Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

So the bad attitude toward a nice non racist lady who happens to fly a Confederate flag as well as an American flag may cause her to develop a significant dislike for people like you. You are definitely a good Democrat sheeple. They Democrats hope to generate racial hatred. The more the better.
I don't think she's not a racist, I think she's a racist and a moron just as I'd think anyone waving a nazi flag is racist and a moron. If Nazis developed a dislike for me, imagine how much I'll give a fuck.
Blame the Democrats for trying their best to stir up racial hatred in our nation to keep the blacks voting for them. The blacks were beginning to finally wise up and leave the Democratic Plantation. Without the black vote the Democratic Party will rapidly go extinct.
If you want people to think you're not a racist, maybe don't voice the opinion that you don't think black people can think for themselves...
Looks like I won't be tuning in. What a travesty to ban the Confederate flags which are southern pride cultural icons. These triggered woke sensitive cowards that banned the flags have no sense of reality and respect for beautiful southern heritage, traditions, and culture.

One of the biggest country music festivals has put its boot down: No more Confederate flags. The Country Music Association added “Confederate flag imagery of any kind” to the prohibited items list at the upcoming CMA Fest in Nashville, Tennessee. The four-day festival is scheduled June 9-12 after a two-year postponement during the COVID-19 pandemic, the association announced online.

The association said the decision to ban Confederate flag imagery was an updated part of the policy to protect the safety of fans, according to a statement obtained by The Tennessean. “This year’s CMA Fest is our first major fan-facing event in nearly three years. We have always had policies in place that protect the safety of our fans and ban discrimination, but we felt it was important to further refine our language to explicitly outline what will and will not be tolerated,” the CMA said in the statement, according to The Tennessean.

"In line with our first CMA Fest lineup announcement in early April, our event policy was published on our website, which states any behavior that causes one of our attendees to fear for their personal safety will not be tolerated, and that is inclusive of any displays of the Confederate flag.” McClatchy News reached out to the CMA for comment on June 2 and was awaiting a response. Organizations such as the Stagecoach Festival in California and NASCAR have banned Confederate flags as well. NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace told NPR that he was proud of the racing organization, which banned the symbol in June 2020. “No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race. So it starts with Confederate flags. Get them out of here. They have no place for them,”
Great, the CMA's have now been invaded by the woke idiots.
I don't think she's not a racist, I think she's a racist and a moron just as I'd think anyone waving a nazi flag is racist and a moron. If Nazis developed a dislike for me, imagine how much I'll give a fuck.

If you want people to think you're not a racist, maybe don't voice the opinion that you don't think black people can think for themselves...
I don't give a fuck what racist assholes like yourself think about little old ladies.

If you don't want to be called a racist maybe stop threatening pregnant white women.

Your racist drivel is on the record, dimwit.

I'm here to protect my mixed race family, and your stated intention is to destroy the white culture. Which one of us is the racist, fuckface?
I don't give a fuck what racist assholes like yourself think about little old ladies.

If you don't want to be called a racist maybe stop threatening pregnant white women.

Your racist drivel is on the record, dimwit.

I'm here to protect my mixed race family, and your stated intention is to destroy the white culture. Which one of us is the racist, fuckface?
I don't care if you call me racist. That doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why accusations of racism bother you clowns is because in the real world they have real consequences, like you not being able to carry your shit flag security blanket to NASCAR or the CMAs. 😄
They are flying it in the face of the slavery and treason of the people who made that flag. That I'm not making that up. The Confederates were deplorable pieces of shit, if you don't want to be associated with their deplorable culture then don't wave around their deplorable flag. This isn't rocket science you ignorant fuckwit.

They are flying it to celebrate regional pride and/or pride in being rural.

You are pretending they are celebrating ancient wrongs, so that you have an excuse for your hate of them today.

That you think you have a right to define what they are thinking, and to judge them based on that, is just you wanting to push people around, because you are a bigot and an asshole.

YOU are the hater and the bad person, and we both know it.
I don't think she's not a racist, I think she's a racist and a moron just as I'd think anyone waving a nazi flag is racist and a moron. If Nazis developed a dislike for me, imagine how much I'll give a fuck.

If you want people to think you're not a racist, maybe don't voice the opinion that you don't think black people can think for themselves...
I do know this. If I was black I would not vote for Democrats. They always promise diamonds and roses but deliver zirconium and dandelions.


Some black people will support Biden because of his association with Barack Obama – even though Obama himself doesn’t seem especially excited about Biden becoming president. The Obama days feel distant yet warm compared to Donald Trump’s current presidency. But remember: Biden cycled millions of black people in and out of jail, voted for massive numbers of poor people to go to war in Iraq, threw Anita Hill under the bus to confirm a conservative justice to the US supreme court, and, under Obama’s administration, helped to deport millions of immigrants and bombed brown countries. When Biden was vice-president, black home ownership and wealth declined significantly, even as it rose for other races. Biden’s friendship with one black person does not mean that he’s a friend to black people.

The Democratic party holds black people in an abusive relationship but says you cannot leave because the other option is more abusive. That’s why I don’t believe that a vote against Biden solely means a vote for Trump. Perhaps it is a vote against being captured by the party that makes empty promises every four years when it is election time, and delivers nothing. Perhaps it is a vote against the crime bill, drones and deportations. Perhaps it is a vote against covert and overt racism.

Biden and others will rightfully argue that Trump is worse, and I agree. But what can Biden actually deliver? Will there be fewer drones if he’s president? Maybe not. Fewer deportations? Maybe not. Less money to police departments? No. Will fewer black people die from police? Unlikely. Will black people have healthcare? Unlikely. Will black wealth increase? Unlikely. Will Palestinian lives be safer? Unlikely. Commitments to preserving our climate? Doubtful. If black people have a hard time figuring out the differences between Trump and Biden, then that is Biden’s problem, not ours.

Joe Biden refuses to reckon with the harm that he has caused to people all over the world. His best line is that he is better than the other guy, and that is exactly how abusive relationships function. Black people – all people – deserve better than Biden and the Democratic party. And yes, we are still black.

I don't care if you call me racist. That doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why accusations of racism bother you clowns is because in the real world they have real consequences, like you not being able to carry your shit flag security blanket to NASCAR or the CMAs. 😄
In the real world YOUR racist bullshit will get you killed.

Mousy dead.
I don't give a fuck what racist assholes like yourself think about little old ladies.

If you don't want to be called a racist maybe stop threatening pregnant white women.

Your racist drivel is on the record, dimwit.

I'm here to protect my mixed race family, and your stated intention is to destroy the white culture. Which one of us is the racist, fuckface?
The racist on whom you are wasting your time gets into a state of arousal over the idea that it is participating in white genocide. This is why, on the rare occasions that I let it out of my shut-the-fuck-up cage, it's never for longer than a few hours. We may not have anything to say about whether or not it exists, but we can refuse to give it the attention it pathetically craves.
They are flying it to celebrate regional pride and/or pride in being rural.

You are pretending they are celebrating ancient wrongs, so that you have an excuse for your hate of them today.

That you think you have a right to define what they are thinking, and to judge them based on that, is just you wanting to push people around, because you are a bigot and an asshole.

YOU are the hater and the bad person, and we both know it.

A blatantly racist leftist with a self-stated mission to destroy white culture.

The dumb fucking asshole might as well paint a target on his back.


I know it, you know it, and they know it too.

These racist leftist fucktards threatened my kids, and they're not sorry, and they're talking about doing it again.

Well, next time the results will be different. Next time I won't be caught by surprise. Next time I'll be ready.
The racist on whom you are wasting your time gets into a state of arousal over the idea that it is participating in white genocide. This is why, on the rare occasions that I let it out of my shut-the-fuck-up cage, it's never for longer than a few hours. We may not have anything to say about whether or not it exists, but we can refuse to give it the attention it pathetically craves.
Yeah well, we're in public.

And I'm not afraid of public scrutiny.

I will restate my position very clearly, so even stupid leftards can understand.

Threaten my kids in ANY way and I will come after you and put a big-ass hurt on you. I do not care what your reason is.
Yeah well, we're in public.

And I'm not afraid of public scrutiny.

I will restate my position very clearly, so even stupid leftards can understand.

Threaten my kids in ANY way and I will come after you and put a big-ass hurt on you. I do not care what your reason is.
I love your resolve but I question your possible belief that the leftards will ever be capable of "understanding". That's not going to happen until they've spent a few years in strict re-education facilities.

But good luck to you. Stay passionate.

There’s nothing to be ‘proud’ of – one shouldn’t be ‘proud’ of racism, bigotry, treason, and hate.

Again, it’s the symbol of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

That is all the South (or rural America) is to you?

Well, that is just you being a bigot, regional based bigotry.

The fact remains. For generations, until just recently, the battle flag has been seen as and used as a symbol of harmless regional pride.
Of course they are.

No, they aren't. You don't get to define them, you bigot.

They’re declaring their support for a system which sought to dehumanize and enslave Americans of color – and which still seeks to dehumanize and vilify Americans of color.

No, they are not. The slavery issue became moot in 1865. Stop living in the past.

They’re declaring their support for an act of treason intended to destroy America, and they continue that effort today seeking to attack and undermine our democratic institutions.

Except that libs have been demonstrated by peer review studies to be teh WORST at understanding what other people are thinking and feeling.

You are simply wrong. Or lying to justify your own hate.

And they’re declaring their support for the right’s culture war against Americans of color, with lies about ‘woke’ and ‘CRT’ – it’s the symbol of the racist right’s fearmongering and demagoguery.

And that is what this is really about. The current culture war. Tehy are declaring themselves against "woke" and "CRT", and that is why you are talking this shit about them.

You are the hater here, not them. "Woke" is a real issue, "CRT" is a real issue. You can't defend your support of them honestly so you invent shit to attack your enemies with.
No kidding.

This dumb fucktard just threatened to shoot pregnant white women.

If I see something like that, the perp will die on the spot with no questions asked, and the law won't help.

Libs like Clayton, just ignore shit like that, and pretend that we are the problem.
They are flying it to celebrate regional pride and/or pride in being rural.

You are pretending they are celebrating ancient wrongs, so that you have an excuse for your hate of them today.
If some Germans were waving around a Nazi flag in a show of rural pride we would have every right to question whether they were ignorant, racist or both for choosing that symbol as their symbol of regional pride. Same for the Confederate flag wavers.
That you think you have a right to define what they are thinking, and to judge them based on that, is just you wanting to push people around, because you are a bigot and an asshole.
No. I don't care what excuse Nazis come up with for waving around a Nazi flag.
YOU are the hater and the bad person, and we both know it.
I hate American Nazis, boo fucking hoo. Go cry about it.
I do know this. If I was black I would not vote for Democrats. They always promise diamonds and roses but deliver zirconium and dandelions.
Well I am black, I think we should hold people in power, especially in our party, like Joe Biden, to the promises they made the black community, like passing the John Lewis voting rights act. Biden has failed in that regard and so have the Democrats, but they've failed because zero Republicans will cross the aisle to vote for it in the Senate and two moderate Democrats won't override the filibuster to get it passed. The solution to that is to primary those Democrats, including Biden and to push the Democratic Party in the direction we want. Not to let racist Republicans win. What kind of strategy is that?
If some Germans were waving around a Nazi flag in a show of rural pride we would have every right to question whether they were ignorant, racist or both for choosing that symbol as their symbol of regional pride. Same for the Confederate flag wavers.

Nope. Not the same. Different situation, different everything. You are just making up shit, to justify your hate.

No. I don't care what excuse Nazis come up with for waving around a Nazi flag.

The only nazi here, is you. You are the one hating people for just being proud of who they are.

I hate American Nazis, boo fucking hoo. Go cry about it.

Proud American southerns and country folk, are not "nazis" you dishonest hack. That you have to lie like that, is you showing that you are the bad guy and that you know it.

The war is over. Those that fought in it, buried the hatchet before your granddaddy was born. YOu are inventing reasons to hate.


Nope. Not the same. Different situation, different everything. You are just making up shit, to justify your hate.
Different how? The Confederates were deplorable through and through. They created a nation specifically centered around treating black people like cattle. It doesn’t get much more deplorable than that.
The only nazi here, is you. You are the one hating people for just being proud of who they are.
All you have is name calling, I back mine up with arguments. You have no defense for Confederate culture and so you have no defense for idolizing them or adopting their symbols as something to take pride in.
Proud American southerns and country folk, are not "nazis" you dishonest hack. That you have to lie like that, is you showing that you are the bad guy and that you know it.
More like embarrassed Americans. It's why decent Southerners like those that run NASCAR and the CMAs are telling you to leave your shit flag at home in your trailer parks where they belong.
The war is over. Those that fought in it, buried the hatchet before your granddaddy was born. YOu are inventing reasons to hate.
And now we're burying the hatchet in their deplorable culture because all those old fucks who made peace with them are dead and all their allies are dead.

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