Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Different how? The Confederates were deplorable through and through. They created a nation specifically centered around treating black people like cattle. It doesn’t get much more deplorable than that.

Different in every way. You sure whine a lot about the past.

All you have is name calling, I back mine up with arguments. You have no defense for Confederate culture and so you have no defense for idolizing them or adopting their symbols as something to take pride in.

Said the man that has called his enemies "nazis" and "wacist" over and over again.

More like embarrassed Americans. It's why decent Southerners like those that run NASCAR and the CMAs are telling you to leave your shit flag at home in your trailer parks where they belong.

It is not decent Southerns that are pandering to the woke mob. BUt leftard infiltrators who are willing to piss off the fans that pay the bills to get likes on twitter and to virtue signal to their woketard friends.

And now we're burying the hatchet in their deplorable culture because all those old fucks who made peace with them are dead and all their allies are dead.

"Those old fucks"? You mean the men that fought and bled to free your people and to save the Union?

How strange. YOu act as though the Confederates were pure evul, yet you give no respsect to those that fought and defeated them.

It is almost as though your position and all you say, is just posturing and bullshit, to gin up an excuse for you being a piece of shit hater and for you to attack people for no reason.
Different how? The Confederates were deplorable through and through. They created a nation specifically centered around treating black people like cattle. It doesn’t get much more deplorable than that.

All you have is name calling, I back mine up with arguments. You have no defense for Confederate culture and so you have no defense for idolizing them or adopting their symbols as something to take pride in.

More like embarrassed Americans. It's why decent Southerners like those that run NASCAR and the CMAs are telling you to leave your shit flag at home in your trailer parks where they belong.

And now we're burying the hatchet in their deplorable culture because all those old fucks who made peace with them are dead and all their allies are dead.
Boy are you fucked up.

You're beyond delusional, you might even be dangerously insane.

Hey leftie, I already told you, my culture has survived 900 YEARS of fucktards like you.

Every time you tried to do something, we shouted in your direction and you ran like the little pansies you are.

We've put down people that are WAY more obnoxious than you are - you're barely even annoying at this point - but boy, I'm telling you clear as day, you touch the kids and you're totally fucked. If you want to engage in tactics like that your career is over ON THE SPOT.

Don't believe me? Transgress that boundary again and see what happens.
Different in every way. You sure whine a lot about the past.
Different in what way? You can't even explain it.
Said the man that has called his enemies "nazis" and "wacist" over and over again.
I don't see much difference between Nazis and Confederates. Can you explain what difference you see?
It is not decent Southerns that are pandering to the woke mob. BUt leftard infiltrators who are willing to piss off the fans that pay the bills to get likes on twitter and to virtue signal to their woketard friends.
That's not why companies do things you fucking moron. Everything they do is to maximize profit. If they are shitting on you to get in with the woke crowd it's because that's where they think the money is.
"Those old fucks"? You mean the men that fought and bled to free your people and to save the Union?
Yes. Those old fucks. They didn't free the slaves out of love for black people, after the end of the war and Lincoln's assassination the nation chose to segregate blacks and allow racists to terrorize and lynch them with impunity for another 100 years.
How strange. YOu act as though the Confederates were pure evul, yet you give no respsect to those that fought and defeated them.
Just because two sides fight doesn't mean one side are good guys and the other side are bad guys you moronic simpleton.
It is almost as though your position and all you say, is just posturing and bullshit, to gin up an excuse for you being a piece of shit hater and for you to attack people for no reason.
Or maybe I think history is more nuanced than a Disney cartoon.
Boy are you fucked up.

You're beyond delusional, you might even be dangerously insane.

Hey leftie, I already told you, my culture has survived 900 YEARS of fucktards like you.

Every time you tried to do something, we shouted in your direction and you ran like the little pansies you are.

We've put down people that are WAY more obnoxious than you are - you're barely even annoying at this point - but boy, I'm telling you clear as day, you touch the kids and you're totally fucked. If you want to engage in tactics like that your career is over ON THE SPOT.

Don't believe me? Transgress that boundary again and see what happens.
You've put down people that were obnoxious? Really? You seem more like a pussy to me. 😄
Different in what way? You can't even explain it.

In every way. Different times for one. Different place. Different people. Different reasons for fighting. Different cultures. Different politics. Different war. Different foods.

Really, that question is one of the stupidest questions of all time.

I don't see much difference between Nazis and Confederates. Can you explain what difference you see?

I see that you whined like a faggot about me calling you names, and now you are just calling names. That refutes your whining as it shows that you are just a pussy that can dish it out, but can't take it.

That's not why companies do things you fucking moron. Everything they do is to maximize profit. If they are shitting on you to get in with the woke crowd it's because that's where they think the money is.

Except that Nascar is a massively SOuthern and rural and white thing. There is no way that pandering to the woke mob is going to help them make profits.

Liberals often put politics ahead of their professional and ethnical responsibilities. YOu people are scum of the earth like that.

Yes. Those old fucks. They didn't free the slaves out of love for black people after the end of the war and Lincoln's assassination the nation chose to segregate blacks and allow racists to terrorize and lynch them with impunity for another 100 years.

They are the people that fought and bled to free your people from slavery. That you cannot find it in yourself to feel gratitude or to show some respect, is a personal failure of you.

I certainly can see the Moral Authority their actions grant them, and I am far less directly impacted by it than you.

Small men, are often afraid or unable to respect others. Their own sense of self is so weak, that they feel that looking up to someone puts them down.

A real man understands that showing respect where it is due, is an act of maturity.

Just because two sides fight doesn't mean one side are good guys and the other side are bad guys you moronic simpleton.

Even so, they freed your people from slavery. And you act like an ungrateful child...

Or maybe I think history is more nuanced than a Disney cartoon.

No. From your behavior, it is certainly not that. You are obviously a very simple person, a man of shallow thoughts and deep hate.
What a disappointment that the racist aspect of the Republican white-wingers can no longer fly their flag at CMT events. Boo Hoo.

White wingers? Wow.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. If that potted plant is dead.

They are flying it to celebrate regional pride and/or pride in being rural.

You are pretending they are celebrating ancient wrongs, so that you have an excuse for your hate of them today.

That you think you have a right to define what they are thinking, and to judge them based on that, is just you wanting to push people around, because you are a bigot and an asshole.

YOU are the hater and the bad person, and we both know it.
Four years....that flag represents four years of blood and horror...all over trying to keep slaves. Some "pride", eh?
Same people who are anti-anti-fascist. They approve of fascists.

Nope. We just notice that the supposed "anti-fascists" are actually using fascist tactics adn are very violent and dangerous and evil thugs.

That you have to lie about what we do and say and think, that is you admitting that you know you are the bad person here.
Four years....that flag represents four years of blood and horror...all over trying to keep slaves. Some "pride", eh?

That flat represents a geographical region and/or rural working class Americans, ie "rednecks".

When you claim what you just claimed, you are dishonestly pretending to be unaware of how the symbol has changed over the last 150 years.

And you are doing that, so you can smear good people for no good reason.

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