Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Come get some, fancy pants. .... seriously. I'd enjoy it

You're all hat, no cattle

Mod HAT off, so the concerts and festivals I have been too, there were no flags.

1. Is this an actual issue?
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So you're saying BLM are acting like "clowns" when they tear down a statue you do not agree with? Interesting.
More like 2 year old brats throwing a temper tantrum.

How about doing it legally, by petitioning the City Council, or whatever has to occur?

Instead of engaging in vandalism and destruction of public property and other criminal behavior?
You be careful you clown. You can't even win a culture war how are you going to win a real war? You have no allies. You're a deplorable minority of mutants, don't get it twisted.

You're the one with no allies.

The Hispanics are on our side. The Asians are on our side. You're a tiny minority of less than 20%.

Who are your allies? Democrats?

Do you really think the Democrat voter base is going to vote to pay you reparations?

I don't. I think they'll throw you under the bus. Just like they threw Bernie under the bus. Twice
That's a stupid argument. No one here is trying to erase the past but you are clearly trying to excuse some of the more uncomfortable parts under the guise that time has standards. It doesn't. People have standards. You people have no problem using your own standards to judge people like Washington heroes and great men for standing against tyranny and creating a country built on the idea of individual freedom but when we point out his tyrannical treatment of slaves that is when you trot out the old, "we can't judge them by today's standards" trope. Why can't I exactly?
You choose which side of the fence you sit on, I'm on the, "You can't judge those in the past by today's standard".

You choose which side of the fence you sit on, I'm on the, "You can't judge those in the past by today's standard".

So you're on the side of side of stupid? Morality isnt a property of time you moron, that's basic physics. Morality is a property of society and people. People have standards, not time. In any given time there are people with wildly different standards. In this time we have people who think homosexuality is immoral and those who don't. People who think abortion is moral and people who don't. There are Islamic communities who think it's moral to marry children. Which would be the standard of our time? Wouldn't any choice you make just be a reflection of your standards and not times?
So you're on the side of side of stupid? Morality isnt a property of time you moron, that's basic physics. Morality is a property of society and people. People have standards, not time. In any given time there are people with wildly different standards. In this time we have people who think homosexuality is immoral and those who don't. People who think abortion is moral and people who don't. There are Islamic communities who think it's moral to marry children. Which would be the standard of our time? Wouldn't any choice you make just be a reflection of your standards and not times?
I don't argue with fools, you are correct.
So you're on the side of side of stupid? Morality isnt a property of time you moron, that's basic physics. Morality is a property of society and people. People have standards, not time. In any given time there are people with wildly different standards. In this time we have people who think homosexuality is immoral and those who don't. People who think abortion is moral and people who don't. There are Islamic communities who think it's moral to marry children. Which would be the standard of our time? Wouldn't any choice you make just be a reflection of your standards and not times?
More historical revisionism. ^^^

The history of political rights, starting with the Magna Carta.

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