Confirmed Again: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Came From the Top in Washington

I'm no "rightwinger", but the mounting evidence is moving to show that this was authorized far above the original assertion it was low level employees. So the question becomes, how high does it go? If I had to guess, I'd guess, though insulated as to not cause backlash, it probably came right from the top.
That notwithstanding, the IRS did NOTHING wrong here.

It's hard to believe anyone is stupid enough to make such a claim.

Again What was done that was illegal?

Selective enforcement of the something that IS illegal. If those agents had used the same enforcement against liberal groups then you would be 100% correct in your assertion that nothing illegal was done but by their own admission that wasn't the case. The only thing in question at this point is who ordered it done and who knew about it BEING DONE?
I'm no "rightwinger", but the mounting evidence is moving to show that this was authorized far above the original assertion it was low level employees. So the question becomes, how high does it go? If I had to guess, I'd guess, though insulated as to not cause backlash, it probably came right from the top.

not only that, but you mean to tell me a government organization does not have checks and balances in place to ensure a group or segmentation of society is not unfairly targeted? this had to be done with some type of higher authority greenlighting it.
I'm no "rightwinger", but the mounting evidence is moving to show that this was authorized far above the original assertion it was low level employees. So the question becomes, how high does it go? If I had to guess, I'd guess, though insulated as to not cause backlash, it probably came right from the top.

need evidence
Any honest liberals out there who actually believe it was just a few rogue employees?

Any honest alleged "right wingers" out there who don't believe the order came from Obama?

I highly doubt that the order came from Obama. My guess is that it originated from someone like Rahm Emanuel or Valerie Jarrett. This has Chicago Machine politics written all over it. As to Obama knowing about it? My guess would be that he was aware of it long before he "said" he knew about it. Either that or he really is totally clueless about what's going on in this Administration and things are being run by others.
I'm no "rightwinger", but the mounting evidence is moving to show that this was authorized far above the original assertion it was low level employees. So the question becomes, how high does it go? If I had to guess, I'd guess, though insulated as to not cause backlash, it probably came right from the top.

need evidence

If you need evidence, Jake...then you should be DEMANDING an investigation into this.
I'm no "rightwinger", but the mounting evidence is moving to show that this was authorized far above the original assertion it was low level employees. So the question becomes, how high does it go? If I had to guess, I'd guess, though insulated as to not cause backlash, it probably came right from the top.

need evidence

From the administration where the rule of law and transparency will be the touchstone? :lmao:

Oh, Fake. You and I both know that any evidence to support that guess has long since been scrubbed. Still, a leopard cant change its spots.
Any honest liberals out there who actually believe it was just a few rogue employees?

Any honest alleged "right wingers" out there who don't believe the order came from Obama?

I don't know whether he ordered it, but he certainly knew about it and approved it. You have to be an idiot to believe with so many of his closest staffers knowing it that he didn't know it.
It's hard to believe anyone is stupid enough to make such a claim.

Again What was done that was illegal?

Selective enforcement of the something that IS illegal. If those agents had used the same enforcement against liberal groups then you would be 100% correct in your assertion that nothing illegal was done but by their own admission that wasn't the case. The only thing in question at this point is who ordered it done and who knew about it BEING DONE?

Really, it seems more to me like profiling than selective enforcement. The conservative groups far predominated the slew of new non profit politically motivated Citizens United groups. If those groups actually supported a single candidate, rather than a broader agenda, then they were illegal. It may be that the policy originated in the admin. If it did, that may very well emasculate the administration, but I just don't see a watergate type plan to use a agency for political gain, so much as a policy to not allow conservatives to use a suprme court case to skirt campaign finance law.

However, if the IRS was told to actively select for audits the people who gave money to the tea party groups .... I'd be very angry.
It's hard to believe anyone is stupid enough to make such a claim.

Again What was done that was illegal?

Selective enforcement of the something that IS illegal. If those agents had used the same enforcement against liberal groups then you would be 100% correct in your assertion that nothing illegal was done but by their own admission that wasn't the case. The only thing in question at this point is who ordered it done and who knew about it BEING DONE?

which law?
Whether or not these (ahem) 'entities' ought to qualify for tax exempt status is a broader issue and not what's being debated here.

Fact is, as of now they don't. I see nothing wrong with a metric that has helped identify them faster.

buuuut as I've freely admitted, if I was a teatard I would probably be annoyed, too. That notwithstanding, the IRS did NOTHING wrong here.

The IRS certainly DID do something wrong, Cuyo! You can't have two sets of rules for people in this country based on their political viewpoint. That's wrong no matter WHO does it...liberal or conservative! If you can't understand that...then I don't knoT what to say to you.

There aren't two sets of rules. There's one, and the IRS correctly identified an axiom between groups with certain words in their titles, and disobedience with that one set of rules.

Unless you have evidence that there actually were two sets of rules, present it please.

Are you kidding? The IRS apologized for HAVING two sets of rules! Or don't you grasp that fact? They apologized for targeting right wing groups. That shouldn't even be in question at this point.
It's hard to believe anyone is stupid enough to make such a claim.

Again What was done that was illegal?

Selective enforcement of the something that IS illegal. If those agents had used the same enforcement against liberal groups then you would be 100% correct in your assertion that nothing illegal was done but by their own admission that wasn't the case. The only thing in question at this point is who ordered it done and who knew about it BEING DONE?

Libtards don't have a problem with it because they think simply being a conservative is criminal.
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One simple solution. The FAIR tax would pretty well eliminate the need for the IRS. Pay the states to collect the tax right along with the state sales tax. All the federal government would need would be a small accounting office to handle those fifty or so checks coming in from the states every month.

The resultant reduction in the tax burden on production would make American made products about 20% cheaper around the world, and make American manufacturing profitable again. Millions of new, well paying jobs for American workers.

Yes, escrow accounts are the only way to go, from my own bill:

Section III:
a. Suffolk County recognizes the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States as a legitimate article of the Constitution; however, the Constitution does not authorize the use of paper fiat currency, therefore Suffolk County will cease to enforce the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, unless the federal taxes are being collected in Lawful gold or silver Coin, as prescribed by Article I, Section 10, of the United States Constitution.

b. Suffolk County will also shield any of its inhabitants from detention or arrest or being forced to appear before a federal or state tribunal for failing to pay federal or state taxes in any Thing other than gold or silver Coin.

c. All federal taxes will be collected by Suffolk County and held in a Federal Escrow Tax Account, as the Constitution of United States does not grant the Federal Government the power to collect Federal Taxes or delegate that power to any other agency. As such, the IRS is prohibited from operating within Suffolk County immediately following the enactment of this bill.

d. All states taxes will be collected by Suffolk County and held in a State Escrow Tax Account.
All of the above is very interesting, and if the allegations have empirical proof of law breaking, then, yes, this is a scandal of major proportions.

Right now, it is only hot air.
Again What was done that was illegal?

Selective enforcement of the something that IS illegal. If those agents had used the same enforcement against liberal groups then you would be 100% correct in your assertion that nothing illegal was done but by their own admission that wasn't the case. The only thing in question at this point is who ordered it done and who knew about it BEING DONE?

Libtards don't have a problem with it because they thing simply being a conservative is criminal.

like being latin in Arizona.
Again What was done that was illegal?

Selective enforcement of the something that IS illegal. If those agents had used the same enforcement against liberal groups then you would be 100% correct in your assertion that nothing illegal was done but by their own admission that wasn't the case. The only thing in question at this point is who ordered it done and who knew about it BEING DONE?

which law?

That would fall under equal protection laws, Plasma. It's against the law to hold one set of people to the rule of law while excluding another group from the same treatment.

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