Confederate flag-flying man in truck hits 4-year-old boy, gets beaten by crowd

My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for.
Nice rant, very nice. But, again, what was the 4 year old doing in the street, where were the parents of the 4 year old, and what did the flag have to do with anything? Also, was the 18 year old ticketed? What laws were broken? Is it just the 18 year old word against a racist neighborhood? Are there videos? How many times have neighbors reported the 18 year old to police? How many times has police warned him about driving down that street? What is his driving record?

In other words, what do you have besides your anger that says anyone was at fault other than the 4 year old parents? Certainly you can't say that the flag harmed anyone, hit anyone, nor caused an accident.

Any more rants?

How come you're trying so hard to pin the blame on a 4-year old child?
Was the kid "asking for it by the way he was dressed"?
No one that I know of is blaming anything on the 4 year old. I certainly don't blame the 4 year old, and have NOT said, nor implied, that the 4 year old was at fault. If anyone is to blame, it's the parent of the 4 year old, and I have stated that several times already. Again, who has said that the 4 year old was at fault?
My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

I believe there is a law saying you can't speed down the street and run over people, yes.
Was he ticketed for speeding down the street? Did he intentionally run over the 4 year old? Who said that he was speeding except for the members of a racist neighborhood? Are there any videos? Has he been ticketed before for speeding down that street? What is his driving record? How many times have neighbors reported him to police?

Theres a video of the 13 year old girlfriend defending her adult boyfriend. White PreTeens matter
My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for.
Nice rant, very nice. But, again, what was the 4 year old doing in the street, where were the parents of the 4 year old, and what did the flag have to do with anything? Also, was the 18 year old ticketed? What laws were broken? Is it just the 18 year old word against a racist neighborhood? Are there videos? How many times have neighbors reported the 18 year old to police? How many times has police warned him about driving down that street? What is his driving record?

In other words, what do you have besides your anger that says anyone was at fault other than the 4 year old parents? Certainly you can't say that the flag harmed anyone, hit anyone, nor caused an accident.

Any more rants?

How come you're trying so hard to pin the blame on a 4-year old child?
Was the kid "asking for it by the way he was dressed"?

It isn't the kid's fault. It is the fault of the parents for allowing a four year to wander onto a street. That being said, this thread is dumb and has nothing to do with a flag.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for.
Nice rant, very nice. But, again, what was the 4 year old doing in the street, where were the parents of the 4 year old, and what did the flag have to do with anything? Also, was the 18 year old ticketed? What laws were broken? Is it just the 18 year old word against a racist neighborhood? Are there videos? How many times have neighbors reported the 18 year old to police? How many times has police warned him about driving down that street? What is his driving record?

In other words, what do you have besides your anger that says anyone was at fault other than the 4 year old parents? Certainly you can't say that the flag harmed anyone, hit anyone, nor caused an accident.

Any more rants?

How come you're trying so hard to pin the blame on a 4-year old child?
Was the kid "asking for it by the way he was dressed"?

They are busy defending the 18 year old Molester and his 13 year old girlfriend. And saying that the FOUR year old should know better.
That's a DAMN LIE !!!!! ------ No one has said anything about it being the fault of the 4 year old. Can't you read, and comprehend what you read? Go back and find where anyone has blamed the 4 year old child....... GEEZ ..... some people..
the Democrats/left is becoming more like ISIS every damn DAY

USE the dead for their hate AND cheers for violence because of some flag

people better wake up in this country

I really dont understand Steph. They hit a child and the only thing Steph finds to squawk about is the flag

Like goono you mean ?

Do you see anything in the OP written by Guno about the flag? If you do, go get help

Lol !

Uh, like the title of the thread ? :biggrin:

Thank you.
My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

I believe there is a law saying you can't speed down the street and run over people, yes.
Was he ticketed for speeding down the street? Did he intentionally run over the 4 year old? Who said that he was speeding except for the members of a racist neighborhood? Are there any videos? Has he been ticketed before for speeding down that street? What is his driving record? How many times have neighbors reported him to police?

Theres a video of the 13 year old girlfriend defending her adult boyfriend. White PreTeens matter
So? What does that prove? Your point?
My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
And he got his cracker ass whipped
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for.
Nice rant, very nice. But, again, what was the 4 year old doing in the street, where were the parents of the 4 year old, and what did the flag have to do with anything? Also, was the 18 year old ticketed? What laws were broken? Is it just the 18 year old word against a racist neighborhood? Are there videos? How many times have neighbors reported the 18 year old to police? How many times has police warned him about driving down that street? What is his driving record?

In other words, what do you have besides your anger that says anyone was at fault other than the 4 year old parents? Certainly you can't say that the flag harmed anyone, hit anyone, nor caused an accident.

Any more rants?

How come you're trying so hard to pin the blame on a 4-year old child?
Was the kid "asking for it by the way he was dressed"?

They are busy defending the 18 year old Molester and his 13 year old girlfriend. And saying that the FOUR year old should know better.
That's a DAMN LIE !!!!! ------ No one has said anything about it being the fault of the 4 year old. Can't you read, and comprehend what you read? Go back and find where anyone has blamed the 4 year old child....... GEEZ ..... some people..

I'm just trying to count up the number of people defending a child molester. Thats all.
My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for.
Nice rant, very nice. But, again, what was the 4 year old doing in the street, where were the parents of the 4 year old, and what did the flag have to do with anything? Also, was the 18 year old ticketed? What laws were broken? Is it just the 18 year old word against a racist neighborhood? Are there videos? How many times have neighbors reported the 18 year old to police? How many times has police warned him about driving down that street? What is his driving record?

In other words, what do you have besides your anger that says anyone was at fault other than the 4 year old parents? Certainly you can't say that the flag harmed anyone, hit anyone, nor caused an accident.

Any more rants?

That wasn't a rant. That was simply a quick breakdown. When I rant, you will be the first to know.

Most kids play in the street or wind up chasing balls into the street. They take their bikes into the street. I'd say hitting a 4 year old breaks a law, don't you?
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

I believe there is a law saying you can't speed down the street and run over people, yes.
Was he ticketed for speeding down the street? Did he intentionally run over the 4 year old? Who said that he was speeding except for the members of a racist neighborhood? Are there any videos? Has he been ticketed before for speeding down that street? What is his driving record? How many times have neighbors reported him to police?

Theres a video of the 13 year old girlfriend defending her adult boyfriend. White PreTeens matter
So? What does that prove? Your point?

White PreTeens Vaginas dont matter
He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for.
Nice rant, very nice. But, again, what was the 4 year old doing in the street, where were the parents of the 4 year old, and what did the flag have to do with anything? Also, was the 18 year old ticketed? What laws were broken? Is it just the 18 year old word against a racist neighborhood? Are there videos? How many times have neighbors reported the 18 year old to police? How many times has police warned him about driving down that street? What is his driving record?

In other words, what do you have besides your anger that says anyone was at fault other than the 4 year old parents? Certainly you can't say that the flag harmed anyone, hit anyone, nor caused an accident.

Any more rants?

How come you're trying so hard to pin the blame on a 4-year old child?
Was the kid "asking for it by the way he was dressed"?

They are busy defending the 18 year old Molester and his 13 year old girlfriend. And saying that the FOUR year old should know better.
That's a DAMN LIE !!!!! ------ No one has said anything about it being the fault of the 4 year old. Can't you read, and comprehend what you read? Go back and find where anyone has blamed the 4 year old child....... GEEZ ..... some people..

I'm just trying to count up the number of people defending a child molester. Thats all.
Who molested a child? No one molested a child. The article clearly states that a child was hit by a vehicle. There was NO mention of child molestation, none. ........ are you OK? .............. is something wrong? ... did you not read the entire article?
My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for. Not to mention screwing around with a child.

the flag had nothing to do with it...just using this as an excuse to disparage the flag and our european culture and heritage.

The hell is wrong with you? My European culture and heritage is from Europe. Same as everybody else. You need a map?
Looks like he got his clock cleaned, he was lucky this time

Some witnesses in the neighborhood say they were yelling at the driver to tell him to slow down.

"Stop speeding, stop speeding and kept begging him and begging him and you see what happened," says the young witness.

"There's kids all over the place so he just got up here and he just thought he was going to rev it up and burn down the street and he does this all the time," says Packard.

Confederate flag-flying man in truck hits 4-year-old boy, gets beaten by crowd

The flag hit the kid??? Who wrote the idiotic title.

Oh, Guno, nevermind
My question is, "what is a 4 year old doing in the street in the first place"? What parent would allow a 4 year old to be in the street? In my opinion, the parent of the 4 year old is just as much to blame as anyone. Also, after reading the entire article, I failed to see what the flag had to do with anything. The flag didn't hit nor harm the child. The two at fault are the driver and the 4 year olds parent. Bringing the flag into it is just something to get more shit stirred up.
Within the past month, angry residents pulled the Confederate flag from his truck during one incident. Despite knowing how the community responded to his racist behavior. he did it again; this time, however, he struck 4-year-old Damajae Winn with his car.
Confederate flag waving driver runs over Black 4-year-old
Yes, I read the entire article. So, your point is? Is there a law that says that he can't drive down the street? Is there a law that says that he can't display the flag? What law did he break? Where were the parents of the 4 year old that was in the street? Could it be considered as child neglect for allowing a 4 year old to be in the street? Was it the 18 year old driver's fault that a 4 year old boy was in the street? So, again, your point?

He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for. Not to mention screwing around with a child.

the flag had nothing to do with it...just using this as an excuse to disparage the flag and our european culture and heritage.

The hell is wrong with you? My European culture and heritage is from Europe. Same as everybody else. You need a map?
Yes; please show us...
Seems like the neo confederate crackers are getting uppity
the Democrats/left is becoming more like ISIS every damn DAY

USE the dead for their hate AND cheers for violence because of some flag

people better wake up in this country
Do you think that the flag was to blame, or the fact that this particular redneck hit a child?
He was a punk ass kid speeding down the street with a flag that had been a point of contention within the neighborhood. Did this repeatedly because of the flag, went too far, wasn't paying attention and hit a 4 year old boy. By all means choose to neglect the flag had been an issue within the neighborhood and after hitting the kid for getting his ass kicked.

This is behavior that if you caught one of your kids doing you would take him inside the house and smack him upside the head for.
Nice rant, very nice. But, again, what was the 4 year old doing in the street, where were the parents of the 4 year old, and what did the flag have to do with anything? Also, was the 18 year old ticketed? What laws were broken? Is it just the 18 year old word against a racist neighborhood? Are there videos? How many times have neighbors reported the 18 year old to police? How many times has police warned him about driving down that street? What is his driving record?

In other words, what do you have besides your anger that says anyone was at fault other than the 4 year old parents? Certainly you can't say that the flag harmed anyone, hit anyone, nor caused an accident.

Any more rants?

How come you're trying so hard to pin the blame on a 4-year old child?
Was the kid "asking for it by the way he was dressed"?

They are busy defending the 18 year old Molester and his 13 year old girlfriend. And saying that the FOUR year old should know better.
That's a DAMN LIE !!!!! ------ No one has said anything about it being the fault of the 4 year old. Can't you read, and comprehend what you read? Go back and find where anyone has blamed the 4 year old child....... GEEZ ..... some people..

I'm just trying to count up the number of people defending a child molester. Thats all.

I don't think the 18 year is blameless if he was speeding up and down the road. One would think that the parents would keep an even more watchful eye on their children if this guy's antics are known around the neighborhood.

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