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She's no mutant.. She's a tiny 7lb baby.. She just puffs up to make herself look menacing.. It must work, since the 15lb Ratt runs from her.

6weeks old, and already starting:


Hey is that a tail or a 5th leg on that mutant cat? :badgrin:
Wait.....does your cat live in a teepee? Is that a fucking teepee in the corner of that pic???

Let me guess, your cat scalps mice and smokes cat nip through a peace pipe.
Wait.....does your cat live in a teepee? Is that a fucking teepee in the corner of that pic???

Let me guess, your cat scalps mice and smokes cat nip through a peace pipe.

Yes it is, and no she doesn't. She just chews on it.
Well I bet the little Indian that lives there is upset that you guys let your cat chew on its house.

IndianS.. That's where she stashes all the bottle caps, makeup brushes, and jewelry she steals.
I plan to give the PS3 to a friend. I could not bear the thought of not spending quality time with you Shattered

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006
A Liberal's Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives ...by Michael Moore

To My Conservative Brothers and Sisters,

I know you are dismayed and disheartened at the results of last week's election. You're worried that the country is heading toward a very bad place you don't want it to go. Your 12-year Republican Revolution has ended with so much yet to do, so many promises left unfulfilled. You are in a funk, and I understand.

Well, cheer up, my friends! Do not despair. I have good news for you. I, and the millions of others who are now in charge with our Democratic Congress, have a pledge we would like to make to you, a list of promises that we offer you because we value you as our fellow Americans. You deserve to know what we plan to do with our newfound power -- and, to be specific, what we will do to you and for you.

Thus, here is our Liberal's Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives:

Dear Conservatives and Republicans,

I, and my fellow signatories, hereby make these promises to you:

1. We will always respect you for your conservative beliefs. We will never, ever, call you "unpatriotic" simply because you disagree with us. In fact, we encourage you to dissent and disagree with us.

2. We will let you marry whomever you want, even when some of us consider your behavior to be "different" or "immoral." Who you marry is none of our business. Love and be in love -- it's a wonderful gift.

3. We will not spend your grandchildren's money on our personal whims or to enrich our friends. It's your checkbook, too, and we will balance it for you.

4. When we soon bring our sons and daughters home from Iraq, we will bring your sons and daughters home, too. They deserve to live. We promise never to send your kids off to war based on either a mistake or a lie.

5. When we make America the last Western democracy to have universal health coverage, and all Americans are able to get help when they fall ill, we promise that you, too, will be able to see a doctor, regardless of your ability to pay. And when stem cell research delivers treatments and cures for diseases that affect you and your loved ones, we'll make sure those advances are available to you and your family, too.

6. Even though you have opposed environmental regulation, when we clean up our air and water, we, the Democratic majority, will let you, too, breathe the cleaner air and drink the purer water.

7. Should a mass murderer ever kill 3,000 people on our soil, we will devote every single resource to tracking him down and bringing him to justice. Immediately. We will protect you.

8. We will never stick our nose in your bedroom or your womb. What you do there as consenting adults is your business. We will continue to count your age from the moment you were born, not the moment you were conceived.

9. We will not take away your hunting guns. If you need an automatic weapon or a handgun to kill a bird or a deer, then you really aren't much of a hunter and you should, perhaps, pick up another sport. We will make our streets and schools as free as we can from these weapons and we will protect your children just as we would protect ours.

10. When we raise the minimum wage, we will pay you -- and your employees -- that new wage, too. When women are finally paid what men make, we will pay conservative women that wage, too.

11. We will respect your religious beliefs, even when you don't put those beliefs into practice. In fact, we will actively seek to promote your most radical religious beliefs ("Blessed are the poor," "Blessed are the peacemakers," "Love your enemies," "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God," and "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."). We will let people in other countries know that God doesn't just bless America, he blesses everyone. We will discourage religious intolerance and fanaticism -- starting with the fanaticism here at home, thus setting a good example for the rest of the world.

12. We will not tolerate politicians who are corrupt and who are bought and paid for by the rich. We will go after any elected leader who puts him or herself ahead of the people. And we promise you we will go after the corrupt politicians on our side FIRST. If we fail to do this, we need you to call us on it. Simply because we are in power does not give us the right to turn our heads the other way when our party goes astray. Please perform this important duty as the loyal opposition.

I promise all of the above to you because this is your country, too. You are every bit as American as we are. We are all in this together. We sink or swim as one. Thank you for your years of service to this country and for giving us the opportunity to see if we can make things a bit better for our 300 million fellow Americans -- and for the rest of the world.


Michael Moore
Mutant cats are known for their post-apocolyptic, scavenging nature.

LOL! Scavenger..yes. Mean..yes. Personality..definitely. But when she has her cute & cuddly moments, it's alllll worth it. You should get one.
And, technically, if you care for them *properly*, they aren't any less maintenance than a dog, or any other animal.

You still have to play with them, or they get fat and lazy, you still have to maintain a proper diet, you still have to take them to the vet, you still have to clean up after them, etc.

How, exactly, are they any less maintenance?

Not at all Shattered. When Is ay les maintance you do not have to take a cat out several times to go to the bathroom. I clean the boxes twice per day - less time then walking a dog

Also, cats do not slobber all over you. Also, cats are more independent.

You saw the pics of my cats - they do not miss any meals. When they want attention (Spitfire is between me and the keyboard right now) they get it
Not at all Shattered. When Is ay les maintance you do not have to take a cat out several times to go to the bathroom. I clean the boxes twice per day - less time then walking a dog

Also, cats do not slobber all over you. Also, cats are more independent.

You saw the pics of my cats - they do not miss any meals. When they want attention (Spitfire is between me and the keyboard right now) they get it

Err.. with 7 cats, I really hope you have a bare minimum of 4 boxes that you're cleaning at *least* twice a day...

Sams Club loves to see me walk in

Today I will go and get about 7 containers of cat food and 5 containers of cat litter

After all, I feed the strays outside. And guess what - one of the strays is about to drop a litter of kittens :sad:
actually 5 filled with Fresh Step and Arm and Hammer Backing Soda on the bottom of each box

Blood and Oil: Iraq is a Quagmire Because the Oil Industry WANTS It That Way
Posted by McCamy Taylor in General Discussion
Fri May 04th 2007, 04:23 PM
Bush II has gotten away with lying (about WMDs), stealing (from the citizens of California for Enron among others) and murder (of our troops and Iraqi civilians) by pleading incompetence. Like Ronald Regan, he came into office with Plausible Deniability as his running mate. Dumbya is supposed to be so... dumb that he does not know any better. This week, we saw him proclaim that he has no use for benchmarks in Iraq---and at the same time he practically turned blue in the face because the Iraqi people had not kept the only benchmark he cared about, the one that would sign away their oil rights to US oil companies.

Inconsistent? A sign that he is a total fool? No, I think everything that Bush and his administration has done has been very consistent. I believe that their "mishandling" of the War was deliberate, and that the quagmire was designed--possibly with the help of Henry Kissinger who is also rumored to be an adviser of Exxon Co.---to give the US military an excuse to protect US oil interests in Iraq for many years to come.

Looking back at the War in Iraq, it is clear that a bunch of very level headed, focused people have been planning this colonial venture for a long time, for one purpose, to get Iraq's oil. When Neo-Cons like Paul Wolfowitz worked for Scoop Jackson, they were already making plans for Iraq's oil. During the 1990's, they did everything they could to encourage Clinton to invade Iraq. When Oklahoma City was bombed, conservatives used it as an excuse to call for retaliation against Iraq. We have learned that W. entered office determined to take out Saddam. James Baker III insisted in April, 2001 report that the US would have to liberate Iraq's oil from the control of Saddam if the US wanted energy independence. When the WTCs fell, Rummie wanted to use it as an excuse to invade Iraq.

Nothing matters to the Bush Administration more than oil. Every policy decision is designed to keep the price of crude high, even if it harms the rest of the economy. That is what you get when you allow a party to select its pres and VP from the same state and industry. So, Bush and Co. were willing to do anything, even lie in order to justify an invasion of Iraq so that they could get their hands on some sweet crude.

However, they did not want a quick in and out military action. The point was not to topple Saddam. It was to create a country in crisis, so that the US could justify a long term military occupation. Therefore, they ignored the generals' recommendations of the number of troops which would be needed to secure and stabilize the country. They ignored warnings that civil war was likely to break out. They actually armed Shia militia, a move designed to worsen civil war. They secretly funded Al Qaeda and then moved US troops out of Anbar province, so that Al Qaeda would find a safe haven in the country. They made sure that the Iraqi people would hate the US occupiers by committing atrocities in places like Abu Ghraib and Fallujah. This would make it all but impossible for US troops to actually serve as peace keepers--never mind that it also made US soldiers the targets of road side bombs and kidnappings.

While the generals begged the administration for economic aid for Iraqi civilians to help restore utilities and health care services, Bush II funneled money---where? Did the missing money go to pay off Iraqi politicians bribes so that they would agree to oil contracts that would sell Iraq's oil reserves to US oil companies?

The scary thing is that Bush has actually admitted to the American people that his real motive for invading Iraq is oil. He calls it oil security for America, but oil company profit security would be more accurate. This, even though Exxon just posted another record profit. And this is the only excuse he has given for the invasion that is consistent with the facts and which makes sense. However, the mainstream media does not discuss this issue. It covers the battle between the White House and Congress over the War as if it is an ideological battle.

I think it is time for Congress to bare its fangs. We have been promised hearings into the lies that got us into the war and hearings into the mismanagement that turned a simple sweeping of Saddam out of power into a quagmire. I believe that Congress should investigate the role of the US oil industry in the planning and implementation of this war. Things to be done:

1. Haul Henry Kissinger before a Congressional hearing and find out what advice he was giving Bush and Cheney and what kind of relationship he has with Exxon and with the Saudi Royal family and how his involvement in the war planning and implementation may have benefited his business clients.

2. Haul oil company executives before Congress to find out if they were consulted before or during the War. In particular, did the Bush administration make promises about US military occupation of Iraq that oil company executives used in making decisions about whether or not to sign contracts to drill for oil in that country?

3. Haul the Neo Cons before Congress. Some of the ones involved in early discussions have died under mysterious circumstances, so they had better hurry up.

4. Find out what documents from Sen. Scoop Jackson's library were removed and made top secret by the Bush Administration a couple of years ago at the same time that the DSM were becoming public knowledge. I will bet that the documents had something to do with the Neo-Cons and Iraq.

Colonialism is the nastiest modern evil. That is what Bush II's invasion of Iraq boils down to---just another colonial venture, but this one even sicker than the ones from the last century, because Bush can no longer justify occupying a smaller weaker country in order to claim the spoils the way that the United States once could. Now, he has to have a reason for occupation. So, he has created the justification. He has taken a country that was suffering and increased their suffering ten fold---and will do his best to see that the people of Iraq suffer for decades to come, just as long as their oil fields keep flowing.
Nothing? Ha! I win the debate :)

not so fast

this should shut all the liberals up

this confirms that the dumbocraps have nothing

how many more facts do you need

Mariners pound Igawa in 15-11 baseball win over Yankees

Sat May 5, 11:42 AM ET

NEW YORK, United States (AFP) - The
Seattle Mariners pounced on the
New York Yankees' inconsistent pitching Friday, pounding out 20 hits in a 15-11 victory to open a four-game series.

Yuniesky Betancourt had a go-ahead two-run double in an eight-run fifth inning as the Mariners won for the eighth time in 10 games.

Seattle overcame deficits of 5-0 and 8-6 as they triumphed for just the fourth time in their last 15 visits to Yankee Stadium.

They did it with contributions from every member of their lineup.

Every Mariner had at least one hit but the most effective part of the order was Kenji Johjima, Betancourt and Jose Lopez, who were a combined 8-for-15 with nine RBI.

Johjima and Lopez homered off Yankees starter Kei Igawa. Johjima connected in the second and Lopez homered in the fourth but each played prominent roles in the fifth.

Johjima forged an 8-8 tie with a single to right and Betancourt put Seattle ahead for good by lining a 3-1 pitch off center fielder Johnny Damon's head.

The Mariners were hardly done as they sent 13 men to the plate against Igawa, Colter Bean and Luis Vizcaino. The three pitchers combined to throw 46 pitches and Bean took the loss by allowing Betancourt's double.

Bean was so ineffective that Vizcaino replaced him after he fell behind Lopez 2-0. Lopez finished the at-bat with a two-run single to center and three batters later Raul Ibanez singled to right to cap the inning.

The Yankees opened a seven-game homestand coming off a three-game sweep in Texas that featured solid outings from Philip Hughes, Mike Mussina and Andy Pettitte.

They were hopeful that Igawa would continue the trend, especially when they scored five times in the bottom of the first off Cha Seung-Baek.

Jorge Posada highlighted the inning with a two-run double and Melky Cabrera capped it with an RBI single. After Igawa gave up home runs to Johjima and Adrian Beltre, the Yankees took a 6-3 lead on Hideki Matsui's solo home run in the third.

The Mariners tied it in the fourth on Betancourt's RBI double and Lopez's two-run home run. But the Yankees went ahead 8-6 on Rodriguez's two-run double off Eric O'Flaherty.

The outburst overshadowed a sub-par outing by Baek, who is filling in for the injured Felix Hernandez. Baek lasted 3 2/3 innings and was charged with seven runs and eight hits.

Despite giving up Rodriguez's hit, O'Flaherty pitched 2 1/3 innings for his first career victory. George Sherill gave up Damon's three-run home run in the seventh and rookie Brendon Morrow tossed a hitless eighth but gave up consecutive one-out walks to Robinson Cano and Melky Cabrera in the ninth.

Closer J.J. Putz came on for the final two outs and loaded the bases when he allowed a base hit to pinch hitter Jason Giambi. But he retired Damon on a popout to first and got Jeter to ground out on the first pitch for his sixth save in as many opportunities.
more proof that global warming is a hoax

Suns playoff tickets are hot
Big games cost Suns fans big dollars

William Hermann
The Arizona Republic
May. 9, 2006 12:00 AM

So how do you get your hands on a Phoenix Suns ticket to sold-out playoff games? It's easier than you might think - and a lot more expensive.

Fans scrambling for tickets to Wednesday's game against the Los Angeles Clippers can still get them. Although officially the 18,000-plus tickets are gone, many can be found online, snapped up from season-ticket holders or bought from a ticket broker or scalper, though for a pretty penny. And those hoping to get tickets to home playoff games if the Suns continue to win can get them, too, on Downtown Live at suns.com.

The catch is fans have to register at the site so that when the Suns release about 5,000 tickets to members, they are notified and eligible.

But they'll still have to shell out the cash. And tickets, anywhere you get them, aren't cheap.

A ticket for Wednesday's game, for example, can cost anywhere from $40 to upward of $1,000, depending on the seat and how much one is willing to pay. "They were worth it," said Matt McCardoe of Wheeling, W.Va., who plunked down $260 a ticket for himself and his girlfriend for Saturday, Monday and Wednesday's games. "The Suns have a huge momentum now; they have a chemistry, and if Kurt Thomas comes back, they would win the whole thing."

There hasn't been as much buzz about this team since the Suns' hot 1993 season. That was the year Charles Barkley and Kevin Johnson led the way to the finals (a loss in six games to the Chicago Bulls) after the team was given up for dead, having lost two games to the Los Angeles Lakers.

Now, after being down to the Lakers in the opening round of this season's playoffs and then drubbing them in Saturday's Game 7, Suns Fever burns like fire. Once again there is frantic foraging for tickets.

Rick Welts, Phoenix Suns president and chief operating officer, says season-ticket holders are rewarded by being first in line for playoff tickets.

"As soon as we know there is another game, we make tickets available," Welts said. "The season-ticket holders go first and get about a one-hour window."

That window quickly dispatched about 12,000 tickets for each game Monday and Wednesday.

Then, after season-ticket holders have had their chance, a window opens to people who subscribed to Downtown Live, a free e-mail service accessed through suns.com that provides the public with tips about how to get tickets to downtown Phoenix events.

Ray Wein, 41, of Scottsdale, said he is a subscriber and went to the site shortly after Game 7 and, "with no trouble at all," ordered four tickets for both Monday and Wednesday's games at $43 apiece.

"They're in an upper section, but they're still tickets, and I'm glad to get them," Wein said.

After season-ticket holders and Downtown Live members get their tickets, the Suns make 1,000 tickets available to the general public online and at the Suns ticket office. Those tickets went in about 18 minutes Sunday, Welts said.

Although games Monday and Wednesday were quickly sold out, enterprising fans didn't despair: Game tickets are resalable commodities. Not only do the Suns provide a ticket center on the team's Web site for season-ticket holders to sell their tickets, but other Web sites offer tickets, too.

McCardoe, 24, and girlfriend Natallie Ritchie, 24, were buying Suns T-shirts Monday.

"I fell in love with the Suns from across the country years ago - I thought Kevin Johnson was terrific - and I can't see them enough," McCardoe said. "Natallie and I were here for Game 7 against the Lakers Saturday, and it was great."

A good thing they were great because McCardoe paid $260 each for face-value $14 tickets for that game and for the next two games. He says he bought them from the online ticket broker stubhub.com.

Ritchie, who was pricing various T-shirts, smiled.

"Yep, they could do it," she said. "We believe."

The Internet may be an easy way to get tickets, but it hasn't quite replaced the old-fashioned way. On Monday, several scalpers plied their trade in front of US Airways Center.

Nolly Trujillo, 67, of Phoenix, shares season tickets with friends and says he was offered $1,000 by a scalper for his two third-row seats. The tickets cost Trujillo $147 each.

"And if they're offering $500 per ticket, you know they're getting a lot more than that when they resell them," Trujillo said. "But I wasn't selling. I'm going to watch the Suns win."

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