Congratulations CNN for surpassing the "deplorables" comment

if I were you I would save myself from expending all of that wasted mental energy and just simply deny that the statement was ever made. That won't change the fact that it was made but perhaps it will make you feel better.Jo
Link to some facts then. Problem solved.

Fact: The statement was made.

Asking for proof of it does not flatter your intellectual technique.

If you deny that it was made that's up to you.

There is no problem to solve.

As a matter of fact the words you are reading right now are not really here. Responding to them would be utter nonsense since they don't exist.

Fact: a statement was made by one individual ‘representative’ of nothing and no one.

Consequently, the thread premise is a lie, there is no “double standard of the left.”

Greetings Middleview.

Uncle Tom was really a pretty cool guy. You should read the book. Kanye is an idiot. It's the word that best describes him.
i.e. Black people are not allowed to have an opinion other than what the Democratic party allows.

It seems Bulldog is too stupid to understand this. Also he/she’s of the same mindset of the racists on CNN.

I was watching a rerun on fox of that Laura show and she had on some guests claiming that West is not educated / intelligent enough to discuss his opinions /issues.

I am like WTF? I couldn't believe the attitude of these people, so now to them only college educated snobs can speak and have an opinion and everyone else should shut up?

I felt like I was in 1860 or something
Only college educated Liberals can have an opinion.
College indoctrinated.

Sad that you are so afraid of education.
i.e. Black people are not allowed to have an opinion other than what the Democratic party allows.

It seems Bulldog is too stupid to understand this. Also he/she’s of the same mindset of the racists on CNN.

I was watching a rerun on fox of that Laura show and she had on some guests claiming that West is not educated / intelligent enough to discuss his opinions /issues.

I am like WTF? I couldn't believe the attitude of these people, so now to them only college educated snobs can speak and have an opinion and everyone else should shut up?

I felt like I was in 1860 or something
Only college educated Liberals can have an opinion.
College indoctrinated.

Sad that you are so afraid of education.
i.e. Black people are not allowed to have an opinion other than what the Democratic party allows.

It seems Bulldog is too stupid to understand this. Also he/she’s of the same mindset of the racists on CNN.

I was watching a rerun on fox of that Laura show and she had on some guests claiming that West is not educated / intelligent enough to discuss his opinions /issues.

I am like WTF? I couldn't believe the attitude of these people, so now to them only college educated snobs can speak and have an opinion and everyone else should shut up?

I felt like I was in 1860 or something
Only college educated Liberals can have an opinion.
College indoctrinated.

Sad that you are so afraid of education.

What is education? Are you referring to the politically correct process whereby young adult Minds are sent through the meat grinder of Marxian totalitarianism.... Sprinkled with a few fancy condiments like calculus and physics?

Or do you refer to the real and intrinsic intake of actual, practical knowledge?

Americans have a good reason to distrust the North American academic system.
It has become the harbor for every form of anti-American sentiment born of 1950s Marxian totalitarianism that its initial authors were able to stuff into the minds its hapless recipients as effective seeds of Chaos.

I give you a Cloward and Piven.

It seems Bulldog is too stupid to understand this. Also he/she’s of the same mindset of the racists on CNN.

I was watching a rerun on fox of that Laura show and she had on some guests claiming that West is not educated / intelligent enough to discuss his opinions /issues.

I am like WTF? I couldn't believe the attitude of these people, so now to them only college educated snobs can speak and have an opinion and everyone else should shut up?

I felt like I was in 1860 or something
Only college educated Liberals can have an opinion.
College indoctrinated.

Education is a terrible thing.
Maybe why dons bunch are zero college white boys and girls
It is magnificently impressive to watch the double standard of the left at work. This is what happens when Negroes don't read ... is going to become a famous byword before the November elections are a memory. Always assuming that people who disagree with them disagree because they are uneducated is a stock-in-trade Lefty trait. The absolute unmitigated Gall of the CNN commentator pulling the n-word out because he has feels he has a license to do it is absolutely spectacular.It has gone viral in a place even more infectious than social media; and that is at the kitchen table, at the water cooler, at the coffee shops in the morning and even in the high school cafeterias. I have never seen one single sentence proliferate and multiply like that one has so quickly and so pervasively. This was a Monumental blunder of nearly Immeasurable proportions.Congratulations dunderheads Jo
Link? :link:
CNN Segment Calls Kanye 'Token Negro', 'Attention Whore', and 'What Happens When Negroes Don't Read'

Your thread fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

One person’s subjective opinion is not ‘representative’ of an entire class of persons or an organization, including ‘liberals’ and CNN.

And it’s true that West is an attention whore and an idiot, as is Trump.
Bullshit every Black person that even shows a hint of being anything other than a Democrat is viciously attacked.

This is why Trump bashes their brains in on each and every social confrontation. The effect of that statement made on CNN the other day has taken across the entire nation like a blazing Steamroller of social notification. When my high school age grandchildren come home talking about how Kanye was disrespected by CNN... I know that something very deep and pervasive has blanketed our culture. Suddenly 50 million kids have been dragged into politics who prior to that didn't give a s*** about it.

Do you realize the enormous impact of what has just happened?

So let the left-wing apologists here lecture and scold all day long about how one statement made by one person on CNN means nothing. Not only does it not mean nothing it actually now means everything.

If the left is so eager to shake that reputation and distance themselves from that statement we should see them here condemning that statement and speaking up in behalf of the person that was attacked.

However no.... in True Form and in the middle of arguing otherwise their actions prove that the original statement about the left taking that position is actually what they themselves are doing.

You can't make this shit up.

As a wise friend of mine once said:

Lefty owns no mirrors. (Trademark @Rickwa)

i.e. Black people are not allowed to have an opinion other than what the Democratic party allows.

It seems Bulldog is too stupid to understand this. Also he/she’s of the same mindset of the racists on CNN.

I was watching a rerun on fox of that Laura show and she had on some guests claiming that West is not educated / intelligent enough to discuss his opinions /issues.

I am like WTF? I couldn't believe the attitude of these people, so now to them only college educated snobs can speak and have an opinion and everyone else should shut up?

I felt like I was in 1860 or something
Only college educated Liberals can have an opinion.
College indoctrinated.

Sad that you are so afraid of education.
Sad you resort to lying. Like I said, colleges should focus on education and the free flow of diverse and opposing ideas, not Leftwing indoctrination centers run by radical, intolerant professors and administration.
Last edited:
It is magnificently impressive to watch the double standard of the left at work. This is what happens when Negroes don't read ... is going to become a famous byword before the November elections are a memory. Always assuming that people who disagree with them disagree because they are uneducated is a stock-in-trade Lefty trait. The absolute unmitigated Gall of the CNN commentator pulling the n-word out because he has feels he has a license to do it is absolutely spectacular.

It has gone viral in a place even more infectious than social media; and that is at the kitchen table, at the water cooler, at the coffee shops in the morning and even in the high school cafeterias. I have never seen one single sentence proliferate and multiply like that one has so quickly and so pervasively. This was a Monumental blunder of nearly Immeasurable proportions.

Congratulations dunderheads



Don't tell them.

Let them keep doing it.

November is going to be a hoot.

I can't wait to rub deanrd sorry nose in it.
It is magnificently impressive to watch the double standard of the left at work. This is what happens when Negroes don't read ... is going to become a famous byword before the November elections are a memory. Always assuming that people who disagree with them disagree because they are uneducated is a stock-in-trade Lefty trait. The absolute unmitigated Gall of the CNN commentator pulling the n-word out because he has feels he has a license to do it is absolutely spectacular.

It has gone viral in a place even more infectious than social media; and that is at the kitchen table, at the water cooler, at the coffee shops in the morning and even in the high school cafeterias. I have never seen one single sentence proliferate and multiply like that one has so quickly and so pervasively. This was a Monumental blunder of nearly Immeasurable proportions.

Congratulations dunderheads



Don't tell them.

Let them keep doing it.

November is going to be a hoot.

I can't wait to rub deanrd sorry nose in it.

Somebody forgot that something like 30 million teenagers idolize West....
Man have they ever screwed themselves!

It is magnificently impressive to watch the double standard of the left at work. This is what happens when Negroes don't read ... is going to become a famous byword before the November elections are a memory. Always assuming that people who disagree with them disagree because they are uneducated is a stock-in-trade Lefty trait. The absolute unmitigated Gall of the CNN commentator pulling the n-word out because he has feels he has a license to do it is absolutely spectacular.It has gone viral in a place even more infectious than social media; and that is at the kitchen table, at the water cooler, at the coffee shops in the morning and even in the high school cafeterias. I have never seen one single sentence proliferate and multiply like that one has so quickly and so pervasively. This was a Monumental blunder of nearly Immeasurable proportions.Congratulations dunderheads Jo
Link? :link:
CNN Segment Calls Kanye 'Token Negro', 'Attention Whore', and 'What Happens When Negroes Don't Read'

Your thread fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

One person’s subjective opinion is not ‘representative’ of an entire class of persons or an organization, including ‘liberals’ and CNN.

And it’s true that West is an attention whore and an idiot, as is Trump.
Apparently he's also an ignorant token unka Tom negro, too.
It seems Bulldog is too stupid to understand this. Also he/she’s of the same mindset of the racists on CNN.

I was watching a rerun on fox of that Laura show and she had on some guests claiming that West is not educated / intelligent enough to discuss his opinions /issues.

I am like WTF? I couldn't believe the attitude of these people, so now to them only college educated snobs can speak and have an opinion and everyone else should shut up?

I felt like I was in 1860 or something
Only college educated Liberals can have an opinion.
College indoctrinated.

Education is a terrible thing.
Maybe why dons bunch are zero college white boys and girls
It is magnificently impressive to watch the double standard of the left at work. This is what happens when Negroes don't read ... is going to become a famous byword before the November elections are a memory. Always assuming that people who disagree with them disagree because they are uneducated is a stock-in-trade Lefty trait. The absolute unmitigated Gall of the CNN commentator pulling the n-word out because he has feels he has a license to do it is absolutely spectacular.It has gone viral in a place even more infectious than social media; and that is at the kitchen table, at the water cooler, at the coffee shops in the morning and even in the high school cafeterias. I have never seen one single sentence proliferate and multiply like that one has so quickly and so pervasively. This was a Monumental blunder of nearly Immeasurable proportions.Congratulations dunderheads Jo
Link? :link:
CNN Segment Calls Kanye 'Token Negro', 'Attention Whore', and 'What Happens When Negroes Don't Read'

Your thread fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

One person’s subjective opinion is not ‘representative’ of an entire class of persons or an organization, including ‘liberals’ and CNN.

And it’s true that West is an attention whore and an idiot, as is Trump.
Bullshit every Black person that even shows a hint of being anything other than a Democrat is viciously attacked.
Damned uppity nehgrahs! How dare they think for themselves, and even worse, express that differing opinion, in public even! Back to the plantation with them!!!
It is magnificently impressive to watch the double standard of the left at work. This is what happens when Negroes don't read ... is going to become a famous byword before the November elections are a memory. Always assuming that people who disagree with them disagree because they are uneducated is a stock-in-trade Lefty trait. The absolute unmitigated Gall of the CNN commentator pulling the n-word out because he has feels he has a license to do it is absolutely spectacular.

It has gone viral in a place even more infectious than social media; and that is at the kitchen table, at the water cooler, at the coffee shops in the morning and even in the high school cafeterias. I have never seen one single sentence proliferate and multiply like that one has so quickly and so pervasively. This was a Monumental blunder of nearly Immeasurable proportions.

Congratulations dunderheads

Blacks are a dispensable voting block for the left. When the negros do learn to read the left is fucked.
Is spoiled idiot a race?

Hey why don't you just call the knee grow what you really want to call him an uncle Tom.. you guys are pathetic a woman or a black breaks ranks from the Democrat plantation you all have a heart attack.


Uncle Tom was really a pretty cool guy. You should read the book. Kanye is an idiot. It's the word that best describes him.
i.e. Black people are not allowed to have an opinion other than what the Democratic party allows.

It seems Bulldog is too stupid to understand this. Also he/she’s of the same mindset of the racists on CNN.

The silly claim that black folk aren't allowed to have their own opinion is almost as stupid as the claim that you aren't allowed to say Merry Christmas. Nobody is preventing Kanye from having his own opinion, and it's childish to cry when it's pointed out that his opinion happens to be stupid.

You’re too stupid to understand using a person’s race to determine what they should believe is fucking racist.
Really? I recall yesterday someone provided the video specifically for you.
In other words, you have no source. Just say so next time.

LOL what? Stop embarrassing yourself. Someone provided the video where the CNN panelist said “Kanye West is what happens when negroes don’t read” yesterday. It wasn’t me and it’s not my fault you can’t validate something that’s painfully easy to validate. Here:

Hello Windparadox? Going to admit your mistake yet? Nothing to say about the proof I’ve provided?
CNN is despicable.

There is nothing lower than CNN. When you think they can not go lower than that.....surprise!!!!! they do.
What do you expect from a network that was founded by a guy who wants to wipe 5 billion people off the face of the Earth?
CNN is despicable.

There is nothing lower than CNN. When you think they can not go lower than that.....surprise!!!!! they do.
What do you expect from a network that was founded by a guy who wants to wipe 5 billion people off the face of the Earth?


my god.....

now THAT was the stupidest thing any conservative has said in the last 30 seconds!

do you win a prize?

Kindly LIST those 5 billion people by religion or political ideology....

(which you can't....)

What 5 billion people does CNN want to wipe of the face of the earth.....


koshergrl (on this board)
just recently said

"They're (liberals) clueless, racist, totalitarian retards. We need to PURGE them from the face of the earth."

I'm guessing purge means, ELIMINATE.....ERADICATE....WIPED OUT......

How many non-conservative christians would that amount to?

my god.....

now THAT was the stupidest thing any conservative has said in the last 30 seconds!

do you win a prize?

Kindly LIST those 5 billion people by religion or political ideology....

(which you can't....)

What 5 billion people does CNN want to wipe of the face of the earth.....


koshergrl (on this board)
just recently said

"They're (liberals) clueless, racist, totalitarian retards. We need to PURGE them from the face of the earth."

I'm guessing purge means, ELIMINATE.....ERADICATE....WIPED OUT......

How many non-conservative christians would that amount to?

All of them, they go 1st.

Here ya go, sparky, this is what he's referring to:

(And it's maintain population at 500 million, he's about right on that.)


Inscribed on this neo-pagan Stonehenge:

1. Maintain (!) humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (That means reducing 80-90% of the world's population!)

Last edited:
CNN is despicable.

There is nothing lower than CNN. When you think they can not go lower than that.....surprise!!!!! they do.
What do you expect from a network that was founded by a guy who wants to wipe 5 billion people off the face of the Earth?


my god.....

now THAT was the stupidest thing any conservative has said in the last 30 seconds!

do you win a prize?

Kindly LIST those 5 billion people by religion or political ideology....

(which you can't....)

What 5 billion people does CNN want to wipe of the face of the earth.....


koshergrl (on this board)
just recently said

"They're (liberals) clueless, racist, totalitarian retards. We need to PURGE them from the face of the earth."

I'm guessing purge means, ELIMINATE.....ERADICATE....WIPED OUT......

How many non-conservative christians would that amount to?
Look it up, jackass.

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