Confederate Statue Removers Are Soldier Haters

Now that's the first thing you've posted that was honest.

Indeed conscription in the Confederacy met large resistance too. I some states/governors on request by the CSA to send troops, refused under the philosophy of "states rights', which is ironic.

There were also "Home Guards" in the aforementioned Appalachia who fought off BOTH sides of any army that came through, wanting nothing to do with war. For many the War was forced on them by governments of both sides.
1. Your post about my honesty is too preposterous, to warrant the dignity of as response (except just to say so)

2. But the war was not forced on the non-drafted people of the North. In contrast it WAS forced on the Southerners, by virtue of bullets flying at them, cannonballs, etc.

1. It does sound preposterous to say so, but your point about draft riots is correct. You'll always get credit when the clock stops at the right time.

2. The very existence of what we just posted above about draft riots PROVES it was forced on Northerners. Why else would there be riots??? :banghead:

Yes it was forced on Southerners too, as in the case I've already cited of East Tennessee who wanted to secede from Rest Of Tennessee and were dissuaded at gunpoint. It was also forced on them by armies invading from both sides, towns changing hands literally dozens of times, and resisted by the "Home Guards" interested not a whit in war but in protecting their own turf, as I've also already cited. And just so we're clear those Home Guards would fire on Union or Confederate troops, whichever was invading at the time. That's the deeper meaning of what "brother against brother" actually means.
1. It does sound preposterous to say so, but your point about draft riots is correct. You'll always get credit when the clock stops at the right time.

2. The very existence of what we just posted above about draft riots PROVES it was forced on Northerners. Why else would there be riots??? :banghead:

Yes it was forced on Southerners too, as in the case I've already cited of East Tennessee who wanted to secede from Rest Of Tennessee and were dissuaded at gunpoint. It was also forced on them by armies invading from both sides, towns changing hands literally dozens of times, and resisted by the "Home Guards" interested not a whit in war but in protecting their own turf, as I've also already cited. And just so we're clear those Home Guards would fire on Union or Confederate troops, whichever was invading at the time. That's the deeper meaning of what "brother against brother" actually means.
Whatever. I still say all your rambling about race, lynchings, Jim Crow, and whatever else you babbled about, is just about you wanting the statues removed, because you're just another SOLDIER HATER. You may now go back to reading your magazine >>

And the fact that it was laughed away as the laughable laugh it is proves you're laughable.

Again --- you don't like the answer? Tough titty. You want to throw your weight around threatening people to not post anything that interrupts the flow of your echo? Go fuck yourself, ain't happening.
"Fact" ? Who said it was laughed away ?

I'll warn about the legitimate act of reporting, anytime I see fit. And when I do warn, I'm doing you a favor. I could have just gone right ahead and reported you without a warning. Don't know why I'm being so nice to you (with all your adolescent mouth and all) You're welcome. :biggrin:

PS - you're a SOLDIER HATER.

I actually haven't posted about any 'soldiers'. I did post about three monuments in my own state that have been targeted (as well as three more elsewhere), not a single one of which represents a soldier.

This is my state. I have an obligation to learn its history and I do so every day. I never post from ignorance; I have to have the context. That's why I have, and share, the big picture here. The big picture you want to "report". :gay:

You may think posting from ignorance works. It doesn't All you're doing is demonstrating the same Lost Cause mentality I've been describing all along.
The mayors, governors, and other politicians who are calling for, and removing statues of former military generals, are soldier haters - pure & simple. Example - in Baltimore, statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall" Jackson were removed in the middle of the night, the mayor knowing there would be anger and opposition. So much for representitive government.

These actions are a disgrace, and an abusive insult to every soldier serving in the military, and every military veteran in America (if not the whole world). The often heard (idiotic) excuse that the statues represent hate, racism, and bigotry, is ludicrous, and an insult to everyone's intelligence.

The mayor of Tampa, Florida, Bob Buckhorn has said this same thing, and even donated $1,000 to have a Civil War monument removed, which has statues of 2 low ranked soldiers in it. Problem with the mayor's ridiculous excuse, is that whatever racism or bigotry existed, it came from POLITICIANS. But statues being removed in Tampa, Charlottesville, Lexington, KY and other places, are not of politicians. They are statues of SOLDIERS. They were people who made no policies of any kind. They simply followed orders, and did the toughest job anyone could do. Many lost their lives. They had nothing to do with the policies of slavery, secession, confederacy, etc. In fact, many of these soldiers (especially the generals) served in the military for many years before the Civil War even started.

These statue removals are despicable acts perpetrated by military and soldier haters, most of whom never served themselves. They are dishonoring these fine, courageous heroes, who went to war, defending their states, counties, and towns from attackers. These governors, mayors, etc should be voted out of office, or recalled if possible. Soldier haters have no business to be holding political office.

For every one of these soldiers whose statues are removed, 3 of theirs should be put up in response. Make the statue removing, soldier haters pay for their bad behavior.

Why not in museums?
I actually haven't posted about any 'soldiers'. I did post about three monuments in my own state that have been targeted (as well as three more elsewhere), not a single one of which represents a soldier.

This is my state. I have an obligation to learn its history and I do so every day. I never post from ignorance; I have to have the context. That's why I have, and share, the big picture here. The big picture you want to "report". :gay:

You may think posting from ignorance works. It doesn't All you're doing is demonstrating the same Lost Cause mentality I've been describing all along.
I am simply posting from indignation, about all the despicable crazies who are dishonoring SOLDIERS
1. It does sound preposterous to say so, but your point about draft riots is correct. You'll always get credit when the clock stops at the right time.

2. The very existence of what we just posted above about draft riots PROVES it was forced on Northerners. Why else would there be riots??? :banghead:

Yes it was forced on Southerners too, as in the case I've already cited of East Tennessee who wanted to secede from Rest Of Tennessee and were dissuaded at gunpoint. It was also forced on them by armies invading from both sides, towns changing hands literally dozens of times, and resisted by the "Home Guards" interested not a whit in war but in protecting their own turf, as I've also already cited. And just so we're clear those Home Guards would fire on Union or Confederate troops, whichever was invading at the time. That's the deeper meaning of what "brother against brother" actually means.
Whatever. I still say all your rambling about race, lynchings, Jim Crow, and whatever else you babbled about, is just about you wanting the statues removed, because you're just another SOLDIER HATER. You may now go back to reading your magazine >>


Once again --- as always --- you and emilynghiem and any other revisionists who want to put up fake news about my advocation of "removing" anything are welcome to search my posts and quote an example thereof, all the way back to the New Orleans monuments. All the way back to South Carolina removing its Confederate flag.

You won't find it.

Prove me wrong.
Once again --- as always --- you and emilynghiem and any other revisionists who want to put up fake news about my advocation of "removing" anything are welcome to search my posts and quote an example thereof, all the way back to the New Orleans monuments. All the way back to South Carolina removing its Confederate flag.

You won't find it.

Prove me wrong.
You're focusing on Yourself. I couldn't care less.
Once again --- as always --- you and emilynghiem and any other revisionists who want to put up fake news about my advocation of "removing" anything are welcome to search my posts and quote an example thereof, all the way back to the New Orleans monuments. All the way back to South Carolina removing its Confederate flag.

You won't find it.

Prove me wrong.
You're focusing on Yourself. I couldn't care less.

Apparently you can, since you just trotted in here and made an accusation that you can't take responsibility for.

Two years of posts. Go fetch or admit you're a liar.
They were put specifically in public squares and local gov buildings as a push to revise the cultural consciousness.

I've already shown that. Over and over.

That is merely the narrative being pushed by the anti-military left, to attempt to justify their soldier hating monument removal craze. An attempt which is losing support, day by day.

You et al are pushing to revise the cultural consciousness, and you're all failing. If anything, you have strengthened the resolve of the patriotic right, to support and protect America's military - ALL of America (including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, etc) past & present.
Why not in museums?
Because that is hiding them from public view. They should be outside in full public view, to HONOR those who served.
The problem is most are regime specific. I suppose there might be some which honor fallen soldiers on both sides, but many relate just to Confederate soldiers, if not linked to a specific person in relation to the Confederates.
I am a military retiree with one honorable discharge and a paycheck and ID card.
I'm far more likely to kick your ass and smash your windows then anything else. Not that I would do such a thing but the possibility is there.

Oh well,maybe new readers coming aboard don't want to go back to # 90. Surely you don't mind a little refresher course periodically to keep things in perspective.
The possibility is NOT there. If you ever tried to kick my ass, as you foolishly stated, I would momentarily deliberate between blowing your brains out (.380 semiautomatic), or destroying your knee, with one kick from my steel-toe shoe, and turning it into 100 tiny bone pieces and blood clots, which in a minute, would reach your heart and give you a heart attack.

You'd be better off taking your frustration at having your ass handed to you in this thread, by punching a punching bag. Just make sure it doesn't wack you back on the rebound. :biggrin:
Oh God. Another cyberr tough guy. Look fool,. I've dealt with real tough guys in real life on many occasions and in many different scenarios. Anything that you. bring to any potential confrontation I've .experienced already. As long as you don't pull an RPG on me from a block away...we're goid to go.
They were put specifically in public squares and local gov buildings as a push to revise the cultural consciousness.

I've already shown that. Over and over.
View attachment 144738 View attachment 144739

That is merely the narrative being pushed by the anti-military left, to attempt to justify their soldier hating monument removal craze. An attempt which is losing support, day by day.

You et al are pushing to revise the cultural consciousness, and you're all failing. If anything, you have strengthened the resolve of the patriotic right, to support and protect America's military - ALL of America (including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, etc) past & present.

Again --- this is all the context of history that I study, specifically about a period I have already been posting about on this board for years. See my threads on the Tulsa Race Riot, or the East St.Louis riots, or Lynching in America, or endless posts about the history of the Klan. They are all tied together. You might say, threaded together. ALL the same time period, all the same catalyst. A catalyst these monuments share.

That's history. History isn't "right" or "left", it just IS.

The fact that you find the historical context inconvenient is absolutely your problem, no one else's. It's the main pitfall of the self-delusion of revisionism. You can stay ignorant to any degree you like but it changes no historical fact. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about that, not even with a Tiki torch. :gay:
They were put specifically in public squares and local gov buildings as a push to revise the cultural consciousness.

I've already shown that. Over and over.
View attachment 144738 View attachment 144739

That is merely the narrative being pushed by the anti-military left, to attempt to justify their soldier hating monument removal craze. An attempt which is losing support, day by day.

You et al are pushing to revise the cultural consciousness, and you're all failing. If anything, you have strengthened the resolve of the patriotic right, to support and protect America's military - ALL of America (including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, etc) past & present.

And btw "America's military" has with one voice already condemned this Tiki-Nazi-Dodge Challenger bullshit. So you have no friends.

Roll tape.

"The Army doesn't tolerate racism, extremism, or hatred in our ranks. It's against our Values and everything we've stood for since 1775." 4:50 AM - Aug 16, 2017 -- Gen. Mark A. Milley, United States Army Chief of Staff

"No place for racial hatred or extremism in @USMC. Our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment frame the way Marines live and act." @USMC6:51 PM - Aug 15, 2017 . --- Gen. Robert B. Neller, Commandant, United States Marine Corps

"Events in Charlottesville unacceptable & musnt be tolerated @USNavy forever stands against intolerance & hatred.".. 8:31 PM - Aug 12, 2017
-- Adm John Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy

"I stand with my fellow service chiefs in saying we're always stronger together-it's who we are as #Airmen"
10:01 AM - Aug 16, 2017 --- Gen. Dave Goldfein, United States Air Force Chief of Staff​
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I have no problems with the statues being at cemeteries, or honoring the fallen confederate soldiers...however to be at court houses seems silly...after all their goal was to leave the United States.
I have no problems with the statues being at cemeteries, or honoring the fallen confederate soldiers...however to be at court houses seems silly...after all their goal was to leave the United States.

Exactly -- and that was the whole point of the Lost Cause revisionists like the Daughters of the Confederacy that put most of these monuments up. Part of the history revision to whitewash the Confederacy's image required influencing history education and popular culture, and a tool of doing of that is placing revisionist monuments in public places where they would attract high traffic and be lent an air of "legitimacy" by an "official" building. And another part is hiding that revisionism behind soldiers. In short they were a propaganda device. Just as "Birth of a Nation" was.

Apparently that propaganda can still fool some of the people with that even a hundred years on.

The first monuments of that War, before the Lost Cause started up, were placed in cemeteries and battlefields. Where they belong if they truly are what they claim to be.

This is a great point.
I have no problems with the statues being at cemeteries, or honoring the fallen confederate soldiers...however to be at court houses seems silly...after all their goal was to leave the United States.
I have no problem with soldiers statues being anywhere that is a dignified place.
Exactly -- and that was the whole point of the Lost Cause revisionists like the Daughters of the Confederacy that put most of these monuments up. Part of the history revision to whitewash the Confederacy's image required influencing history education and popular culture, and a tool of doing of that is placing revisionist monuments in public places where they would attract high traffic and be lent an air of "legitimacy" by an "official" building. And another part is hiding that revisionism behind soldiers. In short they were a propaganda device. Just as "Birth of a Nation" was.

Apparently that propaganda can still fool some of the people with that even a hundred years on.

The first monuments of that War, before the Lost Cause started up, were placed in cemeteries and battlefields. Where they belong if they truly are what they claim to be.

This is a great point.
Hands off the soldiers. Period!

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