Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

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The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔

You Trotskyites don't even realize it's a reconciliation monument. How ignorant.
I know that you're crying over the removal of a monument to deplorable pieces of human shit.
I have no skin in that game. I really don't care much about monuments. What I do care about is attempts to rewrite and eliminate history. We need to hear more voices, not just the ones blessed by political correctness.
Guy, I'm not going to take you seriously as you call me a monster for wanting to remove a monument. No one is.
Nope, I'm saying that the desire to permanently and totally destroy someone without even considering their story is monstrous. It would be akin to a KKK member wanting to eliminate all dark-skinned people from his neighborhood, claiming they are all thieves and rapists.
I think the monsters are the people who fought to keep men, women and children as property and they didn't do so because leaders told them to but because they believed owning those men, women and children as property was their God given right. 30% of families in the Confederacy owned at least one human being as property. In states like Mississippi it was over 50% of families. You want to talk about preserving history but you don't even fucking know it.
You've read their minds and know why they fought. I see. Tell me, which comic book had that mindreading certification class on its back page, and which ones sold the foil helmets? They don't really work, you know.
You take your rhetorical victory, I'll celebrate when the monument comes down.

Yes, I hate all slavers. Its just a testament to how cowardly and dishonest of a debator you are that you're reluctant to say the same even as you try to make insinuations about me.

That doesn't mean we have to honor the monsters and human trash.
Okay, so you hate everybody then, because slavery has been around since the first tribe got strong enough to conquer and subjugate another tribe, and all people groups have slavers in their past. Slavery was not invented by the Antebellum South; it is a great evil that has been practiced since mankind has been around. Thank God for those who fought to stop it, even at the cost of losing their lives.
From the original article:

The marker was erected in 1914, part of a constellation of Confederate markers that rose throughout the early 1900s to cement the ideals of white supremacy as Black Americans demanded equal rights.

That context must be understood, said Ty Seidule, a retired Army general who was the vice chair of the congressional commission that recommended the monument’s removal from Arlington. While Republican lawmakers described the marker as an ode to reconciliation, it was installed in what was then a racially segregated cemetery and molded in celebration of an emerging racial police state in the South.
I have no skin in that game. I really don't care much about monuments. What I do care about is attempts to rewrite and eliminate history. We need to hear more voices, not just the ones blessed by political correctness.
No one is trying to rewrite or eliminate history. Your side isn't even really clear on what that means. Do you mean we have a different perspective on events throughout history than you do or the American people did in the 1800s? Yes we do. That's because we look a lot different than that America and its our voice you're hearing now as these monuments come down. We're saying loud and clear that those people and their culture do not represent us or our values.
Nope, I'm saying that the desire to permanently and totally destroy someone without even considering their story is monstrous. It would be akin to a KKK member wanting to eliminate all dark-skinned people from his neighborhood, claiming they are all thieves and rapists.
Those aren't equivalent positions. Being black doesn't make you a criminal. Being a Confederate or KKK member does make you someone who wants treat black people unequally. That's inherent to the ideology. Why shouldn't we want to stamp out the KKK or their forebearers?
You've read their minds and know why they fought. I see. Tell me, which comic book had that mindreading certification class on its back page, and which ones sold the foil helmets? They don't really work, you know.
I don't have to read their minds to know what their country stood for. They were pretty explicit about it.
Okay, so you hate everybody then, because slavery has been around since the first tribe got strong enough to conquer and subjugate another tribe, and all people groups have slavers in their past. Slavery was not invented by the Antebellum South; it is a great evil that has been practiced since mankind has been around. Thank God for those who fought to stop it, even at the cost of losing their lives.
I don't hate everybody, just shitty murderers rapists and slavers. Why are you acting confused by this?
You lay down and take it while fantasizing some victory?
2024 is coming, and the only guy you have to put up is this guy? Good luck stopping the red wave...

...Hi I'm Joe Biden.
Statues honoring USA's war opponents do not belong in American national cemeteries. The statue would be appropriate at prisoner of war camp cemeteries that the USA established for captured CSA soldiers.
Is this the sequel to that other red wave? 😄
Abortion had all the women riled up in the 2022 mid-term.
Groceries and rent and mortgages and car prices will have them riled up differently in November.
Bidenomics is an albatross around democrat's necks.
Not to mention just how senile Biden is. The polls might be a little off, but not as much as democrats are hoping.
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Watching Republicans get infuriated over the removal of statues of Democrats doesn't stop being amusing.

I'm fine with the removal of slavers and most Republicans are. Our only objection is when leftists do it your normal way with street violence, MAGA man. Removal should go through the legislature.

Note you completely missed the real issue. But then you vote for Perv Joe who enables lots of slavery of women and children on our southern border
Abortion had all the women riled up.
Having your bodily autonomy taken away from you will do that.
Groceries and rent and mortgages and car prices will have them riled up in November.
Bidenomics is an albatross around democrat's necks.
What is Bidenomics and what would Republicans do differently?
Not to mention just how senile Biden is. The polls might be a little off, but not as much as democrats are hoping.
I don't think the polls are off, I think they're accurate snapshots of the electorate as it stands today. Trump voters are enthusiastic about voting for Trump and Biden voters aren't really enthusiastic about voting for him for good reason. I think that as we get closer to the election enthusiasm for voting against Trump among Democrats will rise.
They fought honorably for what they believed in.
And what they believed in....slavery of other human beings.....was abhorrent to many back then. And is almost universally abhorent today.

Sure, they fought courageously but then, so did the Wehrmacht. And we don't put up statues to them.

ps....a 'statue' ain't history. Especially one created and erected 60 years after the events. Duh!

What I do care about is attempts to rewrite and eliminate history.
Such as?
"Re-writing"?....Sure, re-writes happen all the time as new facts emerge, more complete scholarship develops. It has been ever such.
But "eliminate history" ???
What do you have in mind there?


Nope, I'm saying that the desire to permanently and totally destroy someone without even considering their story is monstrous.
Again, just exactly what or who are you alluding to in such a broad statement?

The statue would be appropriate at prisoner of war camp cemeteries that the USA established for captured CSA soldiers.
I'm not so sure.
If any statue celebrates or honors Confederate heroes then it has no place on public property in the United States of America. That's not to say that such statues must not exist, they can. But on private property only.


Bidenomics is an albatross around democrat's necks.

Yet, the US is doing just fine....with rising wages, near full employment, record low unemployment, 'Now Hiring' signs everywhere, more people owning homes with their equity in those homes increasing, companies reporting record profits, Christmas merchants reporting a strong buying season.

Yeah sure, that is one helluva an 'albatross'.

With no desire to be disrespectful, good poster kyzr...but, but it seems you are a tad naive' about economics, markets, and commerce.
Abortion had all the women riled up in the 2022 mid-term.
Groceries and rent and mortgages and car prices will have them riled up differently in November.
Bidenomics is an albatross around democrat's necks.
Not to mention just how senile Biden is. The polls might be a little off, but not as much as democrats are hoping.
The abortion issue is not going away anytime soon. See Kate Cox's story and the increasing number of other ones to come.

Inflation is tamed and the stock market is soaring.

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