Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

That's why he's doing it. Democrat double standards and obfuscation of Democrat history.

His argument is as you said irrelevant, but again I have to point out the Democrat party is as racist today as they were 150 years ago. They support slavery, sex trafficking and drugs on the southern border. Nothing has changed for the Democrat party since slave owners were all Democrats. Absolutely nothing. That's what's relevant
Their der Leader is incapable of climbing stairs nor making cogent sentences. He wanders off the stage confused and in anguish. But this sort of creep is what they want.
This is stupid. There is no excuse for slavery. It was legal for America to be a colony of Britain at one time. The confederacy was full of CONSERVATIVES. So trying to make this a Democrat thing to argue a disingenuous premise hoping to trick enough blacks into supporting the white supremacist agenda of todays republican party gets zero play here. Go find some black retard you can try this garbage on.

Today's REPUBLICAN PARTY defends the confederacy. So talking about what Democrats were 160 years ago is stupid. You idiots try this while telling us how nobody taday is responsible for slavery and nobody today owned slaves. So if that's the case, then todays Democratic Party has nothing to do with slavery. Therefore shut up with this disingenuous bullshit.
I agree that there was no excuse for slavery. But it happens to be true that at that time, in the USA, slavery was so legal that an amendment to the constitution was voted for and was going to be sent to states for ratification to drive a nail into keeping slavery. There was not much resistance in the North to slavery. I guess according to you now the Democrats are conservatives. Who guessed this could happen. Do you mean they want to obey laws of the nation? Why don't we see evidence of this? Biden for example breaks laws daily. And some he imposes on America are purely evil and mal intentioned by Biden. But he is your conservative.
My issue with the Confederacy is to tell America the plain unadulterated truth. Not to bash dead men but to lay out what they did and why. Was their owning humans lawful? We must tell the truth that this country was set up so slavery was legal. We do have slavers coming in at the Border yet you can't beat the shit out of Biden getting him to protect our country. Yet blacks like him and though he lost many blacks, some voters will still support the man who imports slavers.
I did no such thing and neither did anyone else
Either you are bright enough not to get caught or too lazy to go where Democrats destroy stuff that even includes old churches in DC. Remember when your party set the church on fire and raised hell with the cops?
That name is meaningless. Totally an excuse to cover the Democrats tracks.
No, it's actually the truth. The south is solidly Republican now while most of what was the north at the time of the civil war is mostly Democrat.
Here is the truth about Sumter. First the men in the fort were not there legally. They were ordered to go home. Second the Fort is what got damaged and you do not invade VA over damage to a fort. Only in lala land does one invade a state in a different country over weak cannon fire that barely had the range to hit walls. Truth is, Abe ached for war so he sent men to die for his cause.
Nobody is buying your lost cause nonsense.
George Orwell, "1984" - “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

Removing monuments will not stop the crazy left wing bigot Democrats from hating.

Earlier this year, Fort Bragg shed its Confederate namesake to become Fort Liberty, part of the broad Department of Defense initiative, motivated by the 2020 George Floyd protests, to rename military installations that had been named after Confederate soldiers.

The North Carolina base was originally named in 1918 for Gen. Braxton Bragg, a Confederate general from Warrenton, North Carolina, who was known for owning slaves and losing key Civil War battles that contributed to the Confederacy’s downfall.

The Black Lives Matter demonstrations that erupted nationwide after Floyd’s killing by a white police officer, coupled with ongoing efforts to remove Confederate monuments, turned the spotlight on the Army installations. The naming commission created by Congress visited the bases and met with members of the surrounding communities for input.

Here are a few things to contemplate about this issue.
Floyd died from a drug overdose.
Office Chauvin was wrongly convicted.
The annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is about 2:1. *DOJ
About twice as many White suspects are killed by police annually than are Black suspects. *DOJ
I agree that there was no excuse for slavery. But it happens to be true that at that time, in the USA, slavery was so legal that an amendment to the constitution was voted for and was going to be sent to states for ratification to drive a nail into keeping slavery. There was not much resistance in the North to slavery. I guess according to you now the Democrats are conservatives. Who guessed this could happen. Do you mean they want to obey laws of the nation? Why don't we see evidence of this? Biden for example breaks laws daily. And some he imposes on America are purely evil and mal intentioned by Biden. But he is your conservative.
My issue with the Confederacy is to tell America the plain unadulterated truth. Not to bash dead men but to lay out what they did and why. Was their owning humans lawful? We must tell the truth that this country was set up so slavery was legal. We do have slavers coming in at the Border yet you can't beat the shit out of Biden getting him to protect our country. Yet blacks like him and though he lost many blacks, some voters will still support the man who imports slavers.
Again, your argument is dishonest. Furthermore after the Civil War, Republicans did their level best to push blacks out of the party. The truth here is that both parties have not been friendly to blacks. You Republicans want to cling to the we freed you from slavery line, but we as blacks say you get no credit for freeing people who should never have been slaves. If I set your house on fire then call the fire department, you aren't going to listen to me telling you how you should be grateful because I called the fire department.

This is just how stupid you Republicans are, you think you can keep telling us how Republicans freed somebody. But slavery didn't end in 1863, laws were made that basically restored slavery, a Republican president ended reconstruction and in 1964 a Democrat signed our second Emancipation Proclamation. So Just be honest. The confederacy was another country, and the states that were part of the confederacy then are republican now. And it is Republican states today talking about secession.
No, it's actually the truth. The south is solidly Republican now while most of what was the north at the time of the civil war is mostly Democrat.

Nobody is buying your lost cause nonsense.
I tell the truth. I know the South woke up many years after Kennedy to change voting from D to R. But a lot of them came to the South from California and other states including from the north. When one asks why move to the South, typically is is people fleeing blacks. Blacks crash areas and sooner ratrher than later crime waves take place. Yes, blacks create babies in black girls who they refuse to marry. Watch some of the Jerry Springer show and the Maury Povich show and the Ex cop show where they all bring in deserted black women who have babies by the bunch until they kill the kids by aborting them.

A published book that is scholarly asserted abortion by black women created a fall of the crime rate and has proof in the book. So on that score abortion was better for blacks than others.
That's why he's doing it. Democrat double standards and obfuscation of Democrat history.

His argument is as you said irrelevant, but again I have to point out the Democrat party is as racist today as they were 150 years ago. They support slavery, sex trafficking and drugs on the southern border. Nothing has changed for the Democrat party since slave owners were all Democrats. Absolutely nothing. That's what's relevant
I tell the truth. I know the South woke up many years after Kennedy to change voting from D to R. But a lot of them came to the South from California and other states including from the north. When one asks why move to the South, typically is is people fleeing blacks. Blacks crash areas and sooner ratrher than later crime waves take place. Yes, blacks create babies in black girls who they refuse to marry. Watch some of the Jerry Springer show and the Maury Povich show and the Ex cop show where they all bring in deserted black women who have babies by the bunch until they kill the kids by aborting them.

A published book that is scholarly asserted abortion by black women created a fall of the crime rate and has proof in the book. So on that score abortion was better for blacks than others.
White commit more crimes and always have. You're FOS.
Again, your argument is dishonest. Furthermore after the Civil War, Republicans did their level best to push blacks out of the party. The truth here is that both parties have not been friendly to blacks. You Republicans want to cling to the we freed you from slavery line, but we as blacks say you get no credit for freeing people who should never have been slaves. If I set your house on fire then call the fire department, you aren't going to listen to me telling you how you should be grateful because I called the fire department.

This is just how stupid you Republicans are, you think you can keep telling us how Republicans freed somebody. But slavery didn't end in 1863, laws were made that basically restored slavery, a Republican president ended reconstruction and in 1964 a Democrat signed our second Emancipation Proclamation. So Just be honest. The confederacy was another country, and the states that were part of the confederacy then are republican now. And it is Republican states today talking about secession.
Abe did not free slaves. He rounded up blacks in the South to press them into his military.
My arguments are never dishonest. Even your arguments get you called dishonest. But you come closer to be dishonest than I do.

I wonder a lot why it is just blacks who feel all pissed off. We have native tribes who owned slaves and blacks do not piss on the tribes.

Talk about the South leaving the country, we have hundreds of tribes of natives who run their own nations inside of this country. They retain tribal rights.

So once the blacks of america were freed, why do you suppose they did not do as the Tribes did and simply carve out areas in states and say they are a black government?
White commit more crimes and always have. You're FOS.
DUH ... if Blacks numbered as many as whites, blacks would almost do 99 percent of the crimes as you well know. Why defend criminals?

So you never read Freakonomics? This study is very highly rated and very honest.
Liberal Democrats erase history again.
Democrats definitely are not liberal. Excellent examples of their authoritarian style of governing is here on this forum and also in CA with Gavin Newsom and other Democrats Governors. Strangely after they pass laws, they excuse others who violate their laws so long as they show up from Mexico. For Mexico, America is their dumping grounds of misfits.
There are a lot of very confused posters on this forum that don't know much about the Civil War. Their knowledge stems from what they remember learning about in Jr High School History class. Lesson that were presented by the winners of the war to justify invading the South and killing Americans. Very distorted account of history.

I have reading assignments for those of you that need to pull your head out of your ass.

Lets first start out with this:

Democrats definitely are not liberal. Excellent examples of their authoritarian style of governing is here on this forum and also in CA with Gavin Newsom and other Democrats Governors. Strangely after they pass laws, they excuse others who violate their laws so long as they show up from Mexico. For Mexico, America is their dumping grounds of misfits.
Sure Bob, what about those wussy authoritarian governors of Texas and Florida?
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Talk about the South leaving the country, we have hundreds of tribes of natives who run their own nations inside of this country. They retain tribal rights.

So once the blacks of america were freed, why do you suppose they did not do as the Tribes did and simply carve out areas in states and say they are a black government?
Because those tribal areas are not sovereign. They cannot make treaties, issue passports, nor even secure their own borders. They are pretend nations, like the homelands of apartheid South Africa.

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