Confirmed Again: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Came From the Top in Washington

No, he is not. He is far from right now the Dem equiv of RMN, and we are foolish to think so.
If he continues his present course of stonewalling investigations, Jake he's going down the EXACT same path as Nixon.

You forget that Watergate was a third rate burglary that brought down a President not because he was involved in the initial crime but because he was involved in the cover-up. This IRS scandal threatens to become a potential Watergate depending on how Obama responds to it. Right now he's claiming that he knew nothing about it at all. Before the claim was that nobody in the White House knew anything about it at all. Now we know that isn't the case.

What would be "foolish" would be to allow this to BECOME another Watergate! Whether that happens is totally up to Barack Obama.
If he continues his present course of stonewalling investigations, Jake he's going down the EXACT same path as Nixon.

You forget that Watergate was a third rate burglary that brought down a President not because he was involved in the initial crime but because he was involved in the cover-up. This IRS scandal threatens to become a potential Watergate depending on how Obama responds to it. Right now he's claiming that he knew nothing about it at all. Before the claim was that nobody in the White House knew anything about it at all. Now we know that isn't the case.

What would be "foolish" would be to allow this to BECOME another Watergate! Whether that happens is totally up to Barack Obama.

Wrong as can be. The plan to bug the Democrats National Headquarters in the Watergate hotel during an election year was foiled and the Plumbers were arrested. Those arrests ultimately led to the resignation of President Nixon. Because.......
Watergate Scandal Timeline
"To understand Watergate, it is helpful to have an understanding of the culture of the administration, and of the psyche of the man himself. Richard M. Nixon was a secretive man who did not tolerate criticism well, who engaged in numerous acts of duplicity, who kept lists of enemies, and who used the power of the presidency to seek petty acts of revenge on those enemies."

And how exactly does Barack Obama differ from Nixon?
If he continues his present course of stonewalling investigations, Jake he's going down the EXACT same path as Nixon.

You forget that Watergate was a third rate burglary that brought down a President not because he was involved in the initial crime but because he was involved in the cover-up. This IRS scandal threatens to become a potential Watergate depending on how Obama responds to it. Right now he's claiming that he knew nothing about it at all. Before the claim was that nobody in the White House knew anything about it at all. Now we know that isn't the case.

What would be "foolish" would be to allow this to BECOME another Watergate! Whether that happens is totally up to Barack Obama.

Wrong as can be. The plan to bug the Democrats National Headquarters in the Watergate hotel during an election year was foiled and the Plumbers were arrested. Those arrests ultimately led to the resignation of President Nixon. Because.......
Watergate Scandal Timeline

Only time will tell. But right now, BHO is nothing compared to the arch-criminal president, RMN.
What makes them different?

Nixon initiated a cover-up. So did Barack Obama...on numerous occaisions.

I guess you have to ask yourself which is more criminal...a break-in of someone's campaign headquarters or using the IRS to knee cap anyone who opposes your agenda? I'm seeing them as rather similar. The main difference is the scale of each action and how many times it occurred.
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What makes them different?

Nixon initiated a cover-up. So did Barack Obama...on numerous occaisions.

I guess you have to ask yourself which is more criminal...a break-in of someone's campaign headquarters or using the IRS to knee cap anyone who opposes your agenda? I'm seeing them as rather similar. The main difference is the scale of each action and how many times it occurred.

If you have proof that the President covered up crimes committed by henchmen in his pay, then Rep. Issa would like a word.

Again if you have information that proves the President ordered anyone at the IRS to target any of his political enemies then Rep. Issa would like a few moments of your time.
What makes them different?

Nixon initiated a cover-up. So did Barack Obama...on numerous occaisions.

I guess you have to ask yourself which is more criminal...a break-in of someone's campaign headquarters or using the IRS to knee cap anyone who opposes your agenda? I'm seeing them as rather similar. The main difference is the scale of each action and how many times it occurred.

If you have proof that the President covered up crimes committed by henchmen in his pay, then Rep. Issa would like a word.

Again if you have information that proves the President ordered anyone at the IRS to target any of his political enemies then Rep. Issa would like a few moments of your time.

There was never any proof that Nixon ordered the Watergate break-ins either, Boo. What got Nixon's ass in a crack was the cover-up that he orchestrated. It's becoming rather apparent that people in the Obama White House did in fact know about what the IRS was doing long before Obama SAYS he found out about it. The question now becomes who knew and when did they know it?
The fact that Lois Lerner is still getting paid is a crime in itself.
And that is a nut that I don't think will be cracked.

Oh, mark my words, Jake...someone will be left standing when the music stops in this game of Musical Chairs. The only question now is who that sacrificial lamb will be.

It's becoming more and more apparent that being an "underling" for either Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton is not for the faint of heart. You will get little of the credit for any success and you will without question be expected to throw yourself on a grenade to save Barry or Hilary in the case of failure.

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