evidently has come. (Of course, if a miracle happens, and Mitt ends up winning on a recount or three or five, I'll come back upon the same terms!) No. I am not counting on that.

Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone. (I discovered a new place which I like anyway, so I will not be suffering in some arid desert.)

To my lib pals and even those who I never much liked, I will concede the following. Not only was I wrong in my political guess, I was WAY the fuck off. There. You can gloat. I was wrong.

In your favor, I will also say JUST this much more. Your political philosophy is misguided as all hell. But most of you think the way you think for good enough reasons. I admire that. Beats the snot outta the attitude of most Americans who just don't even give thought to the issues of our time.

To my more or less Conservative pals, I urge you to keep up the good fight. It is plainly an uphill battle. But the course you have chosen is the right one. THIS particular electoral loss is a very deep and cutting one. But what can we do? Giving up is not an option. So, keep up your efforts to educate the libs and the majority of indifferent fellow citizens. Someday, conservative political philosophy may yet flower. Time permitting.

That leaves only one thing left to say.

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