Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Different doesn't mean better. They were different.....

Your point was that they were the same. Thanks for admitting that was just you talking shit.

No. I pointed out that all you have is name calling. I wasn't crying about it, I rather like the vitriol, at least it's honest. What your vitriol lacks is a sound argument to support it.

Sure you were. Whining like a faggot. And I have made plenty of valid points.

American demographics are changing, even in the South, why would they continue to pander to a shrinking minority of deplorables?

LOL. You pretending that people like you, are going to start going to NASCAR events because of this?

What a load of shit. You are just talking shit. This action is them attacking their paying fans. That is woke assholes like you, in the business, putting politics ahead of their professional responsibility to make money.

I don't know what you're talking about. I have emmense gratitude that so many of them died murdering each other. Brother against brother, father against son, neighbor against neighbor. It's a shame not more of them did.

Like I said. A personal failing on your part. The fact remains. The MEN that actually fought and defeated the Confederacy forgot and forgave their former enemies long before you were born. And accepted the use of confederate symbols as harmless regional pride.

You do not have any moral authority to out vote them.

Then why do you cry so much when we shit on their memory?

The Union vets? I'm not crying, you racist fucktard, I am just pointing out that they are the ones that made the decision that you are whining over.

I respect the black civil rights heroes who cucked southern white democrats and took the party from the Sons and Daughters of the Confederates if that makes you feel better.

It is not about making me feel better. You being a small, weak, immature man, does not make me feel bad. You are unable to respect men worthy of respect. That is you being a failure as a man.

No one thinks you're an example of a real man. 😄
lol. YOu are a silly troll.

Did you just even so segregation and lynchings...? Wow. 😄

You can't really hold hte union vets responsible for that. They fought the battle of their generation.

What's wrong with hating slavers?

The slavers are all dead. You are just hating white people. As you have made clear.
That's nice. Am I supposed to be impressed you can walk to the liquor store and get a pint?
Are those the sorts of things you find impressive? What I find impressive are predominantly white entertainment shitting on your deplorable white culture. 😄
Looks like you whiners are the only ones having the melt down. That's what this post is obviously.

Looks like you losers have no place to go, nothing to watch, or nothing to do.

When you're looking out the window at the world, and you're wondering why there's something wrong with everything but you...

You're the problem.

Except, the world you are building, is based on nothing but your hate and failures.

If you succeed in driving out the people that made this nation, all you will be left with, is your own failures.

When every city is a shit hole, when ever state is a blue failure, where will you run to then?
Your point was that they were the same. Thanks for admitting that was just you talking shit.
The same in that they were both completely deplorable cultures.... simple conclusions escape you don't they? I'll keep that in mind and remember to hold your hand while I walk you through what is supposed to be simple logic.
Sure you were. Whining like a faggot. And I have made plenty of valid points.
Nope. You still haven't given one valid point for why the Confederacy wasn't a deplorable culture of mutants.
LOL. You pretending that people like you, are going to start going to NASCAR events because of this?
I'm not. That's what makes it even funnier. They're so desperate to not be left out of the future that they would shit in your face at the mere hope of not becoming irrelevant.
What a load of shit. You are just talking shit. This action is them attacking their paying fans. That is woke assholes like you, in the business, putting politics ahead of their professional responsibility to make money.
You simply have no idea how businesses are run.
Like I said. A personal failing on your part. The fact remains. The MEN that actually fought and defeated the Confederacy forgot and forgave their former enemies long before you were born. And accepted the use of confederate symbols as harmless regional pride.
Who gives a shit? They ain't here so sad fucking day for you. 😄
You do not have any moral authority to out vote them.
I have the legal authority. Moral Authority is just another word for your feelings. You go ahead and feel as if I don't have the moral authority and I'll keep using my legal rights to shit on your culture and we'll just see which matters more in the end.
The Union vets? I'm not crying, you racist fucktard, I am just pointing out that they are the ones that made the decision that you are whining over.
So many fucking tears from you. You're a bawling ass bitch. 😄
It is not about making me feel better. You being a small, weak, immature man, does not make me feel bad. You are unable to respect men worthy of respect. That is you being a failure as a man.
And that hurts your feelings! 😡
The slavers are all dead. You are just hating white people. As you have made clear.
White people hate Slaver idolaters too soy boy. All decent people do.
That's because you're a pussy. I've never once felt the urge to be kind to you. 😄
I don't mind if you're unkind.

(There's nothing I can do about it anyway).

I only mind if you cross my boundaries.

Which you won't do, because you (unlike many of your progtard friends) still have a brain cell
Keep on being a racist... I don't care
And I don't care if you don't care. Your feelings don't matter at all to me. Mainstream society shitting on white Southern culture is what matters to me. If doesn't matter to you lay down then and let it happen. 😁

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