Congratulations to the US message board for having no anti-Semitic posters.

I simply disagreed with what you said in that post. Possibly not even all of what you said.

I also think that you are naive when it comes to Jew hatred.

That's all there was to my disagreement. You are the master of yourself and your own thoughts.

That being said, I have been historically stewed in the anti-Semitic tropes and strawmen arguments and see them running rampant again.
I understand that there has been hatred throughout this world toward practically every group of people.

Ok Iā€™m talking about anti-Jewish behavior on this message board. And I would ask you if you can provide a quote of a poster who you think said something anti-somatic so then we can bring up that posters name and ask him if he is against Jews in general. And so we can have our answers.

Jews are people like any other people. Thereā€™s Irish Jews, American Jews. Asian Jews.

I understand the holocaust committed by white Christians was the worst episode of anti-Jewish hatred in all of history. What do you see some of the pro Israel people here will try to spin that is a Muslim thing. Thatā€™s how much propaganda is in their head from israeli politicians. Netanyahu said ā€œHitler got the idea of the holocaust from a Muslimā€, so the Prime Minister of Israel is a disgrace. And he was roundly criticized by Jewish groups(included Israel) all over the world.

If you know the history of Ireland, then you understand that like the Jewish people, the Irish people my people also have faced many obstacles throughout history. But we are both a very proud people.
I understand that there has been hatred throughout this world toward practically every group of people.

Ok Iā€™m talking about anti-Jewish behavior on this message board. And I would ask you if you can provide a quote of a poster who you think said something anti-somatic so then we can bring up that posters name and ask him if he is against Jews in general. And so we can have our answers.

Jews are people like any other people. Thereā€™s Irish Jews, American Jews. Asian Jews.

I understand the holocaust committed by white Christians was the worst episode of anti-Jewish hatred in all of history. What do you see some of the pro Israel people here will try to spin that is a Muslim thing. Thatā€™s how much propaganda is in their head from his israeli politicians. Netanyahu said ā€œHitler got the idea of the holocaust from a Muslimā€, so the Prime Minister of Israel is a disgrace. And he was roundly criticized by Jewish groups all over the world.

If you know the history of Ireland, then you understand that like the Jewish people, the Irish people my people also have faced many obstacles throughout history. But we are both very proud people.
For someone that I see as so historically and politically naive, you sure like to talk a lot.

Which is why I said you elucidate the argument well. It's still a failed argument, but you elucidate it well.

You may have the last word.
For someone that I see as so historically and politically naive, you sure like to talk a lot.

Which is why I said you elucidate the argument well. It's still a failed argument, but you elucidate it well.

You may have the last word.
thatā€™s OK this is a message board were supposed to talk. Iā€™m not here for personal comments of the nature like calling someone naive . Have a nice night

So let's get down to the brass tacks of intent, shall we?


Hamas intends to have their human shields damaged so that they can use them for woke media narratives... AND to whip up Islamic hatred for the Jew.

IN HIS OWN WORDS: Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh, from the comfort of his home in Qatar: "We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly of #Gaza... so as to awaken our revolutionary spirit."
It's entirely another to be Zionist
Do you know the meaning of "Zionist" Fred?

Do you think Americans should have their own homeland? I know I'm kinda fond of Michigan.

Should Spaniards hav a homeland? Or should they be scattered to the four corners of the earth?

Should the English?

Why should the Jews not hav their own country? They've been there nearly 4,000 years


He does but he can't forward his argument if he did so he's using 'Plausi-Bull Deniability'. - Bubba 101

The heroic soldier who tossed 7 grenades back at the terrorists b fore the 8th one got him.

And beautiful Harris Faulkner doesn't get enough credit for her coverage of this war. I think she probably pissed off a lot of Hamas lovers

Also, Iā€™ve asked a question for which there is no valid answer:

There are 140 countries that are rated worse for human rights, including many Arab countries, than the one and only Jewish state - and yet the condemnation and venom-spewing is always directed against Israel.
False premise.
To the extent Israel is being criticized now, it's due to their mass murder of innocent civilians, including thousands of children.
What makes someone an anti-Semite?

Modern day ā€Jewsā€ arenā€™t Semitic, they are eastern European Ashkenazis.

Why would criticism of these Jews make one anti-Semitic? Arabs are Semitic. Christians worship Jesus who is Semitic born to a real Jewish/Semitic mother.

Itā€˜s an idiotic term meant to bludgeon anyone that dare criticizes Jews, Judaism, or Israel.
Some very good points, though there are certainly many non-Ashkenazi Jews.
Do you know the meaning of "Zionist" Fred?

Do you think Americans should have their own homeland? I know I'm kinda fond of Michigan.

Should Spaniards hav a homeland? Or should they be scattered to the four corners of the earth?

Should the English?

Why should the Jews not hav their own country? They've been there nearly 4,000 years

There are at least 20 countries that are majority Muslim. Whatā€™s so terrible about having a ONE little Jewish country - especially when considering how critical it is for Jews to have a safe harbor should Jew-hate ramp up even worse than it has become in the last few weeks?

These are the times when some rise to greatness and Mr. Douglas Murray is certainly in the company of such as those clear-eyed minds able to use critical thinking to analyze events.
There are at least 20 countries that are majority Muslim. Whatā€™s so terrible about having a ONE little Jewish country - especially when considering how critical it is for Jews to have a safe harbor should Jew-hate ramp up even worse than it has become in the last few weeks?
Most of this board won't agree, but the Land of Israel was GOD ORDAINED.

In all of history there has never been another nation in the Land but ISRAEL. And there will never be another.

There will never be a "2 State solution" either. Mankind, including the Jews can never divide up the Land God promised Israel.
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including the Jews can never divide up the Land God promised Israel.

That's because Jerusalem is G-d's place. This is why we go to the kotel.

There are at least 20 countries that are majority Muslim. Whatā€™s so terrible about having a ONE little Jewish country - especially when considering how critical it is for Jews to have a safe harbor should Jew-hate ramp up even worse than it has become in the last few weeks?

It's not about that. It's about Jews having a foot-hold on what the Islamic fundamentalists consider consecrated Islamic captured ground and therefore every Jew on that land must convert or die, and conversion was denied to Muhamed by the Jews who rejected Muhammad's claim to prophethood, (since G-d said there would be no more prophets after Malachi, and further argued that more than a few passages in the Qur'an contradicted with the Torah).

So, it's death to every Jew world wide and the rest can either convert or die, for to not convert means that the world is still at war with Islam.


It's really a one-size-fits-all all copy of the tower of Babel that has escaped the grasp of the Arab since the majority of Muslims are now not Arabic.
False premise.

To the extent Israel is being criticized now, it's due to their mass murder of innocent civilians, including thousands of children.
All those talking about "innocent civilians" in Gaza are ignorant of how not innocent they actually are.

This is something I've known for a decade, since Obama was president.

Their school curriculum revolves around "Kill the Jew" and waging jihad on the kafir.

They train 8 and 9 year olds to be suicide bombers.

And the UN pays for it all with US taxpayer funds. Isn't that nice? :rolleyes-41:

Trump had cut that off, but Biden restarted it in April of his 1st year.
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