Confederate Statue Removers Are Soldier Haters

The mayors, governors, and other politicians who are calling for, and removing statues of former military generals, are soldier haters - pure & simple. Example - in Baltimore, statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall" Jackson were removed in the middle of the night, the mayor knowing there would be anger and opposition. So much for representitive government.

These actions are a disgrace, and an abusive insult to every soldier serving in the military, and every military veteran in America (if not the whole world). The often heard (idiotic) excuse that the statues represent hate, racism, and bigotry, is ludicrous, and an insult to everyone's intelligence.

The mayor of Tampa, Florida, Bob Buckhorn has said this same thing, and even donated $1,000 to have a Civil War monument removed, which has statues of 2 low ranked soldiers in it. Problem with the mayor's ridiculous excuse, is that whatever racism or bigotry existed, it came from POLITICIANS. But statues being removed in Tampa, Charlottesville, Lexington, KY and other places, are not of politicians. They are statues of SOLDIERS. They were people who made no policies of any kind. They simply followed orders, and did the toughest job anyone could do. Many lost their lives. They had nothing to do with the policies of slavery, secession, confederacy, etc. In fact, many of these soldiers (especially the generals) served in the military for many years before the Civil War even started.

These statue removals are despicable acts perpetrated by military and soldier haters, most of whom never served themselves. They are dishonoring these fine, courageous heroes, who went to war, defending their states, counties, and towns from attackers. These governors, mayors, etc should be voted out of office, or recalled if possible. Soldier haters have no business to be holding political office.

For every one of these soldiers whose statues are removed, 3 of theirs should be put up in response. Make the statue removing, soldier haters pay for their bad behavior.

Just out tonight :

WATCH LIVE: University of Texas removing Confederate statues from campus. STORY:
They'll all be going back to their original places. SCOTUS will confirm that.

LOL- tell us your fantasy of how and why the Supreme Court will order the University of Texas to put its Confederate statues back up?

Please- your fantasies are always so amusing.
SCOTUS is now conservative (ex. Muslim ban)
Will be even more when K leaves & very cons Harriman takes over.
Liberalism is dead
Every soldier and veteran in America should be up in arms over these disgraceful dishonorings - and they probably are, but the MSM won't cover that.

Here is the type of statue that protectionist is pissed off that was removed:

New Orleans Begins Removing Confederate Monuments, Under Police Guard

Workers dismantled an obelisk, which was erected in 1891 to honor members of the Crescent City White League who in 1874 fought in the Reconstruction-era Battle of Liberty Place against the racially integrated New Orleans police and state militia, Mayor Mitch Landrieu said in a statement.

The monument, which was sometimes used as a rallying point by David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, has stirred debate for decades. Local leaders unsuccessfully tried to remove it in 1981 and 1993.
Ha ha. Libs never stop trying to pin bad things on us. I am only supporting soldiers', statues
Wow. You're really grasping at straws aren't you? I'm retired military and I see no problem with removing the statues. They are soldiers sure, but they are soldiers who LOST the Civil War. Why do you want to celebrate losers?
They served with honor - win or lose. You don't know that ?

And they served in the Mexican-American War also (1846-1848), and many other years after.

You’re attempting – and failing – to conflate military service with political ideology.

The statues and monuments are political speech, having nothing to do with military service, or when or where one might have served in the military.

And as a fact of Constitutional law local jurisdictions are authorized to remove those statues and monuments, in no manner ‘dishonoring’ soldiers or military service.
Wrong. The statues are of soldiers who don't make political policy. Your gripe is with politicians.
The mayors, governors, and other politicians who are calling for, and removing statues of former military generals, are soldier haters - pure & simple. Example - in Baltimore, statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall" Jackson were removed in the middle of the night, the mayor knowing there would be anger and opposition. So much for representitive government.

These actions are a disgrace, and an abusive insult to every soldier serving in the military, and every military veteran in America (if not the whole world). The often heard (idiotic) excuse that the statues represent hate, racism, and bigotry, is ludicrous, and an insult to everyone's intelligence.

The mayor of Tampa, Florida, Bob Buckhorn has said this same thing, and even donated $1,000 to have a Civil War monument removed, which has statues of 2 low ranked soldiers in it. Problem with the mayor's ridiculous excuse, is that whatever racism or bigotry existed, it came from POLITICIANS. But statues being removed in Tampa, Charlottesville, Lexington, KY and other places, are not of politicians. They are statues of SOLDIERS. They were people who made no policies of any kind. They simply followed orders, and did the toughest job anyone could do. Many lost their lives. They had nothing to do with the policies of slavery, secession, confederacy, etc. In fact, many of these soldiers (especially the generals) served in the military for many years before the Civil War even started.

These statue removals are despicable acts perpetrated by military and soldier haters, most of whom never served themselves. They are dishonoring these fine, courageous heroes, who went to war, defending their states, counties, and towns from attackers. These governors, mayors, etc should be voted out of office, or recalled if possible. Soldier haters have no business to be holding political office.

For every one of these soldiers whose statues are removed, 3 of theirs should be put up in response. Make the statue removing, soldier haters pay for their bad behavior.

Just out tonight :

WATCH LIVE: University of Texas removing Confederate statues from campus. STORY:
They'll all be going back to their original places. SCOTUS will confirm that.

LOL- tell us your fantasy of how and why the Supreme Court will order the University of Texas to put its Confederate statues back up?

Please- your fantasies are always so amusing.
SCOTUS is now conservative (ex. Muslim ban)
Will be even more when K leaves & very cons Harriman takes over.
Liberalism is dead

If that were true it would mean this country is dead ---- seeing as how its conception and its Constitution are expressions of Liberalism.

"ex. Muslim ban". Indeed. See item number one in Amendment Number One:


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Ha ha. Libs never stop trying to pin bad things on us. I am only supporting soldiers', statues

Again, the statue pulled down in Durham --- was not a soldier.
The same group that did that, also threw a hood over another statue called "Silent Sam". Also .. not a soldier.

The city of Helena Montana removed a public fountain monument a week ago. Again -- not a soldier.
The city of Gainsesville (Florida) removed a statue from a public pedestal in front of the county administration building. Again ----- feel it coming? ----- not a soldier.

All 'statue removers' per your title. None of them represent a soldier. What do they have in common? They were all put there by the United Daughters of the Confederacy as part of their propaganda campaign, between 1913 and 1924. The peak of what I call the golden age of white supremacy.

In the case of the last item, the UDC took the statue back, after no one else would.
The mayors, governors, and other politicians who are calling for, and removing statues of former military generals, are soldier haters - pure & simple. Example - in Baltimore, statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall" Jackson were removed in the middle of the night, the mayor knowing there would be anger and opposition. So much for representitive government.

These actions are a disgrace, and an abusive insult to every soldier serving in the military, and every military veteran in America (if not the whole world). The often heard (idiotic) excuse that the statues represent hate, racism, and bigotry, is ludicrous, and an insult to everyone's intelligence.

The mayor of Tampa, Florida, Bob Buckhorn has said this same thing, and even donated $1,000 to have a Civil War monument removed, which has statues of 2 low ranked soldiers in it. Problem with the mayor's ridiculous excuse, is that whatever racism or bigotry existed, it came from POLITICIANS. But statues being removed in Tampa, Charlottesville, Lexington, KY and other places, are not of politicians. They are statues of SOLDIERS. They were people who made no policies of any kind. They simply followed orders, and did the toughest job anyone could do. Many lost their lives. They had nothing to do with the policies of slavery, secession, confederacy, etc. In fact, many of these soldiers (especially the generals) served in the military for many years before the Civil War even started.

These statue removals are despicable acts perpetrated by military and soldier haters, most of whom never served themselves. They are dishonoring these fine, courageous heroes, who went to war, defending their states, counties, and towns from attackers. These governors, mayors, etc should be voted out of office, or recalled if possible. Soldier haters have no business to be holding political office.

For every one of these soldiers whose statues are removed, 3 of theirs should be put up in response. Make the statue removing, soldier haters pay for their bad behavior.

Just out tonight :

WATCH LIVE: University of Texas removing Confederate statues from campus. STORY:
They'll all be going back to their original places. SCOTUS will confirm that.

LOL- tell us your fantasy of how and why the Supreme Court will order the University of Texas to put its Confederate statues back up?

Please- your fantasies are always so amusing.
SCOTUS is now conservative (ex. Muslim ban)
Will be even more when K leaves & very cons Harriman takes over.
Liberalism is dead

If that were true it would mean this country is dead ---- seeing as how its conception and its Constitution are expressions of Liberalism.

"ex. Muslim ban". Indeed. See item number one in Amendment Number One:


1. Islam is not a religion
Only very gullible fools accept the con job of Islam being a religion. Even if it was one it still would be illegal
By the Constitution , Article 6, Section 2, part 1, the Supremacy Clause, which outlaws all supremacisms
It didn't mention Islam to be an exception
Islam is banned and has been for 225 years
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The mayors, governors, and other politicians who are calling for, and removing statues of former military generals, are soldier haters - pure & simple. Example - in Baltimore, statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall" Jackson were removed in the middle of the night, the mayor knowing there would be anger and opposition. So much for representitive government.

These actions are a disgrace, and an abusive insult to every soldier serving in the military, and every military veteran in America (if not the whole world). The often heard (idiotic) excuse that the statues represent hate, racism, and bigotry, is ludicrous, and an insult to everyone's intelligence.

The mayor of Tampa, Florida, Bob Buckhorn has said this same thing, and even donated $1,000 to have a Civil War monument removed, which has statues of 2 low ranked soldiers in it. Problem with the mayor's ridiculous excuse, is that whatever racism or bigotry existed, it came from POLITICIANS. But statues being removed in Tampa, Charlottesville, Lexington, KY and other places, are not of politicians. They are statues of SOLDIERS. They were people who made no policies of any kind. They simply followed orders, and did the toughest job anyone could do. Many lost their lives. They had nothing to do with the policies of slavery, secession, confederacy, etc. In fact, many of these soldiers (especially the generals) served in the military for many years before the Civil War even started.

These statue removals are despicable acts perpetrated by military and soldier haters, most of whom never served themselves. They are dishonoring these fine, courageous heroes, who went to war, defending their states, counties, and towns from attackers. These governors, mayors, etc should be voted out of office, or recalled if possible. Soldier haters have no business to be holding political office.

For every one of these soldiers whose statues are removed, 3 of theirs should be put up in response. Make the statue removing, soldier haters pay for their bad behavior.

Just out tonight :

WATCH LIVE: University of Texas removing Confederate statues from campus. STORY:
They'll all be going back to their original places. SCOTUS will confirm that.

LOL- tell us your fantasy of how and why the Supreme Court will order the University of Texas to put its Confederate statues back up?

Please- your fantasies are always so amusing.
SCOTUS is now conservative (ex. Muslim ban)
Will be even more when K leaves & very cons Harriman takes over.
Liberalism is dead

Your fantasies are always ignorant- and sadly amusing.

Who is going to sue the University of Texas for removing their own monuments- and on what grounds?

Or do you think the Supreme Court will just spontaniously order the University of Texas to put those monuments- because that is what you think a Conservative Court can do?
The mayors, governors, and other politicians who are calling for, and removing statues of former military generals, are soldier haters - pure & simple.

No- not as if they are going around attacking John McCain and his war record.

Now those are the soldier haters.
McCain = traitor.

John McCain- decorated combat veteran- who was horribly injured in service to his country.

You contards always hate on combat veterans.
Wow. You're really grasping at straws aren't you? I'm retired military and I see no problem with removing the statues. They are soldiers sure, but they are soldiers who LOST the Civil War. Why do you want to celebrate losers?
They served with honor - win or lose. You don't know that ?

And they served in the Mexican-American War also (1846-1848), and many other years after.

You’re attempting – and failing – to conflate military service with political ideology.

The statues and monuments are political speech, having nothing to do with military service, or when or where one might have served in the military.

And as a fact of Constitutional law local jurisdictions are authorized to remove those statues and monuments, in no manner ‘dishonoring’ soldiers or military service.
Wrong. The statues are of soldiers who don't make political policy. Your gripe is with politicians.

Some statues are of soldiers, others are of politicians- go Jeff Davis- and others commemorate the actions of white supremacists battling with segregated police forces.

Local communities can decide whether to honor those who fought against the United States, or fought for white supremacy- or whether not to.

You of course don't believe local communities have that choice.
Just out tonight :

WATCH LIVE: University of Texas removing Confederate statues from campus. STORY:
They'll all be going back to their original places. SCOTUS will confirm that.

LOL- tell us your fantasy of how and why the Supreme Court will order the University of Texas to put its Confederate statues back up?

Please- your fantasies are always so amusing.
SCOTUS is now conservative (ex. Muslim ban)
Will be even more when K leaves & very cons Harriman takes over.
Liberalism is dead

If that were true it would mean this country is dead ---- seeing as how its conception and its Constitution are expressions of Liberalism.

"ex. Muslim ban". Indeed. See item number one in Amendment Number One:


1. Islam is not a religion
Only very gullible fools accept the con job is Islam being a religion.

And by gullible fools protectionist means among others.....
a) The Pope
b) Mohattma Gandhi
c) George Bush
d) Thomas Jefferson
e) George Washington
Just out tonight :

WATCH LIVE: University of Texas removing Confederate statues from campus. STORY:
They'll all be going back to their original places. SCOTUS will confirm that.

LOL- tell us your fantasy of how and why the Supreme Court will order the University of Texas to put its Confederate statues back up?

Please- your fantasies are always so amusing.
SCOTUS is now conservative (ex. Muslim ban)
Will be even more when K leaves & very cons Harriman takes over.
Liberalism is dead

If that were true it would mean this country is dead ---- seeing as how its conception and its Constitution are expressions of Liberalism.

"ex. Muslim ban". Indeed. See item number one in Amendment Number One:



By the Constitution , Article 6, Section 2, part 1, the Supremacy Clause, which outlaws all supremacisms
It didn't mention Islam to be an exception
Islam is banned and has been for 225 years

You would think Thomas Jefferson would have known that Islam was banned by the Constitution....but heck- you clearly understand the Constitution better than

Nothing in the Constitution outlaws any religion- that would contradict the Constitution- and of course Article 6 does no such thing.

Article VI (Article 6 - Prior Debts, National Supremacy, Oaths of Office)

2: This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Ignorant libs don't know McCain was a collaborator/traitor.

typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
That's what you do. Statue remover. Soldier hater. Ignorant lib.

LOL I have never removed a statue in my life.
Nor do I hate any American soldier- unlike you.

Typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
Ignorant libs don't know McCain was a collaborator/traitor.

typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
That's what you do. Statue remover. Soldier hater. Ignorant lib.

LOL I have never removed a statue in my life.
Nor do I hate any American soldier- unlike you.

Typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
Ha ha. Typical lib - masters of deflection. Oh wait! Maybe we can't say "masters" anymore huh? So you don't hate American soldiers, huh ? But you're OK with removing their statues, right ?
And unlike me, you never WERE a soldier, right ? Right ?
Ignorant libs don't know McCain was a collaborator/traitor.

typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
That's what you do. Statue remover. Soldier hater. Ignorant lib.

LOL I have never removed a statue in my life.
Nor do I hate any American soldier- unlike you.

Typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
Ignorant libs don't know McCain was a collaborator/traitor.

typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
That's what you do. Statue remover. Soldier hater. Ignorant lib.

LOL I have never removed a statue in my life.
Nor do I hate any American soldier- unlike you.

Typical contard- hating on combat veterans.
Ha ha. Typical lib - masters of deflection. Oh wait! Maybe we can't say "masters" anymore huh? So you don't hate American soldiers, huh ? But you're OK with removing their statues, right ?

I am okay with a community deciding to erect- or remove any statues it wants to.

And that includes statues of men who fought against the United States- and killed American soldiers.

Tell us exactly why you would be against the removal of a statue of the soldier and traitor- Benedict Arnold?

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