Confirmed Again: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Came From the Top in Washington

I'm no "rightwinger", but the mounting evidence is moving to show that this was authorized far above the original assertion it was low level employees. So the question becomes, how high does it go? If I had to guess, I'd guess, though insulated as to not cause backlash, it probably came right from the top.

need evidence

If you need evidence, Jake...then you should be DEMANDING an investigation into this.

I don't think the facts are in question! What are we going to "Investigate?"

A large number of ineligible entities were applying for tax-exempt status... Check. A large proportion of them had "Certain terms" in their names... Check. They searched those names as a means of identifying ineligible entities seeking to abuse the status... Check.

What the hell else do you need to know?
There aren't two sets of rules. There's one, and the IRS correctly identified an axiom between groups with certain words in their titles, and disobedience with that one set of rules.

Unless you have evidence that there actually were two sets of rules, present it please.

If they didn't target thesegroups, why are they apologizing for it? Fo rfun? The cognition failure associated with this group of administration supporters is far,. FAR worse than those who blindly and obediently supported Bush.

IRS apologizes for targeting tea party groups

IRS apologizes for targeting tea party groups

WASHINGTONCopyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status.

Politicians gon' politik. There's a fauxrage to attend to, and they'll say whatever they believe will best quell it.


So they acknowledged the targeting of the groups in order to help fuel teh fauzrage? You might want to cut paint chips out of your diet.
Obama didn't give the order. The government is too big for any single person who sleeps at least 8 hours (of 24) a day to manage.

This is what I love about this scandal.


1) Obama is the most tyrannical President in American history.

2) The Democrats are forced to admit that big overbearing government CANNOT be controlled by the people. This was the Chris Matthews line.


However, it's more likely that Democrats will eat their own and throw Obama under the bus, even if it costs them 2014, 2016 and 2018, than admit their entire philosophy is shit.

james madison had a solution for this. he called it the 2nd amendment

James Madison had a far easier solution to this, it's called the 10th Amendment (Nullification). The IRS is unconstitutional. The Congress only has power to Levy taxes, not to collect them, nullify the IRS.
If the Feds try to enforce the unconstitutionally laws and statues of the IRS, then we resort to the 2nd Amendment, with the entire County/State united in arms.

Nothing unconstitutional about it.

16th Amendment to the United States Constitution

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Ratification was completed on February 3, 1913.
The Executive shall have the power to form lists of individuals who dissent from government programs to be rounded up for re-education.

Ratification Sometime in the near future.

It's all constitutional when you just go along, fella. You will too. You'll clap at any effort by your government.
The Executive shall have the power to form lists of individuals who dissent from government programs to be rounded up for re-education.

Ratification Sometime in the near future.

It's all constitutional when you just go along, fella. You will too. You'll clap at any effort by your government.

you mean those Fema camps are one step closer to becoming real? AWESOME, i keep on getting teased by your guys crying about how its going to happen and it never does. Its like every "scandal" doesnt become one and just well nobody cares.

Its like you make up these scandals because you have nothing.
History has a really funny way at repetition. But you'd actually have to read about it sometime.
need evidence

If you need evidence, Jake...then you should be DEMANDING an investigation into this.

I don't think the facts are in question! What are we going to "Investigate?"

A large number of ineligible entities were applying for tax-exempt status... Check. A large proportion of them had "Certain terms" in their names... Check. They searched those names as a means of identifying ineligible entities seeking to abuse the status... Check.

What the hell else do you need to know?

Well, (1) large number is not a fact. (2) We need a link that solidly and circumstantially connects BHO to authorization. Even if it is not illegal, it is impeachable. Since we can't get impeachment in this house term on simple 'crimes and misdemeanors', it would be helpful that it be illegal.

A long, long way to go until America as a whole pays attention, Cuyo.
TASB, you are drinking early, I see. Ad homming me does not help you.

America will not care, son, if it does not "see" a crime or a major irregularity that has BHO's signature or imprimatur on it.

We don't have that yet. That is what we need.
The Executive shall have the power to form lists of individuals who dissent from government programs to be rounded up for re-education.

Ratification Sometime in the near future.

It's all constitutional when you just go along, fella. You will too. You'll clap at any effort by your government.

Dumb as dirt buddy, that's likely going to get ratified second Tuesday of next week I hear.:cuckoo:
Waiting for the smoking gun. 98% of America does not care without that.

If that pile of bullshit helps you sleep at night, then so be it.

It is about knowing the reality of what is going on.

I sleep well every night because I have my life and affairs and relationships in order.

If we get BHO, fine, if we don't, the world is not appreciably worse. They are all crooks.
The Executive shall have the power to form lists of individuals who dissent from government programs to be rounded up for re-education.

Ratification Sometime in the near future.

It's all constitutional when you just go along, fella. You will too. You'll clap at any effort by your government.

Dumb as dirt buddy, that's likely going to get ratified second Tuesday of next week I hear.:cuckoo:

No ratification needed.

Homeland Security 'Fusion' Center Director: We're Not Spying On Americans... Just Anti-Government Americans | Techdirt

Homeland Security 'Fusion' Center Director: We're Not Spying On Americans... Just Anti-Government Americans
Only if persecuting opponents of government is their job. The staff of the Gestapo had a similar job.

Godwin's Law already, I see. Hyperbolic, exaggerated, and poet-like, that's you, bripat.

Godwin's law was invented by a Democrat to deflect attention from obvious parallels.

The only obvious parallel here, bripat, is that you are stretching to become one to Streicher or Goebbels.

Try to keep the comments in line with the subject.

The evidence is not there. Yet.

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