Confederate treason - Confiscation Act of 1862

Yes it was war lol and whites where treated just as worse .. are you a retard?

No. You think you're actually debating me. I'm just telling you what Robert E Lee did said and wrote. If you think that Robert E Lee isn't a good source about Robert E Lee, that would be retarded.

You asked a question. I said Robert E Lee believed that black POWs should be enslaved and used as human shields. If you feel that whites were treated the same please provide evidence of such.

But please don't go full retard and try to tell me that Robert E Lee isn't a good source on Robert E Lee.
Believe what you want.. I like real history

So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t
Damn boi

He smoked yer ass
Fallacies will
Never win lol
Yes it was war lol and whites where treated just as worse .. are you a retard?

No. You think you're actually debating me. I'm just telling you what Robert E Lee did said and wrote. If you think that Robert E Lee isn't a good source about Robert E Lee, that would be retarded.

You asked a question. I said Robert E Lee believed that black POWs should be enslaved and used as human shields. If you feel that whites were treated the same please provide evidence of such.

But please don't go full retard and try to tell me that Robert E Lee isn't a good source on Robert E Lee.
Believe what you want.. I like real history

So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong
No. You think you're actually debating me. I'm just telling you what Robert E Lee did said and wrote. If you think that Robert E Lee isn't a good source about Robert E Lee, that would be retarded.

You asked a question. I said Robert E Lee believed that black POWs should be enslaved and used as human shields. If you feel that whites were treated the same please provide evidence of such.

But please don't go full retard and try to tell me that Robert E Lee isn't a good source on Robert E Lee.
Believe what you want.. I like real history

So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

SandSquid has posted zero credible links yet, and comes off as a leftist piece of dogshit.

Prove me wrong SandSquid , I say you're a a baseless, factless leftist shill, punk.
Yes but you said he treated both equally, which is clearly not true by his own words. So you lied.
What did a black get that a white didn’t?

Enslaved according to Robert E Lee. Tortured for trying to be free... According to Lee. Used as human shields... According to Lee. What race did Lee say enslavement was "Necessary" for??? Oh yeah, only blacks.

So what you are saying is you know more about Robert E Lee's actions than... Robert E Lee.
Yes it was war lol and whites where treated just as worse .. are you a retard?

It was literally a war where the founding fathers of the Confederacy said again and again and again and again the entire purpose was to protect and expand the enslavement of the black race.

The Confederacy actually passed a law that "all negros or mulattos taken in arms should be tried for servile insurrection and be subject to the death penalty".

while white soldiers were put in POW camps black soldiers were put into forced labor for the Confederacy, often specifically in places that were under enemy fire in the trenches.

Confederate colonels order the sale of black prisoners of war with the proceeds going to the soldiers.

There are records of at least nine different Confederate POW camps that were segregated, with evidence from both the POWs and the Confederacy that the black POW camp did not receive medicine or medical treatment while the white POW camp did.

If your goal is just to erase source history, and rewrite your own version so be it.

It's apparent your goal is to rewrite actual history. Motherfucker! Like history I was taught by a black man about Georgia Military Academy a couple months ago.

Put up credible links or cease your bullshit lying b4 I report it. Fuck it, too late, I'm tired of your bullshit. Back it up or STFU.

Lol. So you're choosing willful ignorance?

I just listed the sources for you... The sad thing is these archives take about 5 seconds to find. There are entire archives of this information if you aren't willing to visit libraries and educate yourself with the originals.

I guess I just never realized people could be so proud of remaining ignorant on something and unwilling to educate themselves on it from source history.
What did a black get that a white didn’t?

Enslaved according to Robert E Lee. Tortured for trying to be free... According to Lee. Used as human shields... According to Lee. What race did Lee say enslavement was "Necessary" for??? Oh yeah, only blacks.

So what you are saying is you know more about Robert E Lee's actions than... Robert E Lee.
Yes it was war lol and whites where treated just as worse .. are you a retard?

It was literally a war where the founding fathers of the Confederacy said again and again and again and again the entire purpose was to protect and expand the enslavement of the black race.

The Confederacy actually passed a law that "all negros or mulattos taken in arms should be tried for servile insurrection and be subject to the death penalty".

while white soldiers were put in POW camps black soldiers were put into forced labor for the Confederacy, often specifically in places that were under enemy fire in the trenches.

Confederate colonels order the sale of black prisoners of war with the proceeds going to the soldiers.

There are records of at least nine different Confederate POW camps that were segregated, with evidence from both the POWs and the Confederacy that the black POW camp did not receive medicine or medical treatment while the white POW camp did.

If your goal is just to erase source history, and rewrite your own version so be it.

It's apparent your goal is to rewrite actual history. Motherfucker! Like history I was taught by a black man about Georgia Military Academy a couple months ago.

Put up credible links or cease your bullshit lying b4 I report it. Fuck it, too late, I'm tired of your bullshit. Back it up or STFU.

Lol. So you're choosing willful ignorance?

I just listed the sources for you... The sad thing is these archives take about 5 seconds to find. There are entire archives of this information if you aren't willing to visit libraries and educate yourself with the originals.

I guess I just never realized people could be so proud of remaining ignorant on something and unwilling to educate themselves on it from source history.

You posted zero links, liar.
No. You think you're actually debating me. I'm just telling you what Robert E Lee did said and wrote. If you think that Robert E Lee isn't a good source about Robert E Lee, that would be retarded.

You asked a question. I said Robert E Lee believed that black POWs should be enslaved and used as human shields. If you feel that whites were treated the same please provide evidence of such.

But please don't go full retard and try to tell me that Robert E Lee isn't a good source on Robert E Lee.
Believe what you want.. I like real history

So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

that would be the Civil war. Based on actual evidence from the war. Or are you going to tell me where White soldiers were considered Confederate property? Where raids were made on the US to return with white people to enslave.

I get that you're talking and saying things. And I get that you're saying things that are in direct opposition to written history.

Is this your goal? To remain ignorant and spread lies let go against actual written history?
Enslaved according to Robert E Lee. Tortured for trying to be free... According to Lee. Used as human shields... According to Lee. What race did Lee say enslavement was "Necessary" for??? Oh yeah, only blacks.

So what you are saying is you know more about Robert E Lee's actions than... Robert E Lee.
Yes it was war lol and whites where treated just as worse .. are you a retard?

It was literally a war where the founding fathers of the Confederacy said again and again and again and again the entire purpose was to protect and expand the enslavement of the black race.

The Confederacy actually passed a law that "all negros or mulattos taken in arms should be tried for servile insurrection and be subject to the death penalty".

while white soldiers were put in POW camps black soldiers were put into forced labor for the Confederacy, often specifically in places that were under enemy fire in the trenches.

Confederate colonels order the sale of black prisoners of war with the proceeds going to the soldiers.

There are records of at least nine different Confederate POW camps that were segregated, with evidence from both the POWs and the Confederacy that the black POW camp did not receive medicine or medical treatment while the white POW camp did.

If your goal is just to erase source history, and rewrite your own version so be it.

It's apparent your goal is to rewrite actual history. Motherfucker! Like history I was taught by a black man about Georgia Military Academy a couple months ago.

Put up credible links or cease your bullshit lying b4 I report it. Fuck it, too late, I'm tired of your bullshit. Back it up or STFU.

Lol. So you're choosing willful ignorance?

I just listed the sources for you... The sad thing is these archives take about 5 seconds to find. There are entire archives of this information if you aren't willing to visit libraries and educate yourself with the originals.

I guess I just never realized people could be so proud of remaining ignorant on something and unwilling to educate themselves on it from source history.

You posted zero links, liar.

You asked for a source and I gave you them. If you want to look them up in the library I can't walk you down there and hold your hand the entire way and push you to educate yourself.

Your decision to remain ignorant or educate yourself is up to you.
Believe what you want.. I like real history

So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

SandSquid has posted zero credible links yet, and comes off as a leftist piece of dogshit.

Prove me wrong SandSquid , I say you're a a baseless, factless leftist shill, punk.

So what you're saying is since I'm not holding your hand and walking you to the library coddling you like a little child, you are not going to look up the sources which I gave you, so that you can intentionally remain ignorant.

I'm sorry but I can't force you to educate yourself on the subject.
So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

SandSquid has posted zero credible links yet, and comes off as a leftist piece of dogshit.

Prove me wrong SandSquid , I say you're a a baseless, factless leftist shill, punk.

So what you're saying is since I'm not holding your hand and walking you to the library coddling you like a little child, you are not going to look up the sources which I gave you, so that you can intentionally remain ignorant.

I'm sorry but I can't force you to educate yourself on the subject.

No link, no credibility, faggot. I've read a 6" thick book on the Civil War, boy. You ain't shit. Try again.
No. You think you're actually debating me. I'm just telling you what Robert E Lee did said and wrote. If you think that Robert E Lee isn't a good source about Robert E Lee, that would be retarded.

You asked a question. I said Robert E Lee believed that black POWs should be enslaved and used as human shields. If you feel that whites were treated the same please provide evidence of such.

But please don't go full retard and try to tell me that Robert E Lee isn't a good source on Robert E Lee.
Believe what you want.. I like real history

So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

SandSquid has posted zero credible links yet, and comes off as a leftist piece of dogshit.

Prove me wrong SandSquid , I say you're a a baseless, factless leftist shill, punk.

So what you're saying is since I'm not holding your hand and walking you to the library coddling you like a little child, you are not going to look up the sources which I gave you, so that you can intentionally remain ignorant.

I'm sorry but I can't force you to educate yourself on the subject.

No link, no credibility, faggot. I've read a 6" thick book on the Civil War, boy. You ain't shit. Try again.

What are you claiming here is not true?

That's nice you have a book. why don't you want to read the ones which I've given you as sources? Why do you want to remain intentionally ignorant.

In what world do you live in where history using primary sources is so fucking scary that you would rather sit there and call someone names like a 4-year-old rather than intentionally educate yourself?

Do you really think that you're making a great stance there? "I'm not going to take a single step to learn anything".

How does you saying you don't want to read the sources which I listed, make your argument?
Last edited:
Believe what you want.. I like real history

So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
Most of the generals in the nazi army were Jews..

So again you agree with me..
lee had a school just for blacks in his HOME

AND he let blacks serve FREELY for his army..

Hmmm sounds like you are full of shit
So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
Most of the generals in the nazi army were Jews..

So again you agree with me..
lee had a school just for blacks in his HOME

AND he let blacks serve FREELY for his army..

Hmmm sounds like you are full of shit

No Lee did not. He had slaves. His wife and daughter started a school for those slaves he wouldn't give their freedom to.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
Most of the generals in the nazi army were Jews..

So again you agree with me..
lee had a school just for blacks in his HOME

AND he let blacks serve FREELY for his army..

Hmmm sounds like you are full of shit

No Lee did not. He had slaves. His wife and daughter started a school for those slaves he wouldn't give their freedom to.
Lol so he had a SCHOOL In his home!!
So the writings actions and words of Lee on slavery that Ive mentioned? Seems like you just like calling written source history fake and make up your own as it suits you with no factual basis.

Look I get it, it's fun to play fictional history. Lincoln was a vampire Hunter, Lee was anti-slavery... But those just aren't reality.
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
Most of the generals in the nazi army were Jews..

So again you agree with me..
lee had a school just for blacks in his HOME

AND he let blacks serve FREELY for his army..

Hmmm sounds like you are full of shit

Yes I agree just because out of desperation the Confederacy allowed blacks to fight, does not change The founding Fathers of the Confederacy and secessionists, starting their rebellion protect and expand the institution of slavery. Nor do I think it makes Lee who said slavery was necessary, tortured his slaves, broke up slave families, and attempted to enslave black US POWs a good man.
Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
Most of the generals in the nazi army were Jews..

So again you agree with me..
lee had a school just for blacks in his HOME

AND he let blacks serve FREELY for his army..

Hmmm sounds like you are full of shit

No Lee did not. He had slaves. His wife and daughter started a school for those slaves he wouldn't give their freedom to.
Lol so he had a SCHOOL In his home!!

Yes. What is your point with that? The only reason the School was there was because of his wife and kids.

And of course that he had slaves.

He provided slavery they provided the education. How is this something that you're supporting? What about keeping slaves is good in your opinion
Tell me why do you think that the founding fathers of the Confederacy, the leading secessionists, pushed and fought to separate from the USA?
You quoted him in war lol.. hellloooooo I can’t

Yes that was your statement. "It was war" as a reason of your defense blacks weren't treated worse. So I gave you Lee's own actions and words as well as the confederacies own actions IN WAR about the things they did specifically to black soldiers. Of which you have found ZERO evidence of those same things being done to white soldiers.

I also gave you his actions outside of war specifically against blacks where you have no defense that he did the same to whites.

Lol. Is being that dumb something you do on purpose, or is there a medical reason for your lack of coherent thought?
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
Most of the generals in the nazi army were Jews..

So again you agree with me..
lee had a school just for blacks in his HOME

AND he let blacks serve FREELY for his army..

Hmmm sounds like you are full of shit

Yes I agree just because out of desperation the Confederacy allowed blacks to fight, does not change The founding Fathers of the Confederacy and secessionists, starting their rebellion protect and expand the institution of slavery. Nor do I think it makes Lee who said slavery was necessary, tortured his slaves, broke up slave families, and attempted to enslave black US POWs a good man.
Do you even hear what you are saying lol
So a white solider from the north was treated a lot better then a black? Lol in war hahah

First free blacks served in the confederate army.. so you are wrong

And yes. At the very end of the war about a month before Lee surrendered the Confederate Congress passed a law that allowed blacks to fight out of desperation. That happened on March 13 1865 when the bill passed.

They formed a regiment of them and almost got to parade them but had no weapons or uniforms for them.

Also. Jews fought in Hitler's army. Doesn't mean Hitler was really good for Jews.
Most of the generals in the nazi army were Jews..

So again you agree with me..
lee had a school just for blacks in his HOME

AND he let blacks serve FREELY for his army..

Hmmm sounds like you are full of shit

No Lee did not. He had slaves. His wife and daughter started a school for those slaves he wouldn't give their freedom to.
Lol so he had a SCHOOL In his home!!

Yes. What is your point with that? The only reason the School was there was because of his wife and kids.

And of course that he had slaves.

He provided slavery they provided the education. How is this something that you're supporting? What about keeping slaves is good in your opinion
Do you think they asked his permission to open a school for blacks ONLY? Lol
Most of us already have learned our American History. Gee . . . you think that could be why historical revisionists are having such a tough time shoving revised history down our throats? Fuck Wikipedia, and every asshole who targets the highly malleable minds of our children with history "adjusted" to fit ideological narratives.

So why don't you educate us all about the historical event that caused so many of those Confederate statues to be erected in the 50s, and 60s, and even later?

Most were in the early 20s, dumbshit.

We can get to those later. What about the ones in the 50s and 60s?

Don't forget the early 1920s too. When Blacks were given the right to vote, and the civil rights acts of the 1960s were when those popped up like crazy.

You haven't posted a link yet, fuck you.

Blacks could vote in the 1870s, but you don't know that, huh?

"From 1890-1908, Democratic state legislatures in the South essentially disfranchised most blacks and many poor whites from voting by passing new constitutions or amendments, or other laws related to more restrictive electoral and voter registration and electoral rules. The Democratic Party essentially dominated the "Solid South" until the 1990s."
African Americans in the United States Congress - Wikipedia

Poll taxes by whites and voter intimidation by whites stopped that. So drop your disingenuous arguments while you're behind. Don't blame democrats when a republican administration ended reconstruction.

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