Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Pete makes up shit then gets stuck on it....over and over again
I wonder about the white catfish...
You pretending you were not insulting me and mine?

My point stands. You used the term "white" as a slur. That is you being racist.

You bitch.
White is a slur to YOU because you perceive it to be a slur. Own it.
In every way. Different times for one. Different place. Different people. Different reasons for fighting. Different cultures. Different politics. Different war. Different foods.

Really, that question is one of the stupidest questions of all time.
Different doesn't mean better. They were different. Nazis hated jews and tried to exterminate them and Confederates hated blacks and sold, brutalized them and exploited them for personal gain. Different but still completely deplorable, just like the Nazis.
I see that you whined like a faggot about me calling you names, and now you are just calling names. That refutes your whining as it shows that you are just a pussy that can dish it out, but can't take it.
No. I pointed out that all you have is name calling. I wasn't crying about it, I rather like the vitriol, at least it's honest. What your vitriol lacks is a sound argument to support it.
Except that Nascar is a massively SOuthern and rural and white thing. There is no way that pandering to the woke mob is going to help them make profits.
American demographics are changing, even in the South, why would they continue to pander to a shrinking minority of deplorables?
Liberals often put politics ahead of their professional and ethnical responsibilities. YOu people are scum of the earth like that.
No, we just have different ethics. You like to defend the cultures of deplorable slave states, that's something I nor anyone I consider decent, ever would.
They are the people that fought and bled to free your people from slavery. That you cannot find it in yourself to feel gratitude or to show some respect, is a personal failure of you.
I don't know what you're talking about. I have emmense gratitude that so many of them died murdering each other. Brother against brother, father against son, neighbor against neighbor. It's a shame not more of them did.
I certainly can see the Moral Authority their actions grant them, and I am far less directly impacted by it than you.
Then why do you cry so much when we shit on their memory?
Small men, are often afraid or unable to respect others. Their own sense of self is so weak, that they feel that looking up to someone puts them down.
I respect the black civil rights heroes who cucked southern white democrats and took the party from the Sons and Daughters of the Confederates if that makes you feel better.
A real man understands that showing respect where it is due, is an act of maturity.
No one thinks you're an example of a real man. 😄
Even so, they freed your people from slavery. And you act like an ungrateful child...
Did you just even so segregation and lynchings...? Wow. 😄
No. From your behavior, it is certainly not that. You are obviously a very simple person, a man of shallow thoughts and deep hate.
What's wrong with hating slavers?
I might buy a Stars and Bars BATTLE flag just to irrate left loons

8n fact I think I will...and have my morning coffee watching leftists melt down

Looks like you whiners are the only ones having the melt down. That's what this post is obviously.

Looks like you losers have no place to go, nothing to watch, or nothing to do.

When you're looking out the window at the world, and you're wondering why there's something wrong with everything but you...

You're the problem.
Looks like you whiners are the only ones having the melt down. That's what this post is obviously.

Looks like you losers have no place to go, nothing to watch, or nothing to do.

When you're looking out the window at the world, and you're wondering why there's something wrong with everything but you...

You're the problem.

Go away

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