Conflicts of Interest Democrats Would Never Stand For If Roles Were Reversed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The On-Going Witch Hunt that has been going on for 3 years now and has produced ZERO evidence of a crime involving President Trump warranting an investigation and zero evidence of a crime involving President Trump warranting a Special Counsel.

True objective unbiased assessment of the entire Special Counsel investigation reveals Conflicts of Interest, from top to bottom, that Democrats would NEVER stand for.

For example, lets say Barak Obama was being investigated by a Special Counsel for his 'illegal collusion with Russians' for his actions in 2014 (Crimea, Uranium One/20% of US supply of uranium to the Russians, Known interference/hacking and doing nothing, knowing and allowing Hillary to operate an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TS data that resulted in 6 foreign entities successfully getting TS data off of her server...) and there were this many Conflicts of Interests involving the Deputy Director of the DOJ, The Special Counsel Lead, and the Special Counsel Staff Liberals' heads would be exploding right now. They would raise hell and never let it happen.

Just Look At All The Conflict of Interest Involved In This On-Going 'Investigation':


1. Rosenstein recommended that fire FBI Director James Comey— then handpicked Robert Mueller to investigate why Trump fired Comey. It’s akin to you or I being allowed to hire the guy who’s going judge our own actions.

2. Not only that, Rosenstein’s pick — Mueller — is a longtime colleague of Comey’s, whose own behavior was found to be “extraordinary and insubordinate,” according to the recent DOJ’s inspector general report.

3. Rosenstein reviewed and signed off on controversial wiretaps of Trump associate Carter Page, who was never charged with a crime despite being tracked under four FBI wiretap approvals.

The wiretaps Rosenstein signed had relied, in part, on anti-Trump political opposition research known as the “Steele dossier.” The FBI reportedly had not strictly verified the research as required under the FBI’s Woods Procedures. If that’s the case, Rosenstein (or those who work under him) could be implicated in possible violations of those procedures.

4. Rosenstein is in the position to decide whether to pursue criminal charges against the man who provided the anti-Trump “oppo” research used for the wiretaps that Rosenstein approved: Christopher Steele. But implicating Steele — an FBI source — could call into question the actions of Rosenstein himself and his colleagues. Rosenstein has taken no public action on a criminal referral against Steele sent to him almost six months ago by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

5. Under Rosenstein, the Department of Justice and FBI have withheld and improperly redacted information Congress requested. One key withheld text exchange was dated Aug. 9, 2016. It was between the FBI’s former top counterespionage official, Peter Strzok, and his reported mistress, FBI attorney Lisa Page.


1. Friend and ‘mentor’ of the previous Director of the FBI, James Comey

2. Former Director of the FBI under President Obama – Perception of Loyalty & Defense of the FBI

3. 2014: Mueller refused to arrest Russians engaging in numerous crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One until AFTER the deal had gone through. The PERCEPTION of his own collusion with / aiding and abetting the Russians is a Conflict based on PERCEPTION, which, again, is ‘reality’

4. Past Record: Evidence shows Mueller withheld evidence proving a man Mueller sent to jail was innocent. All evidence in the case pointed to terrorists committing the crime, but Mueller rejected the evidence and continued to go after the man he put in jail. Even after the man was released years later after the withheld evidence surfaced Mueller continued to insist the main he wrongly put in jail ‘COULD HAVE’ had something to do with the crime, despite the evidence he withheld proving otherwise.

-- The US IG has already filed a report stating the FBI in its investigations illegally manipulated witness testimony AFTER THE FACT. That has ‘Mueller’ and Mueller’s mentored protégé ‘Comey’ written all over it.

5. Obstruction of Justice: In Mueller’s pursuit of evidence of a crime involving the President Mueller, like Rosenstein, has and continues to Obstruct Justice by refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena, refusing to acknowledge / allow the legal Congressional Oversight of his Special Counsel Investigation. The fact that the CRIMINAL who is breaking the law and defying Congress is the Special Counsel – who obviously thinks he is the most powerful person in the US and does not have to answer to anyone – and has been supposedly charged with the task of finding criminal activity and dealing with it in his investigation.


Special Counsel Mueller showed no concern for building a team that was above concerns of ‘bias’ or that would give the perception of a ‘stacked deck’ against the President. His entire Special Counsel consisted of:

- Prominent Democrats

- Democratic Party /Hillary Donors

- A Clinton Foundation Lawyer who was (/is) in charge of running the Clinton Foundation (which benefitted form over $125 MILLION in donations from the Russian KGB Bank, specifically made by the Russian who would lead the KGB Bank’s efforts to acquire Uranium One several years later)

- Disgraced / exposed criminally anti-Trump biased FBI Agent Strzok..until Mueller was FORCED to fre him from his team after Strzok’s seditious / treasonous role in the Anti-Trump Conspiracy was revealed.

-- Evidence Shows it was Strzok who altered FBI Director Comey’s final report on the Hillary Server investigation in which Comey wrote several times how Hillary Clinton had been ‘grossly negligent’ in the handling of classified. ‘Grossly Negligent’ was a term contained in the very definition of the law she violated. Strzok changed the verbiage of the report to prevent Clinton from being indicted.

-- Evidence / his own texts to his adulterous FBI partner talked about a Secret Society who had already met, how they were not going to allow Trump to become President, how they had a back-up plan, and declared, ‘We Will Stop Him!’ Strzok later lied to Congress, declaring his preference for Hillary and dislike got the President had not affected his performance, that the sentence ‘We will stop him’ was describing how other Americans – not him or the FBI – would stop Trump. The FBI agent Strzok was having an affair with, whom he texted all this to, contradicted his testimony, declaring the words Strzok wrote are EXACTLY what he meant / mean EXACTLY what they say.


Again, if roles were reversed, Democrats would be raising hell and would never stand for this.

Rosenstein conflicts undermine legitimacy of Mueller's investigation
LOL...suddenly, when the Democrat Conflicts of Interest and exposed crimes start getting pointed out, THEN 'people are getting tired of the whole thing.'

Just sayin'.... :p
I certainly wish Trump had not fired Comey. LOL
Yup....Rosenstein set him up. He recommended Trump fire Comey then hired Comey's Mentor and buddy to investigate Trump for firing Comey.
And your savior was stupid enough to fall for it!


Now why do you have to say STUPID SHIT like that? Obama may be / may have been yours, but Trump is just the PRESIDENT who beat Hillary's ass in 2016.
I certainly wish Trump had not fired Comey. LOL
Yup....Rosenstein set him up. He recommended Trump fire Comey then hired Comey's Mentor and buddy to investigate Trump for firing Comey.

And your savior was stupid enough to fall for it!

Sent from my iPhone using
Trump asked for the letter. He has no one to blame but himself ... and Jared who advised him to fire Comey. LOL
As the article clearly states, DOJ Deputy Director Rosenstein made the case to Trump on why Comey should be fired...and then appointed Comey's good buddy and mentor, Mueller, to investigate the President for Obstruction once the President took Rosenstein's advice and fired Comey.

Even faced with the evidence of such actions, snowflakes can not / will not accept and acknowledge it.
Yeah the whole thing is getting way old and people are sick of hearing about it.

Yet, it gets brought up here every single day on USMB...
That's because the Left can not let go of their treasonous conspiracy that has yielded ZERO evidence of crimes involving the President warranting an investigation, especially a Special Counsel, while continuing to ignore the already proven conflicts of interest and crimes perpetrated by their own.



The existing conflicts of interest are as blatantly obvious as the crimes perpetrated by the Democrats, as evidence shows. Liberals and Democrats have this country looking like some 3rd World Sh!thole where communist losers continue to try to overthrow a government because they lost an election they could not win.
That's because the Left can not let go of their treasonous conspiracy that has yielded ZERO evidence of crimes involving the President warranting an investigation, especially a Special Counsel, while continuing to ignore the already proven conflicts of interest and crimes perpetrated by their own.

It sounds like you're panicking to me. Why not simply let the investigation play out to the finish rather than bitching about it on the daily? Seems like an exercise in futility.



Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Who cares?

The existing conflicts of interest are as blatantly obvious as the crimes perpetrated by the Democrats, as evidence shows. Liberals and Democrats have this country looking like some 3rd World Sh!thole where communist losers continue to try to overthrow a government because they lost an election they could not win.

And, if it comes to pass that the election was actually found to be rigged with evidence, then your President is illegitimate. But, it doesn't matter anyway. You would never accept any evidence in such a situation and would be calling for civil war yourself. You've already gone all in on the Orange Virus cult and irrationally refuse to accept criticism. Dialogue is impossible with the irrational.
It sounds like you're panicking to me.

I stopped reading your BS after your 1st sentence, too.

Only a short-bus-riding snowflake or a Liberal propaganda PARROT can read a list of fact/evidence-based Conflicts of Interest, each one that supports the Indictment and Firing of not only the criminal Deputy Director of the DOJ but also the 'Special' Counsel, and accuse the person of 'panicking'/ You are wasting our time by once again accusing others of what YOU / snowflakes have done / are doing and of being who YOU / snowflakes are....

Going on 3 years you still have NOTHING on the President....meanwhile in 5-minutes there is enough existing evidence that can be produced to fire and Jail the Deputy Director of the DOJ and the Special Counsel, to jail Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc....

It sounds like you're panicking to me.

I stopped reading your BS after your 1st sentence, too.

Only a short-bus-riding snowflake or a Liberal propaganda PARROT can read a list of fact/evidence-based Conflicts of Interest, each one that supports the Indictment and Firing of not only the criminal Deputy Director of the DOJ but also the 'Special' Counsel, and accuse the person of 'panicking' is only wasting our time by once again accusing others of what YOU / snowflakes have done / are doing and of being who YOU / snowflakes are....

Going on 3 years you still have NOTHING on the President....meanwhile in 5-minutes there is enough existing evidence that can be produced to fire and Jail the Deputy Director of the DOJ and the Special Counsel, to jail Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc....


I'm not investigating your president, moron. Your winger tears are delish, tho. :21:

As long as you're not panicking, go on ahead with your crusade to fire and jail those people. Oh, wait, you're just another impotent keyboard commando with no power to do anything of the sort. Carry on.
And your savior was stupid enough to fall for it!


Now why do you have to say STUPID SHIT like that? Obama may be / may have been yours, but Trump is just the PRESIDENT who beat Hillary's ass in 2016.

Dude, you are the biggest Trump worshiper on this fucking forum. The day after his fuck up in Helsinki you had 9 threads (maybe more) that you started just to divert attention away from your savior.

There is nobody I have ran across that has their head further up Trump's ass than you
easy would have sucked Obamas dick if he played golf 3 times a month and spent millions of taxpayer dollars in his country club - JUST F'N LOVED IT !!!!
Reversed? You mean if Democrats ripped babies from their mothers arms? Tried to take away school lunches from poor children?

The problem here is that Republicans don't even understand why that is bad. That's why you can't reverse the roles.
RW's would have shit blue bricks if Obama SALUTED a communist dictators regime ....
It sounds like you're panicking to me.

I stopped reading your BS after your 1st sentence, too.

Only a short-bus-riding snowflake or a Liberal propaganda PARROT can read a list of fact/evidence-based Conflicts of Interest, each one that supports the Indictment and Firing of not only the criminal Deputy Director of the DOJ but also the 'Special' Counsel, and accuse the person of 'panicking'/ You are wasting our time by once again accusing others of what YOU / snowflakes have done / are doing and of being who YOU / snowflakes are....

Going on 3 years you still have NOTHING on the President....meanwhile in 5-minutes there is enough existing evidence that can be produced to fire and Jail the Deputy Director of the DOJ and the Special Counsel, to jail Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc....

I guess the Republicans should have picked better Republicans to whitewash, I mean investigate Trump instead of the Republicans they chose. I wouldn't worry too much though, they'll find a few scapegoats, but a Republican run investigation won't hurt a Republican President even if he is guilty, which he probably is.

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