Confirmed: Fraudulent Polygamy Cult Tipster is Barack Obama Delegate

You realy are a moron, the WOMEN have said so. But do carry on retard.

You think these poor, abused, brainwashed women are going to tell the truth?


Try looking up Battered Women's Syndrome

"Battered woman syndrome describes a pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering relationships." People v. Romero, 13 Cal Rptr 2d 332, 336 (Cal App 2d Dist. 1992); See Walker, L., The Battered Woman Syndrome (1984) p. 95-97. There are four general characteristics of the syndrome:
1. The woman believes that the violence was her fault.
2. The woman has an inability to place the responsibility for the violence elsewhere.
3. The woman fears for her life and/or her children's lives.
4. The woman has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omniscient.
"Battered woman's syndrome is best understood as a subgroup of what the American Psychological Association defines as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, rather than as a form of mental illness." IX New York Law School Journal of Human Rights "You've Come a Long Way, Baby: The Battered Woman's Syndrome Revisited" at 117-118; Walker, L., Terrifying Love: Why Battered Women Kill and How Society Responds (1989) at 48.

But everyone else in the world is a moron, right?
Go ahead keep selling away our rights. Remember when they come for you, no claiming they have no right.

You mean like breaking the FISA law to spy on anyone they wanted? Or is that different?
Yet there is no evidence the women have been battered or abused at all.

They've clearly been brainwashed and psychologically and sexually abused.

As for "evidence", again, YOU DON'T KNOW what the evidence is. The case hasn't been tried yet.

I'm kind of surprised that you'd take this position. These girls were raped. They've been made slaves to older men who use them for their bodies and couch it in religion. Their sect is a perversion of what your religion believes.

I'd be sick to my stomach if I were you. I wouldn't be defending them.

And I truly don't understand why you are. This isn't flaming. It isn't angry. I'm not attacking you.

I'd just really like to understand how you can justify anything other than a let's wait and see what comes out during the hearings attitude.

It's beyond me.
You realy are a moron, the WOMEN have said so. But do carry on retard.

Oh, the brainwashed women have said so? Oh that's so much better:rolleyes:

I guess we should listen to the families of criminals when they say that their kid didn't do it then. I will carry on RGS (Retarded Garbage Spewer)
I would lay off the brainwashing charge. That's a perspective arguement.

To be honest, I don't even have a problem with polygamy among consenting adults. However, fucking kids and getting them married to dirty fcking old men is not acceptable. i don't care what religion you are. It's fucking ironic that RGS would otherwise be crying about how barbaric arabs are for this kind of thing but let a christian do it and it's ok... HELL, even comendable somehow.

sorry, I know what the first amendment says but fucking your new 12 year old bride is unacceptable. Keep it above the age of 18 and there would have been no issue worth vetting here.
I would lay off the brainwashing charge. That's a perspective arguement.

To be honest, I don't even have a problem with polygamy among consenting adults. However, fucking kids and getting them married to dirty fcking old men is not acceptable. i don't care what religion you are. It's fucking ironic that RGS would otherwise be crying about how barbaric arabs are for this kind of thing but let a christian do it and it's ok... HELL, even comendable somehow.

sorry, I know what the first amendment says but fucking your new 12 year old bride is unacceptable. Keep it above the age of 18 and there would have been no issue worth vetting here.

I know, It's my own opinion that these women are brainwashed based on my studies in psychology and sociology. I have no proof related to the case, just my observations.

It's plain and simple, these pedifiles have found a way to build a compound fill it with a bunch of women and make them do what they want.
I double majored in psych and soc so I hear what you are saying.. but, probably think WE are brainswashed too. it's a perspective thing that opens the door for return criticism. I'd stick with the sexual abuse and child endangerment rather than let sympathetic dogma junkies drop a few tears on the media while framing the debate differently than it should be framed.
I double majored in psych and soc so I hear what you are saying.. but, probably think WE are brainswashed too. it's a perspective thing that opens the door for return criticism. I'd stick with the sexual abuse and child endangerment rather than let sympathetic dogma junkies drop a few tears on the media while framing the debate differently than it should be framed.

Oh don't I know it. We're all brainwashed to a degree....just my speculation. But we're not brainwashed to the point where either one of us would allow someoen to beat our infant children, or marry off our 14 year olds. This is what makes me not 'favor' this sect.
Oh don't I know it. We're all brainwashed to a degree....just my speculation. But we're not brainwashed to the point where either one of us would allow someoen to beat our infant children, or marry off our 14 year olds. This is what makes me not 'favor' this sect.

perhaps, perhaps not. Which is why Milgram's experiments are so interesting. It's easy to charge brainwashing but then what WILL populations accept in the name of their chosen authority? It opens the issue up for a discussion of relative values instead of criminal child abuse. We will never MAKE them accept our standards as their own (hence the fragmenting of the mormon church) but we can make it clear that our laws do not allow child abuse and statutory rape just because their dogma says the gates of heaven are through the hymen of a child.
perhaps, perhaps not. Which is why Milgram's experiments are so interesting. It's easy to charge brainwashing but then what WILL populations accept in the name of their chosen authority? It opens the issue up for a discussion of relative values instead of criminal child abuse. We will never MAKE them accept our standards as their own (hence the fragmenting of the mormon church) but we can make it clear that our laws do not allow child abuse and statutory rape just because their dogma says the gates of heaven are through the hymen of a child.

I agree %100 percent. As far as them brainwashing, it goes back to classical conditioning. If you condition them not to question, they won't. If you condition them to be married off at 14, they will without any problems. But you're right, brainwashing is really just a speculation based on an individual perspective.

As far as the sect goes, I'm glad they've been raided, and I hope the lady that fabricated the call gets rewarded for her actions. She knew what was right and wrong, and acted. I wouldn't have a beef with this sect had they not abused their children....
They've clearly been brainwashed and psychologically and sexually abused.

As for "evidence", again, YOU DON'T KNOW what the evidence is. The case hasn't been tried yet.

I'm kind of surprised that you'd take this position. These girls were raped. They've been made slaves to older men who use them for their bodies and couch it in religion. Their sect is a perversion of what your religion believes.

I'd be sick to my stomach if I were you. I wouldn't be defending them.

And I truly don't understand why you are. This isn't flaming. It isn't angry. I'm not attacking you.

I'd just really like to understand how you can justify anything other than a let's wait and see what comes out during the hearings attitude.

It's beyond me.

It is simple, the State had no compelling reason other then dislike to remove those children.They lied to get a search warrant and then conducted a witch hunt for 7 days on a known fraudulant claim. All based on a personal dislike of this group.

EVERYONE has the same rights or NONE of us have ANY rights. Simple concept. The worst of the worst MUST be protected the same as the best of the best.

On an aside, Rayboy's claim has no standing, since the Government can not use any tapes it got without a search warrant in court, no one lost any rights or protections.
On an aside, Rayboy's claim has no standing, since the Government can not use any tapes it got without a search warrant in court, no one lost any rights or protections.

By this reasoning, the cult members have also not lost any rights or protections so long as no evidence collected gets used against them in court. But of course that would undermine your entire position, would it not? :eusa_whistle:
It is simple, the State had no compelling reason other then dislike to remove those children.They lied to get a search warrant and then conducted a witch hunt for 7 days on a known fraudulant claim. All based on a personal dislike of this group.

EVERYONE has the same rights or NONE of us have ANY rights. Simple concept. The worst of the worst MUST be protected the same as the best of the best.

On an aside, Rayboy's claim has no standing, since the Government can not use any tapes it got without a search warrant in court, no one lost any rights or protections.

So you've at least come to the realization that the state does have evidence.
By this reasoning, the cult members have also not lost any rights or protections so long as no evidence collected gets used against them in court. But of course that would undermine your entire position, would it not? :eusa_whistle:

They have lost, THEIR CHILDREN have been taken away.

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