Condemning communism

Uh... because they like it?
You are the first lefty to admit that you like communism. You are correct, it IS because lefties DO like it. Mac1958 won't just admit it though, he has has to do the slippery evasion thing.
What electives did you take?
Seems you are a little light on humanities, anthropology, and civics.

Not just humans, but all primates are very social and communist inherently.
The fact that I reject your idiocies doesn't mean I'm ignorant, moron. It proves the opposite.
This thread looks to me like another attempt by someone on the right to demonize the left's positions by calling them Communism. Communism can't exist within a democracy; it would require turning us into a dictatorship, and no one of any consequence is out there trying to do that. Not from the left, anyway.

Socialism, on the other hand, we have plenty of, and lots of people support that full-throatedly ... but they're not the same thing. Which I'm sure all of you know, right?
Looks like you are here support and defend socialism and communism. Thanks for validating my opening post.
Communism is not democracy, moron.
as implemented, yes correct.
Marxist theory end goal is to have democracy by freeing workers from being bound by the labor market, where Marx required a temporary dictatorship to achieve that goal. But communism as implemented never left that temporary stage.

But thats besides the point.
the point is that the communist label is being used to erode what little democracy we have left.
I condemn communism.
So, why are you spouting off on others not condemning communism, then supporting and defending, those who support communism?

No one can possibly condemn communism because it is what allows primates, (who do not have claws, fangs, speed, or armor), to survive in the wild.
Humans are the product of tens of millions of years of evolution for cooperative, communal, and collective survival.
The only people who are not inherently communistic are either genetic defects or been brainwashed.
Communism is natural since it corresponds to what our DNA makes us inclined to, so does not require force.
Communism is "natural" for small tribes of primitive savages. Civilization requires the institution of private property.
You are the first lefty to admit that you like communism. You are correct, it IS because lefties DO like it. Mac1958 won't just admit it though, he has has to do the slippery evasion thing.
And here we go again.

I'm a far better capitalist than you could dream of being. It is at the core of my profession. 21+ years.

You're just another ignorant Trumpster. You guys even run when I ask you to define communism.

Aristotle was a right winger, moron.

I would say Aristotle though not all people were equal, but I think he was still a very left winger, believing in the good of all instead of just the wealthy elite.

The formal cause of the city-state is its constitution (politeia). Aristotle defines the constitution as “a certain ordering of the inhabitants of the city-state” (III.1.1274b32-41). He also speaks of the constitution of a community as “the form of the compound” and argues that whether the community is the same over time depends on whether it has the same constitution (III.3.1276b1–11). The constitution is not a written document, but an immanent organizing principle, analogous to the soul of an organism. Hence, the constitution is also “the way of life” of the citizens (IV.11.1295a40-b1, VII.8.1328b1-2). Here the citizens are that minority of the resident population who possess full political rights (III.1.1275b17–20).

The existence of the city-state also requires an efficient cause, namely, its ruler. On Aristotle's view, a community of any sort can possess order only if it has a ruling element or authority. This ruling principle is defined by the constitution, which sets criteria for political offices, particularly the sovereign office (III.6.1278b8–10; cf. IV.1.1289a15–18). However, on a deeper level, there must be an efficient cause to explain why a city-state acquires its constitution in the first place. Aristotle states that “the person who first established [the city-state] is the cause of very great benefits” (I.2.1253a30–1). This person was evidently the lawgiver (nomothetês), someone like Solon of Athens or Lycurgus of Sparta, who founded the constitution. Aristotle compares the lawgiver, or the politician more generally, to a craftsman (dêmiourgos) like a weaver or shipbuilder, who fashions material into a finished product (II.12.1273b32–3, VII.4.1325b40–1365a5).

The notion of final cause dominates Aristotle's Politics from the opening lines:

Since we see that every city-state is a sort of community and that every community is established for the sake of some good (for everyone does everything for the sake of what they believe to be good), it is clear that every community aims at some good, and the community which has the most authority of all and includes all the others aims highest, that is, at the good with the most authority. This is what is called the city-state or political community. [I.1.1252a1–7]
as implemented, yes correct.
Marxist theory end goal is to have democracy by freeing workers from being bound by the labor market, where Marx required a temporary dictatorship to achieve that goal. But communism as implemented never left that temporary stage.

But thats besides the point.
the point is that the communist label is being used to erode what little democracy we have left.

I don't think anyone has ever been allowed to implement communism on any scale.
Certainly all the communists in Russia were executed even before Stalin took over as an ultra state capitalist.
And here we go again.

I'm a far better capitalist than you could dream of being. It is at the core of my profession. 21+ years.

You're just another ignorant Trumpster. You guys even run when I ask you to define communism.

being a cog in the capitalist system doesn't make you a capitalist, moron.
You and I know that lefties and commies are one in the same, and that this is why we won't be seeing any lefties here condemning communism. Lefties will be stuck shielding communism by sidestepping condemning it, thus becoming an active part of it. Shielding communism IS communism. Any support of communism is communism.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
His cult praises communism.

AND that would be the RIGHT WING NUT JOBS, Gaslighting, just like commies do.

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