Congratulations to the GOP

and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Yes of course. The republic is over because the Supreme Court struck down a law fining speech before an election. Not like we are guaranteed free speech or anything.

Meanwhile ignoring the constitutional limits on the federal government and handing them control of our health care doesn’t bother you at all.

and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Thank you.
Their next goal is to destroy our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

GREAT book........Describes Trump as a wanna-be despot, especially when attacking the media as Mao and Stalin did.....Trump is "jealous" that other despots could do what he CANNOT do within a democratic system of checks-n-balances.

The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracy
by Brian Klaas
Don’t you just love the taste of left wing tears in the morning? Tastes like....winning!
What does that even mean? What have you won exactly?

Feelings is all you contards ever have.

Aw cmon, we have the White House, Congress, and a tax cutting bill....who could ask for more...except a liberal.
A tax cut bill that will not benefit you at all. I guess you can pretend it will if you want. Not sure why. Also, you dont have shit. You voted republican on your ballot and because republicans control both branches, that is somehow an extension of you personally winning something? That would have happened whether you chose to vote or not. Maybe finally in life you feel like you’ve won something but you definitely haven’t. Sorry to break it to you.
Their next goal is to destroy our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

GREAT book........Describes Trump as a wanna-be despot, especially when attacking the media as Mao and Stalin did.....Trump is "jealous" that other despots could do what he CANNOT do within a democratic system of checks-n-balances.

The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracy
by Brian Klaas

A media that does nothing but spout misinformation misdirection and blatant propaganda richly deserves to be attacked and doing so is a fine example of freedom of speech.
Much of media obviously idolizes Pravda.
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

We understand that you're a dummy. Hell, you're a fuckin' lib. That
in and of itself is reason enough to pity you.

The Country is now being run by Humans. The Planet of the Apes ended
on 1/20/17

You understand? That's LOL funny. How much did you pay for your brainwash? Understand this, too much; all you needed was a light rinse
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

I bet if this person attended college, he got all As from his Marxist professors, lol. No wonder he thinks he is brilliant, lololol. Where does that clown from the "Weather underground" teach at? Bet you coulda gotten him to sponsor you for a full ride scholarship, hehehehehehehehehe!
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?


One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

My humble view is that you trotted out some incoherent Marxist nonsense...nonsense dis-proven over and over again in the last century or two....and, that every one who responded to your ridiculous post knew them to be dis-proven...and, therefore ridiculed you appropriately for being enough of a Dumb-Ass to still follow 19th century notions which have caused the death of so many millions. Ask the long-suffering older generations of Russians...or perhaps the new crop of Venezuelans.

And having been so keenly set upon by rational, thinking Americans with some fair sum of common sense....your response is to call them uneducated, and thus making even more of an ass out of yourself----since they are the ones who are schooling you.

All this is really none of my business---except that my Contempt for Half-Wit Turds like you overwhelms my better judgment. Get fucked, or better yet, get a fucking job....we are all tired a carrying you Socialist Turds.



You could have edited your post, if you were educated and witty, to a simple one sentence personal attack. Your use of the RED SCARE is hackneyed and your judgments are not based on reality.

In fact you posted a new iteration of the Idiot-Gram, one wrapped in a rambling rant. Look up "expository" and find an anthology of expository essays - study them - and try again.
Their next goal is to destroy our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.

GREAT book........Describes Trump as a wanna-be despot, especially when attacking the media as Mao and Stalin did.....Trump is "jealous" that other despots could do what he CANNOT do within a democratic system of checks-n-balances.

The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracy
by Brian Klaas

A media that does nothing but spout misinformation misdirection and blatant propaganda richly deserves to be attacked and doing so is a fine example of freedom of speech.
Much of media obviously idolizes Pravda.
It is filthy cocksucks like you that idolize Putin and other despots. And wish to give the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the same powers, and dismantle our Constitution. You are worthless, a stain on this nation.

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 16 Jan. 1787 [Quote] | Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington
Paris Jan. 16. 1787.
the basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. but I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.
Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington
Paris Jan. 16. 1787.
the basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. but I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Indeed, every despotic attempt by modern day presidents (Johnson, Nixon, Reagan and now the Trumpster) has been held in check by thorough investigative reporting on abuses of power.

The legitimate media has been the watchdog of political abuses in this country, and thank God for their efforts.
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

I bet if this person attended college, he got all As from his Marxist professors, lol. No wonder he thinks he is brilliant, lololol. Where does that clown from the "Weather underground" teach at? Bet you coulda gotten him to sponsor you for a full ride scholarship, hehehehehehehehehe!

I went to CAL as an undergrad and SFSU as a graduate student. I think, but what I think and post is not brilliant, it is pragmatic. Taking courses at the U. are not what you believe, but I'm sure my words won't convince you.

More is learned by reading letters and speeches created by historical figures, not so much is learned by taking notes in a classroom unless active listening skills are employed framed by diverse readings in the context of their time.

It is obvious that people like you, who disdain higher education, seem to believe what is provided on TV, Radio and the Internet teach much of anything, unless active listening skills are employed and what is presented as fact is truly a fact; without those skill you might as well take every word by Limbaugh, Hannity and others of their ilk by their words.

Take Trump as an example, his words and tweets are a primary source, and by comparing his remarks over the past two years, it is obvious to those who listen actively and have read about the issues, that he is a fraud, a demagogue, a charlatan and a chronic and unabashed liar.
Last edited:
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

I bet if this person attended college, he got all As from his Marxist professors, lol. No wonder he thinks he is brilliant, lololol. Where does that clown from the "Weather underground" teach at? Bet you coulda gotten him to sponsor you for a full ride scholarship, hehehehehehehehehe!

I went to CAL as an undergrad and SFSU as a graduate student. I think, but what I think and post is not brilliant, it is pragmatic. Taking courses at the U. are not what you believe, but I'm sure my words won't convince you.

More is learned by reading letters and speeches created by historical figures, not so much is learned by taking notes in a classroom unless active listening skills are employed framed by diverse readings in the context of their time.

It is obvious that people like you, who disdain higher education, seem to believe what is provided on TV, Radio and the Internet teach much of anything, unless active listening skills are employed and what is presented as fact is truly a fact.

Take Trump as an example, his words and tweets are a primary source, and by comparing his remarks over the past two years, it is obvious to those who listen and remember that he is a fraud, a demagogue, a charlatan and a chronic and unabashed liar.

I love higher education, I really do! We have the best universities in the world, as proven by people sending their kids over here to attend.

Here is the rub--------->when it comes to engineering, the study of the sciences, no problem at all. When it comes to the humanities, or other studies that are subjective, the universities fail miserably. Education is a very good thing. But, being taught something subjective from the lens exclusively from one side or the other is not an education; it is an indoctrination!
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

I bet if this person attended college, he got all As from his Marxist professors, lol. No wonder he thinks he is brilliant, lololol. Where does that clown from the "Weather underground" teach at? Bet you coulda gotten him to sponsor you for a full ride scholarship, hehehehehehehehehe!

I went to CAL as an undergrad and SFSU as a graduate student. I think, but what I think and post is not brilliant, it is pragmatic. Taking courses at the U. are not what you believe, but I'm sure my words won't convince you.

More is learned by reading letters and speeches created by historical figures, not so much is learned by taking notes in a classroom unless active listening skills are employed framed by diverse readings in the context of their time.

It is obvious that people like you, who disdain higher education, seem to believe what is provided on TV, Radio and the Internet teach much of anything, unless active listening skills are employed and what is presented as fact is truly a fact.

Take Trump as an example, his words and tweets are a primary source, and by comparing his remarks over the past two years, it is obvious to those who listen and remember that he is a fraud, a demagogue, a charlatan and a chronic and unabashed liar.

I love higher education, I really do! We have the best universities in the world, as proven by people sending their kids over here to attend.

Here is the rub--------->when it comes to engineering, the study of the sciences, no problem at all. When it comes to the humanities, or other studies that are subjective, the universities fail miserably. Education is a very good thing. But, being taught something subjective from the lens exclusively from one side or the other is not an education; it is an indoctrination!
How much of humanities did you take in college?

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