Congratulations to the GOP

So sorry your big mommy government isn't getting more of our money.

IDIOT.........You are getting a bit of money back from the borrowed TRILLIONS which you will have to pay back.......

What the fuck is wrong with you morons?

Those borrowed trillions are a problem for everyone, but each time we raise taxes, government just raises spending to keep up.

And you also have to add in the trillions in debt from blue state model pensions and the social security trust fund crap

Dems are far more to blame for that then Republicans.
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

I bet if this person attended college, he got all As from his Marxist professors, lol. No wonder he thinks he is brilliant, lololol. Where does that clown from the "Weather underground" teach at? Bet you coulda gotten him to sponsor you for a full ride scholarship, hehehehehehehehehe!

I went to CAL as an undergrad and SFSU as a graduate student. I think, but what I think and post is not brilliant, it is pragmatic. Taking courses at the U. are not what you believe, but I'm sure my words won't convince you.

More is learned by reading letters and speeches created by historical figures, not so much is learned by taking notes in a classroom unless active listening skills are employed framed by diverse readings in the context of their time.

It is obvious that people like you, who disdain higher education, seem to believe what is provided on TV, Radio and the Internet teach much of anything, unless active listening skills are employed and what is presented as fact is truly a fact.

Take Trump as an example, his words and tweets are a primary source, and by comparing his remarks over the past two years, it is obvious to those who listen and remember that he is a fraud, a demagogue, a charlatan and a chronic and unabashed liar.

I love higher education, I really do! We have the best universities in the world, as proven by people sending their kids over here to attend.

Here is the rub--------->when it comes to engineering, the study of the sciences, no problem at all. When it comes to the humanities, or other studies that are subjective, the universities fail miserably. Education is a very good thing. But, being taught something subjective from the lens exclusively from one side or the other is not an education; it is an indoctrination!

I've never taken a course, lower division, upper division or grad school which met the definition of Indoctrination. Maybe you are referring to Liberty University or Trump University?

Of course I attended two public Universities where free speech was celebrated and the Profs and TA's expected students to challenge other students ideas as well as the topics presented.

How subjective can they be, when primary sources are the foundation of most courses? Of course students talk about profs and TA's, and some are known as left wing or right wing, but knowing that gives the student the perspective to think outside the box - the classroom in this case - and measure such curriculum with the tenor of other instructors.

One semester I took three courses in History, Political Science and Philosophy - on pretty much the same topic: The Golden Age of Greece. All classes assigned readings from Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides, Sophocles, Alexander, the many wars, Kings, and the culture of the times.
Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

I bet if this person attended college, he got all As from his Marxist professors, lol. No wonder he thinks he is brilliant, lololol. Where does that clown from the "Weather underground" teach at? Bet you coulda gotten him to sponsor you for a full ride scholarship, hehehehehehehehehe!

I went to CAL as an undergrad and SFSU as a graduate student. I think, but what I think and post is not brilliant, it is pragmatic. Taking courses at the U. are not what you believe, but I'm sure my words won't convince you.

More is learned by reading letters and speeches created by historical figures, not so much is learned by taking notes in a classroom unless active listening skills are employed framed by diverse readings in the context of their time.

It is obvious that people like you, who disdain higher education, seem to believe what is provided on TV, Radio and the Internet teach much of anything, unless active listening skills are employed and what is presented as fact is truly a fact.

Take Trump as an example, his words and tweets are a primary source, and by comparing his remarks over the past two years, it is obvious to those who listen and remember that he is a fraud, a demagogue, a charlatan and a chronic and unabashed liar.

I love higher education, I really do! We have the best universities in the world, as proven by people sending their kids over here to attend.

Here is the rub--------->when it comes to engineering, the study of the sciences, no problem at all. When it comes to the humanities, or other studies that are subjective, the universities fail miserably. Education is a very good thing. But, being taught something subjective from the lens exclusively from one side or the other is not an education; it is an indoctrination!
How much of humanities did you take in college?

If I had to guess, each time he went to the bathroom he read the writing on he wall.
One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

I bet if this person attended college, he got all As from his Marxist professors, lol. No wonder he thinks he is brilliant, lololol. Where does that clown from the "Weather underground" teach at? Bet you coulda gotten him to sponsor you for a full ride scholarship, hehehehehehehehehe!

I went to CAL as an undergrad and SFSU as a graduate student. I think, but what I think and post is not brilliant, it is pragmatic. Taking courses at the U. are not what you believe, but I'm sure my words won't convince you.

More is learned by reading letters and speeches created by historical figures, not so much is learned by taking notes in a classroom unless active listening skills are employed framed by diverse readings in the context of their time.

It is obvious that people like you, who disdain higher education, seem to believe what is provided on TV, Radio and the Internet teach much of anything, unless active listening skills are employed and what is presented as fact is truly a fact.

Take Trump as an example, his words and tweets are a primary source, and by comparing his remarks over the past two years, it is obvious to those who listen and remember that he is a fraud, a demagogue, a charlatan and a chronic and unabashed liar.

I love higher education, I really do! We have the best universities in the world, as proven by people sending their kids over here to attend.

Here is the rub--------->when it comes to engineering, the study of the sciences, no problem at all. When it comes to the humanities, or other studies that are subjective, the universities fail miserably. Education is a very good thing. But, being taught something subjective from the lens exclusively from one side or the other is not an education; it is an indoctrination!
How much of humanities did you take in college?

If I had to guess, each time he went to the bathroom he read the writing on he wall.

Postscript: the best of the humanities from a pub restaurant near USF:

"God is dead"

[and below it]

"Nietzsche is dead"
Don’t you just love the taste of left wing tears in the morning? Tastes like....winning!
What does that even mean? What have you won exactly?

Feelings is all you contards ever have.

Aw cmon, we have the White House, Congress, and a tax cutting bill....who could ask for more...except a liberal.
A tax cut bill that will not benefit you at all. I guess you can pretend it will if you want. Not sure why. Also, you dont have shit. You voted republican on your ballot and because republicans control both branches, that is somehow an extension of you personally winning something? That would have happened whether you chose to vote or not. Maybe finally in life you feel like you’ve won something but you definitely haven’t. Sorry to break it to you.

Hate to burst your bubble (not really), there certainly are a number of people working for AT&T, Boeing, etc. that have benefited already. The new tax bill has definitely made this Christmas much merrier for many, including myself. So if you would like to benefit...go out and get a fricken job...dumbass.
Hate to burst your bubble (not really), there certainly are a number of people working for AT&T, Boeing, etc. that have benefited already. The new tax bill has definitely made this Christmas much merrier for many, including myself. So if you would like to benefit...go out and get a fricken job...dumbass.

I'm reminded that Marie Antoinette (look the name up) DID give out some cake to the town citizens around Versailles.........How did it workout for her in the end???
Hate to burst your bubble (not really), there certainly are a number of people working for AT&T, Boeing, etc. that have benefited already. The new tax bill has definitely made this Christmas much merrier for many, including myself. So if you would like to benefit...go out and get a fricken job...dumbass.

I'm reminded that Marie Antoinette (look the name up) DID give out some cake to the town citizens around Versailles.........How did it workout for her in the end???

She didn’t do that at all. It’s a lie just like everythung else you say.
Hate to burst your bubble (not really), there certainly are a number of people working for AT&T, Boeing, etc. that have benefited already. The new tax bill has definitely made this Christmas much merrier for many, including myself. So if you would like to benefit...go out and get a fricken job...dumbass.

I'm reminded that Marie Antoinette (look the name up) DID give out some cake to the town citizens around Versailles.........How did it workout for her in the end???

Yup, apparently Hillary ate your whole cake.
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

Hark! Dost thou hear the lonely whining of a pathetic Snowflake?

One more post ^^^ by a fool, too dumb and not sufficiently educated to post an expository rebuttal. It seems most Trump supporters not only didn't attend a 4-year college, most of them post idiot-grams which would embarrass an average third grader to post.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

We understand that you're a dummy. Hell, you're a fuckin' lib. That
in and of itself is reason enough to pity you.

The Country is now being run by Humans. The Planet of the Apes ended
on 1/20/17

You understand? That's LOL funny. How much did you pay for your brainwash? Understand this, too much; all you needed was a light rinse

No answer...huh?

"You all got richer" Trump to his friends at Mar a largo Calling him a vile pig is not good enough

Well, my friend, every once in a while Trump DOES tell the truth.....He made himself and his cronies a LOT richer with his co-called tax cuts for the middle class....

The orange clown DID give himself a nice Christmas gift with borrowed money that we'll have to eventually pay back.....(as the Trump cult cheers.)
"You all got richer" Trump to his friends at Mar a largo Calling him a vile pig is not good enough

Well, my friend, every once in a while Trump DOES tell the truth.....He made himself and his cronies a LOT richer with his co-called tax cuts for the middle class....

The orange clown DID give himself a nice Christmas gift with borrowed money that we'll have to eventually pay back.....(as the Trump cult cheers.)
Pay back will include our children Seems like the only way to change republican minds is for them to get hurt badly What the idiot gwb did ,getting so many killed and making a mess of our economy wasn't enough for these %^&^%$%^'s

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