Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

So that means they are not sovereign.
Even were I to agree with you, and I thank you for not thinking I do agree, I am going by what the State of CA says and believe it is accurate.

Perhaps your definition of sovereign is not what is in the dictionary.
I looked at the reviews on Amazon.

The reviews were all five stars by the people that liked the book and one star from those that didn't like it. Nothing inbetween

The people that rated it one star never questioned the references or scholarly analysis. They just made the typical uneducated hateful statements about the Confederacy that had no basis in reality. I doubt very many, if any, actually read the book.

The South was right to secede from the Union and when you look at it in terms of the American quest for Liberty they were actually the last best hope. The North was wrong to kill Americans over secession. Secession is not an act of war. The act of war was when the Union thugs crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans and take their arms away.

The Jr High history texts will state that the war started when the Ft Sumter was fired upon but they always fail to mention that it was that asshole Lincoln that violated the truce that was in place that President Buchanan established. He did it unilaterally and never even consulted his cabinet. He did it to provoke war and over a million Americans died.
Though it was merely the South defending it's state, they managed to defeat Abe at Manassas where today there is plenty of evidence of the whipping Abe took that day.
Fort Pickens just off of Florida's coast is an excellent example of the South not taking that fort since the occupants who were union Troops agreed not to wage war on Florida. And it worked fine. Abe needed a boot up his ass for starting a war that killed the most Americans of all wars. In fact it still rates number 1 for slain Americans.
Holy shit. You’re a ducking traitor
Because those tribal areas are not sovereign. They cannot make treaties, issue passports, nor even secure their own borders. They are pretend nations, like the homelands of apartheid South Africa.
I just realized who was discussing sovereign. Sure I had mentioned it, but for lords sake person, it was not a huge matter to me until you started in on that part.
As I see your issue, you have a huge hard on against native tribes.
Really gramps?

I love my country.

Apparently you love the CSA and slavery

You make a fine Republican
No you do not. You love just Democrats. Those who owned slaves, those who formed the KKK, those who hung blacks. Yes those are your pals.
Nope. Don’t project, you racist piece of shit.

I love my country.

You constantly are a very very poor excuse for a citizen and you hate this country. I have read your shit fest for a long long time.

You'd Better cal for backup ... BackAgain ??? Koolaid Fellows calling...

The Lost Cause​

The Lost Cause is an interpretation of the American Civil War (1861–1865) that seeks to present the war from the perspective of Confederates and in the best possible terms. Developed by white Southerners, many of them former Confederate generals, in a postwar climate of economic, racial, and social uncertainty, the Lost Cause created and romanticized the “Old South” and the Confederate war effort, often distorting history in the process. For this reason, many historians have labeled the Lost Cause a myth or a legend. It is an important example of public memory, one in which nostalgia for the Confederate past is accompanied by a collective forgetting of the horrors of slavery. Providing a sense of relief to white Southerners who feared being dishonored by defeat, the Lost Cause was largely accepted in the years following the war by white Americans who found it to be a useful tool in reconciling North and South. The Lost Cause has lost much of its academic support but continues to be an important part of how the Civil War is commemorated in the South and remembered in American popular culture.

In This Entry​

Contributor: Caroline E. Janney

Six Tenets​

Meaningless leftarded bullshit opinion. The ignorance of you and your fellow uninformed leftards is astounding. Or maybe it isn’t.......
Fort Pickens just off of Florida's coast is an excellent example of the South not taking that fort since the occupants who were union Troops agreed not to wage war on Florida. And it worked fine. Abe needed a boot up his ass for starting a war that killed the most Americans of all wars. In fact it still rates number 1 for slain Americans.
Buchanan knew that the Federal forts in the Confederacy would be something that could ignite hostilities.

He enacted a truce. The forts were not be reinforced or resupplied with war material and the Confederacy would not try to take them. The personnel at the forts would get food and other necessaries from the local economies. There would be no taking over the forts. That was to be negotiated at a later date.

However, the very first thing that asshole Lincoln did was to send a reinforcement supply ship to Ft Sumter knowing it was going to ignite hostilities.

How come none of the Jr High School History books ever mention that? All the books say is that the South started the war by attacking Ft Sumter. In fact the real war started when the Union sent the army across the Potomac River to attack Virginia at Bull Run.

These idiots that are always making stupid remarks about the Confederacy don't even know how the war really started.
Stupid democrat Taliban. Just can't handle American history.

Next they'll be erecting statues to perverts and deviants.
Southern conservatives are GOP now duhhh.... Worst voters in the modern world...
You constantly are a very very poor excuse for a citizen and you hate this country. I have read your shit fest for a long long time.
Not sucking the Orange Phallus does not mean I don’t love my country you piece of shit
Buchanan knew that the Federal forts in the Confederacy would be something that could ignite hostilities.

He enacted a truce. The forts were not be reinforced or resupplied with war material and the Confederacy would not try to take them. The personnel at the forts would get food and other necessaries from the local economies. There would be no taking over the forts. That was to be negotiated at a later date.

However, the very first thing that asshole Lincoln did was to send a reinforcement supply ship to Ft Sumter knowing it was going to ignite hostilities.

How come none of the Jr High School History books ever mention that? All the books say is that the South started the war by attacking Ft Sumter. In fact the real war started when the Union sent the army across the Potomac River to attack Virginia at Bull Run.

These idiots that are always making stupid remarks about the Confederacy don't even know how the war really started.
it’s DEMS who are all about tearing down statues and erasing history, not Republicans. They know what group is responsible. So hit the bricks with your pathetic whining.
Buchanan knew that the Federal forts in the Confederacy would be something that could ignite hostilities.

He enacted a truce. The forts were not be reinforced or resupplied with war material and the Confederacy would not try to take them. The personnel at the forts would get food and other necessaries from the local economies. There would be no taking over the forts. That was to be negotiated at a later date.

However, the very first thing that asshole Lincoln did was to send a reinforcement supply ship to Ft Sumter knowing it was going to ignite hostilities.

How come none of the Jr High School History books ever mention that? All books say is that the South started the war by attacking Ft Sumter. In fact the real war started when the Union sent the army across the Potomac River to attack Virginia at Bull Run.

These idiots that are always making stupid remarks about the Confederacy don't even know how the war really started.
Worst reason to fight ever..... Wonder what blacks etc think lol....
Showing your utter stupidity by resorting to a Trump meme that has nothing to do with your lying. I’ll type slowly so maybe you can have mommy read this to you. It’s DEMS who tear down statues. Not Republicans. I live fairly close to that area. They know it was BLM peons, but not the specific people. Continue your ignorant TDS ranting.

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