CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Sell Federal Land To Build The Wall

The central issue with the WLL is the DEMs know once even a foot of the WALL is added to what is already at the S. border there is no way it will EVER be taken down by ANY DEM........ever.
The optics of a DEM tearing down even an inch of the WALL would destroy the DEM party forever.
That's why the DEMs are so fucking determined to stop Trump.
We are deeply in debt so let’s sell land to spend more. Yes very responsible....
It's better than the Dim plan: Just spend more money.
Spending is the repub plan. Didn’t you learn that with 2 years of repub control? Now you want us being more irresponsible.
Yeah, right, the Repubs are the ones who wanted to spend $1 trillion on the ACA.

Who are you trying to kid?

They wanted to...but it was the Repubs that added 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt in a single calendar year during a booming economy.
The Dims are the ones who demanded most of the spending in that bill. It was the price Trump had to pay to get his military increases. It was a stupid decision.

It is never your party's fault, they are your god and can never do wrong.
We are deeply in debt so let’s sell land to spend more. Yes very responsible....
It's better than the Dim plan: Just spend more money.
Spending is the repub plan. Didn’t you learn that with 2 years of repub control? Now you want us being more irresponsible.
Yeah, right, the Repubs are the ones who wanted to spend $1 trillion on the ACA.

Who are you trying to kid?
Deficits increased under repub rule. Where have you been? Now you want us deeply in debt with fewer assets. You are like a drunk gambler.
Deficits didn't increase under Obama? You have a strangely selective understanding of history.

You do not understand the difference between deficits and debt.

Obama's first deficit was 1.41 trillion, they went down each year after that till they ticked back up in 2016, which was still almost a trillion less than his first.
What kind of dumbass would want the federal government to sell Yellowstone t or other federal lands to build a friggin wall?
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Wait, so Mexico paying for it was a LIE?

So Trump lied at all those rallies?

He's just a big orange pig liar POS?

No one gives a fuck whether Mexico pays, moron. Just as you didn't give a fuck if we could keep our doctors or that our healthcare would be $2500 cheaper.

Wrong. You and other crazy Trump supporters don't care. The majority of the country thinks he should be held to his lie about Mexico paying for it.
Wait, so Mexico paying for it was a LIE?

So Trump lied at all those rallies?

He's just a big orange pig liar POS?

No one gives a fuck whether Mexico pays, moron. Just as you didn't give a fuck if we could keep our doctors or that our healthcare would be $2500 cheaper.

Wrong. You and other crazy Trump supporters don't care. The majority of the country thinks he should be held to his lie about Mexico paying for it.
But Mexico will pay for it, and they already are in seized drug cartel cash that Nancy Pelosi isn't going to get.
There will also be a new tax for remittances to Mexico which again means Mexico pays.

It's you that doesn't care about America as a Sovereign Nation. We have a right to defend our borders, PERIOD!
5 billion is pocket change. You know Dims are full of shit when they claim that amount will break the budget.

THAT is NOT the point, nitwit.......

The wall is a COMPLETE waste of money and effort.

Second, Trump knows he doesn't stand even a remote chance of being re-elected without a wall.

Third, the orange charlatan wants to be re-elected to avoid indictments.

Fourth, democrats in the House will NEVER give him the opportunity to screw over the country with his megalomaniac-centered "ideas'.

Wait, so Mexico paying for it was a LIE?

So Trump lied at all those rallies?

He's just a big orange pig liar POS?

No one gives a fuck whether Mexico pays, moron. Just as you didn't give a fuck if we could keep our doctors or that our healthcare would be $2500 cheaper.

Wrong. You and other crazy Trump supporters don't care. The majority of the country thinks he should be held to his lie about Mexico paying for it.
But Mexico will pay for it, and they already are in seized drug cartel cash that Nancy Pelosi isn't going to get.
There will also be a new tax for remittances to Mexico which again means Mexico pays.

It's you that doesn't care about America as a Sovereign Nation. We have a right to defend our borders, PERIOD!

Cartels aren't Mexico. They are drug thugs that operate in Mexico as well as several other countries.
Tax on money sent out of the country will never work. Congress would have to pass laws for that, and off shore accounts would suffer.
First you would have to prove that doing so is illegal. The whole point of the article is that it is legal.

Your chart is meaningless horseshit, of course.

One has to wonder what would have happened to your half brain, had Obama proposed to sell federal lands to fund the

Besides, nitwit......federal lands are NOT Trump's to sell to fulfill his moronic campaign "promise".........Hell, should Trump sell the White House to Russian oligarchs to raise the money for his wall?????.................LMAO
You're descending into pure idiocy.
Yes you are. You want to sell land for even more spending.
$5 billion is pocket change. You know Dims are full of shit when they claim that amount will break the budget.
Dems never said it would break the budget
They said it was a wasteful expenditure

Trump will waste more than $5 billion on the shutdown
Wait, so Mexico paying for it was a LIE?

So Trump lied at all those rallies?

He's just a big orange pig liar POS?
As compared to the brown pos obamaturd?

Obabble gave Mexico money to build a wall.

Mexico Builds A "Wall" (And Guess Who Paid For It)
Do we both need one then?


Any other questions?

Wouldn't 3 be better?

Some of us are old enough to recall growing up under a US regime that forced children into duck and cover drills as kids in schools as if that were going to protect us from nukes dropped on us by evil societies who built walls around their populations.

And now we are one of those.
Wait, so Mexico paying for it was a LIE?

So Trump lied at all those rallies?

He's just a big orange pig liar POS?

No one gives a fuck whether Mexico pays, moron. Just as you didn't give a fuck if we could keep our doctors or that our healthcare would be $2500 cheaper.

Wrong. You and other crazy Trump supporters don't care. The majority of the country thinks he should be held to his lie about Mexico paying for it.
But Mexico will pay for it, and they already are in seized drug cartel cash that Nancy Pelosi isn't going to get.
There will also be a new tax for remittances to Mexico which again means Mexico pays.

It's you that doesn't care about America as a Sovereign Nation. We have a right to defend our borders, PERIOD!

Cartels aren't Mexico. They are drug thugs that operate in Mexico as well as several other countries.
Tax on money sent out of the country will never work. Congress would have to pass laws for that, and off shore accounts would suffer.
And let's all remember who the customer base is, americans.
Wait, so Mexico paying for it was a LIE?

So Trump lied at all those rallies?

He's just a big orange pig liar POS?
As compared to the brown pos obamaturd?

Obabble gave Mexico money to build a wall.

Mexico Builds A "Wall" (And Guess Who Paid For It)
Do we both need one then?


Any other questions?

Wouldn't 3 be better?

Some of us are old enough to recall growing up under a US regime that forced children into duck and cover drills as kids in schools as if that were going to protect us from nukes dropped on us by evil societies who built walls around their populations.

And now we are one of those.

Absolute nonsense. Comparing duck and cover drills to protecting the border is a non sequitur.

I do recall duck and cover drills as a child in CA...but that was for earthquake preparedness.
Who said Mexico was not going to ultimately pay for it, dufus?

Trump is going to put a 2% tax on all wire transfers to Mexico from the United States.
Ummm… no he isn't , he doesn't have the authority to unilaterally impose new taxes, besides I thought the Republicans were opposed to raising taxes?

He'll probably have to wait until the GOP tax the house back
Don't hold your breath waiting on that..... not to mention a Republican Controlled HoR already shot that idea (HR 1813) dead.

He doesn't have to call it a tax he can call it a fee.
He can call it tiddlywinks if that's what floats his boat but it won't change the fact that the Executive Branch doesn't have the Constitutional authority to unilaterally impose it on anybody.

I fully expect it will become a court case one way or the other.
Only if President Twitter is foolish enough to try and impose it without approval from the Legislative Branch.
When did Dims start caring about whether the Constitution allows the President to do something?


The money from better trade deals is coming in. Ultimately Mexico will pay for the wall.
Thanks for the laughs yet the money coming in will never be used for the wall since the taxpayers are going to pay for the wall..

But the money is coming in. Semantics.
Yeah sure buddy you hold that plausible line for a lie, why not it's what Trump does..

So you don’t want to wait? You just want to say he lied? That was how he explained the wall would be paid for by Mexico. You could be correct but should we not wait until 2020 before calling him a liar?

Look.... If and when it does happen even if it's hugely demonstrable... To them it will always be a lie. Trump exploits that weakness in them and he does it very well.

Always remember the wisdom of the old Maxim:

One convinced against his will
Is of the same opinion still
As compared to the brown pos obamaturd?

Obabble gave Mexico money to build a wall.

Mexico Builds A "Wall" (And Guess Who Paid For It)
Do we both need one then?


Any other questions?

Wouldn't 3 be better?

Some of us are old enough to recall growing up under a US regime that forced children into duck and cover drills as kids in schools as if that were going to protect us from nukes dropped on us by evil societies who built walls around their populations.

And now we are one of those.

Absolute nonsense. Comparing duck and cover drills to protecting the border is a non sequitur.

I do recall duck and cover drills as a child in CA...but that was for earthquake preparedness.
I actually remember them, and I remember my mother was terrified, but she was of the WWII generation and knew men killed, and her own brother never recovered from PTSD.

But the shame of this nonsense is Trump's pathetic comparison to actual emergencies and the courage of Americans, not that illegal immigration isn't a problem, but this disagreement is now about Trump trying to save what passes for his presidency from the criticism of Coulter and Rushbo, and the dems sensing an opportunity to draw blood. And neither side is actually pursuing border security.
Obabble gave Mexico money to build a wall.

Mexico Builds A "Wall" (And Guess Who Paid For It)
Do we both need one then?


Any other questions?

Wouldn't 3 be better?

Some of us are old enough to recall growing up under a US regime that forced children into duck and cover drills as kids in schools as if that were going to protect us from nukes dropped on us by evil societies who built walls around their populations.

And now we are one of those.

Absolute nonsense. Comparing duck and cover drills to protecting the border is a non sequitur.

I do recall duck and cover drills as a child in CA...but that was for earthquake preparedness.
I actually remember them, and I remember my mother was terrified, but she was of the WWII generation and knew men killed, and her own brother never recovered from PTSD.

But the shame of this nonsense is Trump's pathetic comparison to actual emergencies and the courage of Americans, not that illegal immigration isn't a problem, but this disagreement is now about Trump trying to save what passes for his presidency from the criticism of Coulter and Rushbo, and the dems sensing an opportunity to draw blood. And neither side is actually pursuing border security.

I like Ted Cruz's proposed legislation that would use assets seized from drug lords (i.e. El Chapo) to pay for the wall.
Obabble gave Mexico money to build a wall.

Mexico Builds A "Wall" (And Guess Who Paid For It)
Do we both need one then?


Any other questions?

Wouldn't 3 be better?

Some of us are old enough to recall growing up under a US regime that forced children into duck and cover drills as kids in schools as if that were going to protect us from nukes dropped on us by evil societies who built walls around their populations.

And now we are one of those.

Absolute nonsense. Comparing duck and cover drills to protecting the border is a non sequitur.

I do recall duck and cover drills as a child in CA...but that was for earthquake preparedness.
I actually remember them, and I remember my mother was terrified, but she was of the WWII generation and knew men killed, and her own brother never recovered from PTSD.

But the shame of this nonsense is Trump's pathetic comparison to actual emergencies and the courage of Americans, not that illegal immigration isn't a problem, but this disagreement is now about Trump trying to save what passes for his presidency from the criticism of Coulter and Rushbo, and the dems sensing an opportunity to draw blood. And neither side is actually pursuing border security.
In what ways is illegal immigration a problem?
Do we both need one then?


Any other questions?

Wouldn't 3 be better?

Some of us are old enough to recall growing up under a US regime that forced children into duck and cover drills as kids in schools as if that were going to protect us from nukes dropped on us by evil societies who built walls around their populations.

And now we are one of those.

Absolute nonsense. Comparing duck and cover drills to protecting the border is a non sequitur.

I do recall duck and cover drills as a child in CA...but that was for earthquake preparedness.
I actually remember them, and I remember my mother was terrified, but she was of the WWII generation and knew men killed, and her own brother never recovered from PTSD.

But the shame of this nonsense is Trump's pathetic comparison to actual emergencies and the courage of Americans, not that illegal immigration isn't a problem, but this disagreement is now about Trump trying to save what passes for his presidency from the criticism of Coulter and Rushbo, and the dems sensing an opportunity to draw blood. And neither side is actually pursuing border security.

I like Ted Cruz's proposed legislation that would use assets seized from drug lords (i.e. El Chapo) to pay for the wall.

Civil forfeiture is a slippery slope that seems a gold mine for law enforcement. But money seized for el chapo or cartels ... I don't much care. But the wall is just a political issue. We need more courts, more deporations, and places to humanely house families that come here until they can be kicked out ... legally. And some added barriers seem to be supported by non-political immigration folks.
First you would have to prove that doing so is illegal. The whole point of the article is that it is legal.

Your chart is meaningless horseshit, of course.

One has to wonder what would have happened to your half brain, had Obama proposed to sell federal lands to fund the

Besides, nitwit......federal lands are NOT Trump's to sell to fulfill his moronic campaign "promise".........Hell, should Trump sell the White House to Russian oligarchs to raise the money for his wall?????.................LMAO
You're descending into pure idiocy.
Yes you are. You want to sell land for even more spending.
$5 billion is pocket change. You know Dims are full of shit when they claim that amount will break the budget.
You know repubs are full of shit when they claim to be fiscally responsible...
First you would have to prove that doing so is illegal. The whole point of the article is that it is legal.

Your chart is meaningless horseshit, of course.

One has to wonder what would have happened to your half brain, had Obama proposed to sell federal lands to fund the

Besides, nitwit......federal lands are NOT Trump's to sell to fulfill his moronic campaign "promise".........Hell, should Trump sell the White House to Russian oligarchs to raise the money for his wall?????.................LMAO
You're descending into pure idiocy.
Yes you are. You want to sell land for even more spending.
$5 billion is pocket change. You know Dims are full of shit when they claim that amount will break the budget.
Repubs fighting for more spending...

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