Confederate Statue Removers Are Soldier Haters

The soldiers had a choice...
They could allow themselves to be shot at, have their buildings and bridges destroyed, churches burned down, farms (crops & animals) destroyed, ..............or they could DEFEND themselves and shoot back. And if YOU were the one having all this done to you, you would do what. Calmly say "thank you" ?
There was another Choice. Since most of them did not own slaves they could have refused to leave the union. They could have rebelled against the rich slave holders and said no. But instead they drank the kool- aid and went off to fight and die for the fiends who brought slaves in to take their jobs. If the masses of average southerners had stayed loyal to the union the Civil War would never have happened...they would nevet have had to worry about having their homes razed or any of the other consequences of losing a war.

A chunk of counties in western Virginia did just that -- seceded from Virginia when it seceded from the US, which is how we got West Virginia.

Another chunk of counties in East Tennessee, which was firmly against secession, tried to do the same thing. But they were coerced and cowed by Confederate military.

Secession and Confederacy was by NO means universal in the South. It was divisive, often forced, and ridiculously chaotic. Anyone who wants a glimpse of how chaotic should have a peek at the workings of the Confederate Congress.
1. Union support was by no mans universal in the North either. New York came close to secession, as it was proposed by various New York politicians.

2. The New York Draft riots were the largest rioting in American history. Buildings were burned all over the city by New Yorkers who said they would not serve in the Union Army and shoot at fellow Americans. 120 people were killed and 11 blacks were lynched all over the city. Many New Yorkers left the city and state,and went south and joined the Confederacy,

New York City draft riots - Wikipedia

The Most Violent Insurrection in American History
The soldiers had a choice...
They could allow themselves to be shot at, have their buildings and bridges destroyed, churches burned down, farms (crops & animals) destroyed, ..............or they could DEFEND themselves and shoot back. And if YOU were the one having all this done to you, you would do what. Calmly say "thank you" ?
There was another Choice. Since most of them did not own slaves they could have refused to leave the union. They could have rebelled against the rich slave holders and said no. But instead they drank the kool- aid and went off to fight and die for the fiends who brought slaves in to take their jobs. If the masses of average southerners had stayed loyal to the union the Civil War would never have happened...they would nevet have had to worry about having their homes razed or any of the other consequences of losing a war.

A chunk of counties in western Virginia did just that -- seceded from Virginia when it seceded from the US, which is how we got West Virginia.

Another chunk of counties in East Tennessee, which was firmly against secession, tried to do the same thing. But they were coerced and cowed by Confederate military.

Secession and Confederacy was by NO means universal in the South. It was divisive, often forced, and ridiculously chaotic. Anyone who wants a glimpse of how chaotic should have a peek at the workings of the Confederate Congress.
1. Union support was by no mans universal in the North either. New York came close to secession, as it was proposed by various New York politicians.

2. The New York Draft riots were the largest rioting in American history. Buildings were burned all over the city by New Yorkers who said they would not serve in the Union Army and shoot at fellow Americans. Dozens of black were lynched all over the city Many New Yorkers left the city and state,and went south and joined the Confederacy,

New York City draft riots - Wikipedia

Now that's the first thing you've posted that was honest.

Indeed conscription in the Confederacy met large resistance too. I some states/governors on request by the CSA to send troops, refused under the philosophy of "states rights', which is ironic.

There were also "Home Guards" in the aforementioned Appalachia who fought off BOTH sides of any army that came through, wanting nothing to do with war. For many the War was forced on them by governments of both sides.
First of all, fuck you and your empty threats trying to shut down discourse. :fu:

Second, once again, the statue that actually was pulled down outside the scope of authority, was not of a soldier. And the other statue they threw a hood over ---- wasn't either.

Neither of those is the one pictured above, but that --- and the two just mentioned, and most if not all of these targets --- all emanate from the same period of Lost Cause revisionism, usually pushed by the UDC. Again that's the same cultural-historical revisionism that brought us "The Clansman", "The Birth of a Nation", the re-birth of the Klan itself, a spike in Jim Crow laws, a spike in lynchings, and a spike in race riots. All from the same source, as I've demonstrated profusely. This ain't about "soldiers". This is about whitewashing history and pushing white supremacy, a century ago. Your job now is to decide how you value that push.

That marker above has also been defaced over the years btw. I posted a clean picture so you can see what it says. And you'll notice it's the same "protect the Anglo-Saxon" crapola as the speech given in 1913 for Silent Sam, the statue that was hooded last week.
I warned you about going OF TOPIC. Now you've been reported. And watch your language too. No reason to go prog=fane on here.

You don't have the authority to warn a flea, Hunior. If you can't handle the answer ---- then don't pose the question. The Truth doesn't need your approval.
You should know attachmed images don't show up here. I could make them show up but it's not worth the work.
If you have an actual point to make about my post, grow a pair and make one.
don't know what you're talking about. I've been ripping your posts for 2 days now.

Your only reply to that post -- and a previous one --- was some puerile "attachment". That attachment DOES NOT SHOW UP HERE. I get my own post quoted, and that's it.

Whatever you're attaching-- did not convey. So if you have a point --- articulate it.
Indeed. It's the same reason the same element put all those statues and monuments up in the first place.
No matter what reason they had then, in 2017, the statues stand as dignified honoring of SOLDIERS who fought to defend their states, counties, towns, and home. Just the notion of removing them is despicable, advocated by lowlifes, and those of very low intellect. (and soldier haters)[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Yes, I do hate soldiers who are/were the enemies of my country like the Confederates soldiers were.
Yes I do hate the aggressor soldiers who are/were the enemies of my state (Florida), like the Union soldiers were.
Your only reply to that post -- and a previous one --- was some puerile "attachment". That attachment DOES NOT SHOW UP HERE. I get my own post quoted, and that's it.

Whatever you're attaching-- did not convey. So if you have a point --- articulate it.
I still don't know what you're talking about. If you have a problem with a post, you need to SPECIFY IT by its post #.

I'll check later. I have other threads to check up on now.
Indeed. It's the same reason the same element put all those statues and monuments up in the first place.
No matter what reason they had then, in 2017, the statues stand as dignified honoring of SOLDIERS who fought to defend their states, counties, towns, and home. Just the notion of removing them is despicable, advocated by lowlifes, and those of very low intellect. (and soldier haters)
  • The statue pulled down in Durham --- not a soldier.
  • The other statue in Durham that got a hood put over its head --- not a soldier.
  • The Charlotte monument about "Anglo-Saxons" I posted --- not a soldier.
  • The Liberty Place monument, the first one New Orleans removed --- not a soldier.
  • The Ku Klux Klan plaque affixed a hundred years ago by the same UDC --- not a soldier.
  • The sign on the building in Dahlonega --- not a soldier.

ALL have been attacked in some way. ALL came from the era I've described as the "golden age of white supremacy" --- with multiple historical links. ALL came from the Lost Cause revisionist movement of that era.

You're actually going to sit here on this board and pretend these were attacked and/or removed for different reasons?

Ain't gonna fly. I've shown you what they ALL have in common, whether soldiers are involved or not. But you want to bury your head in the sand and hide behind "soldiers".

That's what the Lost Cause movement was doing a hundred years ago too. That's exactly WHY they used soldiers as a shield for their hate. Are you still too dense to get this?
Your only reply to that post -- and a previous one --- was some puerile "attachment". That attachment DOES NOT SHOW UP HERE. I get my own post quoted, and that's it.

Whatever you're attaching-- did not convey. So if you have a point --- articulate it.
I still don't know what you're talking about. If you have a problem with a post, you need to SPECIFY IT by its post #.

I'll check later. I have other threads to check up on now.

So you CAN'T articulate it. Thought not.
Yes, I do hate soldiers who are/were the enemies of my country like the Confederates soldiers were.
Yes I do hate the aggressor soldiers who are/were the enemies of my state (Florida), like the Union soldiers were.
Then it's clear you should bear considerable watching. You are as much a traitor as the confederates were. And when will it sink into your noggin that if people like you had rebelled against your Rich Plantation holding aristocrat, the Union Soldiers would not have had to be aggressive and march into your Haven. You should have considered manumission a blessing since poor and middle class whites no longer had to compete with free labor. And yes many of those black slaves were gifted skilled laborers.
  • The statue pulled down in Durham --- not a soldier.
  • The other statue in Durham that got a hood put over its head --- not a soldier.
  • The Charlotte monument about "Anglo-Saxons" I posted --- not a soldier.
  • The Liberty Place monument, the first one New Orleans removed --- not a soldier.
  • The Ku Klux Klan plaque affixed a hundred years ago by the same UDC --- not a soldier.
  • The sign on the building in Dahlonega --- not a soldier.

ALL have been attacked in some way. ALL came from the era I've described as the "golden age of white supremacy" --- with multiple historical links. ALL came from the Lost Cause revisionist movement of that era.

You're actually going to sit here on this board and pretend these were attacked and/or removed for different reasons?

Ain't gonna fly. I've shown you what they ALL have in common, whether soldiers are involved or not. But you want to bury your head in the sand and hide behind "soldiers".

That's what the Lost Cause movement was doing a hundred years ago too. That's exactly WHY they used soldiers as a shield for their hate. Are you still too dense to get this?
I addressed this pointlessly long post, further back in the thread. You're going around in circles. :rolleyes:

All blabbering y(et al in this thread) is nothing but straw man talk, where you co-opt an issue, and turn it something YOU want to talk about. I should report you for that too.
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Then it's clear you should bear considerable watching. You are as much a traitor as the confederates were. And when will it sink into your noggin that if people like you had rebelled against your Rich Plantation holding aristocrat, the Union Soldiers would not have had to be aggressive and march into your Haven. You should have considered manumission a blessing since poor and middle class whites no longer had to compete with free labor. And yes many of those black slaves were gifted skilled laborers.
1. I am an Army veteran with 2 honorable discharges. You may kiss my ass, and then wash my windows. :badgrin:

2. Post # 90 already addressed all this off topic blabbering about plantations and slaves
Now that's the first thing you've posted that was honest.

Indeed conscription in the Confederacy met large resistance too. I some states/governors on request by the CSA to send troops, refused under the philosophy of "states rights', which is ironic.

There were also "Home Guards" in the aforementioned Appalachia who fought off BOTH sides of any army that came through, wanting nothing to do with war. For many the War was forced on them by governments of both sides.
1. Your post about my honesty is too preposterous, to warrant the dignity of as response (except just to say so)

2. But the war was not forced on the non-drafted people of the North. In contrast it WAS forced on the Southerners, by virtue of bullets flying at them, cannonballs, etc.
You don't have the authority to warn a flea, Hunior. If you can't handle the answer ---- then don't pose the question. The Truth doesn't need your approval.
I certainly DO have the authority, and the fact that you've already been reported proves it.

As for my questions, I don't need coaching. I know perfectly well what to ask and what not to. :biggrin:
Then it's clear you should bear considerable watching. You are as much a traitor as the confederates were. And when will it sink into your noggin that if people like you had rebelled against your Rich Plantation holding aristocrat, the Union Soldiers would not have had to be aggressive and march into your Haven. You should have considered manumission a blessing since poor and middle class whites no longer had to compete with free labor. And yes many of those black slaves were gifted skilled laborers.
1. I am an Army veteran with 2 honorable discharges. You may kiss my ass, and then wash my windows. :badgrin:

2. Post # 90 already addressed all this off topic blabbering about plantations and slaves
I am a military retiree with one honorable discharge and a paycheck and ID card.
I'm far more likely to kick your ass and smash your windows then anything else. Not that I would do such a thing but the possibility is there.

Oh well,maybe new readers coming aboard don't want to go back to # 90. Surely you don't mind a little refresher course periodically to keep things in perspective.
I am a military retiree with one honorable discharge and a paycheck and ID card.
I'm far more likely to kick your ass and smash your windows then anything else. Not that I would do such a thing but the possibility is there.

Oh well,maybe new readers coming aboard don't want to go back to # 90. Surely you don't mind a little refresher course periodically to keep things in perspective.
The possibility is NOT there. If you ever tried to kick my ass, as you foolishly stated, I would momentarily deliberate between blowing your brains out (.380 semiautomatic), or destroying your knee, with one kick from my steel-toe shoe, and turning it into 100 tiny bone pieces and blood clots, which in a minute, would reach your heart and give you a heart attack.

You'd be better off taking your frustration at having your ass handed to you in this thread, by punching a punching bag. Just make sure it doesn't wack you back on the rebound. :biggrin:
You don't have the authority to warn a flea, Hunior. If you can't handle the answer ---- then don't pose the question. The Truth doesn't need your approval.
I certainly DO have the authority, and the fact that you've already been reported proves it.

As for my questions, I don't need coaching. I know perfectly well what to ask and what not to. :biggrin:

And the fact that it was laughed away as the laughable laugh it is proves you're laughable.

Again --- you don't like the answer? Tough titty. You want to throw your weight around threatening people to not post anything that interrupts the flow of your echo? Go fuck yourself, ain't happening.
And the fact that it was laughed away as the laughable laugh it is proves you're laughable.

Again --- you don't like the answer? Tough titty. You want to throw your weight around threatening people to not post anything that interrupts the flow of your echo? Go fuck yourself, ain't happening.
"Fact" ? Who said it was laughed away ?

I'll warn about the legitimate act of reporting, anytime I see fit. And when I do warn, I'm doing you a favor. I could have just gone right ahead and reported you without a warning. Don't know why I'm being so nice to you (with all your adolescent mouth and all) You're welcome. :biggrin:

PS - you're a SOLDIER HATER.

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