Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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You continue to dig the earth of cluelessness with a post-hole digger. Going all the way to China?

Liberalism has NOTHING to do with "Socialize Medicine"or "recognizing men in dresses as "broads", whatever that means.

Liberalism has very much to do with Abolition. You might have got a clue about that from the line "all men are created equal". Then again I believe you were the same asshat that tried to get away with characterizing the Birmingham church bomber as a "Liberal", of which he would be the antithesis.

Further, I'm afraid there was no such thing as "the Democrat plantations". Obviously no one needed a political party to run a plantation, let alone one that wasn't even in existence until the 1830s, but also the Democrat domination of the "Solid South" didn't even begin until AFTER that War. Curses, Linear Time strikes again.

Liberalism is against abolition. I don't know if remember Dr. Ben Carson back during the 2016 campaign comparing Obamacare with slavery. Getting rid of the ACA is the modern moral equivalent of the abolitionist movement. Leading ministers railed against slavery back in the early to mid 19th century, same today with Socialized Medicine where leading theologians like John Hagee and Robert Jeffress preach against it.

Abolition *IS* Liberalism. The whole essence of "all men are created equal". I told you before, you have NO clue what you're babbling about incoherently. Liberalism and the noble experiment threw off the idea that an authoritarian King and Clergy should run things, said fuck that and put the people in charge of themselves. That was the whole POINT.
Let us recall that those who blathered on about "all men are created equal" were genocidal slavers who envisioned a system in which only white male aristocrats had any representation at all.

Not all of them (second POTUS for example). It was the ideal --- the pressing issue of the time was getting rid of King George. However those same Liberals wrote into the Constitution that the slave trade had to stop.
And how did that work out?
Constitution has worked out great. Now if we could add an amendment to get rid of the 14th it would be great.
Nape. The George Wallace who was actually active in politics.

"I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill. The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., to figure out what to do with it."

But your quote from much later in his life is an inspiring reminder that people can change. Thanks for that.
The Civil Right Act of 1964 was a violation of the 10th Amendment and interfered with private businesses. Liberals like to hold-up the biggest piece of shit Amendment passed by the radical Republicans after the war...the 14th. Most abused Amendment of the Constitution. 13th and 15th are fine. Bill of Rights over time has been selectively incorporated to the states. 14th is moot. Court didn’t need the 14th to do this.

The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded

Lincoln never advocated for Socialized Medicine or recognizing men in dresses as "broads".

What makes you think he was a lib? In actuality, Honest Abe- the proto-ditto-head, wanted to get black people off of the Democrat plantations.
I'm guessing he thinks Lincoln was a lib because he was a warmonger and hated State's rights.
Who also suspended the Bill of Rights and had near dictatorial powers.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.
Good post. From your link:

>> “As a presidential hopeful, do you have any plans on addressing the removal, or lack thereof, of the reminders of the nation’s dark past, or have any plans on preserving the nation’s history in a way that explains it in a more education sense versus showing praise to the losing side?” an audience member asked.

Ms Warren responded forcefully, saying she would “support removing Confederate celebrations from federal land and putting them in museums, where they belong”. <<
I am sure that will be a big winner for her in Pennsylvania where they make a lot of money on Civil War tourism.
Nothing wrong with confederate displays on a battlefield like Gettysburg

The problem is with displays at a county courthouse celebrating the Confederacy
So, you are just half racist.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.
Liberalism is against abolition. I don't know if remember Dr. Ben Carson back during the 2016 campaign comparing Obamacare with slavery. Getting rid of the ACA is the modern moral equivalent of the abolitionist movement. Leading ministers railed against slavery back in the early to mid 19th century, same today with Socialized Medicine where leading theologians like John Hagee and Robert Jeffress preach against it.

Abolition *IS* Liberalism. The whole essence of "all men are created equal". I told you before, you have NO clue what you're babbling about incoherently. Liberalism and the noble experiment threw off the idea that an authoritarian King and Clergy should run things, said fuck that and put the people in charge of themselves. That was the whole POINT.
Let us recall that those who blathered on about "all men are created equal" were genocidal slavers who envisioned a system in which only white male aristocrats had any representation at all.

Not all of them (second POTUS for example). It was the ideal --- the pressing issue of the time was getting rid of King George. However those same Liberals wrote into the Constitution that the slave trade had to stop.
And how did that work out?

The trade discontinued 1808, the earliest date the Constitution would allow.

Obviously that wasn't all there was to be done. And sure enough it didn't get done for too long, because money.
You had 10 generations of the landed gentry of the South invested in slavery. It was all about $$$ and prestige of modeling themselves after English nobility.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

Feel free to provide a complete list of Democrats who flipped parties..................
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.
Abolition *IS* Liberalism. The whole essence of "all men are created equal". I told you before, you have NO clue what you're babbling about incoherently. Liberalism and the noble experiment threw off the idea that an authoritarian King and Clergy should run things, said fuck that and put the people in charge of themselves. That was the whole POINT.
Let us recall that those who blathered on about "all men are created equal" were genocidal slavers who envisioned a system in which only white male aristocrats had any representation at all.

Not all of them (second POTUS for example). It was the ideal --- the pressing issue of the time was getting rid of King George. However those same Liberals wrote into the Constitution that the slave trade had to stop.
And how did that work out?

The trade discontinued 1808, the earliest date the Constitution would allow.

Obviously that wasn't all there was to be done. And sure enough it didn't get done for too long, because money.
You had 10 generations of the landed gentry of the South invested in slavery. It was all about $$$ and prestige of modeling themselves after English nobility.

More Scottish but yes.
The Civil Right Act of 1964 was a violation of the 10th Amendment and interfered with private businesses. Liberals like to hold-up the biggest piece of shit Amendment passed by the radical Republicans after the war...the 14th. Most abused Amendment of the Constitution. 13th and 15th are fine. Bill of Rights over time has been selectively incorporated to the states. 14th is moot. Court didn’t need the 14th to do this.

The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded

Lincoln never advocated for Socialized Medicine or recognizing men in dresses as "broads".

What makes you think he was a lib? In actuality, Honest Abe- the proto-ditto-head, wanted to get black people off of the Democrat plantations.
I'm guessing he thinks Lincoln was a lib because he was a warmonger and hated State's rights.
Who also suspended the Bill of Rights and had near dictatorial powers.
Sounds like a Dimwinger to me....
Nape. The George Wallace who was actually active in politics.

"I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill. The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., to figure out what to do with it."

But your quote from much later in his life is an inspiring reminder that people can change. Thanks for that.
The Civil Right Act of 1964 was a violation of the 10th Amendment and interfered with private businesses. Liberals like to hold-up the biggest piece of shit Amendment passed by the radical Republicans after the war...the 14th. Most abused Amendment of the Constitution. 13th and 15th are fine. Bill of Rights over time has been selectively incorporated to the states. 14th is moot. Court didn’t need the 14th to do this.

The Republicans of the period immediately after (and before) the War WERE the Liberals, Dumbass.
Lincoln was one of the biggest liberals of his day.
That is why the south seceded

Lincoln never advocated for Socialized Medicine or recognizing men in dresses as "broads".

What makes you think he was a lib? In actuality, Honest Abe- the proto-ditto-head, wanted to get black people off of the Democrat plantations.
I'm guessing he thinks Lincoln was a lib because he was a warmonger and hated State's rights.

Lincoln was a Whig before he was a Republican. The Whigs believed in doing big things with government and there were a lot of them coming in to the new party.

The Democrats of the time were all about small government and states rights. That's why Buchanan couldn't stop the schism --- he didn't believe a POTUS had the authority.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.

Only 1 senator quit the Democratic Party and joined the GOP. Sen. Thurmond, who BTW wasn't a racist. In fact if you'll remember, Thurmond was the Senate's Branch Rickey helping to break the color barrier on the Supreme Court with the nomination of Clarence Thomas.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

The Dixiecrats who flipped Republican over civil rights hissyfits.

When did Robert C. Byrd, Al Gore Sr., or J William Fulbright flip to the GOP? How about Stennis, or Eastland, or Orval E. Faubus?

Actually, virtually none of the Dems who filibustered Civil Rights switched to the GOP.

BULLSHIT. Thurmond was the first to do so, in September 1964.

You remember Thurmond? Trent Lott said if he'd been elected "we wouldn't have had all these problems down through all these years". Oh yeah Lott switched too.

Lott was involved in the filibuster of the Civil Rights Act? Seems difficult since he wasn't elected to the Senate until 1988.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.
The Dixiecrats did. They were their own party in 1948 when Strom Thurmond ran and were still in that mindset in 1964. LBJ promised the federal projects, millions of jobs, and big $$$ in order to break the filibuster. When it came time to sign it one southern Senator was in a phone booth(in the Capitol building I believe)when Johnson walked over, tapped on the glass and said”C’mon...time to sign the n***** bill.” All this out of range of the reporters gathered there.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.

Only 1 senator quit the Democratic Party and joined the GOP. Sen. Thurmond, who BTW wasn't a racist. In fact if you'll remember, Thurmond was the Senate's Branch Rickey helping to break the color barrier on the Supreme Court with the nomination of Clarence Thomas.

Yeah, no. I'm actually related to him and I know way better. Ask my distant cousin Essie Mae Washington Williams.

You want other Senators do you? Limited to the South? Jesse Helms. Richard Shelby. Phil Gramm. Trent Lott. Why does it have to be Senators? Sonny Perdue. Dave Treen. Nathan Deal. Billy Tauzin. Jim Justice. They did that for the same reason they were Democrats originally, because that's where the votes were. GUESS WHAT DUMBASS THEY'RE STILL THE SAME PEOPLE AFTER THEY CHANGE PARTY AFFILIATIONS.

Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.
The Dixiecrats did. They were their own party in 1948 when Strom Thurmond ran and were still in that mindset in 1964. LBJ promised the federal projects, millions of jobs, and big $$$ in order to break the filibuster. When it came time to sign it one southern Senator was in a phone booth(in the Capitol building I believe)when Johnson walked over, tapped on the glass and said”C’mon...time to sign the n***** bill.” All this out of range of the reporters gathered there.

Lyndon Johnson really did not like African Americans, that's why when he passed the Great Society Program, he went to the NAACP convention and declared "With this bill, I will have you n-words voting Democrat for a hundred generations." They gave him a standing O of course.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.
The Dixiecrats did. They were their own party in 1948 when Strom Thurmond ran and were still in that mindset in 1964. LBJ promised the federal projects, millions of jobs, and big $$$ in order to break the filibuster. When it came time to sign it one southern Senator was in a phone booth(in the Capitol building I believe)when Johnson walked over, tapped on the glass and said”C’mon...time to sign the n***** bill.” All this out of range of the reporters gathered there.

The total population of Dixiecrats was TWO, that list being:

  1. Strom Thurmond
  2. Fielding Wright

End of list. Neither of them Senators.

And 1948 wasn't the CRA anyway DUMBASS. You're off by SIXTEEN YEARS.

Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.
The Dixiecrats did. They were their own party in 1948 when Strom Thurmond ran and were still in that mindset in 1964. LBJ promised the federal projects, millions of jobs, and big $$$ in order to break the filibuster. When it came time to sign it one southern Senator was in a phone booth(in the Capitol building I believe)when Johnson walked over, tapped on the glass and said”C’mon...time to sign the n***** bill.” All this out of range of the reporters gathered there.

Lyndon Johnson really did not like African Americans, that's why when he passed the Great Society Program, he went to the NAACP convention and declared "With this bill, I will have you n-words voting Democrat for a hundred generations." They gave him a standing O of course.

Fuck you, wanker. You're entirely making shit up. That's why you were on Ignore and that's why you're going back.
Dimwingers are working overtime today on their revisionist history.

Your party is the party of Jim Crow, filibustering the Civil Rights Act, electing KKK Leaders as Senate Majority Leader, and the formation of the KKK.

No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.

Only 1 senator quit the Democratic Party and joined the GOP. Sen. Thurmond, who BTW wasn't a racist. In fact if you'll remember, Thurmond was the Senate's Branch Rickey helping to break the color barrier on the Supreme Court with the nomination of Clarence Thomas.

Yeah, no. I'm actually related to him and I know way better. Ask my distant cousin Essie Mae Washington Williams.

You want other Senators do you? Limited to the South? Jesse Helms. Richard Shelby. Phil Gramm. Trent Lott. Why does it have to be Senators? Sonny Perdue. Dave Treen. Nathan Deal. Billy Tauzin. Jim Justice. They did that for the same reason they were Democrats originally, because that's where the votes were. GUESS WHAT DUMBASS THEY'RE STILL THE SAME PEOPLE AFTER THEY CHANGE PARTY AFFILIATIONS.


Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964. After the Republican Party achieved victory over Jim Crow, they started competing for votes in the South. What's wrong with that? Did the Democrats "own" the loyalty of Southern Honkies that they were never free to change affililation?
No known political party members were involved in the forming of the KKK, which point we did here seven hundred posts ago as well as over and over and over and over and over and over and over through the years here. Oh and that includes BOTH KKKs, the original one of 1865 and the much larger one of 1915. Now some historians will say there was a third KKK in 1949, that one actually never got off the ground but if you count that, no party for that guy either.

As for KKK and elections, here's some homework for ya.
  1. Owen Brewster
  2. Rice Means
  3. Ed Jackson
  4. D.C. Stephenson
  5. Ben Paulen
  6. George Luis Baker
  7. Albert Johnson
  8. Clarence Morley
  9. Herbert Hoover
  10. Calvin Coolidge
Guess the political party, win a prize. The prize is you get to go back and read the early part of the thread where this shit was debunked, complete with pictures.
You don't assign me homework, fool.

Robert KKK Byrd, Grand Kleagle of the KKK and Dem Senator until 2010,

Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act?


You didn't do your homework. The answer is they're all Republicans supported by the Klan. Your next assignment is to essplain to the class why a "Democrat" org would be running Republicans against its own candidates.

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office anyway so you're full of shit.

And no "party" filibusterd the CRA. Some Congresscritter did, and LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield broke 'em down. One such Congresscritter got so mad he went and did the unthinkable and joined the party of Lincoln. Aprés lui, le deluge.

Only 1 senator quit the Democratic Party and joined the GOP. Sen. Thurmond, who BTW wasn't a racist. In fact if you'll remember, Thurmond was the Senate's Branch Rickey helping to break the color barrier on the Supreme Court with the nomination of Clarence Thomas.

Yeah, no. I'm actually related to him and I know way better. Ask my distant cousin Essie Mae Washington Williams.

You want other Senators do you? Limited to the South? Jesse Helms. Richard Shelby. Phil Gramm. Trent Lott. Why does it have to be Senators? Sonny Perdue. Dave Treen. Nathan Deal. Billy Tauzin. Jim Justice. They did that for the same reason they were Democrats originally, because that's where the votes were. GUESS WHAT DUMBASS THEY'RE STILL THE SAME PEOPLE AFTER THEY CHANGE PARTY AFFILIATIONS.


Helms, Gramm, Lott, Shelby weren't in the Senate in 1964. After the Republican Party achieved victory over Jim Crow, they started competing for votes in the South. What's wrong with that? Did the Democrats "own" the loyalty of Southern Honkies that they were never free to change affililation?
Exactly, Pogo claimed Lott was involved in the filibuster of the CRA when he wasn't even elected to the Senate until 1988.
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