Confirmed Again: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Came From the Top in Washington

Godwin's Law already, I see. Hyperbolic, exaggerated, and poet-like, that's you, bripat.

Godwin's law was invented by a Democrat to deflect attention from obvious parallels.

The only obvious parallel here, bripat, is that you are stretching to become one to Streicher or Goebbels.

ROFL! Your knee-jerk attempt to attack me with whatever criticism I make is duly noted. It's an infantile tactic, but exactly what we expect from you, Fakey.

Try to keep the comments in line with the subject.

The evidence is not there. Yet.

There's abundant evidence. The IRS has already admitted their fascist tactics against American citizens. Anyone who defends it is a fascist. The liberals who makes excuses for this behavior are indistinguishable from goose stepping storm troopers.
There is no "abundant evidence" at all that ties it to the President, not even weak circumstantial evidence.

Your infantile tactics, bripat, will be noted every time you invoke Godwin's law.

The only fascist-type here is you. Like all fascists you hate democracy, and you long for the Strong Man leader. You are what you are: worthless.
need evidence

If you need evidence, Jake...then you should be DEMANDING an investigation into this.

I don't think the facts are in question! What are we going to "Investigate?"

A large number of ineligible entities were applying for tax-exempt status... Check. A large proportion of them had "Certain terms" in their names... Check. They searched those names as a means of identifying ineligible entities seeking to abuse the status... Check.

What the hell else do you need to know?

And what "terms" were it that were deemed worthy of being singled out for "special treatment", Cuyo? Why is it that only conservative terms triggered that response? What do I need to know? I need to know who it was that made this policy at the IRS and I need to know if anyone in the Obama White House was aware of it.
There is no "abundant evidence" at all that ties it to the President, not even weak circumstantial evidence.

Your infantile tactics, bripat, will be noted every time you invoke Godwin's law.

The only fascist-type here is you. Like all fascists you hate democracy, and you long for the Strong Man leader. You are what you are: worthless.

You're 100% correct, Jake...there is no evidence at the present time that ties this to Barack Obama. So far it's been tied to his White House Council and the Secretary of the Treasury. That's got it INTO the Obama White House. Now the question many others in this Administration knew about this...and when did Obama find out about it? He claims to have known nothing about it until he heard about it on the news. I find that INCREDIBLE to quite honest with you. Either he's telling a bold faced lie...or the President of the United States is being kept in the dark about what's going on his Administration. If the latter were true don't you think his response would be to can those responsible for not informing him of something THIS big? Have any heads rolled in the Administration? I haven't seen one.
There is no "abundant evidence" at all that ties it to the President, not even weak circumstantial evidence.

Your infantile tactics, bripat, will be noted every time you invoke Godwin's law.

The only fascist-type here is you. Like all fascists you hate democracy, and you long for the Strong Man leader. You are what you are: worthless.

You're 100% correct, Jake...there is no evidence at the present time that ties this to Barack Obama. So far it's been tied to his White House Council and the Secretary of the Treasury. That's got it INTO the Obama White House. Now the question many others in this Administration knew about this...and when did Obama find out about it? He claims to have known nothing about it until he heard about it on the news. I find that INCREDIBLE to quite honest with you. Either he's telling a bold faced lie...or the President of the United States is being kept in the dark about what's going on his Administration. If the latter were true don't you think his response would be to can those responsible for not informing him of something THIS big? Have any heads rolled in the Administration? I haven't seen one.

Criminally corrupt or criminally incompetent?

Oh, the existential dilemma! :lol:
Doesn't matter until the criminal evidence is revealed that BHO knew.

The president can be impeached for any or no crime, because the process is political. The GOP does not have the strength in Congress for such a process, which would almost inevitably fail.

And no presidential crime has been unearthed.

Those are the facts.
Only if persecuting opponents of government is their job. The staff of the Gestapo had a similar job.

Godwin's Law already, I see. Hyperbolic, exaggerated, and poet-like, that's you, bripat.

Godwin's law was invented by a Democrat to deflect attention from obvious parallels.
The IRS is also a deflection from Benghazi. Those people are not going to allow that type of information out unless they want it released. The IRS is a soft target because most people do not like the IRS and would be interested in it seeing that "justice" was done.
Any honest liberals out there who actually believe it was just a few rogue employees?

Don't know (see also, "care"). The story lacks an underlying offense. "Targeting" terms that have shown a trend of abuse is no more a scandal then a speed trap "Targeting" an area that has had a lot of accidents.

The IRS looked for specific key words, then also harassed them, and held up the paperwork for years. They asked questions and intruded where they had no right to go. They used intimidation on a group of people, the result kept money from being donated, it resulted in people just giving up their goals and dreams.

A speed trap targets an area, not people of a specific cause, religion, ideal, race and so on.

Your analogy to minimize a wrong, is a massive fail.
Doesn't matter until the criminal evidence is revealed that BHO knew.

The president can be impeached for any or no crime, because the process is political. The GOP does not have the strength in Congress for such a process, which would almost inevitably fail.

And no presidential crime has been unearthed.

Those are the facts.

Exactly, until a direct link is found, this should not effect Obama.
need evidence

If you need evidence, Jake...then you should be DEMANDING an investigation into this.

I don't think the facts are in question! What are we going to "Investigate?"

A large number of ineligible entities were applying for tax-exempt status... Check. A large proportion of them had "Certain terms" in their names... Check. They searched those names as a means of identifying ineligible entities seeking to abuse the status... Check.

What the hell else do you need to know?
You should look up the definition of ineligible. I don't think you know what it means.
The piss drinkers will now state as fact that Obama ordered the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. This, despite a complete lack of evidence for this claim.

In their pointy little heads, they actually have a little movie of Obama pointing at the IRS director, telling him to target the Tea Party for persecution. They masturbate to this internal fantasy film. It has become as real to them as the sunrise this morning.

They will added this "fact" to the long list of other bogus "facts" that are churned out in mass emails for their consumption.

This long list will be "evidence" that Obama should be impeached.

After failing miserably with the birther gambit, they have resorted to djining up a new bogus "fact" on a weekly basis to get the darkie raghead out of the White House.

These people deserve to be lied to. They WANT to be lied to. They ASK to be lied to.
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The piss drinkers will now state as fact that Obama ordered the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. This, despite a complete lack of evidence for this claim.
Didn't need to.

Though there's no hard evidence Nixon ordered the Watergate break-in, it's the coverup that did him in.

With this many people scrambling around in full CYA mode, and with as many changes to the story that we keep getting at all levels, it doesn't take Lieutenant Columbo to smell something rotten in Denmark.
Then look for evidence of a coverup in which the pres was knowing participant.

Right now, there is not squat.
Doesn't matter until the criminal evidence is revealed that BHO knew.

The president can be impeached for any or no crime, because the process is political. The GOP does not have the strength in Congress for such a process, which would almost inevitably fail.

And no presidential crime has been unearthed.

Those are the facts.

Obama isn't getting impeached, don't get your undies in a twist.

It's pretty apparent that even if Obama did know what was going on over at the IRS long before he says he did that someone lower down in his Administration will fall on their sword for him. The best that can be hoped for is that the higher ups who used the IRS to make life miserable for their political opponents will be exposed (because right now they are all in hiding) and an example made of them.

In order to DO that however, there needs to be an independent investigation by someone OUTSIDE of the Obama Administration. This situation SCREAMS for that and it won't be resolved until it happens.
The piss drinkers will now state as fact that Obama ordered the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. This, despite a complete lack of evidence for this claim.
Didn't need to.

Though there's no hard evidence Nixon ordered the Watergate break-in, it's the coverup that did him in.

With this many people scrambling around in full CYA mode, and with as many changes to the story that we keep getting at all levels, it doesn't take Lieutenant Columbo to smell something rotten in Denmark.

This is going to turn into one of those deals where although there won't be any "proof" that Obama had knowledge of what was going on over at the IRS...his image is going to be damaged in a meaningful way because at the end of the day he either knew and didn't do anything about it...or there are people running this country and doing things that our President isn't even told about. I'm not sure which of the above scenarios makes Barack Obama look worse to be quite blunt. He's either dirty or he's clueless. Like I said...pick your poison.
Doesn't matter until the criminal evidence is revealed that BHO knew.

The president can be impeached for any or no crime, because the process is political. The GOP does not have the strength in Congress for such a process, which would almost inevitably fail.

And no presidential crime has been unearthed.

Those are the facts.

The best that can be hoped for is that the higher ups who used the IRS to make life miserable for their political opponents will be exposed (because right now they are all in hiding) and an example made of them.

That part is true. Whether an independent prosecutor is appointed will have to play out.
How can you NOT have an independent prosecutor when you've got Eric Holder running the Justice Department? I mean, come on, Jake...even you have to admit THAT isn't going to satisfy anyone! Holder's reputation for honesty at this point is on a par with Jay Carney's.

If Barack Obama REALLY want's to get the public trust back then his ONLY choice is to appoint a special prosecutor that's unbiased and let him or her do their job.
Yelling at me won't get an independent prosecutor. I understand you are quite emotional about this.

Barak has the public trust, generally, and the public like him far more than the GOP.

Stay in reality, please.
Yelling at me won't get an independent prosecutor. I understand you are quite emotional about this.

Barak has the public trust, generally, and the public like him far more than the GOP.

Stay in reality, please.

Barry is rapidly losing the public trust, Jake. If he doesn't want to be the Democrats answer to Richard Nixon...he needs to get out in front of these scandals which means calling for independent investigations. Naming Eric Holder to do it is almost farce. That IS reality!

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