Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

I don't mind if you're unkind.

(There's nothing I can do about it anyway).

I only mind if you cross my boundaries.

Which you won't do, because you (unlike many of your progtard friends) still have a brain cell
So immigrating to your country with my parents, my over 30 uncles and aunts and over 100 first cousins who are all now American citizens, here to replace you, that doesn't cross your boundaries? Good to know. It nice to know a bitch like you will lay down and let your replacement happen. 😁
And I don't care if you don't care. Your feelings don't matter at all to me. Mainstream society shitting on white Southern culture is what matters to me. If doesn't matter to you lay down then and let it happen. 😁
You're such a fucking nut! :p

People keep telling you, what you call white Southern culture disappeared a long time ago.

Dude - pay attention.

You're not destroying one culture, you're creating another.

Believe it or not - that's up to you - but you WILL see the truth of it.

So far you only have a brick wall, but if you get the brilliant idea of trying to climb it instead of beating your head against it, someone's eventually going to pour hot oil over the top.

And you'll scream racism and moan about how unfair it all is, because that's what you do best.
The same in that they were both completely deplorable cultures.... simple conclusions escape you don't they? I'll keep that in mind and remember to hold your hand while I walk you through what is supposed to be simple logic.

Never said that the Confederacy and slavery were not bad. It is you that seems to not be able to understand that different situations have different results.

That is just you being stupid.

Nope. You still haven't given one valid point for why the Confederacy wasn't a deplorable culture of mutants.

Aw, isn't that cute. You think you get to set the parameters of the discussion.

I'm not. That's what makes it even funnier. They're so desperate to not be left out of the future that they would shit in your face at the mere hope of not becoming irrelevant.

Still plenty of white people in this country, who have money to go see races if they want.

This action is stupid woke assholes like you, doing stupid woke asshole shit.

You simply have no idea how businesses are run.

We are discussing stupid shit this business is doing right now. You are just talking shit to deny it.

Who gives a shit? They ain't here so sad fucking day for you. 😄

Anyone with any shred of decency or honesty. Regardless they are the ones that made the call you are so unhappy with.

I have the legal authority. Moral Authority is just another word for your feelings. You go ahead and feel as if I don't have the moral authority and I'll keep using my legal rights to shit on your culture and we'll just see which matters more in the end.

Got it. So you are giving up on arguing that you are in Morally Right here.

I agree, you have the legal power to do most of the shit you and yours are doing. My point is that it is morally wrong and that you are scum of the earth.

So many fucking tears from you. You're a bawling ass bitch. 😄

Me pointing out who made the decision you are whining about, is not me "crying". You are just talking shit like the troll you are.

And that hurts your feelings! 😡

Nope. Just pointing out your failures as a man. Doesn't bother me at all. I can do it all day long.

White people hate Slaver idolaters too soy boy. All decent people do.

That you have to lie about who they are and what they are doing, is you admitting that you are in the wrong on this issue.
You're such a fucking nut! :p

People keep telling you, what you call white Southern culture disappeared a long time ago.

Dude - pay attention.
Really? Cause I still see a lot of their statues and flags around. If you're okay with that culture disappearing, why are you crying so much some venues banned their symbols?
You're not destroying one culture, you're creating another.

Believe it or not - that's up to you - but you WILL see the truth of it.
I have that much power over you and Southern whites? Would that make me their creator? Do I get a cut of the tidings?
So far you only have a brick wall, but if you get the brilliant idea of trying to climb it instead of beating your head against it, someone's eventually going to pour hot oil over the top.
Your boasts are more comical and less sage like when you're losing.
And you'll scream racism and moan about how unfair it all is, because that's what you do best.
I don't cry about things being unfair, the entire idea of fairness is for simple minded clowns.
So immigrating to your country with my parents, my over 30 uncles and aunts and over 100 first cousins who are all now American citizens, here to replace you, that doesn't cross your boundaries? Good to know. It nice to know a bitch like you will lay down and let your replacement happen. 😁
I thought you were trying to replace Southern racists?

You seem confused.

I'm not worried about being replaced. Not in the least. You couldn't possibly replace me. I'm irreplaceable :p

Nah man, the kinds of things I worry about in politics don't include cultural replacement. lol
Never said that the Confederacy and slavery were not bad. It is you that seems to not be able to understand that different situations have different results.

That is just you being stupid.
Well are the or aren't they bad? That kind of speaks to whether or not someone waving around a Confederate flag is deplorable. If you don't have the balls to answer that question, then you don't have the balls to debate the topic.

Still plenty of white people in this country, who have money to go see races if they want.
And they still will because most don't care about your shit flag.
This action is stupid woke assholes like you, doing stupid woke asshole shit.
It's only stupid if it costs them money in the long run.
We are discussing stupid shit this business is doing right now. You are just talking shit to deny it.
And you made it clear you think businesses should be run on feelings rather than revenue.
Anyone with any shred of decency or honesty. Regardless they are the ones that made the call you are so unhappy with.
Looks like more people agree with me on what's decent. 😁
Got it. So you are giving up on arguing that you are in Morally Right here.
I would never make such a silly argument. Morally right is a concept for children and stupid adults.
I agree, you have the legal power to do most of the shit you and yours are doing. My point is that it is morally wrong and that you are scum of the earth.
Awww. Boo hoo.
Really? Cause I still see a lot of their statues and flags around. If you're okay with that culture disappearing, why are you crying so much some venues banned their symbols?

Cause I don't fucking CARE about symbols!

You're the one who gets triggered by symbols. I don't.

I have that much power over you and Southern whites? Would that make me their creator? Do I get a cut of the tidings?

Told ya you'd laugh. You're very predictable

Your boasts are more comical and less sage like when you're losing.

I'm not losing. I'm doing just fine. My children love me, my wife loves me, all the people I work with love me... I'm a happy camper.

I don't cry about things being unfair, the entire idea of fairness is for simple minded clowns.
Really now. Is that so.

I'll remember that, the next time you beg for justice
Cause I don't fucking CARE about symbols!

You're the one who gets triggered by symbols. I don't.
You sure you're not triggered? You seem pretty emotional for someone who doesn't care. 😄
I'm not losing. I'm doing just fine. My children love me, my wife loves me, all the people I work with love me... I'm a happy camper.
I'm happy too. I have all of that and NASCAR and the CMA shit in the mouths of Confederate idolaters. 😁
Really now. Is that so.

I'll remember that, the next time you beg for justice
Justice is a function of the law you nitwit, I was speaking about metaphysical notions of fairness.
Well are the or aren't they bad? That kind of speaks to whether or not someone waving around a Confederate flag is deplorable. If you don't have the balls to answer that question, then you don't have the balls to debate the topic.

They were bad. I am glad that slavery ended.

My position on that, was completely clear from my discussion about the meaning of hte symbol changing over time. That you missed it, is just you being very stupid.

And they still will because most don't care about your shit flag.

Don't play retarded. It won't end with the flag. Your kind need to constantly put down your enemies, to have excuses to rile up your hate and your mobs. This will continue and each time they will insult their fans and lose them.

It's only stupid if it costs them money in the long run.

Which it will.

And you made it clear you think businesses should be run on feelings rather than revenue.

Said the man who is supporting NASCAR insulting their fans.

Looks like more people agree with me on what's decent. 😁

Perhaps. Our culture and society does seem to be declining rapidly.

I would never make such a silly argument. Morally right is a concept for children and stupid adults.

Every time you whine like a faggot about "slavery", you are making a moral argument. But thanks you have now admitted that you don't care about morality.

I take it that all that talk is just shit talk to lull stupid white libs into going along with their "replacement"?

Awww. Boo hoo.

So you admit to being the scum of the Earth?
Glad to see the CMT take action to shake off that hateful racist past represented by the Southern Cross flag.

The way that you pretend to have missed the last 150 years of history, makes you look stupid.
They were bad. I am glad that slavery ended.

My position on that, was completely clear from my discussion about the meaning of hte symbol changing over time. That you missed it, is just you being very stupid.
That symbol didn't change over time anymore than the Nazi symbol did. Deplorable morons decided to use what is the equivalent of the Nazi symbol to represent their pride and they deserve all the shit they get for doing so. They could of chosen any symbol. They chose to identify with slavers.
Don't play retarded. It won't end with the flag. Your kind need to constantly put down your enemies, to have excuses to rile up your hate and your mobs. This will continue and each time they will insult their fans and lose them.
Do you know anyone who want to uplift their enemies? 😄
Every time you whine like a faggot about "slavery", you are making a moral argument. But thanks you have now admitted that you don't care about morality.
I'm making an argument about my subjective moral beliefs, not some fairytale notion of cosmic right and wrong.
I take it that all that talk is just shit talk to lull stupid white libs into going along with their "replacement"?
Other people don't see it as replacement.
I get you miss the good old days. I really do. It shows when you rush to defend the "good old days" and how whites are victims......................all the time.

You are attacking people for no good reason. That makes them the "victim" of your attack.

What part of that, was too hard for you to follow?
You are attacking people for no good reason. That makes them the "victim" of your attack.

What part of that, was too hard for you to follow?
It’s the flag of treason, slavery, war crimes, black codes, Jim Crow, lynching, segregation, white grievance politics, and racist replacement theory.

It’s the flag of racist reactionary white supremacists who seek to demonize and vilify American of color, and who murder black shoppers in a grocery store.
That symbol didn't change over time anymore than the Nazi symbol did. Deplorable morons decided to use what is the equivalent of the Nazi symbol to represent their pride and they deserve all the shit they get for doing so. They could of chosen any symbol. They chose to identify with slavers.

Different symbols did different shit over time. Your denial of the documented historical record is called LYING.

It would be valid if you expressed your disagreement with what was done. That you pretend to be unaware of it being done, is you being a liar.

Do you know anyone who want to uplift their enemies? 😄

So, that point you made about it just being the flag, we see now that was bullshit. Which was my point. THanks.

So, the woke assholes doing this, see their fans as their enemies. Well, that's not going to go well.

I'm making an argument about my subjective moral beliefs, not some fairytale notion of cosmic right and wrong.

Morality is "right and wrong". Now you are just talking in circles because your arguments make no sense.

Other people don't see it as replacement.

But you do. You have said so repeatedly. You talk shit about slavery being wrong, but when pressed, that is just talk. You don't care about " fairytale notion of cosmic right and wrong.".

So, who is that shit talk for? NOt me. You don't care about my opinion.

It's the stupid white libs, that are the source of all your political power. You NEED them to give muscle to your stupid shit talk.

Funny world you are bulding. Macho shit talking black man, who's power depends on keeping white libs on his side, while he works towards replacing the very people that give him power.

DO you see a problem with how that will go? Dumbass.
Looks like I won't be tuning in. What a travesty to ban the Confederate flags which are southern pride cultural icons. These triggered woke sensitive cowards that banned the flags have no sense of reality and respect for beautiful southern heritage, traditions, and culture.

One of the biggest country music festivals has put its boot down: No more Confederate flags. The Country Music Association added “Confederate flag imagery of any kind” to the prohibited items list at the upcoming CMA Fest in Nashville, Tennessee. The four-day festival is scheduled June 9-12 after a two-year postponement during the COVID-19 pandemic, the association announced online.

The association said the decision to ban Confederate flag imagery was an updated part of the policy to protect the safety of fans, according to a statement obtained by The Tennessean. “This year’s CMA Fest is our first major fan-facing event in nearly three years. We have always had policies in place that protect the safety of our fans and ban discrimination, but we felt it was important to further refine our language to explicitly outline what will and will not be tolerated,” the CMA said in the statement, according to The Tennessean.

"In line with our first CMA Fest lineup announcement in early April, our event policy was published on our website, which states any behavior that causes one of our attendees to fear for their personal safety will not be tolerated, and that is inclusive of any displays of the Confederate flag.” McClatchy News reached out to the CMA for comment on June 2 and was awaiting a response. Organizations such as the Stagecoach Festival in California and NASCAR have banned Confederate flags as well. NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace told NPR that he was proud of the racing organization, which banned the symbol in June 2020. “No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race. So it starts with Confederate flags. Get them out of here. They have no place for them,”
Just like NASCAR another organization forgetting their roots
It’s the flag of treason, slavery, war crimes, black codes, Jim Crow, lynching, segregation, white grievance politics, and racist replacement theory.

It’s the flag of racist reactionary white supremacists who seek to demonize and vilify American of color, and who murder black shoppers in a grocery store.

Nope. It is a symbol of harmless regional pride.

Your claims are clearly false, as demonstrated by this historical photo.


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