Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

Not sucking the Orange Phallus does not mean I don’t love my country you piece of shit
You suck one daily and the old man is demented. Why don't you show a love of this country then?
Buchanan knew that the Federal forts in the Confederacy would be something that could ignite hostilities.

He enacted a truce. The forts were not be reinforced or resupplied with war material and the Confederacy would not try to take them. The personnel at the forts would get food and other necessaries from the local economies. There would be no taking over the forts. That was to be negotiated at a later date.

However, the very first thing that asshole Lincoln did was to send a reinforcement supply ship to Ft Sumter knowing it was going to ignite hostilities.

How come none of the Jr High School History books ever mention that? All the books say is that the South started the war by attacking Ft Sumter. In fact the real war started when the Union sent the army across the Potomac River to attack Virginia at Bull Run.

These idiots that are always making stupid remarks about the Confederacy don't even know how the war really started.
Yes, all of that accurate. I have been at Bull Run and will report here all it is there is a not large creek. The area is also known as a rural area not far from Manassas, a city still there in VA. The Lincoln troops killed a woman in a home not far from the creek. Why are Democrats not informed? Simple, the teachers unions are Democrats and try to name what history books kids get to study. If parents object. Biden lashes out using the FBI.
Understand that your desire to destroy history has never led to a better tomorrow, ever.
Except I have no desire to destroy history, just a monument to deplorable slavers. Is all of history contained in that monument? Am I supposed to take that clown argument seriously? :dunno:
Except I have no desire to destroy history, just a monument to deplorable slavers. Is all of history contained in that monument? Am I supposed to take that clown argument seriously? :dunno:
You obviously missed the part where the nation forgave and made whole the Confederate soldiers, thus treating them with respect and dignity. I know it's in vogue among the kids today to stomp an opponent into the ground totally destroying him, his family, and his property so that no one ever associated with him escapes the worst that society can do to them, but that's not the way we've always done it.
You obviously missed the part where the nation forgave and made whole the Confederate soldiers, thus treating them with respect and dignity.
I didn't miss that. That's history. This is the present. We dont have to continue to honor those pieces of human shit just because some other assholes did so previously.
I know it's in vogue among the kids today to stomp an opponent into the ground totally destroying him, his family, and his property so that no one ever associated with him escapes the worst that society can do to them, but that's not the way we've always done it.
It's not my fault you don't have a conquers spirit in you but we mean to drive deplorable mutant Confederate culture to extinction through shame, disrespect and ridicule. Feel free to serve as some sort of opposition but being a pussy and crying about the destruction of history ain't it.
I didn't miss that. That's history. This is the present. We dont have to continue to honor those pieces of human shit just because some other assholes did so previously.
If you want to be a vindictive little person, bitter because people do things you don't like, you can.
It's not my fault you don't have a conquers spirit in you but we mean to drive deplorable mutant Confederate culture to extinction through shame, disrespect and ridicule. Feel free to serve as some sort of opposition but being a pussy and crying about the destruction of history ain't it.
I don't know if you've noticed, but trying to eliminate a culture through hatred and bigotry rarely works.
If you want to be a vindictive little person, bitter because people do things you don't like, you can.
And if you want to cry about it you can. Having voting rights means we get a say now too in what iconography represents us and the browner this country gets the less and less that describes you and yours.
I don't know if you've noticed, but trying to eliminate a culture through hatred and bigotry rarely works.
Bigotry is the unreasonable hatred of others. There's good reason to hate racists who fought to keep men, women and children as property just as its perfectly reasonable to hate the nazis.
And if you want to cry about it you can. Having voting rights means we get a say now too in what iconography represents us and the browner this country gets the less and less that describes you and yours.
Yes, things change all the time, what's your point? And what do you think you know about me and mine?
Bigotry is the unreasonable hatred of others.
Yes, yes, it is, and when you realize that soldiers on the battlefield have many reasons for being there beyond the reasons politicians give, you start to realize there are reasons why they should be treated with dignity in defeat. Why become the monster that you profess to hate?
There's good reason to hate racists who fought to keep men, women and children as property just as its perfectly reasonable to hate the nazis.
Godwin's, you lose.

Now, do you hate ALL the people groups in the world who have kept slaves, or do you reserve your hatred solely for white people in the Antebellum South? Because slavery is a pervasive evil that has been around since one tribe became strong enough to conquer another tribe, and rare, if not non-existent, is the people group that can claim they are totally free of its stench.
Yes, things change all the time, what's your point? And what do you think you know about me and mine?
I know that you're crying over the removal of a monument to deplorable pieces of human shit.
Yes, yes, it is, and when you realize that soldiers on the battlefield have many reasons for being there beyond the reasons politicians give, you start to realize there are reasons why they should be treated with dignity in defeat. Why become the monster that you profess to hate?
Guy, I'm not going to take you seriously as you call me a monster for wanting to remove a monument. No one is. I think the monsters are the people who fought to keep men, women and children as property and they didn't do so because leaders told them to but because they believed owning those men, women and children as property was their God given right. 30% of families in the Confederacy owned at least one human being as property. In states like Mississippi it was over 50% of families. You want to talk about preserving history but you don't even fucking know it.
Godwin's, you lose
You take your rhetorical victory, I'll celebrate when the monument comes down.
Now, do you hate ALL the people groups in the world who have kept slaves, or do you reserve your hatred solely for white people in the Antebellum South?
Yes, I hate all slavers. Its just a testament to how cowardly and dishonest of a debator you are that you're reluctant to say the same even as you try to make insinuations about me.
Because slavery is a pervasive evil that has been around since one tribe became strong enough to conquer another tribe, and rare, if not non-existent, is the people group that can claim they are totally free of its stench.
That doesn't mean we have to honor the monsters and human trash.

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