Congratulations to the GOP

and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

So in other words :crybaby: and :blowup: there I summarized your overly long winded OP.

You did, but you forgot to post a rebuttal.

BTW, I've read your post above, and attributed to you the comment of another. Mea Culpa.
Why are you so focused on fellatio? You seem so obsessed, I only can guess you are gay curious, or too repelling for any gender to have anything to do with you. Sad.

If you could -and would-read you might just understand I was responding to this above:

"It is filthy cocksucks like you that idolize Putin and other despots."

And if you actually knew me you could probably guess that I care less than nothing about any opinion you might have.

Thus I can and do conclude you are a homophobic bigot, willfully ignorant
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

yeah they could have just come up with a bill for infrastructure and then give it to unions and friends with fake companies like Solyndra....but instead they gave everyone a tax cut, those sons of bitches!

Another echo, "SOLYNDRA"

Five myths about the Solyndra collapse

Funny thing, $535 Million vis a vis $1.5 Trillion hole created by Trump&Co (Tax Reform) and this 6.6 Billion by Bush and Co.

Missing $6.6billion sent by George W. Bush in aid to Iraq 'may have been stolen' | Daily Mail Online

More childish name calling. Zero facts. Big surprise.
Here's a fact Trump kissing Putins ass

Exercising the right of free speech is kissing Putin's ass? Idiotic.
Trying to end the sanctions is what according to you?????
It is filthy cocksucks like you that idolize Putin and other despots. And wish to give the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the same powers, and dismantle our Constitution. You are worthless, a stain on this nation.

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 16 Jan. 1787 [Quote] | Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington
Paris Jan. 16. 1787.
the basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. but I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Really? Seems to me that you are the cocksucker that doesn't think the media should dare be criticized for lying to the public. Pravda would love it if all Americans thought like that. I'm sure Putin will be your bestest buddy Comrade Snowflake.

Why are you so focused on fellatio? You seem so obsessed, I only can guess you are gay curious, or too repelling for any gender to have anything to do with you. Sad.

If you could -and would-read you might just understand I was responding to this above:

"It is filthy cocksucks like you that idolize Putin and other despots."

And if you actually knew me you could probably guess that I care less than nothing about any opinion you might have.

Thus I can and do conclude you are a homophobic bigot, willfully ignorant
and to Trump, Ryan and McConnell specifically, for reaching their goal to 'reform' America into a Plutocracy; a nation of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich & global corporations. In doing so they have also accomplished a means to sabotage the PPACA / Obamacare.

Doing so proved B. Franklin could look into the future, and did recognize that the Founding Fathers had created a Republic, IF we could keep it.

I would be remiss if I did not remember the five members of the Supreme Court who paved the way by repealing campaign finance reform, and thus building and putting the first few nails in the coffin of Democracy in America. A job finished this month by the hard work and mendacity of Ryan, McConnell, Trump and the Freedom Caucus, a caucus clearly named by an oxymoron.

The GOP and their fellow travelers began this journey by putting forth this meme, we live not in a democratic republic, but in a constitutional republic; transforming the laws of our nation in the several states and in The Congress, to be written by a majority of Pols beholden to their job by campaign donations to them, or to others who will do the bidding of the power elite.

yeah they could have just come up with a bill for infrastructure and then give it to unions and friends with fake companies like Solyndra....but instead they gave everyone a tax cut, those sons of bitches!

Another echo, "SOLYNDRA"

Five myths about the Solyndra collapse

Funny thing, $535 Million vis a vis $1.5 Trillion hole created by Trump&Co (Tax Reform) and this 6.6 Billion by Bush and Co.

Missing $6.6billion sent by George W. Bush in aid to Iraq 'may have been stolen' | Daily Mail Online

More childish name calling. Zero facts. Big surprise.

A hell of a lit more evidence than a bunch of fools yelling "lock her up" How stupid are you?

Hey dumbass. EVERYONE knows why they paid no taxes. They just won't ADMIT IT or FIX IT..

It's like G.E. paid no taxes. Bernie talked it up. Said he was gonna fix it. But he NEVER TOLD FOLKS WHY G.E. paid no taxes. Because Bernie KNEW the DEMS would never fix it.

GE was getting something like a $50 Tax Credit for every large ENERGY Efficient appliance they sold. Had so many tax credits -- they couldn't even count them or use them all in ONE year. It's corporate/govt collusion. BOTH PARTIES are in on it. Because they trade tax credits for favors and donations.

Only the Libertarians or Bernie types would ever fix this. HAS ZERO to do tax rates or usual deductions. Neither the Dems or Reps have the BALLS to touch these handouts..
And now that the EFFECTIVE tax rate is 9% who will touch that?

Must be modern math or a Schumer calculation. Because I can tell you FOR CERTAIN -- corporations have a FULL RANGE of "effective rates". You can't just toss out ONE and call it a day..

And Libertarians would go after those piggy subsidies. ON PRINCIPLE if nothing else. Because it represents trading power for money and collusion. Also represents the REASON there are so many lobbyists on K street.
So many phony numbers based on either NOTHING or a warped interpretation of how things ACTUALLY work. One guy asserted ( I think in this thread) that the GOP stealthfully INCREASED the bottom most bracket from 10% to 15% just before passage ( I think in this thread) . Complete and utter smoke screens being tossed..
You did fill an I D 10 T form.

Riddle me this. You really think they are going to eat the taxes they pay? Or pass on to the consumer?
Riddle me this. You really think they are going to eat the taxes they pay? Or pass on to the consumer?

Extortionists would simply LOVE're an easy target....the combination of scared and stupid is exactly what an extortionist wants
Another Study Confirms: U.S. Has One of the Highest Effective Corporate Tax Rates in the World - Tax Foundation

Most people know by now that the United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. At 39.1 percent, it sits 14 percentage points higher than the OECD average.

However, many will point to all the “loopholes” that narrow the corporate tax base and say: “sure, we have the highest statutory rate, but no company pays that!” The implication is of course that U.S. corporations don’t pay a high tax rate compared internationally.

Contrary to this claim, studies show that not only does the United States have the highest statutory rate, but one of the highest effective tax rates. Our 2011 study on effective corporate tax rates shows this. It reviews a number of recent studies and concludes that the average effective rate is around 27 percent, while the average around the world is 20 percent.

Adding to these studies, PricewaterhouseCoopers released a new report that also finds the United States has one of the highest effective corporate tax rates in the world.
Another Study Confirms: U.S. Has One of the Highest Effective Corporate Tax Rates in the World - Tax Foundation

Most people know by now that the United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. At 39.1 percent, it sits 14 percentage points higher than the OECD average.

However, many will point to all the “loopholes” that narrow the corporate tax base and say: “sure, we have the highest statutory rate, but no company pays that!” The implication is of course that U.S. corporations don’t pay a high tax rate compared internationally.

Contrary to this claim, studies show that not only does the United States have the highest statutory rate, but one of the highest effective tax rates. Our 2011 study on effective corporate tax rates shows this. It reviews a number of recent studies and concludes that the average effective rate is around 27 percent, while the average around the world is 20 percent.

Adding to these studies, PricewaterhouseCoopers released a new report that also finds the United States has one of the highest effective corporate tax rates in the world.
So now the EFFECTIVE tax rate will be 9%
Riddle me this. You really think they are going to eat the taxes they pay? Or pass on to the consumer?

Extortionists would simply LOVE're an easy target....the combination of scared and stupid is exactly what an extortionist wants
Your a leftist idiot. Our rates are higher than most of the world. You quote examples how they used loop holes to pay little or nothing. Yet studies over time show a different story. Our EFFECTIVE RATE IS STILL ONE OF THE HIGHEST IN THE WORLD. Which is exactly why they are hording money overseas and not investing here.

A powerful economic country has a LARGE MIDDLE CLASS....................a group that shrinking in the United States. Only way to fix that is create GOOD PAYING JOBS.....................In order to that we need to ENCOURAGE INVESTMENT. Taxing the hell out of them doesn't do that.

Liberal tax schemes drive business out of States.......make the cost of living go through the roof. And when you see costs going up you put in SCHEMES to FIX THE PROBLEM YOU CREATED.

Did you know that in California that customers for electrical service MUST PAY $50 a month to pay for those who can't afford their power bills....................did you.........because that is the NANNY STATE that HAVE DRIVEN UP THE POWER BILL so people can't even afford electricity........................

Your views are pure IDIOCY.
So now the EFFECTIVE tax rate will be 9%

I have long suspected that rich conglomerates actually WANTED for the statutory rate to be the highest in the world.........After all, since virtually NONE of the paid that rate because of the tons of loop holes, it would make sense for them to bitch about the "high rate" so that morons like Trump and corrupt GOPers in congress, could be "justified" in handing them MORE money through "tax scams".....
If history repeats, cuts will result in more jobs................more money circulation..............and a increase in the middle class....................

3 % growth under Trump already..............tell me what Obama's growth rates were even after throwing massive money at the economy.

A powerful economic country has a LARGE MIDDLE CLASS....................a group that shrinking in the United States. Only way to fix that is create GOOD PAYING JOBS.....................In order to that we need to ENCOURAGE INVESTMENT. Taxing the hell out of them doesn't do that.

Sure, morons like you are "convinced" that a conglomerate would rather pay higher wages to make junk here, than to pay $100 per week to some poor Chinese worker...............Since the tax rate has been lowered by Trump.....Will you stake your testicles that Trump will transfer ALL manufacturing of his products within the U.S.??????..........Willing to take than little bet?

Inside Ivanka Trump's Chinese shoe factory: Workers speak out about ...

Workers at Chinese Factory for Ivanka Trump's Clothing Paid $62 a ...

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China - Mar. 8, 2016

For the Trumps, 'Made in U.S.A.' May Be a Tricky Label to Stitch - The ...

Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms...
If history repeats, cuts will result in more jobs................more money circulation..............and a increase in the middle class....................

idiots like you do NOT know anything about history......

Reagan lowered taxes drastically to boost the economy......and he had to raise tem back up ELEVEN fucking times.....

GWB, also lowered taxes drastically......and we got a rate of 800,000 NEW unemployment claims per month......

Are you sure you want to go down that "history"memory lane, Beagle?

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