Confirmation of more Trump corruption.

Look at the little apologist stooging for his Master.

Asked a simple question. It was claimed Biden lied about having cancer but nobody can know if that is a lie or not.

With all the lies that Biden tells, it is dumb to add in one you cannot verify.

New Findings Detail Trump Plan to Use Census for Partisan Gain

A new stash of documents obtained by Congress has confirmed that the Trump administration pushed to add a citizenship question to the census to help Republicans win elections, not to protect people’s voting rights, a House committee report concluded on Wednesday.

The report from the Committee on Oversight and Reform, the culmination of a yearslong investigation, detailed new findings based on drafts of internal memos and secret email communications between political appointees at the Commerce Department, which oversees the Census Bureau, and counterparts in the Justice Department.

The documents provided the most definitive evidence yet that the Trump administration aimed to exclude noncitizens from the count to influence congressional apportionment that would benefit the Republican Party, the report concluded, and that senior officials used a false pretext to build a legal case for asking all residents of the United States whether they were American citizens.

New Findings Detail Trump Plan to Use Census for Partisan Gain

There really wasn't any doubt. This is just confirmation of more deceit. As you may recall......

Supreme Court Finds that Wilbur Ross Lied To Put Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census

This morning, the Supreme Court told the country what we and our clients have long known: that Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross provided a false reason for his decision to add a citizenship question to the Decennial Census. The court explained that the Trump administration’s stated reason for adding a citizenship question—enforcement of the Voting Rights Act—was “contrived.”

Add another reason for Trump's unfitness for office. The list is infinite. Right wing media would have a field day with this sort of thing if a Dem did it. As it is, with so much corruption in the Trump admin, an attempt at election rigging hardly gets a notice.
Asked a simple question. It was claimed Biden lied about having cancer but nobody can know if that is a lie or not.

With all the lies that Biden tells, it is dumb to add in one you cannot verify.

So, does xiden tell more, or less lies than Trump?
SO? OTOH, you criticize Trump and his cronies for, "being corrupt,"
Yes. What about this confuses you?

Supreme Court Finds that Wilbur Ross Lied To Put Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census
On a percentage basis who's lies harmed Americans more?

Seems pretty even to me, though Trump's lies about COIVD might have caused more deaths. But there are more ways to harm Americans than just death.
That's one lie I wish was true. Fuck that sonofabitch for what he's done to this country.

When it does turn out to be true, I hope he suffers.
When you get to the point where you wish cancer on a fellow human being perhaps it's time to unplug from right wing media for a while. It's caused you to lose your humanity.
Seems pretty even to me, though Trump's lies about COIVD might have caused more deaths. But there are more ways to harm Americans than just death.

More have died under xiden.

What lies did Trump say about covid.

Be specific please.
More have died under xiden.

He has had more time. More died per day under Trump. But both did a terrible job of dealing with it.

What lies did Trump say about covid.

Be specific please.

The biggest of all was the lie by omission when he purposefully withheld information from the American people. He openly admitted he did this in his interview.

Said multiple times in May and June...Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere

Then there was this on June 17, 2020...The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.

July 2nd, 2020....The pandemic is getting under control.

July 6th 2020....We now have the lowest Fatality Rate in the World.

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