Confused about America First Policy

Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?

WTF, stupid or what?

Well, if we’re only going to act when it benefits America…how would sending your tax dollars into nations that do little or nothing for us be “putting America first”?

Just wondering what the term means….do any of you know?

First does, in no way imply ONLY.

So that means we’ll still send money into places with no hope of having it returned…ever?

Is there a point here? America first does not at all imply that a nation facing a national disaster cannot count on humanitarian help from us.

Now, ask you're question over and over and over...........

It makes you look stupid.
People are saying Trump will begin manufacturing his clothing apparel products in the USA instead of Mexico and China. It will happen any day now.

In what factory, one in existence or must they build a new one?
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
As always, it depends upon who is defining "America". If you consider 'America' to be the banks, corporations, milind complex, then we have been doing that for many years. If you think of 'America' as people in the street next door, not so much. The real definition is somewhere in between, and you aren't asked to define it. Are regime changes, genocide, drug and money laundering and false news reporting in American interests? Depends on who you ask.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?

WTF, stupid or what?

Well, if we’re only going to act when it benefits America…how would sending your tax dollars into nations that do little or nothing for us be “putting America first”?

Just wondering what the term means….do any of you know?

First does, in no way imply ONLY.

So that means we’ll still send money into places with no hope of having it returned…ever?

Is there a point here? America first does not at all imply that a nation facing a national disaster cannot count on humanitarian help from us.

Now, ask you're question over and over and over...........

It makes you look stupid.

More tax dollars flowing out for no gain? Doesn’t sound like he’s putting America first….sounds like a Bangladeshi first policy.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?

WTF, stupid or what?

Well, if we’re only going to act when it benefits America…how would sending your tax dollars into nations that do little or nothing for us be “putting America first”?

Just wondering what the term means….do any of you know?

First does, in no way imply ONLY.

So that means we’ll still send money into places with no hope of having it returned…ever?

The Clinton Foundation will send them some aid.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?

WTF, stupid or what?

Well, if we’re only going to act when it benefits America…how would sending your tax dollars into nations that do little or nothing for us be “putting America first”?

Just wondering what the term means….do any of you know?

First does, in no way imply ONLY.

So that means we’ll still send money into places with no hope of having it returned…ever?

The Clinton Foundation will send them some aid.
I'm sure they would and have in the past.

One thing to remember , all ex presidents get paid big bucks for speeches, and if his wife was SOS so be it, the first time we had such a first lady be a first lady of a state (twice) first lady of a country for 8 years , a senator of a state for 8 years, and a SOS, and also ran for Pres. twice, and won the Pop . vote by 3 million votes last time. You should be bowing down to her.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
As always, it depends upon who is defining "America". If you consider 'America' to be the banks, corporations, milind complex, then we have been doing that for many years. If you think of 'America' as people in the street next door, not so much. The real definition is somewhere in between, and you aren't asked to define it. Are regime changes, genocide, drug and money laundering and false news reporting in American interests? Depends on who you ask.
All of those things you mentioned have been going on in America since it's birth, and even in the colonies before the revolution. The promises to solve and resolve these things have been promised by politicians just as long.
As always:
—used to say that something was expected because it always happens
WTF, stupid or what?

Well, if we’re only going to act when it benefits America…how would sending your tax dollars into nations that do little or nothing for us be “putting America first”?

Just wondering what the term means….do any of you know?

First does, in no way imply ONLY.

So that means we’ll still send money into places with no hope of having it returned…ever?

Is there a point here? America first does not at all imply that a nation facing a national disaster cannot count on humanitarian help from us.

Now, ask you're question over and over and over...........

It makes you look stupid.

More tax dollars flowing out for no gain? Doesn’t sound like he’s putting America first….sounds like a Bangladeshi first policy.

We get it. You want America last.

That option left with Odummy.

Go ahead and join him, you won't be missed.
The America first poicy as I understand it is about limiting Americas military involvemet in nation building that has been pretty clear and it would really be nice if people would stop pretending like they don't know this.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?

WTF, stupid or what?

Well, if we’re only going to act when it benefits America…how would sending your tax dollars into nations that do little or nothing for us be “putting America first”?

Just wondering what the term means….do any of you know?

Like Haiti?
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?

What a dumbass post.
America first means we stop with the shitty one sided trade deals and we stop letting illegals cross the border at will.
And of course we stop letting in terrorist pretending to be refuges.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
Ignorance is no excuse.
Humanitarian aid does not equal theft.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?

Idiot question.

Well, Trump supporters are idiots so I thought you guys would be the ones to ask.

And yet, we won. Have a great eight years, at least.

Funny how you can’t answer what your messiah stands for…

Easy. This.

U.S. Founding Documents
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
We will send them aid, but it is not to be used on any people that are not white or gay or have had an abortion or even thought about it.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
A loaded question, but I'll do my best to answer it.

First, by saying "America first", Trump is talking about foreign trade, illegal immigration and other policies that affect American citizens.

Second, per the Constitution, our governemnt shouldn't be doing anything that doesn't "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". Figuratively and literally trying to save all the "puppies and kittens" of the world are not our government's job. In short, we shouldn't be spending more money than we have even if it's for foreign people's in distress.

Third, are you advocating that our government become Christian in attitude and actions?
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
We will send them aid, but it is not to be used on any people that are not white or gay or have had an abortion or even thought about it.
Disagreed as both being bigoted and, mainly, unConstitutional. Our government shouldn't be spending US taxpayer dollars unless there is a benefit to those same taxpayers.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
We will send them aid, but it is not to be used on any people that are not white or gay or have had an abortion or even thought about it.
Disagreed as both being bigoted and, mainly, unConstitutional. Our government shouldn't be spending US taxpayer dollars unless there is a benefit to those same taxpayers.

Well, that is what I thought “America First” was all about. Not just in disaster relief but in every dealing we have with foreign nations.

If people thought I was trying to set up Trump by asking the question in the OP, they were wrong. I was looking for clarification.
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. Are we sending aid in the form of money or troops to perform rescues? Or do we withhold such aid until they can pay for the help?
A loaded question, but I'll do my best to answer it.

First, by saying "America first", Trump is talking about foreign trade, illegal immigration and other policies that affect American citizens.

Second, per the Constitution, our governemnt shouldn't be doing anything that doesn't "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". Figuratively and literally trying to save all the "puppies and kittens" of the world are not our government's job. In short, we shouldn't be spending more money than we have even if it's for foreign people's in distress.

Third, are you advocating that our government become Christian in attitude and actions?

I’m seeking clarification.

I seem to have missed the implied modifier of “foreign trade, illegal immigration and “other policies”. I mean, what if there was a coup in Chile or Bangladesh…would we try to overthrow the duly elected leaders of those nations (if they have one—just not Chile or Bangladesh—Brazil is a powder keg about to go off too…what if there).
Say there is an earthquake in Chile or Typhoon in Bangladesh. American interest are not affected. ...

Sure they are.

Really? How so? Chile is a very large nation. Much like an earthquake in Montana may not effect people in Florida…an earthquake in the southern region may not effect our interest in Santiago for example.

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