ConfederatE Flag to be raised in Virgini

I dunno...

My family are dyed-in-the-wool Yankees thru-and-thru...

Illini for as long as we've been in this country...

Had I been alive back then, there's a good chance that I would have enlisted to wear the Union Blue myself...


Acknowledging that Black Folk oftentimes see the Confederate Flag as a purely racist symbol...

To many White Folk with strong roots in the South (including Old Virginia), the Confederate Flag represents Rebellion Against Tyranny (perceived) and States Rights Trumping Federal and Courage Against Overwhelming Odds and stuff like that...

Personally, as a White guy, with no stake in this, I don't begrudge 'em their Old Flag, as a way to remember that part of their heritage...

I'm fully aware that this is not a Politically Correct stance...

Fortunately for me, that part doesn't bother me in the slightest...
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^ Old Glory is faaaaaar more a symbol of rebellion against tyranny
You and I are on the same page here... fortunately for me, I left myself an escape hatch ('perceived'), but, that was their opinion and/or propaganda back then, and it's become part of their historical mantra; probably true in-part and false in-part; but their own...
^ Old Glory is faaaaaar more a symbol of rebellion against tyranny
You and I are on the same page here... fortunately for me, I left myself an escape hatch ('perceived'), but, that was their opinion and/or propaganda back then, and it's become part of their historical mantra; probably true in-part and false in-part; but their own...

Yea. I don't like the confederate flag but I also don't particularly care about it. That's pretty similar I suppose.
Old Gory in it's current context is far more insulting to men than some old Confederate Battle Flag because it is a symbol of tyranny outside our borders.
The Confederate battle flag is not a symbol of racism or oppression and it was never intended as one.

Fly it and fly it proudly.
Sorry, not seeing an issue here.

They can fly whatever flag they want on private property.

Pesky Constitution and first amendment and all that.

You know how much liberal hate to apply it to anything they oppose.

Shame on the OP.
I dunno...

My family are dyed-in-the-wool Yankees thru-and-thru...

Illini for as long as we've been in this country...

Had I been alive back then, there's a good chance that I would have enlisted to wear the Union Blue myself...


Acknowledging that Black Folk oftentimes see the Confederate Flag as a purely racist symbol...

To many White Folk with strong roots in the South (including Old Virginia), the Confederate Flag represents Rebellion Against Tyranny (perceived) and States Rights Trumping Federal and Courage Against Overwhelming Odds and stuff like that...

Personally, as a White guy, with no stake in this, I don't begrudge 'em their Old Flag, as a way to remember that part of their heritage...

I'm fully aware that this is not a Politically Correct stance...

Fortunately for me, that part doesn't bother me in the slightest...

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